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As a multi-console owner, why do I even care?


GAF, please help me ponder this question. I own all the consoles and I have a decent PC capable of playing the latest games, but why do I still root for one console over the other? I mean, it's quite natural for any gamer to have a preference one way or another, but to flat out find myself root for the Xbox 360 in this lame ass console war and actually cringe when there's positive Wii or PS3 news is a damn travesty.

I shouldn't give a crap, right? RIGHT!?!? So then why does sony's fall from grace make me happy while wii's hardware #'s make me sad? Why do I like it when a previously sony-exclusive 3rd party game goes to the 360 (e.g. Devil May Cry) and hate it when a previously xbox-exclusive 3rd party game goes to the PS3 (e.g. Ninja Gaiden)?


"Help me NeoGAF-Kenobi, you're my only hope"
You probably find one console's experiences to be better than the others. You want this experience to flourish, so you're happy when the company does well.

This isn't unreasonable.


Hmm, that is interesting.
Last generation I got the PS2 and Dreamcast in 2001, the GameCube in 2003, and the XBOX in 2004. Since the PS2 was my first one, it was always my main system, and I usually got multiplats on it over the other two versions, so I remember being upset if the PS2 version of a game sucked. I think I have 87 PS2 games, 35-ish XBOX games, and 17 GameCube games.
I guess pretty much everyone picks a main system whether they know it or not.


Post Count: 9999
open_mouth_ said:
GAF, please help me ponder this question. I own all the consoles and I have a decent PC capable of playing the latest games, but why do I still root for one console over the other? I mean, it's quite natural for any gamer to have a preference one way or another, but to flat out find myself root for the Xbox 360 in this lame ass console war and actually cringe when there's positive Wii or PS3 news is a damn travesty.

I shouldn't give a crap, right? RIGHT!?!? So then why does sony's fall from grace make me happy while wii's hardware #'s make me sad? Why do I like it when a previously sony-exclusive 3rd party game goes to the 360 (e.g. Devil May Cry) and hate it when a previously xbox-exclusive 3rd party game goes to the PS3 (e.g. Ninja Gaiden)?


"Help me NeoGAF-Kenobi, you're my only hope"

There's nothing wrong with having preferences.

Its like music ... you may enjoy several genres or bands, but can still have a favorite.


Well, since 360 is the factually superior system of the three, it's no surprise to find some joy in that. Naturally, like sports fans rooting for their favorite team, this joy can convert into hardcore dedication and rabid rejection of opposition.

Why do you care? Well, how can we answer that for you? It has developed into a habit for you probably, and intertwined with your internet "persona" and this might be difficult for you to disconnect after a while.

Oni Jazar

Because you want the lead development to be on the most powerful platform thereby avoiding the Lowest Common Denominator plague. Therefore you must root for the Wii.


Because we paid for both systems to play the best games on each one, and as games become multiplatform we start to feel stupid.

Though seriously, there's more than enough exclusives on each system at this point in time to justify the purchases already.

And the Wii is destroying gaming D;///
open_mouth_ said:
"Help me NeoGAF-Kenobi, you're my only hope"

if we are you're only hope, you're pretty fucked

it's ok to root for one product over another for the most irrelevant of reasons-see any decent rivalry between sports team. Stop trying to be some erudite impartial arbiter of gaming and slap on some xbox green facepaint and have some fun-just don't take things too seriously.


Since you have the buying power to own over $1200 in consoles + games, I think the answer to your question is that you can afford to.


I had a Gamecube and a PS2 last gen.. and rooted for the PS2 because it had way better software.. I'll just assume that's a reason you might be rooting for the 360, because there are actually good games to play on the darn thing. However.. if I were you, I might be rooting for the PS3 after dropping 600 bucks on one, just to not feel like a jackass for buying a console for twice the price of the competition.
Awntawn said:
Because we paid for both systems to play the best games on each one, and as games become multiplatform we start to feel stupid.

Though seriously, there's more than enough exclusives on each system at this point in time to justify the purchases already.

:eek: ;/ 3;

I think deep down, everyone has some bias, except for Amir0x. Hurrrr.


Amir0x said:
Well, since 360 is the factually superior system of the three, it's no surprise to find some joy in that.

Superior in terms of technical specs or gamewise...because if its the former then i think your a lil too hasty in your assumption.
You root for it because it is the console that has give you, personally, the most value/enjoyment.

