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31 Days of Horror 3 |OT| The October Movie Marathon


I've never seen any of the Amityville movies, so watched a few this weekend.

Day 10: The Amityville Horror (1979)


This is a decent haunted house movie but it hasn't aged well. I was forbidden to watch this as a kid, so it's kind of funny to catch what the parents considered "scary". Watch out for the chocolate syrup dripping down the walls!

Day 11: Amityville II: The Possession (1982)


This is actually the prequel to The Amityville Horror, but only a small percentage of it is based on the true story. I enjoyed this one a bit more than the first, only because it's hilarious when someone fails at trying to act possessed. Also, there is an exorcism in the movie that tries sooo hard to one up The Exorcist.
Best part of Silent Night Deadly Night is that Linnea Quigley apparently has no problem with answering the door while topless.

One might say that there is a lot of unnecessary nudity in it, but I guess it goes in with the genre. Though it kinda makes sad when you think about all the movie business rumors. Like is this really something that we should support with our money?

White Man

I just think Linnea Quigley doesn't like wearing shirts. The best part of Return of the Living Dead is when they're partying in the graveyard and Linnea Quigley just takes off her top and starts dancing on top of a tombstone or altar or something.
I just think Linnea Quigley doesn't like wearing shirts. The best part of Return of the Living Dead is when they're partying in the graveyard and Linnea Quigley just takes off her top and starts dancing on top of a tombstone or altar or something.

I believe she's said she has no problems with nudity because her father was a doctor.

There's some pretty interesting trivia about the casting of Trash in RotLD in the Complete History of book.

One of the many women Dan O'Bannon had wanted for the part was a stripper who had worked at the same club he met Jewel Shepard (Casey in RotLD) at. Dan loved him some strippers. Anyway, the stripper, Dede had a "Bettie Page haido who wore leg warmers" and that's where he got the idea for the leg warmers on Trash.

He also offered Jewel the part but she was so sick of being naked since at that point it was her full-time job, she begged him for another role. He gave her the part of Casey instead.

And there's your useless knowledge for the day.


*Title* = First time watching

Click any movie below for my "review"

01 American Mary 3.5/5
02 Evil Dead (2013) 3.5/5
03 Session 9 4/5
04 V/H/S 3.5/5
05 Hellbound: Hellraiser II 4/5
06 Mama 3.5/5
07 A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) 4.5/5
08 A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 2: Freddy's Revenge 2/5
09 A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors 4.5/5

10 Sinister 3/5
Little better than I'd expected, but nothing amazing. There were moments of genuine creepiness and I liked Ethan Hawk as the obsessive writer, desperately trying to write another hit true crime novel. Though the film wasn't terribly original, it resorted to some cheap scares and some of the stuff to do with the children just came off more goofy, than scary. Not a bad film, just not a very memorable one.


#12 | Dale and Tucker vs. Evil | via Netflix streaming


Watched this after all the suggestions earlier. I'm not a fan of idiot plots (which are based on easily cleared up misunderstandings), and so the first half hour of this movie drove me nuts. Then
that one kid leaped head first into the wood chipper
and I started just going with it. The concept is played to the hilt and had me giggling with delight by the ending duel. Great performances by leads and just a lot of fun all around. Recommended.
October 13th

Film number 25: Blood Night: The Legend of Mary Hatchett
Tagline: The legend lives

Opening thoughts: Billed as an homage to crazy old school slasher films.


Closing thoughts: More rip off than homage, nowhere near as good as the many films it steals from, and implausibly predictable. Spectacularly blood soaked though. And Maryam Basir, oh my goodness.

Score: 5 out of 10. I voted for the Brazilian boy shorts.

Film number 26: Detention
Tagline: Cancel Your Future

Opening thoughts: Had this on my list but wasn’t sure whether to watch it until I read Ridley's entertaining review.


Closing thoughts: Too meta for its own good, almost as clever as it thinks it is, but very funny. My enjoyment was probably tempered somewhat by the fact I’m almost an entire generation too old for this shit.

