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Wired: Final Fantasy Isn’t Dying. It’s Already Dead


Suffering From Success
Basically terra

But don't get me wrong I loved 6! My second favorite JRP behind persona 4
Well okay, what about Terra? I'm sure she's strikingly similar to all these high school anime MCs of today. Again, melodrama does not equate anime.
Then again, people have been comparing Madoka with Precure in this very thread, that alone should tell you everything about GAF and anime.


Well okay, what about Terra? I'm sure she's strikingly similar to all these high school anime MCs of today. Again, melodrama does not equate anime.

Think of it this way: is a teenage girl singing and moping about love "anime"?

The answer is: Yes, when it's FFx-2, and no, when it's FF6.

That's the kind of logic FF fans generally have.


Haven't enjoyed one since X but I don't agree with the 'dead' hyperbole. XV has me hyped, as Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 got me through the Final Fantasy drought.


Well okay, what about Terra? I'm sure she's strikingly similar to all these high school anime MCs of today. Again, melodrama does not equate anime.
Then again, people have been comparing Madoka with Precure in this very thread, that alone should tell you everything about GAF and anime.

Perhaps not anime

But being an a love obsessed amnesiac is one randomly destroyed home town away from being a poster child of JRP tropes

And her home town was destroyed but not really in the way most are


Suffering From Success
Think of it this way: is a teenage girl singing and moping about love "anime"?

The answer is: Yes, when it's FFx-2, and no, when it's FF6.

That's the kind of logic FF fans generally have.
But the answer is neither. Or is "it's anime" card used like some kind of free negative point?
I'm sorry, people who use this kind of criticism need to get to know anime more, because it's a very diverse medium to the point where when you say "anime tropes" it doesn't mean anything because there's no common anime tropes. Maybe in Sunday morning superhero stuff, sure enough, but that's just one genre.

Perhaps not anime

But being an a love obsessed amnesiac is one randomly destroyed home town away from being a poster child of JRP tropes

And her home town was destroyed but not really in the way most are
It wasn't that kind of love she was looking for, you know this. Destroyed hometown is a JRPG trope more than anything anyway, what anime in the last 5 years had that kind of setup?


But the answer is neither. Or is "it's anime" card used like some kind of free negative point?
I'm sorry, people who use this kind of criticism need to get to know anime more, because it's a very diverse medium to the point where when you say "anime tropes" it doesn't mean anything because there's no common anime tropes. Maybe in Sunday morning superhero stuff, sure enough, but that's just one genre.

Hey, don't look at me, I'm not the one dissing things for being anime. There's plenty of other people doing that. Search the thread for the word and see how many are.

I'm the one pointing out the hypocrisy and showing how their memories are being clouded by nostalgia and fond childhood memories. Like that guy who was whining about the modern designs being too full of "scarfs" and "prancy clothes" and "skimpy outfits" and then quietly vanishing when it's shown the earlier games had just as much...


But the answer is neither. Or is "it's anime" card used like some kind of free negative point?
I'm sorry, people who use this kind of criticism need to get to know anime more, because it's a very diverse medium to the point where when you say "anime tropes" it doesn't mean anything because there's no common anime tropes. Maybe in Sunday morning superhero stuff, sure enough, but that's just one genre.

It wasn't that kind of love she was looking for, you know this. Destroyed hometown is a JRPG trope more than anything anyway, what anime in the last 5 years had that kind of setup?

Yeah I do that's one of the reasons why I loved the game so much

And dear god I DON'T hate the stereotypical "anime" or "JRPG" stuff. I play a bit of the tales of stuff and they are unabashedly "J" (I even OWN tales of hearts)

I was only pointing out that the series didn't have a J-esque slant until around 6


With all the talk of XIII-2's pitiful sales, looking at the series sales history really puts it into perspective, ouch

*click to enlarge*
Green=Europe or PAL- well really just the EU


So with XIII-2 we're back to FFII levels as far as FF goes?
It's a disaster.
And America fucking loved FF coming into FFXIII I guess


With all the talk of XIII-2's pitiful sales, looking at the series sales history really puts it into perspective, ouch

*click to enlarge*
Green=Europe or PAL- well really just the EU

Man, IX did really poorly. Such a shame, since that probably killed any hope of more Final Fantasy games like it. Numbered ones at least.