I'm in the same boat . . . I have all three but I find myself playing the 360 most and thus I guess I kinda have an unconscious bias toward it.

Resistance is fun on the PS3 and it is a great Blu-Ray player but there is such a bigger library with more of an online community on the 360.

Nothing beats the Wii when it comes to multi-player party fun and the super high-quality of most of Nintendo's first party games is undeniable. But the Wii's limited CPU/GPU power just can't render beautiful graphics like Gears, Bioshock, Rainbow Six, etc.

Of course the 360 is a piece of shit when it comes to reliability.
Seriously , It's human nature , you probably also like certain movies and types of music, maybe you root for certain sports teams. The bias in you see in console warz is very similar to a deep seeded sporting rivalry. I find it fun to a point. I weep for some of the people so lost that they are in denial so bad that they should seek help.


360's just a genuinely hardcore gaming console.

My opinion is that MS has basically inherited Sega's "attitude" and presence. Xbox360 is almost like this generation's Sega Genesis, which is very cool to me.


Hah I feel the same way. But the reason I feel that way is that the fans of certain consoles annoy me more than others. Does having a laugh when a console company screws up and it makes their fans sad, make me evil? Seriously, I really think that at the root of it all, most people hate the fans of the brand, not the brand itself. Sometimes, its like sports. I don't necessarily hate a team, but their fans are enough for me to root against them.

And for the record, I enjoy gaming on both the 360 and the PS3. Wii, not so much. That's why I gave it away (only to feel givers remorse when MP3 came out).


i have a ps3 and 360, but all i play is ps3. im just not interested in the 360. i even cancelled my live gold account due to disuse.

it was the same with saturn and ps1. all i played was saturn. some subconscious thing about underdogs i guess. oh and the saturn BLEW THE PS1 AWAY PS1 SUX


Souther said:
Superior in terms of technical specs or gamewise...because if its the former then i think your a lil too hasty in your assumption.

games, power (including 'ease of development', allowing devs to more easily exploit its inherent power), XBLA + XBL Gold (the true revolution), best controller of all time, being the most attractive from a cost perspective while not gimping its power to satisfy people who hate games

it's a very well designed system! I preferred: NES, SNES, PlayStation, PlayStation 2, now Xbox 360. I always owned all the systems, and played the good ones, but there's always one system that blows the others away. This time it just happens to be Microsoft's. Company is irrelevant.


chemicals said:
I had a Gamecube and a PS2 last gen.. and rooted for the PS2 because it had way better software.. I'll just assume that's a reason you might be rooting for the 360, because there are actually good games to play on the darn thing. However.. if I were you, I might be rooting for the PS3 after dropping 600 bucks on one, just to not feel like a jackass for buying a console for twice the price of the competition.

:lol :lol :lol


open_mouth_ said:
GAF, please help me ponder this question. I own all the consoles and I have a decent PC capable of playing the latest games, but why do I still root for one console over the other? I mean, it's quite natural for any gamer to have a preference one way or another, but to flat out find myself root for the Xbox 360 in this lame ass console war and actually cringe when there's positive Wii or PS3 news is a damn travesty.

I shouldn't give a crap, right? RIGHT!?!? So then why does sony's fall from grace make me happy while wii's hardware #'s make me sad? Why do I like it when a previously sony-exclusive 3rd party game goes to the 360 (e.g. Devil May Cry) and hate it when a previously xbox-exclusive 3rd party game goes to the PS3 (e.g. Ninja Gaiden)?


"Help me NeoGAF-Kenobi, you're my only hope"

Why then did you buy a Wii & PS3? You say you want Sony to fail & the Wii's hardware numbers make you sad! Why did you buy a PS3? you're supporting Sony, you bought a Wii, increasing there hardware numbers! None of this makes sense!

Are you sure you own a Wii & PS3?


Post Count: 9999
Porridge said:
360's just a genuinely hardcore gaming console.

My opinion is that MS has basically inherited Sega's "attitude" and presence. Xbox360 is almost like this generation's Sega Genesis, which is very cool to me.


Based on last gen (if not the last two) ... I fully expect PS3 to get more niche titles ... so I'm not sure where you're coming from.
I just think the negative Sony news is hillarious given how pompus and arrogant they (and their fanbase) were up until E3 2006. It's already failed to live up to the hype it generated at E3 2005, and all I wonder now is just how far will it lag behind the 360 and Wii this gen. I own the PS3, but it's definitely a movie player. The 360 gets 90% of my gaming time that's not World of Warcraft. The only negative thing I feel about the Wii is I'd hate for the technology to slow down with these consoles every gen. I wonder just how far of a gimmick other console manufacturers will try to match what Nintendo has pulled off with theirs. I actually love games just like they are now with better looking graphics and stories. That has nothing to do with how I interact with the game. I just despise mini games I suppose.


