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NeoGAF Creative Writing Challenge #114 - "The Great Debate"

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1- Tangent
2- Ashes1396
3- DumbNameD

Sorry no comments this time around, but I have big time writer's block and can't tell what any writing is good. Which honestly makes my votes a little suspect. I'm reading Goldfinger right now, and can't tell if it's really clever, or one of the worst books I've read, but boy is it super racist against Koreans. Some of the stuff made me say wow out loud.


Comments as I go:

toddhunter - Excuse Me For Asking: Interesting concept, an ordinary man having a chat with a rather miffed God. I felt like the story was too much like eavesdropping on a conversation rather than a story actually being told to me, but I did like God's comment about the things he could respond to, like helping sports teams. The more I read the more I like pissed-off God. That bit about time-travelling to get through conversation made me chuckle. I'm actually starting to like some of this back-and-forth witty chat. The loop back to breakfast was fun. I liked this story more and more as it progressed but I did struggle to get through it for some reason.

Aaron - Empty Bottles and Broken Stools: Can see you've really gone for the secondary theme with the absurdity of the chimpanzee. Oh boy, a female wrestler and a chimp going at it? This is just surreal. I'm not a big fan of this sort of humour so I was never going to love this story but you did it well. Just a case of the wrong audience in me as a reader, that's all.

Ronito - I Can Admit Defeat: I've read some great stuff from you since my lurking days, like a story about a murder that turned out to be toys in a child's bedroom. Can't remember name but that stuck with me. There was a monkey involved. Looking forward to reading future efforts when your work clicks.

Tangent - If Only He Took Claritin: First of all, one of the best writers in this challenge on a regular basis, so I'm looking forward to checking this out. Getting this out of the way straight away, not sure about the formatting or images. I love how the main character is so calm about the dust bunnies, and concerned about their welfare and him not getting his allowance. Global warming, talking dust bunnies, speaking in rhymes... this is bizarre. Only a certain mind could see 'great debate' and come up with this; beyond my ability to excel in 'absurd' to this level. Took some following but really good and ironic ending. Great writing.

SquiddyBiscuit - Dyadic Truth: Another writer whose material I've enjoyed in past challenges. I'm not going to lie, a lot of this went over my head, but I worked hard to follow it and was impressed. You seem confidently in control of the story and the world you've created in it. Cool structure as well. I just wish I had the sci-fi intelligence and deeper philosophical outlook to truly appreciate this as much as it deserve.

Reigun - Shiver: Another interesting concept, an alive wife and a dead husband killing team. Too much dialogue, I always struggle to engage with characters in literature if they talk in huge blocks. I didn't really enjoy the ending really, it just sort of came and went. She killed someone, then the police arrived. I did like the idea of the couple arguing about being apart and acknowledging death made that happen. It's just a shame I didn't really get drawn into why the man was murdered, the impact on the wife or the situation at hand.

Mike M - Sandwiches: Fantastic. This is absolutely fantastic. A jewelry store being held up while the employees debate the definition of 'sandwich' provided great back and forth dialogue. The robbers getting involved was masterfully done. Ha, the police add their two cents as well. Genius. I loved this.

ZeroRay - IDK: Was there a debate here? I'm all for extra small entries - heck, I went through a stage of writing micro fiction, 50 words or so - but I didn't take anything from this. No offence.

Bootaaaay - In the Eyes: Opening a story and seeing just one single large block of text is always daunting and off-putting, so some paragraphs would have been nice. Your writing style is excellent though, flows nicely. This is a deep story that is sensitively addressed, perhaps dealing with the greatest debate anyone could ever face. Nice work, I felt it.

Cyan - I Admit Nothing: I'm never going to win a challenge when members like you are submitting stories. Such professionalism in your material. But again, like Bootaaay's submission, this passed over my head. I'm starting to think I'm some literary simpleton all of a sudden. It's a case of appreciating the work rather than enjoying it.

Ashes1936 - Highs and Lows in Madrid: I really enjoyed reading this. I found the writing flowed so smoothly and I really enjoyed following the tourist around Madrid. You really captured the struggles of being in a strange place and the awkwardness of a potential romance, though I did leave the story wishing there had been more focus on the girl.

