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31 Days of Horror 2 |OT| The October Movie Marathon


I got grudge sucked!
Might have been mentioned byt why not come up with a list of films everyone participating should see? It doesn't have to be all 31 but you could pick 10 well ahead of time and then the users just fill the rest themselves.

While I don't do 31 films, my friends and I get together and watch 2 or 3 films the weekend before Halloween. Last year was Trick or Treat and the Elm Street remake.


I like Box and Dumplings more.... :( am I a bad person?

I haven't watched the anthology in a while. I remember loving Cut, enjoying Dumplings but thinking it'd be better as a full feature film (and apparently that exists?!) and wondering what the fuck Takashi Miike was trying to say with Box.

Well, I have no problem adding that to the optional challenges section of the OP and I've never seen it, so I'm down for a viewing, but I don't think a silent movie (as good as I'm sure it is) will have that 'Sleepaway Camp' effect.

Might have been mentioned byt why not come up with a list of films everyone participating should see? It doesn't have to be all 31 but you could pick 10 well ahead of time and then the users just fill the rest themselves.

That was discussed a little last year, it's just to hard to come up with a list of good movies everyone hasn't seen and as has easy access to. There's also people that just watch their regulars and aren't interested in being told to what to watch.

I haven't watched the anthology in a while. I remember loving Cut, enjoying Dumplings but thinking it'd be better as a full feature film (and apparently that exists?!) and wondering what the fuck Takashi Miike was trying to say with Box.

I'm with you on that one. Cut was the best, Dumplings was better as a full-length (it was included on disc 2 of the US DVD) and Box was wat? Either way, the films are so short I think it should always be treated as an anthology film and viewed as one, unless you're watching the full-length Dumplings.

I do seem to recall liking the short Dumplings ending better than the ending of the full-length though, but everything else was better with the full-length. It's been so long since I've seen it I can't go into detail why though.


after watching the trailer for sleepaway camp the girlfriend has twisted my arm and we are watching it tonight


listen to the mad man
after watching the trailer for sleepaway camp the girlfriend has twisted my arm and we are watching it tonight

Sleepaway Camp is probably one of my favourite camp horror movies. I highly recommend watching SC2 and SC3 as well... I don't even want to say what my favourite line in the films are, but it starts with "suck my dick".


I haven't watched the anthology in a while. I remember loving Cut, enjoying Dumplings but thinking it'd be better as a full feature film (and apparently that exists?!) and wondering what the fuck Takashi Miike was trying to say with Box.

I must be the odd man out for enjoying Box more than Dumplings. Cut was the superior short of the three hands down, Byung-Hun Lee does no wrong.

we don't speak of GI Joe

oh and let me throw in a vote for Coldfish if nobody has seen it yet, it's great.


If you want to go the route of a GAF wide horror film that we all watch, then Public Domain is probably the only way I can think of to incorporate everyone, since other avenues may exclude people outside the United States.

The best horror films in public domain, that aren't silent, are:

1. Night of the Living Dead: http://archive.org/details/Night.Of.The.Living.Dead_1080p
2. The Last Man on Earth: It's public domain, but you have to torrent it. http://www.publicdomaintorrents.info/nshowmovie.html?movieid=229
3. The House on Haunted Hill: http://archive.org/details/House_On_Haunted_Hill.avi
4. Dementia 13: http://archive.org/details/Dementia_13.avi
5. Deep Red: http://archive.org/details/DeepRed1975
6. Carnival of Souls: http://archive.org/details/CarnivalOfSouls1962
7. Little Shop of Horror: http://archive.org/details/The_Little_Shop_of_Horrors_60

I'm getting lazy and will fill the rest in later:

Night Tide: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0055230/ http://archive.org/details/NightTide1961
At Midnight I'll Take Your Soul: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0059440/ http://www.horrorshack.tv/post/At-Midnight-Ill-Take-Your-Soul-(1965)-Full-Movie.aspx
The Strangler: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0058622/ http://archive.org/details/The_Strangler_movie
Spider Baby or, The Maddest Story Ever Told: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0058606/
Horror Express: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0068713/ http://archive.org/details/Horror_Express or http://www.publicdomaintorrents.info/nshowmovie.html?movieid=760
The City of the Dead: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0053719/ http://archive.org/details/Horror_Hotel
A Bucket of Blood: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0052655/ http://archive.org/details/ABucketofBlood
If you want to go the route of a GAF wide horror film that we all watch, then Public Domain is probably the only way I can think of to incorporate everyone, since other avenues may exclude people outside the United States.

The best horror films in public domain, that aren't silent, are:


Wow, thanks for taking the time to collect all that that.

How did Deep Red fall into public domain? Great movie for those who haven't seen it.
How did Deep Red fall into public domain? Great movie for those who haven't seen it.