Neo Member
Nothing's ever dead unless it stops completely*. Otherwise we and our endeavors continuously lie flickering somewhere between imminent ruin and glorious rebirth.

Or Kenshiro happens.


Dragons' Dogma / Demon's Souls are action RPGs and definitely not where FF needs to go (although a FF spin off in that vein would nice).

People dont want FFXII's battle system the psuedo offline MMO gameplay experience where you set up commands and the game plays its self.

Personally the best direction for the series is to mix FFX and FFXII. FFXII had this amazing free roaming world they need that but use an ATB based system (I know FFX wasn't ATB) and not some Kingdom Hearts / MMO action game one.

What is this distinction though? If Dragon's Dogma is an action RPG then what is an RPG then? To me Dragon's Dogma is an RPG plain and simple. It just has a wonderful, action-packed combat system. Not saying FF needs to go so far in the action direction but I think DD shows how you can make a party-based RPG combat incredibly fun and epic and integrated into the exploration experience.

I think FF XIII-2 had a combat system like you describe. You could see the enemies onscreen but when you engaged them you were trapped in some kind of zone and it went to an old school-style ATB system. I only played the demo so not 100% on this. This didn't really work for me to be honest. After FF XII and other RPGs this idea of a separate battle screen from the exploration screen just feels so outdated.


Is Wired even a name? I mean, unless they're reporting on the genericness of mainstream games and how much everyone enjoys it...I mean, I feel Wired has lost it's edge relating to specific things like the video game world. They should stick to reviewing triple A blockbusters and commenting on the popularity of WiiFit.


Is Wired even a name? I mean, unless they're reporting on the genericness of mainstream games and how much everyone enjoys it...I mean, I feel Wired has lost it's edge relating to specific things like the video game world. They should stick to reviewing triple A blockbusters and commenting on the popularity of WiiFit.

I think it is still useful in the fact that it represents opinions of a younger audience (compared to USA today, etc.) that is broader than game specific sites. So to get the massive numbers that VII/X did, you need mass market appeal. I think Wired is probably a decent barometer on that type of audience.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Is Wired even a name? I mean, unless they're reporting on the genericness of mainstream games and how much everyone enjoys it...I mean, I feel Wired has lost it's edge relating to specific things like the video game world. They should stick to reviewing triple A blockbusters and commenting on the popularity of WiiFit.

I think it is still useful in the fact that it represents opinions of a younger audience (compared to USA today, etc.) that is broader than game specific sites. So to get the massive numbers that VII/X did, you need mass market appeal. I think Wired is probably a decent barometer on that type of audience.

The writer is Chris Kohler, though... so it's not some uninformed about gaming "tech" writer. He knows his stuff, he knows the business. It's okay for you to disagree with him about this particular issue, though (I sure do).


Sorry guy who wrote article, but the goofy JPOP shit in X-2 was really fun. So was its combat and replayability. And FF couldn't have died at X-2 since XII came out after it and it's the best game in the series.

XIII is hot turds tho.


With all the talk of XIII-2's pitiful sales, looking at the series sales history really puts it into perspective, ouch

*click to enlarge*
Green=Europe or PAL- well really just the EU




FF13 sold better than FF12?

Stop the planet, I need to get off.

I am sorry but if this is true then gamers deserve what is coming to them.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious



FF13 sold better than FF12?

Stop the planet, I need to get off.

I am sorry but if this is true then gamers deserve what is coming to them.

That's not really surprising though. It was marketed more heavily, the first of a new generation, with a multiform release.


The fact that X is the second most popular FF shows you how many people don't really know what they are talking about, I remember when it was released and people said it killed the franchise blablabla. Not only people loved it, but even the "awful, unwanted" sequel sold better than FFIX.

