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31 Days of Horror 3 |OT| The October Movie Marathon


Oct 7: Pontypool : The lead performance carries the movie, and the concept was a twist on
the recent 'signal' wave of zombies
if that makes sense. When a character shows up in the middle, I thought he almost broke the movie, but I warmed up to his absurdity. Even when the rules and origin of the threat get a little wonky, I still really enjoyed it. 8/10.


Oct. 1 The Evil Dead (1983) - Great
Oct. 2 VHS 2 - Good
Oct. 3 Blair Witch Project - Boring
Oct. 4 Sleepaway Camp - Great
Oct. 5 Drag Me To Hell - Boring
Oct. 6 The Possession - Great
Oct. 7 Session 9 - So that's where that gif came from! It's probably the best movie I've seen so far out of the bunch.
Oct. 1 Evil Dead - Great
Oct. 2 VHS 2 - Good
Oct. 3 Blair Witch Project - Boring
Oct. 4 Sleepaway Camp - Great
Oct. 5 Drag Me To Hell - Boring
Oct. 6 The Possession - Great
Oct. 7 Session 9 - So that's where that gif came from! It's probably the best movie I've seen so far out of the bunch.

Evil Dead remake or original?


Oct 7: Pontypool : The lead performance carries the movie, and the concept was a twist on
the recent 'signal' wave of zombies
if that makes sense. When a character shows up in the middle, I thought he almost broke the movie, but I warmed up to his absurdity. Even when the rules and origin of the threat get a little wonky, I still really enjoyed it. 8/10.

Pontypool is awesome. I watched it on a completely random "flutter through a bunch of movies and watch whatever you stop on" Netflix viewing and I loved it.


Pontypool is awesome. I watched it on a completely random "flutter through a bunch of movies and watch whatever you stop on" Netflix viewing and I loved it.

Glad to see pontypool getting some love it was one of those random netflix viewings for me and ive watched it a fair few times since


I just looked up Ponytool. Sounds interesting and I do love psychological films. If it's still available on netflix I'll check it out.



3. Elvira Mistress of the Dark

Not necessarily scary but has horror elements, I gave this movie a try on a whim. It surprised me, I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. Found myself liking the combination of comedy and horror. Would recommend. 4/5


4. Entity

The combination of found-footage and regular movie shots sort of ruined the movie for me. Feels like if they stuck with just using found-footage I would of enjoyed it. Would not recommend. 1/5


5. Tokyo Gore Police

I've watched movies similar to this one before, blood, blood and gore everywhere. Came into the movie not expecting realism or deep story, I enjoyed it. This one is very over the top when it comes to it's gore scenes, many scenes reminded me of manga panels. This movie is for a very cliche audience. Would not recommend. 2/5


6. Hellraiser II

Saw the first Hellraiser last year and liked it. This once tops the first for me. The special effects are great for its time. Would recommend. 4/5


I have a suspicion that it might be worth it to do a combo review of the two Ginger Snaps films that I've scheduled for today, so a full write-up will be coming later tonight, after I've viewed the sequel. My quick thoughts on the first film, though, is that it's a remarkably well-done film. Very funny and shockingly heartfelt in equal measures, and the two leads give probably the most believable performances of sisters that I've ever seen. It doesn't have a whole hell of a lot to do with the rest of the cast, who get discarded with increasing frequency as the film progresses (and not in the werewolf-y kind of way), and the finale did make me question just how large the Fitzgerald home actually was, but it's a very accomplished film all the same.

Dat ending ;-;
I actually thought the sequel was decent, though not as good as the first. Prequel is terrible, though. Haven't seen any of them in a few years, though, so maybe it's time for some rewatches.


I actually thought the sequel was decent, though not as good as the first. Prequel is terrible, though. Haven't seen any of them in a few years, though, so maybe it's time for some rewatches.

I'm not expecting the sequel to be better, but I did like that the ending of the film did leave room open for one in a logical manner, rather than forcing an ass-pull to justify the quest for more money.


