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New GTA V screens: BUSINESS. [Back in a few weeks]


This time they [GI] haven't said shit or hyped or anything so we can't really blame them.
I'm just worried that this game's gonna came out in Oct2013 for real, ugh.


aside from perhaps some animations, behind the scenes code, etc, do you think they'll copy/paste anything from gta4? like ambient sounds, idle street chatter, textures, etc?

They already have used some car models from GTA4.. thanks God i say, if i'm not gonna even notice, why waste time and money on something useless? If they want to reuse some lamp texture, i'm fine with it, as long as the final result doesn't come off as cheap or un-authentic. :p
aside from perhaps some animations, behind the scenes code, etc, do you think they'll copy/paste anything from gta4? like ambient sounds, idle street chatter, textures, etc?

We can see they've already copied cars. Street chatter probably will be replaced entirely just to give a different feel.
aside from perhaps some animations, behind the scenes code, etc, do you think they'll copy/paste anything from gta4? like ambient sounds, idle street chatter, textures, etc?


^^ I agree with the guy on the last page complaining about GTAIV's on foot controls. I didn't realize how bad it was till I went back to the game without my rose glasses on, and I was like "wtttfffff..."

They made it tighter for RDR, so I'm hoping they tighten it up a bit for GTAV. There is, first, such a delay between input and movement it's so annoying, and you just have such poor control over your character, he's constantly doing stuff you don't want him to do. I got used to it while playing the game the first time, but then it was a real reason I didn't want to play it again.


I have a feeling the story in GTA V will be much, much more engaging than the story in GTA IV.

I really enjoyed the story in IV, but Red Dead Redemption and even Max Payne 3 had much more interesting dialog and more thematically articulate main characters. The outcome and ending of Red Dead Redemption alone is really powerful.


^^ I agree with the guy on the last page complaining about GTAIV's on foot controls. I didn't realize how bad it was till I went back to the game without my rose glasses on, and I was like "wtttfffff..."

They made it tighter for RDR, so I'm hoping they tighten it up a bit for GTAV. There is, first, such a delay between input and movement it's so annoying, and you just have such poor control over your character, he's constantly doing stuff you don't want him to do. I got used to it while playing the game the first time, but then it was a real reason I didn't want to play it again.

Niko feels so damn heavy. like by the time you issue a command to the game via the controller, its gotta build up steam to get niko moving. many a mission has been failed because of this fault - and that is what this is: a goddam fault!!


I have a feeling the story in GTA V will be much, much more engaging than the story in GTA IV.

I really enjoyed the story in IV, but Red Dead Redemption and even Max Payne 3 had much more interesting dialog and more thematically articulate main characters. The outcome and ending of Red Dead Redemption alone is really powerful.

I wonder (looking at your avatar) since Breaking Bad is "in" and popular at the moment, if they'll have some kind of reference to it.
I mean R* loves to rip off and make fun of movies and such, i can see it happening.


I wonder (looking at your avatar) since Breaking Bad is "in" and popular at the moment, if they'll have some kind of reference to it.
I mean R* loves to rip off and make fun of movies and such, i can see it happening.

I really want New Mexico and Mexico in the game.

Why? Because the idea of smuggling drugs to Mexico(Via vehicle or plane) or even smuggling people from Mexico would be pretty neat.

If the Ned Luke/white guy ends up moving to San Andreas with his family and ends up with terminal cancer, that would explain why he would seek out other criminals/old criminal friends to amass a shit ton of money for his family. It would also explain why he would have to go back to "that line of work".


I wonder (looking at your avatar) since Breaking Bad is "in" and popular at the moment, if they'll have some kind of reference to it.
I mean R* loves to rip off and make fun of movies and such, i can see it happening.

I'd keel over from shock if it turned out that Dan Houser wasn't a BB fan. I expect there to be at least a nod to it.