DumbNameD - Seeing Both Sides: Wow, this takes a dark turn halfway. Or, not quite as dark as I thought it was going to get. Jack's answer about the glass cat is fantastic. I don't know what to think now I've finished. It's just such a strange tale of a boy going to school! I'm not quite sure I get what the debate is other than the importance of being smart for school photos (?) but the absurdity is sky high. The insight into the behaviour of kids in friendships and relationships was so true. I enjoyed this story, whatever the hell was going on.

Nezumi - Regulations: I haven't read all your contributions in the past but you've been successful so this ought to be good. Your writing style seems most akin to mine out of everyone whose stories I've read, so you've got that going for you so far in this feedback! A few spelling and grammatical mistakes here and there but nothing that broke the plot. Ollik getting stopped in his tracks by beaurocracy was fun to read. You've delivered just the right amount of absurdity for me, and the debate between Ollik and the lady at the desk makes sure you've covered both themes. The quill being tied to the desk was great. The ending felt very sudden a something of a letdown, which was SUCH a shame. Maybe I missed something; I hope so, so I can re-read and appreciate how you wrapped up a wonderful story.

My votes:

1) Mike M
2) Nezumi
3) Bootaaay

HMs: toddhunter, Aaron, Tangent, Ashes


God almighty that was hilarious.

Thanks, I try my best.

ZeroRay -- IDK: Cheetos are coated in orange powder, not yellow! God, did you do any research for this piece at all?! But on the other hand, you did use the whole thing as a delivery vehicle for a knock against GameStop, so I can’t fault you too terribly... We’ll just call it a wash this time.

Gotta fight the good fight.

ZeroRay - IDK: Was there a debate here? I'm all for extra small entries - heck, I went through a stage of writing micro fiction, 50 words or so - but I didn't take anything from this. No offence.

None taken. There really wasn't much of a debate, even in the loosest sense in there. It was a stream of consciousness thing I started typing up after I realized I wasted another 2 weeks of not doing anything. Hey at least I enjoyed myself writing something this time. :)

Dishing out ratings, promise to comment tomorrow when I'm less tired.

1. Tangent
2. Mike M
3. Nezumi

HM: DumbNameD, Bootaaay


Hmm, I wonder what it'd be like to read the majority of stories when I'm less tired. I bet my crits would make more sense rather than saying, "I was confused." Maybe I'll learn something in this...
Also, thank you to y'all for the feedback on my story... I'm too tired right now to respond but very much appreciate the specific feedback.

Toddhunter – Excuse me for asking: I love existential questions and yet I don’t know a lot of the different theories out there other than the informal ones college students discuss in dorm rooms at 3 am. So I really liked this one. I think you did a really good job of making a bunch of dialog about this rather than narrative blabber. This might be a huge challenge, but I wonder if there would be a way to make this a more action-oriented story and still depict the existence question you pose.

Aaron – Empty Bottles and Broken Stools: I like how you described the bit player’s companion when he’s first introduced. I really liked the flow in this story and the light-hearted style.

Ronito – I can admit defeat: I’m so confused about what’s going on between you and Cyan.

GRW810 – Who Decides What’s Important? – Welcome!! Nice analogy with the children’s coloring book. I didn’t even see how that might have been forshadowing. I very much liked the ending and the twist, for me at least, was a surprise that brought a smile to my face. I remember thinking that Preston sure does have faith in the judgment and intelligence of her people. Hee hee. Very smooth style throughout; it might have been fun to see some dialog during the actual debating points, but your style worked well too – and in fact, maybe dialog might have taken away from the projection towards the end. Not sure!

SquiddlyBiscuit – Dyadic Truth: This was very enjoyable and fun debate to read. The format was really well-selected too. I’m ashamed to say that I’m not more familiar with sci-fi to truly appreciate your work, but your story inspires me to become an avid sci-fi reader. Seriously!