Catching up on my three day backlog, here's my sixth movie of the month:
# 6 - The Lost Boys

What an entertaining ride this movie takes you for! I feel like for an 80s movie it's up there with Back to the Future or Karate Kid in terms of its classic nature. The atmosphere is great (cheesy but only when the situation requires some irony and ham-fisted lines) and it features a good amount of depth from beginning to end; the final act is superb and you get there not being sure exactly what's going to happen. I'd recommend this one to vampire/80s/horror fans across the board.

# 7 - American Mary

Weird sort of a movie if you go into it expecting something that the movie is not. It's not a fully realized monster movie with a protagonist that you get to cheer for and it's also not a film that you enjoy hating the main character in either. It splits the difference and really if you can get behind Mary's random and impulsive actions, you'll probably enjoy some of the positives that are here for the taking. If you're like me though you'll find yourself pissed that this chick is doing increasingly stupid things over and over and never heads toward redemption. Not a waste of time but definitely too close to Saw and Hostel for my tastes is how I view this movie. If you like you some torture porn and hot actresses this may be the film for you.

Edit: I do have to say you'll feel like more of a badass playing Medic in TF2 after watching American Mary...ubersaw crits ftw, lol...

#8 - Event Horizon

This was kind of a meh movie after the great visuals and atmosphere take a back seat to the plot, but what else is new in B-horror as a genre. I was surprised this thing had such a massive budget and I guess it must have flopped pretty hard since no sequel has been put out...and I for one am not too sad about that fact.

#9 - Severance

An interesting parody that still spends way too much time trying to be scary, this movie is probably best for those who aren't tired of the more drawn out style of finale. The last act just lasted way to long to me and I was honestly ready for it to be over wel before all was said and done. The humor is great when it's there but overall this commentary on horror movies felt a little too focused on trying to be both scary and funny.
Day 6 -


It was surprisingly enjoyable, for me it was better than 3. It was good to see Cox, Arquette and Campbell still on it 15 years after the first one, the "new generation" was decent and I loved the
knife to the head

Day 7 -


It´s weird that it took me so long to watch on of the Creepshows because I love horror anthologies. I was kind to start with the first one but it seems that it isn´t on Netflix.
The 3 stories were decent, "The Hitch-hiker" was the best but I was a bit disturbed by something on "The Raft".
Randy was supposed to be a decent guy but
he almost rapes Laverne while she is sleeping. She didn´t seem to have much interest in him and he just starts to undress her on the raft without any apparent reason. That scene was really weird.
3. The Happening (2008)


Oh god.. probably the worst 'horror' film I have watched since the very first 31 Days of Horror...Basically, its a M Night Shymalan directed film about plants sending pheromones or something to people to make them kill themselves, a decent concept which completely fails in many things. Here are just a few. 1) Acting - Mark Wahlberg and Zooey Deschanel have no chemistry together, there are a lot of scenes where it is so hammy it completely loses you from the reality of the movie. 2) Wasted opportunitity with the concept, i expected gruesome and graphic deaths, most of them pretty much happen off screen and you don't see much gore. 3) Terrible story - The whole story really revolves around the two main characters and they just run away for most of the film. Not a lot happens and the characters look clueless, the story feels like it is being made up as it goes along.

Overall, just awful. 1/10

4. The ABCs of Death (2012)


An interesting anthology series, 26 short films by 26 different directors around the globe. Sounds great already but its a big shame a majority of these are actually quite bad. Most of them are forgettable and after viewing the film ,i struggled to put film to letter and what really happened etc. Here are my recommendations which are great or worth watching, letters, D, L, P, S, T and X

Its an enjoyable watch, fun but not memorable.
Overall: 6/10


Horror of Dracula: This is my second Hammer film. The only other one I saw was Dracula A.D 1972. It was fucking weird and probably wasn't the best one to start out with. Anyway, I have to say I was bored for most of it. Dracula in general isn't that interesting of a story to me. I think I prefer the Universal version. Not that I wasn't bored at points in that, but I think it had a creepier and weirder tone to it that kept it more interesting. Still, Cushing and Lee were both awesome and really the only good parts of the movie. Something about Lee's legs when he's walking up stairs genuinely creeps me the fuck out. He's so intimidating just standing around in a cape. He doesn't even have to do anything. I really like Technicolor. It makes everything look like a painting. The last 10 minutes or so were great.