Score 7 out of 10. You CAN have a skittle.

Film number 27: American Mary
Tagline: Appearances are everything

Opening thoughts: Because I've never seen Dead Hooker In A Trunk


Closing thoughts: Reminded me alot of the book Finishing Touches by Thomas Tessier, which is a very good thing. Except I kept wishing there was a film of Finishing Touches because that would be fantastic, and probably much better than the film I was watching.

Anyway, I didn't really connect with American Mary. Unlikable characters is one thing. Unlikeable characters acting unrealistically is another.

Score: 5 out of 10. Not quite an eating turkey.

Watched so far:
October 1 - Wreckage (1/10) Storage (6/10)
October 2 - Absentia (9/10) Uninhabited (3/10)
October 3 - The Fallow Field (7/10)
October 4 - Insidious (6/10) The Devil's Rock (8/10)
October 5 - Seconds Apart (6/10) The Awakening (8/10) When The Lights Went Out (8/10)
October 6 - Lake Mungo (6/10) Cherry Tree Lane (8/10) The Seasoning House (9/10)
October 7 - Bruiser (2/10) Devoured (9.5/10)
October 8 - The Devil's Business (4/10) Session 9 (4/10) Needle (6.5/10)
October 9 - V/H/S (8.5/10)
October 10 - The Lords Of Salem (9.9 out of 10)
October 11 - Below (5/10) Dead Girl (6.5/10)
October 12 – Teeth (8/10) Little Deaths (10/10)
31 Days of Horror Lycanthropy Edition

Oct. 12 - Werewolf Fever (2009)


Werewolf Fever (2009) - This labour of love was produced locally and filmed in Renfrew, Ontario with passion and humour and apparently not much else... certainly not any money, anyway. Basically, this film follows a group of burger drive-in employees as they try and survive the night with a werewolf prowling outside their door. It's an intensely amateur film, but it charges through its 60 minute run time with a wink and a howl and several buckets of fake blood and assorted viscera. The acting is community theatre-level camp, replete with missed queues and awkward delivery, and the original, rather stiff werewolf design is really quite bizzare... Nevertheless, I found myself laughing out loud on several occasions, and I was never bored. This movie isn't really in the "so bad it's good" category a la Ed Wood - rather, it's a bad movie, but its also good fun; you can tell these guys and gals had a hell of a good time making this, and you're not laughing at them so much as laughing with them through the over-the-top gore-filled runtime. I actually had to go out and buy the DVD to see this film after hearing about it for the past couple years, but I'm glad I did, because I will watch it again, and I'll share it with friends. Guardedly recommended; if you can roll with the limitations inherent in a decidedly amateur horror/commedy film, you'll enjoy this.

So many great recommendations from everyone - I'm going to be busy between Halloween and Christmas catching up. Detention, Tucker and Dale vs. Evil and The Battery really sound like films I need to see so far.

John Dunbar

correct about everything
Watched Creepshow 2. I generally liked it. The first story with the Indians was probably the weakest, but the Raft was quite effective. Why would you not keep running? The last one wasn't that scary but it was amusing as it became more and more absurd, and I thought the lady gave a good performance. "Thanks for the ride, lady!" was a pretty good catchphrase. On an unrelated note, in the middle of the night after watching the movie I actually picked up a hitchhiker. It was so dark and he was dressed in black clothes so I almost ran him over, so I felt compelled to stop.

Funny how the first Creepshow had Frank Drebin, and the second had Ed Hocken. Well, not really that funny, but a nice tidbit.


Been busy this week so missed a few days. Caught up yesterday so here is what I watched this week (In no particular order)

Bordello of Blood (1996)

The ancient vampire Lilith is resurrected and promptly opens up a whore house. A private investigator is hired to find a missing dude.

This is a Tales from the Crypt presents feature so you know what you're getting. I enjoyed Demon Knight so I thought I'd give this one a go too. I'm glad I did. It's chessy as all hell but fun. Nothing amazing but a good Halloween flick with often cartoonish violence.

