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VG247 writer with long-term agenda, sketchy at best credibility: "Xbox is doomed!!!"

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Can't argue with this at all. If you'd asked me 6 months ago if there was any chance of me buying a PS4 I probably would've said no and laughed in your face. Now it's looking like a certainty. I want to be proven wrong but at the moment all I can go on is the rumours. They've got one shot at winning me back and that's their reveal. It's gonna have to be one hell of a reveal.

Unbelievable price and a stellar launch line up is the hook. The following years of them dumping casual shit on you, however, you will have to be ok with it.
Friendly bet says Microsoft has a substantially elegant, connected, and far more casual approach :). I am "confident" :), and by the looks of my friends who work at MS, so are they :).

Ok, they might do a better job of it, I can give you that. But don't assume because Sony hasn't said anything regarding media functionality that they aren't focusing on it. Its really irrelevant to me in the first place because I buy these boxes to play games, anything else it does that I find useful is icing.

I'm just saying, Sony absolutely will not abandon the center of the living room approach.


Unbelievable price and a stellar launch line up is the hook. The following years of them dumping casual shit on you, however, you will have to be ok with it.

Price isn't a big deal to me. I way overpaid for my PS3 when I got it and it was one of my biggest regrets but I'll do it all over again if the alternative is anti-consumer nonsense. And I don't know exactly what games they'd offer to convince me, I mean I love me some Forza but that's not enough anymore. I used to like Fable before Fable 3 ruined it. I couldn't care less about Halo despite playing them all. I hope they surprise me but its gonna take some huge surprises.


Wait, Ryse is still coming out? I thought that just ended up being Kinect announcement vaporware.

It was probably pushed to the new Xbox and new Kinect when they figured out the current Kinect was not good enough for it.

Ok, they might do a better job of it, I can give you that. But don't assume because Sony hasn't said anything regarding media functionality that they aren't focusing on it. Its really irrelevant to me in the first place because I buy these boxes to play games, anything else it does that I find useful is icing.

I'm just saying, Sony absolutely will not abandon the center of the living room approach.

Pretty much, anyone thinking Sony is going to become a one trick pony is off their knocker.

We're definitely going to be seeing huge media stuff for the PS4.
I think Microsoft wants to replicate the first 3 years of the Wii. They want to build a good gaming box, but focus a lot on selling to a casual market. They probably want the peak of the Wii without the software valleys.


i dont get it,how come MS let sony get the alleged better power?arent they in a better financial position to have the better power?

UGH, what is wrong with you guys on GAF :-/. Microsoft as a company, understands that hardcore gamer's are not the only people purchasing consoles. The machine is designed to maximize casual appeal while having just enough under the hood to appease hardcore gamers. We only make up a fraction of dollars, and Kinnect is the proof. This is not the same design philosophy as the one behind the 360. Look at the PS4 if you truly care about a truly hardcore device with gaming at the center of its core philosophy.

Sony went to town on hardware specs under a 200 watt limit, if you want a gaming machine that is the one.


Ryse is a hardcore game now (no longer kinnect only), that currently is undergoing work in the animation department. It's very real :).

Ryse never was a Kinect only game, it was always a hybrid that was played with a gamepad and used Kinect for melee combat.


Look at the PS4 if you truly care about a truly hardcore device with gaming at the center of its core philosophy.

Makes me wonder if anyone even watched the Playstation meeting, they are definitely going for a center of the living room approach like Microsoft is.


Makes me wonder if anyone even watch the Playstation meeting, they are definitely going for a center of the living room approach like Microsoft is.
They've been trying since the PS2. MS just beat them (badly) to the punch. They've been playing catch up this entire generation.


UGH, what is wrong with you guys on GAF :-/. Microsoft as a company, understands that hardcore gamer's are not the only people purchasing consoles. The machine is designed to maximize casual appeal while having just enough under the hood to appease hardcore gamers.

I'm not convinced you'll ever sell as many consoles early on in the cycle to casuals as Nintendo did with the Wii. I think that market has moved onto tablets and cell phones. If I'm right pandering to them early on in the cycle will be detrimental to the uptake of the platform and it would make much more sense to focus on the traditional early adopters - the hardcore. We'll see though. As always happy to be proven wrong.


Makes me wonder if anyone even watch the Playstation meeting, they are definitely going for a center of the living room approach like Microsoft is.