I'm going to watch The Curse of Frankenstein next.


Might as well start posting some reviews. I tend to keep my horror movie reviews very short because I don't like giving away much of the plot. I find that horror is much more enjoyable when you go in not knowing what to expect.

Day 1 (Oct 1st) - The Loved Ones


A new spin on some familiar, if not tired, tropes making them seem completely fresh. I watched this one with absolutely no expectations nor any clue as to what the plot was. The Loved Ones is not only brutal, but also realistic enough to have me asking myself what the fuck I would do in such a situation. I highly recommend it.



Day 2 (Oct 2nd) - American Mary


I know earlier in this thread I mentioned how I wasn't a fan of Ginger Snaps. One positive about the film is that it introduced me to Katharine Isabelle. In American Mary we get a much better performance by Katherine Isabelle. I don't want to give anything away. This is a refreshing horror movie, while it does have some flaws the originality in this film easily makes up for it. I recommend you watch this one, especially if you like Katherine Isabelle. I believe it is still on Netflix Instant Watch.



Day 3 (Oct 3rd) - Resolution


Resolution is a thought-provoking, slow-burn horror movie that examines the way stories are told, and does a pretty good job at it. While the movie is far from perfect, the film's originality outweigh the flaws. This one is also on Netflix Instant. Definitely worth a watch IMO.



Day 4 (Oct 4th) - Wrong Turn 2


Pretty much better than the original in every area: better story, better effects, better deaths, better actors. If you liked the original, definitely watch this. If you didn't like the original (I wasn't a huge fan), you still may like this one.



Day 5 (Oct 5th) - The ABCs of Death


WTF was this shit? I'm a HUGE fan of horror anthologies, so I was pretty damn excited for this one. Providing a mash up of shocking and disturbing images without any substance does not make a good film. There were a few shorts that were somewhat decent, but overall this was a big let down. Maybe it's a result of how inherently difficult it is to produce a decent short given how little time each director had. Regardless, the end product results in yet another shitty horror movie anthology.

For those of you who did it, you may be happy to hear that The ABCs of Death 2 has been announced. I'll probably still watch it, despite this one being disappointing.




This was my first watch of the British Tales of the Crypt movie. I mostly enjoyed the first story (there are five of them) which is set during the Christmas Eve.

White Man

My Criterion blu ray of Videodrome showed up. Might watch that. The Criterion 3 Women BD also arrived. It's really weird so I may count that.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
5. Sinister

Sometimes it feels like horror movies sacrifice scares in order to be a more well-rounded movie, one that "feels" better made and hits all the story notes and does things just a little too perfectly to be scary. I think Insidious 2 is a good example. Sinister is the opposite. As a movie, it falls a little flat -- the way the exposition is handled in particular is really clumsy (Skype chat with a demonology professor the police officer just "happened" to know? Come on.)

That said, this movie was scary. And it felt like it was scary to the detriment of the movie being "well rounded." It's hard to explain. But if you want to get scared, what this movie. It probably handles "found footage" in the most scary way possible -- as some unknown entity's snuff film collection. The format feels real, like these are the genuine article, and unlike actual "found footage" movies, that have to find some way to cram exposition into the actual "found footage" (like Cloverfield and Paranormal Activity 2 clumsily attempted), here the gruesome videos can be presented without any other context than "these people were killed." It's wonderfully effective and unsettling.


6. Event Horizon

I really liked it. While I know Doom had a hand in popularizing the whole "scifi + hell" thing it still feels really fresh in this movie. Space is just such an isolated place, and then you throw in what's basically a ghost spaceship and there's little you can do to mess it up. That said, it could have used a subtler hand for direction. I knew when the bombastic score started the first second the movie opened that this probably wasn't "The Shining in space," as it was billed to the directors before production began. Still, it had some good scares and a really, really unsettling atmosphere.