Ritual (2002)

A hot doctor gets struck of the medical register when things go badly wrong with a patient. She travels to Jamaica to look after a guy who thinks he is a zombie.

Might as well finish off all three Tales from the Crypt movies while I'm at it. This one was probably my favourite, probably more of a mystery who-dunnit then horror. It's very enjoyable especially if you are into the whole voodoo / obeah thing. Apparently it's a semi-remake of the classic I Walked with a Zombie, but I can't tell you how sucessful it is seeing as I never watched the original. It's a lot more straight laced then previous TftC offerings, in fact the version I watched on Netflix had no Cryptkeeper parts at all. Recommended.

Apollo 18 (2011)

Apollo 17 was the last official moon mission. In 1974 under the DoD NASA sent a final mission to the moon. Only now has the footage come to light. Mysteriously.......

The first thing that struck me about this film was how well made it is. It's very easy to believe it's genuine NASA footage which gives it an air of believability right off the bat. The movie itself is very good. Some creepy scenes and a good sense of paranoia and claustrophobia. Some things probably could have been done a bit better but the movie seemed to fly by. Alaways a good sign.

Werewolf: The Beast Among Us (2012)

A group of hunters arrive at a small village ravaged by a hungry werewolf. The hunt is on to discover the werewolf's identity, even if it is a bit obvious from the start.

This seems based on the old Universal wolf man movies, only set in eastern Europe this time.You got your full moons and gypsies spouting that old rhyme about the man saying his prayers becoming a wolf. The hunters give off a Van Helsing vibe but the movie is a little more understated then that. And that's actually a shame because I think it could have done with being a little more over the top. The team of hunters are introduced with some badass looking traps and weapons but the movie seemed to focus on the main character and his girlfriend. There is also a stereotypical evil english dude, complete with twirly moustache.

Not terrible but not great either. Forgettable.


Always heard good things about the series, but sadly I didn't enjoy it as much as I wanted to. There weren't really any scary parts to be found. The monster designs and special effects were pretty cool for their time. Overall it was worth a watch, just expected more. 7/10

Hellraiser 2

Worse than the first in almost every way, except for improved special effects and costumes. 6/10


The Innkeepers

I was very impressed with this movie, watched it purely on GAF's recommendation. Managed to maintain a great balance between the realistic treatment of the characters and settings, but also was genuinely unsettling in its presentation of the supernatural. Put Ti West on my radar for sure.


Speaking of which, another GAF recommendation. I'm a sucker for anthology type horror films, and this one delivered. I think one or two of the segments were a little weaker than others, but that's to be expected with these kinds of movies (Tuesday the 17th was my least favorite of the bunch). The strength of the first two has again convinced I should watch more of Ti West's and David Brucker's movies.

The Curse of Chucky

I'm admittedly a fan of the series, even the more self-aware later titles that made the movies more about the sad humor a man trapped inside a doll. I had heard generally good reviews about this one, but was disappointed. The gore was over the top and I felt there was too much reliance on CGI; a lot of the effects lacked any kind of real element, they were so sheen and precise and the kills were just as flat. It's been a while since I've seen the entire series but this may be the weakest entry so far. It felt like they also unnecessarily shoehorned a lot of the back story into the film at the end to try to make it more meaningful for what is really an average slasher film.

13) The Town That Dreaded Sundown (1976) (Oct 13)

Knowing this movie was the inspiration for Jason's look in Friday the 13th: Part 2 and hearing it was some kind of lost classic, I had my eye on this for years but it wasn't until Scream Factory's new Blu-ray that I had a chance.

The structure of the film reminds me quite a bit of Deranged, which I watched last year. They're both loosely based on true stores and use a voice over narration to give them a sort of faux documentary feel.

