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NeoGAF Creative Writing Challenge #102 - "Conflict"

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I don't know why you posted that here, but the answer is yes, and as evidence I submit every post FMT has ever made to NFL-GAF immediately after a 49ers victory. (the evidence doubled over the past year!)
I'm afraid I am kinda out of time due to all the olympics-related festivities, so my short story has been left dangerously untouched since completion - no editing or anything done.
I'll go ahead and submit it anyway, for my own sake so that I won't feel like a quitter.
Just thought I'd warn you about impending failure of a written work :p


All right, just leaving work. Someone give me a story idea! :)


It's you, the open sea, and a giant clam that stole the first dollar you ever made. No, scratch that.

It's you, you're in space, and no one can hear you scream. Dammit. Hold on.

Okay. It's you. You're being chased by the police in a suburban neighborhood. Be vague about why. And tell us what you're going to do to escape.
It's you, the open sea, and a giant clam that stole the first dollar you ever made. No, scratch that.

It's you, you're in space, and no one can hear you scream. Dammit. Hold on.

Okay. It's you. You're being chased by the police in a suburban neighborhood. Be vague about why. And tell us what you're going to do to escape.
Tom Bombadil / Earth: Final Conflict crossover. In deep space.
I'm just about to head out to a 24 hour cafe. Hopefully by the time I'll return I'll have written the climax for my story.

Contest doesn't end till I go to sleep!


I'm actually headed for Phnom Penh on Friday, so I'll need to finish my story tomorrow if I'm going to get it up. I've got a good start, so that shouldn't be a problem.

This is a really late response, but that is so cool that you're going ot Phnom Penh. I'm thinking of going myself in the very near future so lemme know what you think! Do you have family there or just visiting for kicks? Or for work?

2 days? No ideas whatsoever? Just the sort of impossible odds I like!

Forge ahead!

"Coffee" - 1642 words

Just a note about this story and a request for feedback -- but this might give a way a bit about the story....
I tried to write about boredom, but I think that resulted in me writing a boring story. If anyone has feedback on how I could have done what I intended to do -- make the reader feel uncomfortable (ideally, to the point of getting goose bumps!) by reading about something awkwardly familiar and feeling some tension at the end -- that'd be great.
There's a Nike running app where Facebook friends can send you "cheers" while you're running in order to give you a boost. I need something like that for when I'm powering through finishing a piece at 2:30 in the morning and I'm not close to being done.
You can do it man!

Unfortunately there's no way I'm gonna finish the ending without giving it the time and attention it deserves. Would you guys be cool if I posted 90% of my story and you can judge/critique it for what's there?

And later (either in this thread, or the next one), I'll post the ending/complete story?
Unfortunately there's no way I'm gonna finish the ending without giving it the time and attention it deserves. Would you guys be cool if I posted 90% of my story and you can judge/critique it for what's there?

And later (either in this thread, or the next one), I'll post the ending/complete story?

Don't worry too much about the quality, but maybe you could work in an abrupt, twist-ending?
Ha, no I know the ending - I've known it for a long time. It's just the most important part of the entire story in my eyes, so I don't want to belt it out in five minutes at 3am.
(story redacted; PM me if curious)

Status: Incomplete.

Reminder: I'll post the ending ASAP, so please go into this one with the knowledge that it will end abruptly (just before the damn climax too... what a bother!). Still, I'd love feedback on the prose and everything that leads up to the end if possible.



Password: (same one that we always use)

Status: Incomplete.

Reminder: I'll post the ending ASAP, so please go into this one with the knowledge that it will end abruptly (just before the damn climax too... what a bother!). Still, I'd love feedback on the prose and everything that leads up to the end if possible.

cant read cause dunno your password mike.

Alright, time to read!