7. The House of the Devil

Pretty great. Not A-tier but a solid B. I thought Ti West's segment in V/H/S was the best one but it wasn't enough to put him on my radar -- this movie definitely did. Semi excited for Innkeepers though I hear mixed things.


#4 - The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 (1986)

For a horror dark comedy I didn't find it that funny or scary. Still it was an enjoyable watch and the effects still hold up today, grandpa is still creepy as fuck haha


Week 1. Roundup

I Spit on Your Grave 2 8/10
The Lost Boys 8/10
Livid 6/10
Night Of The Demons 2 5/10
Inner Senses 5/10
Body Bags 5/10
Texas Chainsaw 3D 4/10

8. Shiver Eskalofrio (2008)


Spanish horror/thriller or should that be horror then thriller because when we find out that
the 'monster' is a little feral girl
the film loses all the creepy elements and takes a different direction which made me pretty much lose interest.

31 Days of Horror Lycanthropy Edition

Oct. 7 - Silver Bullet (1985)


Silver Bullet (1985) - This film is a decent little werewolf flic adapted from the Stephen King story of the same name. The cast is pretty solid over-all, and though it kind of feels Made-for-TV with R-rated gore it moves along at a good clip. The old-school prothesis and bladder effects range from mediocre to pretty good, and there's a great mass transformation scene inside the town church in Reverend Lowe's nightmare, though I really didn't think much of the main werewolf design. Still, not a bad programme and worth a watch.

Have been lukewarm on Carpenter previously so didn't expect to like this this much. Had no idea it was a remake either, and the original seems relatively well received. Shall be interesting to compare (probably won't have time, though, cause my list is growing). 3/3

(I'm postponing Valerie until the weekend... unless I see it beforehand.)
15. Frankenstein and the Monster From Hell
This was ok but the Monster looked really bad.

16. Twins of Evil
The decapitation scene was to rad and kind of surprising

17. Halloween (Rob Zombie)
I dont know what the fuck happened here. The movie started off good but it goes down hill when they introduce Laurie and her friends. At least we get to see naked Danielle Harris

18. The Mummy
I really didnt like it. I couldn't stand Zita Johann

19. Halloween 2
It was alright. I was laughing so much when the cop ran over the kid.

20. Halloween 2 (Rob Zombie)
The Hospital scene was rad and brutal but the rest of the movie sucks so bad

White Man


It´s weird that it took me so long to watch on of the Creepshows because I love horror anthologies. I was kind to start with the first one but it seems that it isn´t on Netflix.
The 3 stories were decent, "The Hitch-hiker" was the best but I was a bit disturbed by something on "The Raft".
Randy was supposed to be a decent guy but
he almost rapes Laverne while she is sleeping. She didn´t seem to have much interest in him and he just starts to undress her on the raft without any apparent reason. That scene was really weird.

The first Creepshow is a lot better. Night and day really, in terms of quality. It used to do the streaming rounds so maybe it will pop up again eventually.


It's really unfortunate that most horror anthologies are awful.

I've seen every single one I've ever heard to exist and only a handful have been good.


It's really unfortunate that most horror anthologies are awful.

I've seen every single one I've ever heard to exist and only a handful have been good.

I don't think it's a coincidence that the best ones tend to be one where there's just one director on them. There's just not enough quality control when you have multiple directors going for their own thing, and especially because they rarely offer input on one another's piece.
October 8th

Film number 16: The Devil’s Business
Tagline: He has work for you

Opening thoughts: Cover says it’s ‘Pinter-esque’ and ‘unmissable’, and for ‘fans of Kill List’. So no hype there then.


Closing thoughts: If this was a radio play, it would be pretty great. But as a film it doesn’t work. Getting characters to tell the viewer all the things the director couldn’t afford to show in his movie seems like a bad way of dealing with a miniscule budget, yet this is essentially how The Devil’s Business uses up most of its slender running time. The vast majority of the movie is two blokes motionless in the dark talking to each other. It’s interesting, well written and well delivered talk. But it’s not much fun to watch. This film is only an hour and ten minutes long, and you could keep your eyes shut for at least 40 minutes of it and not really miss anything. It’s a shame because the story – about a couple of hitmen waiting around to kill someone who turns out to be a Satanist – has got a ton of potential.