I wasn't terribly impressed by it. While the killer's look is still pretty frightening, it lost a lot of steam once he started using
......a gun......
. The movie is also plagued by awful comic relief thanks to a moronic deputy nicknamed "Spark Plug". Every time this guy came on the screen it was pure torture. It is kind of chilling knowing
the killer was never caught
, but that doesn't exactly make for the most interesting finale.

I suppose it would have been more effective upon its release in '76 since it came out before Carpenter's Halloween in '78, but it's also predated by much more effective films such as Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Black Christmas and numerous gialli. Blood and Black Lace came out 12 years before the Town That Dreaded Sundown and it did the whole masked killer thing way better.

It's pretty sad when the best thing about a movie is a burlap sack. Skip it.

Final Viewed List:
01) The Birds (1963) (Oct 1)
02) Tombs of the Blind Dead/La noche del terror ciego (1972) (Oct 2)
03) Return of the Evil Dead/El ataque de los muertos sin ojos (1973) (1963) (Oct 3)
04) The Ghost Galleon/El buque maldito (1974) (Oct 4)
05) Night of the Seagulls/La Noche de las gaviotas (1975) (Oct 5)
06) Blood and Black Lace/Sei donne per l'assassino (1964)
07) The Bird with the Crystal Plumage/L'uccello dalle piume di cristallo (1970)
08) A Lizard in a Woman's Skin/Una lucertola con la pelle di donna (1971) (Oct 8)
09) What Have You Done to Solange?/Cosa avete fatto a Solange (1972) (Oct 9)
10) Don't Torture a Duckling/Non si sevizia un paperino (1972) (Oct 10)
11) Watch Me When I Kill/Il gatto dagli occhi di giada (1977) (Oct 11)
12) StageFright: Aquarius/Deliria (1987) (Oct 12)
13) The Town That Dreaded Sundown (1976) (Oct 13)


Oct 13: V/H/S - The Ti West section wasn't the weakest (that was 10/31/98). It was like everything else of his: good tension, flat ending (and I enjoyed the Innkeepers).

I thought Amateur Night was fun, as well as Tueday the 17th and the Emily short. 10/31/98 wasnt bad, just more like one of those 3d movie rides. The whole film reminded me of an updated Creepshow, which is a fine thing.


Always heard good things about the series, but sadly I didn't enjoy it as much as I wanted to. There weren't really any scary parts to be found. The monster designs and special effects were pretty cool for their time. Overall it was worth a watch, just expected more. 7/10

Hellraiser 2

Worse than the first in almost every way, except for improved special effects and costumes. 6/10

Hellraiser I is a Sam Adams Oktoberfest; Hellraiser II is a Bud Light; Hellraiser III is a Natty Lite.


Homeland Security Fail
1)The Blair Witch Project (Netflix, Mexico)
2)Halloween (remake, Netflix Canada)
3)The Crazies (Netflix, Canada)
4)The Collector (Netflix Canada)
5)Halloween 2 (remake, Netflix Canada)
6)Slugs (Netflix US)
7)The Collection (Netflix US):
8)Pumpkinhead (Netflix US)

9)Freddy vs Jason (Netflix Canada): I remember being hyped for this movie back in the day. Somehow, I don't think I ever got around to watching it (or at least the whole thing).

What a terrible film. First off, if you are the type of person that forgets the plot of the movie, don't worry! This movie will remind you the plot and Freddy's plan every 10 minutes! Everyone not named Jason will tell you his or her plan. About 2/3rds of this movie takes place while a tropical storm is passing through the area. But only at night of course. The CGI is horrible and almost laughable at some points.

I'm a big fan of Freddy. Out of the big three, I have always loved him the most. But man, he is a whiny little bitch in this one. His design seems off and even turns into
Darth Maul
towards the end. Jason is Jason but seems more dumbed down for some reason.

The characters aren't likeable. You won't be rooting for any of them. The scene with Freddy and Kelly Rowland is cringe worthy stuff. Thank god
she died right after it.
You have your usually crew of cliches.