If FFXV will do FFXIII numbers the series will be alright, I don't remember people saying the series was dead after the release of FFIX, despite making "bad" numbers. The good thing about the franchise is that every episode is completely different, I can't wait for FFXV to come out so people will stop making all these uninformed conclusions.


The writer is Chris Kohler, though... so it's not some uninformed about gaming "tech" writer. He knows his stuff, he knows the business. It's okay for you to disagree with him about this particular issue, though (I sure do).

Sure, that may be true. I do not know the background of the author. Assuming it is true, my followup point would be do the readers of Wired find his point to be untrue? Do the readers even care about FF? How has that changed since the past? Unfortunately for FF, I think the answers would corroborate with what he is saying.


Junior Member



FF13 sold better than FF12?

Stop the planet, I need to get off.

I am sorry but if this is true then gamers deserve what is coming to them.

You didn't know this? I'm actually surprised and pleased to see that the gap is so small, between XII and XIII. People keep saying how crazy popular that XIII was in Japan, but these figures paint a very different picture. Then again, I would appreciate it if there was some sort of source on this image. I'm not one to take a random paint file as gospel until I see where the information originated. It does, however, seem very accurate, based on what I already know about the sales.





FF13 sold better than FF12?

Stop the planet, I need to get off.

I am sorry but if this is true then gamers deserve what is coming to them.

With a popular series, if you drop a turd, the sales sometime do not reflect this. Because many people will buy it on the name recognition alone without knowledge that it is a turd. So they will only wise up when they have played the turd and it will be subsequent games in the series after that which suffer the loss in sales.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Sure, that may be true. I do not know the background of the author. Assuming it is true, my followup point would be do the readers of Wired find his point to be untrue? Do the readers even care about FF? How has that changed since the past? Unfortunately for FF, I think the answers would corroborate with what he is saying.

I'm sure the response to this article will be as diverse as it is here on GAF.

It's just one man's opinion. It's not a expose of any new facts, just an opinion piece. And it's not like this piece was more than a few paragraphs - I'd weigh it about on part with your average GAF post in terms of ultimate public meaning :p


Well I dunno if Final Fantasy is dead in terms of profitability, but it is certainly dead for me. XII was the last FF I sorta enjoyed and IX was the last one that I really enjoyed. So yeah it has been a while. From the looks of it FFXV won't change that and it would probably take a major shake up to do it. Which is sad as Final Fantasy was the series of my childhood. To see it(and for that matter almost all console JRPGs) fallen so far sucks.
Well, the last entry I really enjoyed was IX. The cast of X was horrible, the game was stupidly easy and linear, XII bored me to death (who wants a game that plays itself), XIII had the potential to be great but somehow they ruined it, except for the awesome battle system, and XI and XIV were MMORPGs, too much of a time killer for me to even touch them.

And the voice acting. Somehow voice acting really brought the stupid dialogue forward and killed the games to some extend for me. Reading dumb characters like Vanille, Wakka and Rikku is one thing, but hearing them with bad voice acting makes it a lot worse.
That's not really surprising though. It was marketed more heavily, the first of a new generation, with a multiform release.

Exactly. Plus, the trend of having ridiculous development cycles started with XII if I remember right. XII and XIII had the same "what the hell are they even doing" development cycles, only difference is XII was a spectacular game that no one cared about so late in the PS2 life cycle, and XIII was a turd that released under the banner of SE's first next-gen, HD Final Fantasy.


Exactly. Plus, the trend of having ridiculous development cycles started with XII if I remember right. XII and XIII had the same "what the hell are they even doing" development cycles, only difference is XII was a spectacular game that no one cared about so late in the PS2 life cycle, and XIII was a turd that released under the banner of SE's first next-gen, HD Final Fantasy.

You make it seem like Final Fantasy XII was universally thought to be fantastic. It's, at best, controversial.