This may mean nothing to you, and is a terrible joke now, but GDDR5 memory is a poor choice if they had media functionality in mind. Sony will never reach the potential of Kinnect 2.0 with voice commands, gestures, and tracking ability. Moreover, this is more than just Xbox, but a ploy to make Windows Phone 8 and Windows OS 8 migration a reality. Expect some exclusive sort of operations within that ecosystem. This is a concerted effort to make everything a unified approach. Ain't no jokes here son'.
Makes me wonder if anyone even watch the Playstation meeting, they are definitely going for a center of the living room approach like Microsoft is.

Yeah, they spent 20 minutes talking about all the YouTube channel apps they're adding one at a time, and 30 minutes talking about fitness software. Exactly like Microsoft.


I don't think that the announcement of the PS4 affects much at all.

I do however think that the tides have turned to a degree with regards to charging for online and the like. Sony has improved their service and console to the point that by comparison the 360 really does suffer. Going into a new gen is a chance for the customers to reset (either actively or passively) and I think that is when MS could lose a bunch of customers due to complacency, they should have been trying harder to match the PS3's value proposition.

Like Kobun said on the first page announcing first might gain you mind share for the window that you create but after that it'll swing back to MS and then flip flop as each releases info. As Kobun said, there is surely no first mover advantage for announcing first.

I also don't think the games shown or the tech offer any advantage at this point as people have nothing to compare those things to. It is much easier to decide how truly excited you are about something when you have a bar for comparison.

As is being said over and over the ball is now in MS's court. If they do better in each area (price, features, games) then they'll surely gain the momentum going into the actual launch, if they are better in some areas but not in others then I suppose it'll be a closer race that is harder to predict and if Sony looks superior on all fronts after the MS event then I guess MS will have a really hard time next gen.


I'm sorry but I'm not juvenile enough to look at a product and say because it failed that it sucks.

For instance just because Apple TV has failed doesn't mean it sucks, in fact the technology and experience created and gathered from Apple TV is most likely going to do wonders for their new Apple Television project.

Failures allow for people to learn from their mistakes, it's a pretty simple concept. Just because a product fails for whatever reason doesn't automatically mean it's a complete failure on every level.

I don't consider the Vita or PSP a complete failure as the PSP gave them the knowledge needed to build the Vita and the Vita still has a chance to come back.
Most of those failed because they sucked. It seems like you are intent on being oblivious here so keep drinking that koolaid.


Yeah, they spent 20 minutes talking about all the YouTube channel apps they're adding one at a time, and 30 minutes talking about fitness software. Exactly like Microsoft.

I see we have another person that ignores things he doesn't want to see, one of the main things they were pushing was social for the love of FSM!

Most of those failed because they sucked. It seems like you are intent on being oblivious here but keep drinking that koolaid.

Like I said juvenile, Vita doesn't suck and Apple TV doesn't suck.

I was agreeing with you. I'm just surprised some people don't understand the obvious concept Sony is going for. It's well known that the early adopters are the enthusiast who buy plenty of games and its smart to target them first. There not going to be using this same strategy 2020.

Both MS & Sony want the same market. They're just doing it in different ways. There is no "Hardcore console". I would think people would be smarter than to blindly take Sony or anyone's marketing at face value. I would expect that from casuals, not an enthusiast who follows this stuff religiously on gaf.


i dont get it,how come MS let sony get the alleged better power?arent they in a better financial position to have the better power?

2 reasons

1. MS isn't just going after Hardcore, They are out for blood against Apple and is attempting to win the living room war, for not just gaming....but altogether

2. They probably thought Sony would just do whatever it could to just stay above water....Apparently Sony doesn't give a fuck and they just went all out


Missing the boat? Holy crap. I'll reserve judgement until I see the bloody thing. It's February. I'll have a better idea where my dollars are going after E3.

Click bait at it's finest.

This article sounds like it was written by a rabid fanboy, not a so called professional journalist...

Has Sony got peoples attention for now? Yes of course, but its not like the console is available for purchase now, tomorrow, or even 6 months from now. None of this hype or excitement is anywhere close to actually translating into real world $ for Sony.

Pieces like these should be left for after E3 when we'll know a lot more about both consoles.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
Yeah, they spent 20 minutes talking about all the YouTube channel apps they're adding one at a time, and 30 minutes talking about fitness software. Exactly like Microsoft.


Sony is all about the "core gamer" where Microsoft is only interested in "Entertainment".
I was agreeing with you. I'm just surprised some people don't understand the obvious concept Sony is going for. It's well known that the early adopters are the enthusiast who buy plenty of games and its smart to target them first. There not going to be using this same strategy 2020.

Both MS & Sony want the same market. They're just doing it in different ways. There is no "Hardcore console". I would think people would be smarter than to blindly take Sony or anyone's marketing at face value. I would expect that from casuals, not an enthusiast who follows this stuff religiously on gaf.