They already have used some car models from GTA4.. thanks God i say, if i'm not gonna even notice, why waste time and money on something useless? If they want to reuse some lamp texture, i'm fine with it, as long as the final result doesn't come off as cheap or un-authentic. :p

as long as we get the normal amount of new cars, i don't care if some are re-used.


I've never bought into this. If you go back and look at all of R*'s releases going all the way back the beginning in 1998, they've pretty much always gone back and forth between April/May and October. When you look at the big picture it just looks like they're way overdue for their next Oct. release.

Honestly, people need to stop bringing up April/May or October as possible release dates. This year alone has showed us that annual release months are never 100% certain - AC 3 is releasing in October, despite the other 4 Assassin's Creed games coming out in November or Halo 4 coming out in November, despite the other Halo games always coming out in September.
Honestly, people need to stop bringing up April/May or October as possible release dates. This year alone has showed us that annual release months are never 100% certain - AC 3 is releasing in October, despite the other 4 Assassin's Creed games coming out in November or Halo 4 coming out in November, despite the other Halo games always coming out in September.

But AC3 wanted to make it special, releasing on John Adams birthday! lol.
Honestly, people need to stop bringing up April/May or October as possible release dates.
I agree to a point but disagree more.

All of the PS2 GTAs launched in October.
All of Rockstar's current gen games have launched in May, sans GTA IV.
The reason is because they delayed GTA IV 6 months to polish it.

Them releasing the GTA V trailer last November tells me that they were aiming for November 12 as a launch window, which they missed.
To stem the tide, they released the screenshots which show nothing pertinent to the game.

Given T2's projections about GTA V in Q1 - a March/April release seems likely. It's another 6 month delay (give or take) that IV got and it won't overlap in the next-gen window (although I don't think next gen systems are coming until '14 anyway).

All we have is speculation, some more qualified that others.
People should stop thinking this game is coming in 2012, though. It's not.


Honestly, people need to stop bringing up April/May or October as possible release dates. This year alone has showed us that annual release months are never 100% certain - AC 3 is releasing in October, despite the other 4 Assassin's Creed games coming out in November or Halo 4 coming out in November, despite the other Halo games always coming out in September.

I hear you, but your point isn't very strong. The first two Halos came out in Nov. And Oct 30 is merely two weeks from the usual AC mid-Nov. releases.

The fact is, during their entire 14 year existence, R* has been releasing in Apr/May and Oct with very, very few exceptions. I think they released something in July once, and something in Nov. Anything's possible, but I prefer to play the odds.


I agree to a point but disagree more.

All of the PS2 GTAs launched in October.
All of Rockstar's current gen games have launched in May, sans GTA IV.
The reason is because they delayed GTA IV 6 months to polish it.

Them releasing the GTA V trailer last November tells me that they were aiming for November 12 as a launch window, which they missed.
To stem the tide, they released the screenshots which show nothing pertinent to the game.

Given T2's projections about GTA V in Q1 - a March/April release seems likely. It's another 6 month delay (give or take) that IV got and it won't overlap in the next-gen window (although I don't think next gen systems are coming until '14 anyway).

All we have is speculation, some more qualified that others.
People should stop thinking this game is coming in 2012, though. It's not.
That makes me think. Most of the previous GTA games have been delayed for some reason. Maybe this time they're being smart and not saying anything until they are absolutely certain they're ready.


I hear you, but your point isn't very strong. The first two Halos came out in Nov. And Oct 30 is merely two weeks from the usual AC mid-Nov. releases.

After posting it, I realized that. A much better example is GTA IV - Every GTA game prior to IV, even the PSP games, came out in October, but due to a delay, IV didn't. The fact is, anything can happen.


That makes me think. Most of the previous GTA games have been delayed for some reason. Maybe this time they're being smart and not saying anything until they are absolutely certain they're ready.