Updating this post as I go through your stories:

I Push Fat Kids – conflict +1
Quite a short short story, but is in itself not a negative, what I do think could be improved is to write it more as an excerpt out of a self-biography rather than a stand-alone account of your day.
Secondly, you’re probably overusing the word of the theme as well as doing an injustice to the theme itself by bringing up multiple minor to major conflicts that doesn’t seem to be linked to each other in any other way than having occurred lately.
Prose is fine, though you could cut down on the short sentences and weave things together into a more flowing account of your day(s).

Aaron – Show Match
Good characterization of the couple of characters introduced the first paragraphs, though you hinted at the motivation of the narrator I think it would have been better to either bring up more of it early on in the text or save it for later on as she does some self-reflection. The fight between the sumo wrestler and boxer was an interesting concept, was well described, and the surprise ending was quite enjoyable.
Good writing and interpretation of the theme.

En-ou – a secret visit
The classic tale of unrequited love, and different worlds, in a light fantasy setting. You brought forth some fantastical elements of this particular world, but more would have been welcomed (what sort of forest was it for an example? Might shape the behaviour of this elf/spirit and thus be of importance)

Bombadil – Food Court
Couple of grammar mistakes (looks like auto-correct messed up as well) but otherwise fine in the writing department.
Pretty gripping story, the start was a bit slow but once the Solomon character (and the relationship between him and the narrator) was introduced it picked up pace. Good usage of the theme, the resolution to the conflict was satisfactory but bitter-sweet. The rest following it felt somewhat disjointed and out of place though, and if I’m going to be honest I think the story would have been much improved by ending it after he left the building (could even use the very same ending-lines).

FairyD – Craigstlist Acquaintances
Nice slice-of-life story you got there. Writing was good and all, but I feel like I missed something in-between the lines.
Was he indirectly pushing her away due to his conflicting feelings?
Certainly felt like this, either way you did a good job of conveying how the narrator felt.

Bootaaay – In a Cat’s Eye
Looks like a learned a new word today (susurrus)!
Strong introduction and framing of the story, great climax, and a nice conclusion that ties everything having occurred into your basic theme.

Elfforkusu – Here Comes the Sun

Writing was excellent and engaging, but as the story was so short it failed to draw me in as much as I would have liked to. The main character’s motivations and thoughts were a bit of a mystery, though with the few words you had you did do a good job at telegraphing some interesting fluff about him (and the rest of the world).

Copernicus – Trolling: is it a art form?
There is a lack of conflict in your contribution, as I really consider trolling to be a form of conflict (which you did alright, I suppose).
I think you need at least a hundred words to make use of the theme.

SquiddyBiscuit - Salvation
The writing feels a bit stilted and stiff at parts (and there’s plenty of grammar errors) which some editing and a couple of read-throughs might have rectified.
You made it reasonably clear who the protagonist was from the get-go, but the second character felt a bit all over the place in terms due to his anonymity. The setting itself was interesting, but you could have elaborated a bit more (you completely forgot about the little sliding hatch, which would have allowed for some more characterization through rough visual descriptions)
The passage of time hasn’t been dealt with very well either, as we go from the departure of the confessor to the priest reading about what had transpired the night (or day?) in question just a couple of lines later.

Tangent – Coffee
I think you did do a good job of making the reader feel a bit uncomfortable, but that last line and mention of the janitors gives that eternal moment a sense of the passage of time to a degree – though it wouldn’t have been as much of a conflict then if he had just stayed there all night. Characterization was great, and made me even a bit scared of ending up in the same position as the main character :p

Sober - Backed Into a Corner/Barricade
This feels more like an excerpt from a longer story than a self-contained short story, and due to that the introduction/ending feels a bit weak. The story is interesting though, and you did good at characterizing the three primary characters while doing some world building. The acronyms/shortenings got a bit confusing with the number of corporations involved, it might have been better to shorten the name of one or two of them to reduce the random letter combinations.

ZeroRay - Three Girls in a Bathroom
Well written but I was a tiny bit confused as to why anything in the story was happening. With a little bit of an introduction to the characters, the setting, the story, it would have been a lot better - another 500-1000 words would probably have done it.