ReiGun – Shiver: Oh my gosh. This was horrifically good. You portrayed both character’s nastiness towards each other and affection for each other perfectly well. And, I liked how the killer wasn’t easy to identify with.

Mike M – Sandwiches: This was hilarious! It had a very slapstick feel to it and was quick and fun. I liked hearing the voices of the 2 main characters in my head and liked how you added little details like Reginald’s particularity with his name.

ZeroRay – IDK: I really liked this analogy: “The sort of thing a dog might do to a house guest he's never met before.” I love reading super short entries but I don’t have much experience with them so it’s hard for me to give a good crit. All I have to say is that I pictured some sort of organic cheese Cheetos rather than the bright orange powdery one!

Bootaaay – In the Eyes: Oh man, I’m too weak sauce to read stuff like this! Well done, so awesome how you captured this in such a short story. Excellent work in capturing the internal debate of the main character. So heavy. Well done. Can't imagine it any better.

Cyan – I admit nothing! – a counterpoint: Nice conviction in your title. And nice tag-teaming with Ronito. I love the idea of Metatron being not only a poet, but a transcriber for God. His character was very enjoyable and you certainly hit up “absurd.” I liked the part where you talked about the space between the Lord and the quiet man/Lucifer character – and darkness and light – but I wish it were expanded upon more. I also really liked how you depicted Lucifer. Oh and I loved the full poem. You’re such a frikkin’ poet.

Ashes1396 – highs and lows in Madrid: Gosh, I have to say that I didn’t really see any “highs” in Madrid, just horrible lows! And maybe some neutrals since the MC seemed to have a good attitude. This felt like a comfortable read in some ways, but I sometimes asked myself, “I can’t wait til this starts to zoom forward at warp speed.” Maybe that’s just me, but it felt much more like a reflective diary entry. If that’s what you were going for, then it’s very well done, but if not, then maybe something to quicken the pace would have been good. I would have found it helpful if there was a buildup. Also, while I really liked the 2 main characters, I wanted to know more about the male, and how he knew this girl in the first place, and more about how he felt about things with respect to her. I think maybe you wanted to portray MC as sincerely confused, or as a polite tourist. So if so, well done.

DumbNameD – Seeing Both Sides: Haha this was a fun read. And the ending was quite absurd. I liked how the kids explained bf/gf implicit agreements; I felt that the clown bit was a little bit out of nowhere but I liked reading it a lot and how Jack dealt with it. And even if it was out of nowhere, it still seemed appropriate. Also, being covered in grass stains and milk is so familiar for me personally. You don’t even know how old I was until that wasn’t a regular occurrence. I also liked how powerful the clown was an disappointing his mother. Anyway fun read!

Nezumi – Regulations: This was such a great read! It made me think of oil barons and the EPA or something. You did a really good job of presenting the lady at the desk – she was very easy to picture, and her attitude was so well described. I did feel like I was hoping for more at the ending, but I can see how an ending to this story is very challenging.

I like how the list of short story titles almost sounds like a short story in itself.
Or a poem.
So many poets in this thread!

1. Nezumi
2. Cyan
3. Mike M.
HM: ReiGun, Nezumi, Aaron, GRW810, Booty... man I guess they were all very, very fun to read.


1. DumbNameD - "Seeing Both Sides"
2. Mike M - "Sandwiches"
3. SquiddyBiscuit - "Dyadic Truth"

HM: Tangent, Nezumi
1. Mike M
2. Toddhunter
3. Cyan
HM: Nezumi, GRW801, ZeroRay, Ashes

Would have loved to give some more detailed feedback, but there were just a lot of short stories this challenge.

Mike M

Nick N
I'm going to tabulate the shit out of these results!

1st: Tangent -- If Only He Took Clartin (20pts)
2nd: Mike M -- Sandwiches (15pts)
3rd: Nezumi -- "Regulations" (11pts)

Nice work Tangent, had yours pegged as the winner as soon as I read it. Kind of surprised I took second, actually.


Congratulations guys. A lot of good stories, really enjoyed reading them. Disappointed I didn't muster a single point but the calibre was so high, especially from the usual suspects. Its always going to be hard to break into the top three but it's good motivation.