I honestly wish they'd kept their mouths shut entirely until they knew the release date. I was a lot happier a year ago, when I would occasionally wonder when they were going to get around to announcing the next GTA. This year, it's been a living hell.
That makes me think. Most of the previous GTA games have been delayed for some reason. Maybe this time they're being smart and not saying anything until they are absolutely certain they're ready.
Given that it's a "bold new direction" I'm sure they've kept quiet so no one can rip them off.

Secondly, a lot of stuff in IV changed from unveiling to release. I'm sure they want to cut down on them showing the "beta version" (for lack of a better phrase) of their games/worlds/characters and just show off polished awesomeness.

And lastly, I think it's all a part of their brilliant PR strategy. Good article on it here: How Rockstar Games Starves The Press To Feed Success.
I wonder if they finally learned that showing/telling about all the features beforehand undercuts your product (they're especially guilty of this with Vice City and San Andreas, although lesser with the latter).

I honestly wished they'd kept their mouths shut entirely until they knew the release date. I was a lot happier a year ago, when I would occasionally wonder when they were going to get around to announcing the next GTA. This year, it's been a living hell.
No way.

Gotta keep investors happy, keep them stock prices up.

If they hadn't shown anything yet people would be calling it vaporware and GTA: Forever.


I know MY AC3 will come out in November.

Bucket, a lot of people loved and changed their minds on the games with those doc style videos RDR, LANoire and MP3 had, hardly playing it close to the chest, there.


No way.

Gotta keep investors happy, keep them stock prices up.

Fuck those shylocks, they'll get their money. They just have to wait.

I know MY AC3 will come out in November.

Cheers to that, AC3 is basically the only thing this year that's really been able to divert my attention from GTA V. After I saw the Boston Gameplay Demo vid a few weeks ago, I stopped thinking about GTA almost entirely. ...for a while.
Bucket, a lot of people loved and changed their minds on the games with those doc style videos RDR, LANoire and MP3 had, hardly playing it close to the chest, there.
Right but those were all within 3 months of release.
That's their marketing/release strategy.

I'm sure there'll be similar videos with V.

The article is talking about building hype (and granted Rockstar has a luxury to not say much because it's GTA) before the release window flow of information and media.

I think it speaks to the value of shooting at one area rather than a year long scattershot, or if you'd rather - don't blow your load early.


I know MY AC3 will come out in November.

Bucket, a lot of people loved and changed their minds on the games with those doc style videos RDR, LANoire and MP3 had, hardly playing it close to the chest, there.
That's true, but none of those are easy hits like GTA (well, Red Dead might be at this point). I don't think we're going to get as much pre-release media for V.

And god damn @ that GI cover :lol Mario sure is busy these days...


I didn't mean to imply that they'll blow their load with GTAV, infact, i think they might NOT do these kind of videos with this one, but that's thanks to the utter popularity of the thing.
They are R* and they can play hard to get, tweet they have something coming up and a million people will get a hard on, still they must have felt some heat with RDR and those games, since they decided to ease up people into them with such detail, that's what i was saying.
It paid off (2 out of 3 times, anyway) so good for them.

Regarding AC3 and November, i was referring to the delayed PC version, unfortunately. :(


Looking to pass the time; anyone got some MS Paint mock-ups to post?
Lol, we really need a GTA general in community. :p

Damn, I forgot about that. Fuckin' Ubisoft. Hopefully XCOM and WoW can tide me over. And maybe Dishonored if it turns out okay.
Hitman, AC3 and FarCry3 all in November for me (won't be getting them all D1 though).

October had RE6 but now it's off the list, so yeah Dishonored it is.


Lmfao @ that picture.

And yeah, I totally forgot about Hitman. It looks pretty nice judging from that longer walkthrough they put out (I think it was from E3?) but I'm a little hesitant. I liked the previous Hitman games, but I always burned out on them. Admittedly, part of that was that I was fucking terrible at them.

FC 3 looks super nice too. Not sure if I'll have that day one, but I'll play it at some point.

I moved a couple of things around a little and changed the map slightly.




In this next image, notice how a small distance on the map makes the buildings look significantly farther away.

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