I've owned pretty much every system since the 2600 and you're not crazy. I think last gen was the only time where I couldn't pick an absolute favorite.

Talking about why you feel different this gen, it's pretty easy. Sony tanking is interesting because it dominated the past two cycles. The Wii prospering could completely destroy gaming as we know it the next round of consoles.
Firewire said:
Why then did you buy a Wii & PS3? You say you want Sony to fail & the Wii's hardware numbers make you sad! Why did you buy a PS3? you're supporting Sony, you bought a Wii, increasing there hardware numbers! None of this makes sense!

Are you sure you own a Wii & PS3?
He didn't feel that way when he bought them.
Wow was actually thinking of making the same type of thread.
I only own the 360 myself but I believe strongly in wii60.
Same thing though, I cringe when I hear good news about the PS3 and the possibility of a $399 version. I'm too lazy to explain my reasoning right now.
I'm in my mid 30's, married, kids, house the whole thing. Why do I care so much about the console wars?:lol
It could be as simple as the 360's controller was made by God and the PS3's controller was made by an idiot. I have tried playing games on the PS3 and hated the experience. I don't want the #1 console to have the worst controller possible.
Well I guess that's my lame reasoning for now.:D
Seriously though, I actively root against Microsoft right now, for the simple reason that I do not like its approach to the console business at this point. It's gone against everything it did right and that made me like the company last generation, and the current strategy seems mostly fitting for a company that needs to succeed now, and that may not actually have a long term interest in the games console industry as such. The whole suicidal hardware bit is only part of the picture here. This company is not one that deserves any goodwill at this point, least of all from consumers.


There is no problem with having a preference. That is perfectly normal, depending on what priorities you look for in a game.

However there is a problem when people feel that their preference is the only correct one, and that anyone with an opposing preference is "inferior", "stupid", "blind", "ignorant", or "misguided".

The elitist attitude of some will create a hostile environment for a certain piece of news that conflicts with their preference, and chances are they will probably make a snide remark about it. Those with an opposing preference, elitist or not, will take varying degrees of offense to the remark. Another elitist snob will probably make a snide remark back, and the pattern begins again. It resembles that of a flushing toilet.

So it isn't about whether or not you have a preference, but more whether or not you tolerate people who don't share the same preference as you. If you can't tolerate them, then I feel that the problem lies entirely with you and not to make excuses of your own intolerance, disguising them as "human nature".

not saying that you are intolerant, but just trying to give a little insight.


Amir0x said:
games, power (including 'ease of development', allowing devs to more easily exploit its inherent power), XBLA + XBL Gold (the true revolution), best controller of all time, being the most attractive from a cost perspective while not gimping its power to satisfy people who hate games

it's a very well designed system! I preferred: NES, SNES, PlayStation, PlayStation 2, now Xbox 360. I always owned all the systems, and played the good ones, but there's always one system that blows the others away. This time it just happens to be Microsoft's. Company is irrelevant.

Like i said. your being too hasty.

I agree that from what has been shown..the PS3 is the more difficult to get the most out of off the bat. But I believe it has come farther faster than what the 360 was doing at the same time in its life.

Once developers learn how to get the most out of the PS3 it will eventually shows its technical superiority.

Games...now thats that different matter.

If theres atleast 1 place where the PS3 destroys it right from the beginning it is in terms of reliability.


Onix said:

Based on last gen (if not the last two) ... I fully expect PS3 to get more niche titles ... so I'm not sure where you're coming from.
How curious, I have a different console pegged down as the 'niche title console' this time, also based on the last two generations.
AltogetherAndrews said:
I don't know man, you should strive to become fair and impartial, like me.

Sersiously, I actively root against Microsoft right now, for the simple reason that I do not like its approach to the console business right now. It's gone against everything it did right and that made me like the company last generation, and the current strategy seems mostly fitting for a company that needs to succeed now, and that may not actually have a long term interest in the games console industry as such.

oh oh good one man :lol

i just knew you'd have a sweet nugget for this thread
I love to see Nintendo do well but my most looked foward to game is Mass Effect on the 360. Im a gamer first and Nintedno fan second.
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