The proper version of Deep Red isn't public domain, Bill Lustig currently controls the US video rights. The American version, The Hatchet Murders, is the version that's been floating around for years on public domain releases. It's heavily edited and pan & scanned--in other words, it's pretty fucking useless.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
iirc, last year we had Sleepaway Camp as the 'sleeper hit' in the thread... kind of an unknown movie and only bought to most people's attention (and mine) due to a youtube full movie link. I like something like that again this year, something out of the blue and surprising many.

I discovered that movie because of Joe Bob Briggs.
His uncensored show on The Movie Channel in the '80s was god-tier.
The proper version of Deep Red isn't public domain, Bill Lustig currently controls the US video rights. The American version, The Hatchet Murders, is the version that's been floating around for years on public domain releases. It's heavily edited and pan & scanned--in other words, it's pretty fucking useless.

Ah, interesting, thanks for the info.

*hugs his Blue Underground DVD*
I really do wish someone could put together a "31 days of horror movies available on Netflix" list....... I feel like if I did it.... (wait I'm way too lazy to do something like that)


Movie #9 - The Omen (1976)

First of all, I'd like to say that Jerry Goldsmith is a goddamned beast of a composer. The music within this film is so fucking eerie and atmospheric, and is a huge part of why the film works so well.

The movie was pretty much flawless IMO. The cinematography and on location shots are absolutely gorgeous, the movie is well acted on all fronts - particularly the Nanny who was down right menacing, the story itself was slow and methodical - but appropriately eerie with just enough build up for some nice scares and as I said, the music wraps it all up nice and tidy.

I haven't seen The Exorcist in quite a while, but I think I enjoyed the subdued and methodical execution of The Omen, to The Exorcist's larger than life and insistence on shock. And I'm beginning to see a pattern I'm experiencing with all of these iconic films, and that's the fact that they're so old and essential to cinema, that I basic plot points and legendary scenes without having already seen the film. Kind of takes some of the gas out of the film, but something I'll have to live with.


I'll give this a go, but I probably won't make it through too many films. Next year, I'll finally be done with school, so I should have the free time to do this!

People should be picking "Hausu" for one of their 'horror films.'


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Such a great ending.

Enjoyed the movie for what it is but man did the book had a shitload of gaping plotholes.

Not such a great start (but then again it isn't october yet): watched Grace and it was pretty weak. Has a cheap look to it, weak acting galore, plot goes nowhere. Aside from some disturbing scenery it's below-mediocre on all accounts.
The Blu-ray they put out last year is quite nice. The amazing Goblin soundtrack it has has never sounded better.

How did they handle the missing English audio from the dub on that? If I recall correctly, the old Blue Underground DVD just had the full Italian length version, and where the footage that had no dub (since the English version was shorter) they just switched over to Italian with Eng subs. It was pretty confusing to watch like that and I prefer to watch these kinds of movies dubbed because I feel it adds to the whole grindhouse feel.

From the review on blu-ray.com it sounds like they ditched that and only have the dub on he shorted English cut, and then the full Italian cut by itself?

If they ever find the missing audio, I'd be all over that release, bt for now I'm holding off.

I'm holding out for Tenebre. It's my go to giallo. Deep Red is my #2.


well sleepaway camp was one of the better slasher flicks ive seen in a long time and that ending just seriously wtf


I keep hearing this from so many people. Currently it is at the top of my list but I'm not starting till October

Also I watched a horror movie in spring that I wanted to recomend for others

ロイ Noroi The Curse

It's a Japanese Found Footage Horror movie. I watched it on youtube though I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post the link as I don't think the person who put it up owns the right etc. Either way if you can find another source to watch it I would totally recommend it as it is genuinely creepy.

I came across that film when we were doing this last year, really was great and was the hidden gem that made it all worth it to me, anyone who hasnt should watch it this year


How did they handle the missing English audio from the dub on that? If I recall correctly, the old Blue Underground DVD just had the full Italian length version, and where the footage that had no dub (since the English version was shorter) they just switched over to Italian with Eng subs. It was pretty confusing to watch like that and I prefer to watch these kinds of movies dubbed because I feel it adds to the whole grindhouse feel.

From the review on blu-ray.com it sounds like they ditched that and only have the dub on he shorted English cut, and then the full Italian cut by itself?

If they ever find the missing audio, I'd be all over that release, bt for now I'm holding off.

I'm holding out for Tenebre. It's my go to giallo. Deep Red is my #2.

Yeah, they basically put two films on one disc, both with their own audio tracks.

I don't know what's going on with a Blu for Tenebre, but I do know that Blue Underground has been in the process of clearing all the rights for a Blu release of Opera. Tenebre was one of the Anchor Bay titles that they lent to Blue Underground, correct?