Score: 4 out of 10. The imaginary big bucks 2 hour Hollywood remake directed by Alexandre Aja gets at least an 8.

Film number 17: Session 9
Tagline: Fear is a place

Opening thoughts: Filmed in a real abandoned mental asylum. Stars Peter Mullan. These two facts should be enough to ensure this flim’s success.


Closing thoughts: I was disappointed. I was expecting scares, but I got no scares. And how does David Caruso ever get any work? Spoiler for both Devoured and Session 9 coming up:
What I did find interesting was the similarity between the ending of this film and the ending of Devoured that I watched yesterday. That film makes the ‘unreliable narrator’ concept work beautifully in it’s closing scenes; it’s a twist that makes perfect sense. In Session 9 pretty much the exact same thing just feels cheap and a bit naff. I can’t work out why, though I suspect it may just be down to Devoured’s massively superior script, direction, characterisation and acting.

Score 4 out of 10. I lolled to find myself unexpectedly watching the source of one of my favourite gifs

Film number 18: Needle
Tagline: Your fate has been chosen

Opening thoughts: What can I say? I like the picture on the box


Closing thoughts: A teen horror in which the teens aren’t a complete bunch of fuckwits? Surely some mistake. They’re all unfeasibly good looking though, so at least the film makers have got that bit right. Anyway, Needle is an affably generic but surprisingly gory Aussie teen slasher with a voodoo machine twist and a nice little line in lipstick lesbians, dodgy video effects and family reconciliation subplots. I enjoyed it quite a lot.

Score: 6.5 out of 10. How come archeology professors in movies are always so cool?

Watched so far:
October 1 - Wreckage (1/10) Storage (6/10)
October 2 - Absentia (9/10) Uninhabited (3/10)
October 3 - The Fallow Field (7/10)
October 4 - Insidious (6/10) The Devil's Rock (8/10)
October 5 - Seconds Apart (6/10) The Awakening (8/10) When The Lights Went Out (8/10)
October 6 - Lake Mungo (6/10) Cherry Tree Lane (8/10) The Seasoning House (9/10)
October 7 - Bruiser (2/10) Devoured (9.5/10)
#12 Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare (1991)

- So this is my first rewatch this year *gasp*. Anyways so this was the final mainline Nightmare on Elm Street. Freddy was massive in the late 80's with hugely successful films, each doing better than the last and part 4 bringing in huge numbers. Comes part 5 and the series dropped hardcore and it suddenly was the least profitable in the series. New Line saw that Freddy's prime had been reached and instead of trying to keep milking the series for little profits as the Friday the 13th films did, they decided to try and get the most out of the series by making the final film. Freddy's Dead was hyped up as a big event, a bunch of cameos in this and the advertised finale that was to be in 3D.

Well the movie itself really felt like it was an event film, pretty much any pretense of being a horror film or trying to be scary were gone, instead Freddy is presented as larger than life cartoon character that breaks the 4th wall constantly looking at the audience. Now it's a fun movie, even though corny with stuff like the nintendo jokes, but it was an event that was meant to entertain. And of course that finale in 3D, where the character near the end puts on her 3D glasses to tell the audience to do the same..... wow.... The movie really went off the rails more than any of the previous entries, but still manages to be lighthearted fun. Today I could imagine this almost getting away with PG-13.


10/01 - 1. The Relic (Blu-Ray)
10/02 - 2. Ghoulies (Netflix)
10/03 - 3. Nightmares (1983) (YouTube)
10/04 - 4. The Amityville Horror (2005) (DVD)
10/05 - 5. Battledogs (Netflix)
10/06 - 6. Scream 4 (Netflix)

10/07 - 7. Satan's Little Helper (Netflix)

-I watched this one on a friend's recommendation and it was fairly entertaining but felt like a Troma film with even worse production values at times, haha.
It's certainly not a classic, but it's a decent Halloween-themed dark comedy that's worth a watch.