The main event of the two juggernauts is worth it. If only for the fact that it has been a horror fans wet dream since the 80's. You will have to put up with terrible acting to get to those two moments however.

In case you want to skip all that and find out who won:


13) The Town That Dreaded Sundown (1976) (Oct 13)

Knowing this movie was the inspiration for Jason's look in Friday the 13th: Part 2 and hearing it was some kind of lost classic, I had my eye on this for years but it wasn't until Scream Factory's new Blu-ray that I had a chance.

The structure of the film reminds me quite a bit of Deranged, which I watched last year. They're both loosely based on true stores and use a voice over narration to give them a sort of faux documentary feel.

I wasn't terribly impressed by it. While the killer's look is still pretty frightening, it lost a lot of steam once he started using
......a gun......
. The movie is also plagued by awful comic relief thanks to a moronic deputy nicknamed "Spark Plug". Every time this guy came on the screen it was pure torture. It is kind of chilling knowing
the killer was never caught
, but that doesn't exactly make for the most interesting finale.

I suppose it would have been more effective upon its release in '76 since it came out before Carpenter's Halloween in '78, but it's also predated by much more effective films such as Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Black Christmas and numerous gialli. Blood and Black Lace came out 12 years before the Town That Dreaded Sundown and it did the whole masked killer thing way better.

It's pretty sad when the best thing about a movie is a burlap sack. Skip it.

Final Viewed List:
01) The Birds (1963) (Oct 1)
02) Tombs of the Blind Dead/La noche del terror ciego (1972) (Oct 2)
03) Return of the Evil Dead/El ataque de los muertos sin ojos (1973) (1963) (Oct 3)
04) The Ghost Galleon/El buque maldito (1974) (Oct 4)
05) Night of the Seagulls/La Noche de las gaviotas (1975) (Oct 5)
06) Blood and Black Lace/Sei donne per l'assassino (1964)
07) The Bird with the Crystal Plumage/L'uccello dalle piume di cristallo (1970)
08) A Lizard in a Woman's Skin/Una lucertola con la pelle di donna (1971) (Oct 8)
09) What Have You Done to Solange?/Cosa avete fatto a Solange (1972) (Oct 9)
10) Don't Torture a Duckling/Non si sevizia un paperino (1972) (Oct 10)
11) Watch Me When I Kill/Il gatto dagli occhi di giada (1977) (Oct 11)
12) StageFright: Aquarius/Deliria (1987) (Oct 12)
13) The Town That Dreaded Sundown (1976) (Oct 13)

Remove Spark Plug and that Narrator, and it would have been a much better movie.


So this is the movie I watched tonight:


My God all the characters are so dumb in this movie, especially David which is the main character. The movie had a great start and a good ending, but I feel that the middle part of it kinda got dragged out.


Bordello of Blood (1996)

The ancient vampire Lilith is resurrected and promptly opens up a whore house. A private investigator is hired to find a missing dude.

This is a Tales from the Crypt presents feature so you know what you're getting. I enjoyed Demon Knight so I thought I'd give this one a go too. I'm glad I did. It's chessy as all hell but fun. Nothing amazing but a good Halloween flick with often cartoonish violence.

Fun fact, I was attending Vancouver Film School for Special F/X and Makeup Effects when this was being made. One of the directors was apparently an ex-student of the class, and reached out to my teacher for help getting more blood on-set.

Teacher used this as an opportunity to teach us how to create fake blood, and our finished assignments were shipped off to the set. So when you see someone ripped apart, think of me! :p
day 12. move 10. the gate.

there isn't a whole lot to say about this film. it's protected by it's age and a decent coating of nostalgia. i hadn't seen it for many years, and only then in bits and pieces, but it's hard to look at this movie with a critical eye. in many respects it straddles a weird line tonally. on one hand, it feels like a 'horror-lite' film meant for children. on the other, it has some legitimately creepy moments and demonic content
(the ancient symbols smeared in blood on the wall toward the end isn't exactly "monster squad" material)
and inspired (if not reminiscent of harryhausen) creature design. it's cinematography and musical score falls right in line with other adult horror films of the 1980s but it does have some truly remarkable and visually stunning effects shots for 1987.