#1 - Night of the Creeps (1986)
Lovely, very 80s B-horror with a lot of dark humor. There's space-snails that turn people into zombies, a zombie cat, a zombie dog and to top it all of a zombie axe murderer. It took a while before it really drew me in, but once it did I enjoyed it very much and the climax was satisfying. Tom Atkins (pictured above) was especially great as Ray Cameron and his deliveries was spot on: "Girls, the good news is your dates are here; the bad news is, they're dead." 7/10



#2 - Stake Land (2010)
I just loved the bleak and depressing look of the post apocalyptic world in this movie. From the eerie abandoned roads covered in a blanket of fog to the small boarded-up towns where people gathered trying to make the best of it. The vampire design was pretty scary and original, the gore was effective and there was good acting all around plus the characters also had a suprising amount of depth to them. The ending was kind of sudden though. I was really into it when suddenly: Credits. Bummer. 7/10



#3 - Maniac (1980)
A fantastic directional debut by William Lustig (not counting the porn he did before) in the form of this criminally underrated slasher which deserves a much better reputation and a lot more recognition. The direction really was great and innovative, and boasted some fantastic sequences (Nurse-chase-scene, so tense! Lovers-in-car-scene, so awesome!). The sleazy look of the movie only strenghtened the voyeuristic feel you get as you watch over the shoulders of the fucking perfectly casted Joe Spinell as the very troubled Frank Zito as he murders his way towards a disturbing climax. Highly recommended. 8/10



#4 - Wrong Turn (2003)
Wrong turn is filled with cliche after cliche, doesn't really offer anything original and is made up from some cheap scares and failures to create tension. However, besides all that the movie is not boring; Between the fast pace, fun gore, delicious eyecandy (Eliza Dushku AND Emmanuelle Chriqui? Come on!), creepy dark forest and bloodthirsty deformed inbred rednecks there is enough to keep the viewer somewhat entertained. 6/10


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Father's Day caught my eye at Fry's before, but I made it a priority because of this thread.
It was right up my alley, but it's not a movie that I'd recommend to... well, anyone.
well sleepaway camp was one of the better slasher flicks ive seen in a long time and that ending just seriously wtf

Glad you like it, I enjoyed the ending too.

I might add the sequels to my to watch list

As for the obligatory horror film we should watch, something entertaining and less well-known, the better I think... can't think of one straight away but I be up for this idea!



#4 - Wrong Turn (2003)
Wrong turn is filled with cliche after cliche, doesn't really offer anything original and is made up from some cheap scares and failures to create tension. However, besides all that the movie is not boring; Between the fast pace, fun gore, delicious eyecandy (Eliza Dushku AND Emmanuelle Chriqui? Come on!), creepy dark forest and bloodthirsty deformed inbred rednecks there is enough to keep the viewer somewhat entertained. 5/10

Believe it or not, the immediate sequel is a far superior film, even despite the concept (when reality shows go wrong!) being one that you would think would sink it.


Believe it or not, the immediate sequel is a far superior film, even despite the concept (when reality shows go wrong!) being one that you would think would sink it.
I might actually put that on my list since I did enjoy the first one, thanks for the rec!
I bought some shelves to put my horror movies out. It may not look like it but its 350+ movies, I love buying those cheap 8 dvd sets for $5

Yeah, they basically put two films on one disc, both with their own audio tracks.

I don't know what's going on with a Blu for Tenebre, but I do know that Blue Underground has been in the process of clearing all the rights for a Blu release of Opera. Tenebre was one of the Anchor Bay titles that they lent to Blue Underground, correct?

I don't know if Blue Underground did release it too. The version I have is from the Anchor Bay 5 Dario Argento movie set.

There is a blu from Arrow in the UK. I have thier Battle Royale set and it's region free, but I don't know about Tenebre. I'm sure we'll get a North American sooner or later.

I have Opera on DVD. It was good but I don't think I'd bother double dipping on the blu-ray.

Father's Day caught my eye at Fry's before, but I made it a priority because of this thread.
It was right up my alley, but it's not a movie that I'd recommend to... well, anyone.

Heh. Glad you liked it. I know what you mean about recommending it to people. I haven't suggested it to anyone else, but I figured if anyone would be into it, it would be some people in this thread,
I don't know if Blue Underground did release it too. The version I have is from the Anchor Bay 5 Dario Argento movie set.

There is a blu from Arrow in the UK. I have thier Battle Royale set and it's region free, but I don't know about Tenebre. I'm sure we'll get a North American sooner or later.

I have Opera on DVD. It was good but I don't think I'd bother double dipping on the blu-ray.