Ashes1396 - Dead Languages
The writing is very good, technically, but if feels just a bit too poetic at time. The characters do have some depth, but I don't really feel any attachment to any of them for some reason. Some background just in general would probably be useful, both for the characters and the world.

Cyan - King Street Blues
I like this very much, but it doesn't quite seem to follow the theme. It could also be a lot more exciting if given some more details, some exposition, because as it stands now it feels like nothing can really go bad for the protagonist.

Mike Works - Zombie
As it stands now, it's one massive build-up to the zombie attack (which is unfortunately left out) but regardless of how good it is as a conclusion to the story I feel like it could have come a lot sooner. The writing is good, and the internal monologue style pretty suitable for this sort of story - I don't know if it was intentional but it does help in giving you a sense of loneliness in this apocalyptic world despite having a person next to you.
"Coffee" - 1642 words

Just a note about this story and a request for feedback -- but this might give a way a bit about the story....
I tried to write about boredom, but I think that resulted in me writing a boring story. If anyone has feedback on how I could have done what I intended to do -- make the reader feel uncomfortable (ideally, to the point of getting goose bumps!) by reading about something awkwardly familiar and feeling some tension at the end -- that'd be great.

I, and probably others, associate boreness with the feeling that time feels stretched out as everything seem to take forever when you’re bored. A good way of making this exciting is to look at another situation in which time is stretched out – slow motion in movies.
So try to basically write your story, or segments of it, as if it’s in slo-motion – with a lot of attention to minor details that become major as time is slowed down (the ticking of a clock for an example, facial expressions, heart beat, etc) and loads of introspection and narration.


Guys, I'm sorry. I won't have time to read all the stories posted here. I got through half of them. You can go ahead and disqualify me from the contest thing, too. I'll try again during another contest.

Sorry again.



En-ou -- It ends where it should have started. Everything before 'When I first saw...' is nice but a little too fluffy, and the end is abrupt without any feeling of resolution.

Bombadil -- Your story lacks solidity. It's like a clay pot that hasn't been put in the oven yet. It needs a stronger sense of structure, of place, and direction.

FairyD -- It's a bittersweet story, but I never get much sense of the narrator beyond the morose loner, which made it a little predictable and longer than it really needed to be.

Bootaaay -- While it's well written in the Poe / Lovecraft style, the events they describe aren't engaging enough for me. The words become a blur after a while.

Elfforkusu -- I struggle to get a sense of place. The story feels too much in the head of the main character. I think his important reactions would be more effective if they weren't in this stream of his thoughts.

SquiddyBiscuit -- Good characters, but it takes too long to get to the meat of the story, and having someone tell a story in a story is never quite as satisfying as just having that story happen.

Tangent -- It's a good story, but it comes off as a little dry. I think there's so much more you could have done with descriptive words and phrases to convey Gary's life.

Sober -- Takes too long to clue the reader in to what's going on, and there's nothing solid and real to pin down the conspiracy.

ZeroRay -- It's well written, but feels like a slice of something larger. Without a real lead up the fight doesn't have any real weight.

Ashes1396 -- I think it's unfair to the reader you don't give any background to the events. There are details to this story as it plays out in your head that aren't making it to the page, and I'm left with only half an image.

Cyan -- Short and to the point. It's a good story, but with something this direct I wish you had added an extra layer of description on it. Not a ton, but a few light touches would have added more flavor to the moment.

Mike Works -- I'm sick to death of the Walking Dead and everything remotely related to it. You're a good writer as always, but the pace combined with the subject matter is grueling to me.
Okay, I've read through all the short stories and would just like to thank you all for your contributions.
It was enjoyable, and will probably result in an enrichment of my future short stories.

When ranking your stories, I've gone on the enjoyability of the story as well as how well I think it does the theme justice:

1st (3 pts)
Tangent - Coffee
2nd (2 pts)
Aaron - Show Match
3rd (1 pt)
FairyD - Craigslist Acquaintances
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