if i could raise any points about any weaknesses, it's that -- like a movie for kids -- the script is undercooked. there isn't a lot of time spent explaining the "why" of things, mostly the "how" and the movie's most interesting angle
the satanic metal band
feels more like a cultural relic of the 1980s rather than being utilized a little more thoroughly. the ending feels padded as well, which is odd given the film's 82 minute run time. you can see how things are going to play out and instead of them happening that way, the film takes a detour to throw in another creepy 'thing' and another effects shot to enable stephen dorff's glenn to have another minor epiphany he didn't really need to.

but again, it's hard to be too critical of tihs film. at it's heart it's a solid, scary story about demons, zombies, and creepy things under your house.


good for: solid scary story set against surburbia in the 80s, minimal over-acting, some genuinely creepy moments and ideas, cool effects (for the time)
bad for: clarity of plot, execution of script

11. Cropsey (Netflix Instant)

Last year, I included Grizzly Man, Werner Herzog's documentary about the death of Timothy Treadwell and his girlfriend, in the horror movie marathon even though it doesn't technically qualify as a horror film. At the time, I justified it as the ultimate found footage film, even if we don't actually see how Treadwell and his girlfriend, Amie Huguenard, die at the paws and jaws of bears. Including a documentary felt like a good change of pace; given the overall quality of the movies in this year's marathon, it's a good thing Cropsey provided a similar change of pace.

I was exposed to the urban legend of Cropsey when I watched The Burning during last year's marathon, which gave the documentary Cropsey an extra bit of relevance to my interests. The film deftly explores the urban legend of Cropsey and how it's connected to Andre Rand, who was accused of kidnapping and killing children in Staten Island, NY, in two separate instances 16 years apart. The film also explores the idea that Reed provided a convenient scapegoat for these crimes because he was homeless.

The nature of the crimes of which Rand is accused of committing, the speed with which the community declared him guilt, and the conviction with which those community members believe that Rand is not only guilty of the crimes for which he was convicted but other unsolved child kidnappings provided the horror that would make Cropsey eligible for this marathon.


Oct. 1 The Evil Dead (1983) - Great
Oct. 2 VHS 2 - Good
Oct. 3 Blair Witch Project - Boring
Oct. 4 Sleepaway Camp - Great
Oct. 5 Drag Me To Hell- Boring
Oct. 6 The Possession - Great
Oct. 7 Session 9- Great
Oct. 8 Nightmare on Elm Street 2 - Boring
Oct. 9 [REC] - Great
Oct. 10 Evil Dead 2 - Fantastic
Oct. 11 Tucker and Dale Vs. Evil - Fantastic
Oct. 12 Ringu - Good

Ringu -

It was nice and the pacing was definitely better than the American adaption. The story was also better, at least from what I remember about the American adaption. Ringu wasn't really scary. It could be because I've become desensitized to horror movies in general. I'd recommend watching if you're looking for a good mystery movie over a horror film.


The Innkeepers

I was very impressed with this movie, watched it purely on GAF's recommendation. Managed to maintain a great balance between the realistic treatment of the characters and settings, but also was genuinely unsettling in its presentation of the supernatural. Put Ti West on my radar for sure.
Glad you liked it! If you are looking for something similar in terms pacing and how unsettling it was, make sure to check out that other Ti West film, The House of the Devil.


OCT 13| The Pact (2012)

After her mum dies a girl moves back into her childhood home, then disappears. Sis number 2 then arrives to unravel the mystery with some supernatural help.

A bit of an odd one this. What begins as a slow paced supernatural drama turns into a murder investigation later on. Some good scenes, a creepy ending and a lead actress who provides a nice bit of eye candy. Pretty good, Netflix recommended The Skeleton Key as an alternative to this but I think TSK is the superior film, if just for the deep south ambience.