Yeah, I guess he's ri -

breast-jiggling simulator Lightning Returns


X and VIII are as bad as XIII. Especially X is horrible. The story in all three games is so full of plot holes, inconsistencies and bad logic that they are pretty much impossible to enjoy unless you are a fanboy in denial.

Sure, feel free to tell people what they can and cannot enjoy. I await your in-depth analysis about the flaws from each one so you can corroborate your rather bold statement.


These two are fantastic games and believing they've done anything to the brand is ignorance.

What is it with people trying to lump X and VIII into Square's current issues?

X and VIII are as bad as XIII. Especially X is horrible. The story in all three games is so full of plot holes, inconsistencies and bad logic that they are pretty much impossible to enjoy unless you are a fanboy in denial.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Final fantasy quality-wise died long time ago when type 0, probably the best recent final fantasy, didn't get a localization.


Yeah sure.

When XV will get good reviews 10mln copies will fly off shelf faster than ever.
FFXIII was mediacore FF but it still sold 6mln+

X and VIII are as bad as XIII. Especially X is horrible. The story in all three games is so full of plot holes, inconsistencies and bad logic that they are pretty much impossible to enjoy unless you are a fanboy in denial.

Guess i am fanboy in denial because FFX and FFVIII were awesome games. FFXIII was probably the worst FF game but FFXII was not that much far off with it's shitty MMO gameplay and story that was butchered and characters that beside fran and balthier were worse than even FFXIII


X and VIII are as bad as XIII. Especially X is horrible. The story in all three games is so full of plot holes, inconsistencies and bad logic that they are pretty much impossible to enjoy unless you are a fanboy in denial.

You don't run down a four foot wide hallway doing nothing but battling in either of those games. There are sidequests and events and customization and... fun in both VIII and X, for all of their flaws.

XIII makes Gears of War look like an open world game.


Well, the last entry I really enjoyed was IX. The cast of X was horrible, the game was stupidly easy and linear, XII bored me to death (who wants a game that plays itself), XIII had the potential to be great but somehow they ruined it, except for the awesome battle system, and XI and XIV were MMORPGs, too much of a time killer for me to even touch them.

And the voice acting. Somehow voice acting really brought the stupid dialogue forward and killed the games to some extend for me. Reading dumb characters like Vanille, Wakka and Rikku is one thing, but hearing them with bad voice acting makes it a lot worse.

X was only easy if you precharged the overdrives of your aeons before bosses or used a guide to get hidden aeons like Yojimbo, Anima, and Magus Sisters. If you didn't do that, there were moments in X much tougher than anything in IX. I died many times on Seymour, Yunalesca, Sin, Jecht, yet everything in IX was a breeze to me.

Talk about bad examples to pick for bad acting. John DiMaggio and Tara Strong are excellent voice actors, so the voice acting for Wakka and Rikku were pretty flawless. I could see if you had problems with Yuna, but Wakka and Rikku? Come on. You can't be serious.


Final Fantasy died after FFX.
Every "FF" after FFX is a piece of crap.
It's not even a FF, if you look at FF1 - 10



Talk about bad examples to pick for bad acting. John DiMaggio and Tara Strong are excellent voice actors, so the voice acting for Wakka and Rikku were pretty flawless. I could see if you had problems with Yuna, but Wakka and Rikku? Come on. You can't be serious.

DiMaggio and Strong are very good voice actors, but their performances in Final Fantasy X are bad. Part of that is the dialogue, part of it is the necessary delay to match up their VO to the japanese animation - but mostly, I think it's the voices they choose or were directed to have.

The only good voice acting in that game is the narration.


X was only easy if you precharged the overdrives of your aeons before bosses or used a guide to get hidden aeons like Yojimbo, Anima, and Magus Sisters. If you didn't do that, there were moments in X much tougher than anything in IX. I died many times on Seymour, Yunalesca, Sin, Jecht, yet everything in IX was a breeze to me.

Talk about bad examples to pick for bad acting. John DiMaggio and Tara Strong are excellent voice actors, so the voice acting for Wakka and Rikku were pretty flawless. I could see if you had problems with Yuna, but Wakka and Rikku? Come on. You can't be serious.

