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NeoGAF Creative Writing Challenge #114 - "The Great Debate"

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Mike M

Nick N
Theme - "The Great Debate"

Word Limit: 2500

Submission Deadline: Friday, February 22 by 11:59 PM Pacific.

Voting begins Saturday, February 23, and goes until Monday, February 25 at 11:59 PM Pacific.

Optional Secondary Objective: Absurdism

Submission Guidelines:

- One entry per poster.
- All submissions must be written during the time of the challenge.
- Using the topic as the title of your piece is discouraged.
- Keep to the word count!

Voting Guidelines:

- Three votes per voter. Please denote in your voting your 1st (3 pts), 2nd (2 pts), and 3rd (1 pt) place votes.
- Please read all submissions before voting.
- You must vote in order to be eligible to win the challenge.
- When voting ends, the winner gets a collective pat on the back, and starts the new challenge.

NeoGAF Creative Writing Challenge FAQ
Previous Challenge Threads and Themes

Mike M

Nick N
Giving a bit more on the word count since I suspect some of us might need the cushion.

Or not, we had a bunch of shorter entries last time that worked pretty well.

Mike M

Nick N
Congrats, Mike M. Your story was fantastic.

My story was a cynical calculation that since Tangent's whimsical piece won the previous contest, I should attempt something similar. I focused grouped the shit out of that story, if I could have added multiplayer and microtransactions, I would have.

: )

Nah, actually I just couldn't shake the kid playing with toys thing since Transformers got mentioned early on, and that remains my favorite toy franchise to this day. Followed by Dino Riders. Both of which eventually made an appearance in what I wrote. I know some people said they'd have liked it more without that angle, but I think I'd have had to rework it considerably. It was just too ludicrously over the top to play it straight and have me still be happy with it.

Of coure now I have a fear of success and I'm wondering how I'm supposed to follow up on resounding victory : /


Ok, I'll take pro, you take con.


Hmm, actually I kind of have an idea for this now. Maybe both sides, rather than just pro. One side alone might feel too polemical.

Though I'm also playing with an ancient city playing host to a great debate between the two philosophers of the age. And the story is about like the guy who works selling tickets for the thing and never sees it.



Hmm, actually I kind of have an idea for this now. Maybe both sides, rather than just pro. One side alone might feel too polemical.

Though I'm also playing with an ancient city playing host to a great debate between the two philosophers of the age. And the story is about like the guy who works selling tickets for the thing and never sees it.

That doesn't answer the question, Cyan. Are you pro-Skub, or anti-Skub? We need to know.

Mike M

Nick N
I am tearing my hair out because I keep circling back to an idea that I don't want to do. I need to bounce ideas off someone, but I'm in competition with the lot of you : P


Is absurdism like hyperbole. Should I just take it at face value for what it seems to be indicating.

Mike M

Nick N
Well don't let that stop you. ;)

What, so you can all steal my ideas? NEVER! :)

Actually, I just had something occur to me. I love that feeling when you work something out and it clicks so much that you actually achieve a feeling of relief for having solved it.

Is absurdism like hyperbole. Should I just take it at face value for what it seems to be indicating.

Absurdism is a philosophical school of thought stating that the efforts of humanity to find inherent meaning will ultimately fail (and hence are absurd) because the sheer amount of information as well as the vast realm of the unknown make certainty impossible. Thought it would work well in the context of the theme.

Actually I had conflated it with absurdity, thinking about people arguing over extremely unreasonable, silly, or foolish things. Oops! I'm planning on sticking with "absurdity," so I can't hold it against people who do the same.


What, so you can all steal my ideas? NEVER! :)

Actually, I just had something occur to me. I love that feeling when you work something out and it clicks so much that you actually achieve a feeling of relief for having solved it.

Absurdism is a philosophical school of thought stating that the efforts of humanity to find inherent meaning will ultimately fail (and hence are absurd) because the sheer amount of information as well as the vast realm of the unknown make certainty impossible. Thought it would work well in the context of the theme.

Actually I had conflated it with absurdity, thinking about people arguing over extremely unreasonable, silly, or foolish things. Oops! I'm planning on sticking with "absurdity," so I can't hold it against people who do the same.

Haha, that was my first impression of it as well. Not sure if I should rework the idea or not.
Absurdism is a philosophical school of thought stating that the efforts of humanity to find inherent meaning will ultimately fail (and hence are absurd) because the sheer amount of information as well as the vast realm of the unknown make certainty impossible. Thought it would work well in the context of the theme.

I wasn't sure which way you were going with it...so just tried to cover off on both ;)

Had one of those, "will just type up a paragraph to get me started before bed" kind of mistakes last night. Wasn't a good night's sleep.

Anyway here it is and please enjoy. About 2000 words

Excuse me for asking

Password is the usual one.


Damn, I'm wrecking my brain over here but nothing comes up. For once I was set not to wait till the last day to write and of course I have no ideas. :(

Mike M

Nick N
Yeah, I'm having more trouble than expected. I have the dialog fully formed in my head, but I'm floundering to get it out.

I have only myself to blame : (


Well, I think an Idea is actually taking form in my head. It's streching the prompt a little bit though... nah, not going to work...


I've got an idea I like that fits both objectives, but I'm not sure how much story there is there. We'll see.

Mike M

Nick N
My idea isn't translating well. In my mind's eye, I've got something punchy with flow, but when the words come out, it's... Flaccid.

So not winning this one.

Every time I wander into these threads to get back into the comps I don't like the themes.

I apologize for nothing!


there was once a story that ronito was working on. It was going to be entitled "Metatron in a field of Lilies" And it was a story where Metatron, God's scribe, sits in on the meeting between God and Lucifer betting on Job which happened in a field of lilies. While the God (who by the way appears riding a twelve foot tall two headed fire breathing lion and wearing a suit made of diamonds) and Lucifer (dressed in simple brown robes) debate about Job Metatron considers the lilies and how they will destroyed for a settlement that will turn to a city full of rape, and murder and bloodshed.

Then ronito noticed that not only was there no action it was more bleddingly hipster than taking pictures of your food while wearing a Fedora. Several attempts were made to save the piece. But it was a lost cause. Better to admit defeat and be greatful for the practice than to inflict a poor piece on yourself and your audience.

I tried. I failed. I learned.

The end.


Quick, totally unrelated question: Have there been any other NeoGAF Art Challenges over the years aside from this one, the photography one, and the poetry one? You know, with the theme and two-week deadline, but for like music or graphical art?


Quick, totally unrelated question: Have there been any other NeoGAF Art Challenges over the years aside from this one, the photography one, and the poetry one? You know, with the theme and two-week deadline, but for like music or graphical art?

I vaguely remember someone starting a digital art challenge like a year or two ago.


Quick, totally unrelated question: Have there been any other NeoGAF Art Challenges over the years aside from this one, the photography one, and the poetry one? You know, with the theme and two-week deadline, but for like music or graphical art?

There was an art one a few years back, but it sort of fell apart. Not a lot of participation
and it really needed a champion to get it off the ground


Yeah, you really do need a strong group of people to keep these things going on. I really enjoy spectating these friendly competitions where everyone starts off at the same starting point (the theme) and just branches off from there and I would liked to have seen a larger variety in the arts represented. It's also really neat seeing people improve their craft over time.

It's a shame I don't really have much talent in those other fields to start something up, but I know that we have so many talented GAFfers who don't really get that many chances to show off their skills in the proper arena, that it bothers me a bit that these other threads don't exist.
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