OCT 13| The Pact (2012)

After her mum dies a girl moves back into her childhood home, then disappears. Sis number 2 then arrives to unravel the mystery with some supernatural help.

A bit of an odd one this. What begins as a slow paced supernatural drama turns into a murder investigation later on. Some good scenes, a creepy ending and a lead actress who provides a nice bit of eye candy. Pretty good, Netflix recommended The Skeleton Key as an alternative to this but I think TSK is the superior film, if just for the deep south ambience.

Haven't seen The Skeleton Key in a long, long time so I don't feel comfortable commenting on it but I thought The Pact was pretty good. Went in with 0 expectations after Max (that Netflix app that talks to you and recommends shit) told me to watch it. I said "okay Max" and enjoyed it. It had some creepy moments.


Homeland Security Fail
OCT 13| The Pact (2012)

After her mum dies a girl moves back into her childhood home, then disappears. Sis number 2 then arrives to unravel the mystery with some supernatural help.

A bit of an odd one this. What begins as a slow paced supernatural drama turns into a murder investigation later on. Some good scenes, a creepy ending and a lead actress who provides a nice bit of eye candy. Pretty good, Netflix recommended The Skeleton Key as an alternative to this but I think TSK is the superior film, if just for the deep south ambience.

I thought it was a good movie...as a thriller. I didn't really think of it as a horror movie when it was done.
I'll probably do a splurge write up for the weekend, been watching alot.

If you watch Curse of Chucky, make sure to watch the after credits scene


Day 13 - Shaun Of The Dead

The amount of love i have for this film is unreal i was on the cusp of turning 16 when i came out and was doing my GCSEs saw it once alone then again with friends then again with another group of friends and even skipped my English literature exam to watch it again. It pretty much kickstarted my love of the zombie genre


October 12 - Fright Night (2011)

I caught this one airing on cable and really had a hard time watching anything else, even during commercials. A nice fast-paced ride with a really solid cast of characters (Tennant, Tera from United States of Tera, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, etc.) and a humorous-but-not-lame take on the vampire mythos made this a killer package. I want to go back and watch the original since this one took me in so well. I've heard it may be superior to the remake so that's promising.


V/H/S 2

Watched this one based on the strength of the original... what a let down. Other than one segment (Safe Haven), felt this one was a big waste of time.

Glad you liked it! If you are looking for something similar in terms pacing and how unsettling it was, make sure to check out that other Ti West film, The House of the Devil.

I've got that in my Netflix queue, should be making it my way for next week, I think.


Hey guys I need help remember one or two horror movies (aren't sure if they are the same one or two different films). Pretty sure they were 80s horror flicks.

1. the movie was a slasher where the serial killer used a knife that looked a lot like this:
it was a knife with a brass knuckles handle that had spikes on the knuckles. I think he might have also been involved in a gang of psycho serial killers, he might have had a bunch of serial killer friends that tried to go after the victims at the end.

2. the serial killer used an ambulance to get around and kill people. I think in some scene the ambulance used was hidden at night club or something. and maybe the victim saw it there and freaked out.

okay I know these clues are pretty much worthless but I appreciate any help. once again, not sure if they are the same film or 2 different films.

Another one that turned out to not really be horror. It turned out to be awesome, though. This is exactly the kind of atmosphere I like in my fantasy. 3/3


I enjoyed V/H/S 2. Should I bother with the first? I've heard it was weaker than the second movie.

It's either that or REC 2 tonight.


I'll watch them all :p

I can only watch one tonight. Most likely will go with V/H/S since it's available on netflix instant.

it's better than a good deal of horror you can find on Netflix

I love horror anthologies though, so I'm biased.

Another watchable horror anthology on Netflix Instant:



it's better than a good deal of horror you can find on Netflix

I love horror anthologies though, so I'm biased.

Another watchable horror anthology on Netflix Instant:


I love them too granted that I've only seen Trick 'r Treat and V/H/S 2. I'll add it to my queue. Any more recommendations for horror anthologies would be awesome.