Ahh we agree, sorry I misinterpreted :)

I think its hilarious that they say they arent in direct competition or what ever, end game is still the same, rule the living room.


this article is ridiculous as is the nonsense opinions it is generating

Dreamcast? really?

MS just throws darts at walls and doesn't have some of the best engineers in the world and makes no plans for balance and success.

yea that's it.


This article sounds like it was written by a rabid fanboy, not a so called professional journalist...

Has Sony got peoples attention for now? Yes of course, but its not like the console is available for purchase now, tomorrow, or even 6 months from now. None of this hype or excitement is anywhere close to actually translating into real world $ for Sony.

Pieces like these should be left for after E3 when we'll know a lot more about both consoles.

Hence why Microsoft isn't in a rush to show anything.
I see we have another person that ignores things he doesn't want to see, one of the main things they were pushing was social for the love of FSM!

Yeah, and there's nothing more casual than live-streaming your speedruns of Killzone through Ustream! You realize social /= casual, right? Xbox Live is social. NeoGAF is social. YouTube Let's Plays are social. Live-streaming DOTA is social. Just because Sony uses the words social and Facebook does not give you license to stop listening and substituting all your own Zynga-tinged fantasies for what they're actually presenting.


This may mean nothing to you, and is a terrible joke now, but GDDR5 memory is a poor choice if they had media functionality in mind. Sony will never reach the potential of Kinnect 2.0 with voice commands, gestures, and tracking ability. Moreover, this is more than just Xbox, but a ploy to make Windows Phone 8 and Windows OS 8 migration a reality. Expect some exclusive sort of operations within that ecosystem. This is a concerted effort to make everything a unified approach. Ain't no jokes here son'.

The irony in all this, is that while the PS4 might be more powerful, the average consumer might view Durango as more capable. I just can't imagine Sony strictly focusing on games and let Durango be perceived as basically a computer in your living room.


If MS doesn't update their specs, it's going to get ugly among core gamers.

Casuals won't care though.

Yep. I'll be one of the core that tells MS to shove it. I spend a lot of money on Xbox Live and I buy the Xbox version of multiplats. I have several friends that feel the same and they spend more than I do.


This may mean nothing to you, and is a terrible joke now, but GDDR5 memory is a poor choice if they had media functionality in mind. Sony will never reach the potential of Kinnect 2.0 with voice commands, gestures, and tracking ability. Moreover, this is more than just Xbox, but a ploy to make Windows Phone 8 and Windows OS 8 migration a reality. Expect some exclusive sort of operations within that ecosystem. This is a concerted effort to make everything a unified approach. Ain't no jokes here son'.

At Thruway you seem to know quite alot. I honestly thing the all angle approach MS is taking will actually work. But I honestly think MS would have a huge advantage in that endeavor if they make at least the biggest game Backwards compatible. Xbox live members would t miss a beat and could easily transfer their account without the thought of playing two Xboxes with two Kinects. You Live account on two systems. If I'm on my Nextbox would I see my self log in when I turned on my 360?

Either way, I think MS is in a great position this gen.
Microsoft might be doing what people expect Apple to do with Apple TV. Make a hub box that can play next-gen games and has an app store.


That really is a lot of hyperbole. Durango hasn't been announced, so we know nothing about it. PS4 told us a lot about what to expect, while still leaving many things unanswered.
I don't think we'll have any indication of anything until E3.


I think ms needs to be real careful here, the brand xbox isnt that powerful only in the usa, in europe its third best only really in uk does it come close to what it is in the us and even then us in the uk are a very fickle bunch. The biggest brand has swapped hands pretty much every generation.

To go after a casual crowd when your brand is powder puff around the world apart from home soil would be madness, no one associates in the rest of the world the xbox brand with casual gaming no one. To push the boat out to get this so called crowd from the off would be a massive misstep.


Yep. I'll be one of the core that tells MS to shove it. I spend a lot of money on Xbox Live and I buy the Xbox version of multiplats. I have several friends that feel the same and they spend more than I do.

alright there's 4.

see MS... you big stupids!


I think specs mean less as time goes on. MS will be fine unless they do something really stupid, look how many people bought multiple 360s.

Now, if MS tries to tie Surface/Win8 to the new console, and make it where without the Surface you're really missing something, that could be a problem.
Gotta say if there is one thing Sony has been able to do that all these editorial pieces are proving, is they've finally recaptured a large chunk of mindshare they lost. Premature articles or not, it's a pretty big win when you center excitement and imagination around your product. MS better blow the doors off their reveal, if not Sony's momentum will continue unchecked.
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