Homeland Security Fail
Going to make Satan's Little Helper and Slugs my back to back movies tomorrow night.

Anyone with Netflix should check out 'The Shrine.'


Anyone with Netflix should check out 'The Shrine.'

seen it, it was entertaining enough

it's far from great but good by Netflix Standards

Netflix is great at managing to get together some of the worse horror in existence, really wished they'd improve their streaming horror selection


seen it, it was entertaining enough

it's far from great but good by Netflix Standards

Netflix is great at managing to get together some of the worse horror in existence, really wished they'd improve their streaming horror selection

They need to pay Blue Underground whatever they want to get their catalog back on streaming.
Anyone with Netflix should check out 'The Shrine.'

Good recommendation.

Day 8:

Quite an enjoyable little horror movie. 3 americans go to Poland to find a young man who vanished without trace. They trace his last steps to a small village that seems to be hiding something dangerous. The first half was a bit slow but the second part is a non stop ride and I really liked the twist, I wasn´t expecting that. The movie is very short, barely reaching 80 min. Would´ve liked a bit more of backstory about the statue and the whole situation but it works well enough with out it.


Good recommendation.

Day 8:

Quite an enjoyable little horror movie. 3 americans go to Poland to find a young man who vanished without trace. They trace his last steps to a small village that seems to be hiding something dangerous. The first half was a bit slow but the second part is a non stop ride and I really liked the twist, I wasn´t expecting that. The movie is very short, barely reaching 80 min. Would´ve liked a bit more of backstory about the statue and the whole situation but it works well enough with out it.

Sounds interesting. My list is getting too long D:


They didn't have everything, but they did contribute a good amount of classics.

Damn. It seems like even when a decent horror movie does make it on Netflix, it wont last more than a few weeks so you have to watch it ASAP (e.g. The Descent, Insidious, Sinister).


Homeland Security Fail
seen it, it was entertaining enough

it's far from great but good by Netflix Standards

Netflix is great at managing to get together some of the worse horror in existence, really wished they'd improve their streaming horror selection

Good recommendation.

Day 8:

Quite an enjoyable little horror movie. 3 americans go to Poland to find a young man who vanished without trace. They trace his last steps to a small village that seems to be hiding something dangerous. The first half was a bit slow but the second part is a non stop ride and I really liked the twist, I wasn´t expecting that. The movie is very short, barely reaching 80 min. Would´ve liked a bit more of backstory about the statue and the whole situation but it works well enough with out it.

This is one of the few movies that I didn't mind that it was slow. If only becomes you didn't know what the fuck was going on. Which is what the 3 Americans were feeling as well. I was intrigued at the start, but by the time they reached the statue, I was zoned into the movie. I agree with you that they couldn't have done a better job explaining the statue.

The ending with the demon took me completely by surprise. Easily the best part of the movie. Downright creepy too.
Damn. It seems like even when a decent horror movie does make it on Netflix, it wont last more than a few weeks so you have to watch it ASAP (e.g. The Descent, Insidious, Sinister).

With the loss of their starz deal, blue underground, and other content packages, their horror selection is like a third of what it was once years ago.
Horror of Dracula: This is my second Hammer film. The only other one I saw was Dracula A.D 1972. It was fucking weird and probably wasn't the best one to start out with. Anyway, I have to say I was bored for most of it. Dracula in general isn't that interesting of a story to me. I think I prefer the Universal version. Not that I wasn't bored at points in that, but I think it had a creepier and weirder tone to it that kept it more interesting. Still, Cushing and Lee were both awesome and really the only good parts of the movie. Something about Lee's legs when he's walking up stairs genuinely creeps me the fuck out. He's so intimidating just standing around in a cape. He doesn't even have to do anything. I really like Technicolor. It makes everything look like a painting. The last 10 minutes or so were great.

I'm going to watch The Curse of Frankenstein next.

I felt the same about Horror of Dracula. I've only seen a few Hammer's, but The Curse of Frankenstein is my favorite thus far.
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