I love them too granted that I've only seen Trick 'r Treat and V/H/S 2. I'll add it to my queue. Any more recommendations for horror anthologies would be awesome.

Creepshow is great.

Other ones worth a watch:

Creepshow 2
Trilogy of Terror
Tales from the Crypt
Three Extremes
Twilight Zone: The Movie (arguably not horror, IMDB says it's horror :p only rated PG though and prob more so scifi, but still fun to watch)
Tales from the Hood (saw this back in the mid-90s, no clue how well it aged or even if it was ever good, but I I remember liking it)

I'm probably forgetting some, but that should be enough to get you started. Also, Masters of Horror isn't an anthology but each flick is less than 1 hour. If you are interested, I can re-paste my specific recommendations that I made earlier in the thread in regards to Masters of Horror.


Creepshow is great.

Other ones worth a watch:

Creepshow 2
Trilogy of Terror
Tales from the Crypt
Three Extremes
Twilight Zone: The Movie (arguably not horror, IMDB says it's horror :p only rated PG though and prob more so scifi, but still fun to watch)
Tales from the Hood (saw this back in the mid-90s, no clue how well it aged or even if it was ever good, but I I remember liking it)

I'm probably forgetting some, but that should be enough to get you started. Also, Masters of Horror isn't an anthology but each flick is less than 1 hour. If you are interested, I can re-paste m specific recommendations that I made earlier in the thread in regards to Masters of Horror.

That would be great. I'm sure I won't be able to fit all those within the 31 days but who says the party has to end on Oct. 31st :p

I'm kinda glad I participated in the 31 Days of Horror. I was able to find so much good movies because of this thread.


That would be great. I'm sure I won't be able to fit all those within the 31 days but who says the party has to end on Oct. 31st :p

For sure!

Anyways, here is my Masters of Horror post from earlier in the thread:

My favorites are probably (in no particular order):

Incident On and Off a Mountain Road
Cigarette Burns (John Carpenter, so definitely don't miss this one)
Fair Haired Child
Pick Me Up (one of my favorites)
Imprint (Takashi Miike...need I say more? must watch)
The Screwfly Solution
Homecoming (political satire, if you dig that sorta thing)

12. Killer Klowns from Outer Space (Netflix Instant)

This was an incredibly confident, not particularly scary, and pretty entertaining surprise. This film owned what it was and the silliness of the idea of aliens who happened to look like clowns invading Earth. There's a throwaway discussions amongst the protagonists about the aliens' motives, but it doesn't really matter. They're here to make visual gags about people thinking the aliens were clowns trying to entertain them. The sequence where Debbie first fights off aliens in her bathroom, then opens the door to find one there, then opens the window to find them underneath the window wearing firefighter hats and holding a trampoline waiting for her to jump was tremendous.

The make-up on the aliens was also very well done; they look grotesquely exaggerated.

There's a part of me that wants to ask questions about the logic of the film's universe, but it's not worth the effort. It's better to sit back and watch than wonder if the aliens just happened to look like clowns, how a small college town only seems to have 2 cops, whether the town had a previous fascination with clowns that made it particularly vulnerable to the aliens' invasion, and why nature would have allowed the aliens' weak spot to be so open and accessible.


There is a horror movie app for 360, so the first movie I'm going to watch is called A Crack In The Floor. It stars Mario Lopez and Gary Busy. It looks atrocious. Just the video quality alone looks WORSE than VHS. I don't know if that's the movie itself or the streaming service.

There is a rape scene 5 minutes in.

EDIT: Fuck. Nevermind. This is literally the worst thing I've personally watched with in the first 12 minutes. I couldn't even make it to Gary Busy.


Twilight Zone should count as horror for Dan Aykroyd alone :) the Lithgow short gave me nightmares as a kid, probly not as scary now.

Skip Kick the Can.

Tonight... undecided. How's Stakeland?
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