When can we expect the new challenge? Today, tomorrow? This time I'm going to start early and take advantage of the fortnight to fine tune.

Mike M

Nick N
Congratulations guys. A lot of good stories, really enjoyed reading them. Disappointed I didn't muster a single point but the calibre was so high, especially from the usual suspects. Its always going to be hard to break into the top three but it's good motivation.

When can we expect the new challenge? Today, tomorrow? This time I'm going to start early and take advantage of the fortnight to fine tune.

I didn't get anything my first time either, it takes a while to find a groove.

New challenge comes whenever Tangent claims the prize : )


I didn't get anything my first time either, it takes a while to find a groove.

New challenge comes whenever Tangent claims the prize : )

I'm hoping to give a first attempt in the upcoming challenge too. I am really rusty and don't set writing deadlines on my own very well so this is great. I'm really happy I found this at gaf.

Mike M

Nick N
I don't know if it's come up in the past, but revisiting a point I made in jest earlier in this thread, is sharing stuff between each other for proofing/feedback frowned upon? I know I have extreme difficulties gauging the quality of my own work, and I see a lot of stuff I wish I could have given thoughts on before entry...
I don't know if it's come up in the past, but revisiting a point I made in jest earlier in this thread, is sharing stuff between each other for proofing/feedback frowned upon? I know I have extreme difficulties gauging the quality of my own work, and I see a lot of stuff I wish I could have given thoughts on before entry...

I don't mind it at all.


I don't know if it's come up in the past, but revisiting a point I made in jest earlier in this thread, is sharing stuff between each other for proofing/feedback frowned upon? I know I have extreme difficulties gauging the quality of my own work, and I see a lot of stuff I wish I could have given thoughts on before entry...

Not at all, go ahead. The reason most people don't do it isn't that it's frowned upon, but that we wait until the last minute to write.


Congratulation Tangent! Knew you would win as soon as I saw those cute little Dustbunnies. :D

I don't know if it's come up in the past, but revisiting a point I made in jest earlier in this thread, is sharing stuff between each other for proofing/feedback frowned upon? I know I have extreme difficulties gauging the quality of my own work, and I see a lot of stuff I wish I could have given thoughts on before entry...

I don't see why this would be frowned upon. I personally like to be surprised by the entries though. I don't know if a discussion beforehand would maybe take a little bit of the excitment, that comes with opening every entry to see how they interpreted the theme, away.
But then again I do love as much feedback as posssible...

Not at all, go ahead. The reason most people don't do it isn't that it's frowned upon, but that we wait until the last minute to write.

Yeah, also this.


As promised, (lazy) commentary! Apologies for not getting all of you guys.

toddhunter: You know, you never really gave a description on God's appearance, so I just imagined him to look like well...an old bald guy with a long beard. As for the story, I think it does create a nice dialogue that I would have enjoyed more if it was more fleshed out.

Aaron: As always I like your writing style. Though the story itself left a bit to be desired.

Ronito: That's a debate I have all the time.

GRW810: Heh, kinda seen the "not as big as it seems" angle coming. I'm guessing this was inspired by the recent presidential election, if so, the ways the issues were described and articulated upon by both candidates could have used a bit of US Politics jargon; Job creators, entitlements, etc. :p

Tangent: I haven't really been a part of the writing challenges in a while so this is the first time I'm seeing a piece accompanied by illustration. Awesome little tale that gave me some good Alice in Wonderland vibes. Even made me crack a smile.

SquiddyBiscuit: Love AI's, space travel and all these concepts brought up to debate. Though I had trouble understanding the format at first. Guess you could chalk it up to me being tired.

ReiGun: Even in death, one can't avoid these arguments. Didn't really feel this one.

MikeM: Fun little ditty. I imagined Reginald to be wearing a monocle.

Bootaaay: As always, a pleasure to read your writing. The whole issue of not wanting to admit something's wrong and putting on a brave face is something we all have to deal with in our lives, kudos sympathizing the POV before he did what he did.
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