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NeoGAF Creative Writing Challenge #134 - "Reign of Error"

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Only at conventions.


Maaaaaaaaaan, I really like this prompt but I'm just not giving it the time it deserves. And, I'm fading. (Waa waa waa.)


No Scrubs
I wasn't able to get to this with enough time to polish my story up. Hopefully it isn't too bad.

Standard password, quote to see if you don't remember


300 words and I still don't have a plot or know what I'm doing. I liked my setting though. And my title: The Rain of Ai-rher. :(


My working title is The Bright Spot. I suspect mine might make for a somewhat frustrating read, hope it doesn't put people off too much. ;)


Had something, got 750 words written, haven't had time to return to it. Was never heading anywhere fast anyway.

Good luck everyone!


I didn't know this exist, as a I writer I would love to do these challenges.=O Oh well, maybe next time.


Well, this might have been one of the most challenging challenges yet, for me anyway. I very much enjoyed it despite the time crunch. I'm refraining from pre-commenting on my own work for Cyan's sake. (Hey Cyan, isn't this the most posts I've had in a single thread?! I think I'm up to 3 or 4 or something!! WHOA!)

"Family" (940 words)

Do we have a PNW gang sign we can throw?
Work on it and get back to us!


Well, this might have been one of the most challenging challenges yet, for me anyway. I very much enjoyed it despite the time crunch. I'm refraining from pre-commenting on my own work for Cyan's sake. (Hey Cyan, isn't this the most posts I've had in a single thread?! I think I'm up to 3 or 4 or something!! WHOA!)

Yes, it sure is! In fact... ohmigosh look! You're not a junior ranger any more!

Oh my, oh my, this is exciting. Now next time you win, you can make a new thread all on your own!


Holy smokes! I didn't even notice that I'm no longer a junior member! Wow this is amazing. Though, I wish I had capitalized on the opportunity of being called "Junior" while I had the chance.

Mike M

Nick N
Since no one bothered to send gifts for my birthday, I will gladly accept pity votes today in lieu of then.


Since no one bothered to send gifts for my birthday, I will gladly accept pity votes today in lieu of then.

I haven't read your story yet, so there will be no points (at least for now) from me.

But have a cute goat instead


Happy Birthday!


1- Ourobolus
2- Ashes1396
3- Cyan

Ourobolus - I think the name Dirty Sanchez gives the game away a little too soon, but otherwise an amusing twist on a traditional rise to glory. Ending is a little weak. Might be better just to end on mama's final bit of dialogue.

lupin23rd - This needs more spice. Whether you leaned into drama or humor, it needed to be heightened one way or the other. Right now it's in the middle of the road and doesn't hit the highs and lows it really needs to. I also found the voice of the doctor a little inconsistent. I couldn't get a firm grasp of his character.

Mike M - I wish this had ended with a surprise birthday party. There's plenty of good details here, but ever since Portal it's really hard to do another insane computer lady. Once you establish she's off, the story keeps adding details but stops progressing. Even the captain goes in a sort of passive manner like it's inevitable. It could use a little more fire.

B-Dubs - There's plenty of good details here, but I wish they had been brought into a stronger focus. Establishing scenes to build around instead of drifting through the moments. Also once the fairies suggest fire, I think it would have been a better ending to give the narrator one final line. The reader knows what's going to happen after that. Spelling it out drags it out.

Sober - While the premise starts interesting, I find it hard to maintain that as the story goes on when I don't know what exactly they're doing, and why they need to stay in the old man so long. It doesn't help that everything is so problem free. Even when conflict is finally introduced, it's quickly cast aside and the story is over.

lastflowers - It's got great character. Could use a little more clarity. Sometimes you veer a little too far into flowery prose, and you lose too much coherence for me.

Tangent - I wonder if I'm missing a key piece of information relating to animals since I don't quite get this one. Why was it about family? Why was the stork reporter's articles worth looking into? Were there really zombie rodents? I'm left feeling uncertain.

Nezumi - It's cute and used the wrapper story very effectively. I wish though there had been more of the wrapper so it could have bled into the core story a little.

Cyan - It's great, but the characters need more detail, especially the minor characters. If they were fleshed out more, there would be less need for conversation, which is in an understandably awkward style. I know they have to talk that way for the story to work, there's a little too much of it.

Ashes1396 - It's all free flowing very natural conversation, though I found myself wanting to know just a little more about them. A few more little details.


Ourobolus - I think the name Dirty Sanchez gives the game away a little too soon, but otherwise an amusing twist on a traditional rise to glory. Ending is a little weak. Might be better just to end on mama's final bit of dialogue.