Heh. Glad you liked it. I know what you mean about recommending it to people. I haven't suggested it to anyone else, but I figured if anyone would be into it, it would be some people in this thread,

Blue Underground never put Tenebrae out. It's only been available via Anchor Bay and I'm pretty sure they still control the rights to it. I'm not sure how open they are to putting it out on BluRay -- their focus is now mainly on new DTV titles instead of releasing their older catalog titles.

All the older Arrow Blu-Rays are region free. This practice only recently changed with the release of Demons/Demons 2, so you would be fine if you decide to snag their Tenebrae.


I have Arrow's release of The Beyond and I think it looks great. Don't be afraid to go through them for Tenebrae. In fact, I'd buy some of their releases over the North American versions because I like their packaging and artwork more.


If you want to go the route of a GAF wide horror film that we all watch, then Public Domain is probably the only way I can think of to incorporate everyone, since other avenues may exclude people outside the United States.

The best horror films in public domain, that aren't silent, are:

1. Night of the Living Dead: http://archive.org/details/Night.Of.The.Living.Dead_1080p
2. The Last Man on Earth: It's public domain, but you have to torrent it. http://www.publicdomaintorrents.info/nshowmovie.html?movieid=229
3. The House on Haunted Hill: http://archive.org/details/House_On_Haunted_Hill.avi
4. Dementia 13: http://archive.org/details/Dementia_13.avi
5. Deep Red: http://archive.org/details/DeepRed1975
6. Carnival of Souls: http://archive.org/details/CarnivalOfSouls1962
7. Little Shop of Horror: http://archive.org/details/The_Little_Shop_of_Horrors_60

I'm getting lazy and will fill the rest in later:

Night Tide: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0055230/ http://archive.org/details/NightTide1961
At Midnight I'll Take Your Soul: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0059440/ http://www.horrorshack.tv/post/At-Midnight-Ill-Take-Your-Soul-(1965)-Full-Movie.aspx
The Strangler: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0058622/ http://archive.org/details/The_Strangler_movie
Spider Baby or, The Maddest Story Ever Told: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0058606/
Horror Express: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0068713/ http://archive.org/details/Horror_Express or http://www.publicdomaintorrents.info/nshowmovie.html?movieid=760
The City of the Dead: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0053719/ http://archive.org/details/Horror_Hotel
A Bucket of Blood: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0052655/ http://archive.org/details/ABucketofBlood

Awesome list of movies. I don't know if they hold up for younger members, but I loved them back in the day.

I remember babysitting for a neighbor when I was around 11 or 12 and watching House on Haunted Hill around midnight. Scared the shit out of me. I still love it to this day, and in fact re-watched it last night thanks to your links :).


Blue Underground never put Tenebrae out. It's only been available via Anchor Bay and I'm pretty sure they still control the rights to it. I'm not sure how open they are to putting it out on BluRay -- their focus is now mainly on new DTV titles instead of releasing their older catalog titles.

All the older Arrow Blu-Rays are region free. This practice only recently changed with the release of Demons/Demons 2, so you would be fine if you decide to snag their Tenebrae.

I wouldn't rule out a Blu release for Tenebre; Argento is still a big draw (despite his best efforts to prove the contrary), and Anchor Bay's DTV-focused strategy still netted Blu releases for the two major Jodorowsky films, among others.

But yeah, if Arrow's is region-free, I don't see why you wouldn't go that route, especially since they typically go nuts on the extras.


Water is not wet!
I keep hearing this from so many people. Currently it is at the top of my list but I'm not starting till October

Also I watched a horror movie in spring that I wanted to recomend for others

ロイ Noroi The Curse

It's a Japanese Found Footage Horror movie. I watched it on youtube though I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post the link as I don't think the person who put it up owns the right etc. Either way if you can find another source to watch it I would totally recommend it as it is genuinely creepy.

i havent felt this way in a while. Its been like 10 years since i saw Session 9 for the first time and had these kinds of feelings. Noroi is an instant classic for me. The unease just keeps piling on. How bad can things get? Hint: its worse than you thought.



#5 - Cabin Fever - Director's cut (2002)
Eli Roth's low budget horror that puts some kids in a cabin in the woods which is all fun and games until a guy with some sort of flesheating bacteria shows up and starts infecting the whole place and everyone wants to get out clean. Well, this was boring. The gore was nice, the fact that the movie was kind of self aware was nice but it didn't offer much else for me personally. 3/10


shitting in the alley outside your window
the scene alone of the picture you posted warrants bumping Cabin Fever up to a 4 at least


I really liked Cabin Fever, but I thought the shop owner's comment about the gun was incredibly stupid
after hearing the "punchline" near the end. I would've rather had it just be a racist remark than a very unfunny joke.
Other than that, good movie. I'd give it a 7/10.
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