For some people, any English voice acting is bad, no matter what. Doesn't matter if the voice director did a good job, doesn't matter if the actors are good, doesn't even matter if the lips were resynced to match the English voices (like they did in FFXIII). People will say the voices are crap regardless. FFX was the first FF to have voices, and coming after the PS1 era, I'd say they did a pretty damn good job. By the time FFXII rolled around, the voice acting had improved to the point where I'd say it's some of the best in JRPGs. But oh well, let's ignore that and focus on how a game that came out over 12 years ago had subpar voice acting as somehow indicative of the fall of the FF series.

The FFX hate in this thread baffles me, too. It's one of the few FFs where I felt the story really wrapped up well at the end and tied up most plot threads successfully.


For some people, any English voice acting is bad, no matter what. Doesn't matter if the voice director did a good job, doesn't matter if the actors are good, doesn't even matter if the lips were resynced to match the English voices. People will say the voices are crap regardless.

The FFX hate in this thread baffles me, too. It's one of the few FFs where I felt the story really wrapped up well at the end and tied up most plot threads successfully.

Didn't you know? Hating on popular iterations of Final Fantasy is cool now!


You don't run down a four foot wide hallway doing nothing but battling in either of those games. There are sidequests and events and customization and... fun in both VIII and X, for all of their flaws.

XIII makes Gears of War look like an open world game.

Gameplay in XIII is just boring, the fights are good but are weighted down by the rest of the game.

X has the most atrocious, poorly written script in the series. I hated the game from beginning to end, not because the theme didn't resonate with me but because of the horrible plot holes. If I didn't expect a story to make sense within it's own world, and had no regard for consistency and logic at all I could probably enjoy it. VIII has the same problem.

Earlier entries in the series has plot holes as well but they are much more lighthearted and cartoonish in style so these issues aren't as much of a bother in those games.





FF13 sold better than FF12?

Stop the planet, I need to get off.

I am sorry but if this is true then gamers deserve what is coming to them.

I imagine it was probably due to the game coming out on two "next-generation" platforms. Also, XII had a fairly strong fan-base, so they were probably already a sell. Anything after that was just an added sell-through.


The Amiga Brotherhood
It will be okay. You'll still have a fan translation.

That's not the point, if square prefers to tie the final fantasy name to things like ffxiii games, lightining, all the bravest etc over type 0 leaving it in japan(square could have made a port if the psp was not profitable enough) then the series is in serious troubles.


Gameplay in XIII is just boring, the fights are good but are weighted down by the rest of the game.

X has the most atrocious, poorly written script in the series. I hated the game from beginning to end, not because the theme didn't resonate with me but because of the horrible plot holes. If I didn't expect a story to make sense within it's own world, and had no regard for consistency and logic at all I could probably enjoy it. VIII has the same problem.

Earlier entries in the series has plot holes as well but they are much more lighthearted and cartoonish in style so these issues aren't as much of a bother in those games.

Mind listing some of the horrible plot holes you found in FFX? I'm genuinely curious because it's been awhile since I played the game and I honestly don't remember many.


Gameplay in XIII is just boring, the fights are good but are weighted down by the rest of the game.

There is no "rest of the game". You run down a path, fight until you get to a save/store and do the lamest equipping in the history of the franchise. It's a decent battle engine, CG cutscenes and colorful backgrounds - nothing more.

X has the most atrocious, poorly written script in the series. I hated the game from beginning to end, not because the theme didn't resonate with me but because of the horrible plot holes. If I didn't expect a story to make sense within it's own world, and had no regard for consistency and logic at all I could probably enjoy it. VIII has the same problem.

I'd like to hear about these plot-holes, because I didn't notice or care too much about them. Granted, every Final Fantasy kind of has bizarre logic and dropped threads (at least in their english iteration), but X is the only one in the whole line I don't feel completely fell apart in the last third storywise.
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