Man, I really need to work on those. I keep getting busted up for that every two weeks. :p

Might be better just to end on mama's final bit of dialogue.
Yeah, I had it like that at first, but then caved as I fretted over it.

Even though I enjoyed the beginning when I read it I have to say that by the time I had finished the story I thought that it was maybe a bit to lengthy. You write all this set up and the conclusion itself (the tournament and the unmasking of the potential fathers) seemed really rushed in comparison. And I wasn't sure I really got the ending. Despite the fact that his mother obviously had sex with quite a few wrestlers. Was she saying that to encourage her son to win?
That really annoyed me. I had to cut so much by the time I was finished to make it under 2500, and most of it unfortunately came out of the end. I wish I had been able to keep it all in, though.
As for the ending, it was really more to counteract the build up of Martin trying to finally see
and ultimately not see
his father, only to have it deflate in the end as he got increasingly frustrated with his mother and she became more exasperated with each succeeding unmasking. Really it was going for more of a humorous end than anything else.


Even though I enjoyed the beginning when I read it I have to say that by the time I had finished the story I thought that it was maybe a bit to lengthy. You write all this set up and the conclusion itself (the tournament and the unmasking of the potential fathers) seemed really rushed in comparison. And I wasn't sure I really got the ending. Despite the fact that his mother obviously had sex with quite a few wrestlers. Was she saying that to encourage her son to win?

Is Miriam supposed to be a time traveler of some sort? Otherwise the bit about the rocket program would be really confusing for that time period. You said somewhere above that this are actually to scenes and a connecting piece from a novel you are planing and I think that it showed. There was just so much background missing that it was somewhat unsatisfying.

lupin23rd: I think from all the entries yours was the one that took the whole double entendres thing most "serious". Sadly I think that it actually hurt your story. I thought that you dialog and inner monologue was really good up to the scene with the girl. The whole seemingly sexual talk just sounded really forced and out of place to me. The ending was confusing. Had he actually been drinking something without realizing it? Was he being drugged?

Mike M: Your initial premise is rather similar to mine. All in all I thought that it was rather enjoyable. The computer seemed a bit to human though for my taste. She sounded a bit like an old grandma showing first signs of dementia. I just have a hard time imagening an AI to be able to wonder if they actually made a wrong decision.

B-Dubs: I really liked the describtion of the office supply fairies. Though what made me wonder was the fact that they want the building burned down because they want to reclaim their old living habitat, but then in the end they vanish between the trees. Couldn't they have lived in those all along?

Sober:The idea is actually pretty cool. I woud have liked to read more about how the crew actually worked and not what they did when they didn't work. They were already somehow messings with the man's brain but not altering his memory so what didi they do except making him wake up late?

lastflowers: While this read absolutly beautiful, I had no idea what was going on. It was a bit like the words just floaded through my brain evoking a series of pictures but I never got a story out of them. I enjoyed the images, though.

Tangent:The part with the owl felt strange. I think I understand what you were trying to convey, but I think that you could just cut that part completly and instead write in more detail about the confused stork.

Cyan:Really interesting idea very well executed. I wonder though, how did the guard know that he had to guard this placeß Who told him and who ran the oracle in the first place.

Ashes1396:The only thing that really bothered me was how fast and direct Joseph was about wanting to sleep with that girl. Even if they were schoolmates or something like that once. Other than that I enjoyed the dialoge.

OK... voting... Difficult as always

1.) Cyan
2.) Ashes
lastflowers: While this read absolutly beautiful, I had no idea what was going on. It was a bit like the words just floaded through my brain evoking a series of pictures but I never got a story out of them. I enjoyed the images, though.
Good to hear, pretty much what I was shooting for!


Man, I hate giving critiques - I always feel like such a dick. :p

Aaron - Not going to lie, I was having difficulty following along for a bit, mainly because I wasn't terribly interested in the characters. Miriam was a decent character, but I feel like there was something missing, like there was something anachronistic about her left me uninformed. It was well written, but I feel that because it's part of some larger story of yours that it fell flat.

Cyan - I liked it quite a bit. I was hoping for a bit more backstory on her involvement with the Oracle and the increasing idiocy of society (Go away, I'm 'batin!), but I understand the five-minute imposed time limit...sorta. Why were they limiting the time with the Oracle? If they were aware they were stupid and knew that the Oracle made them smart (once they entered the circle, of course), why was it guarded heavily rather than public? Some people can clearly remember some things from the past, like the doctor, so...yeah. Again, I liked it, but I'm just being nitpicky.

lupin23rd - I appreciated the humor (although the whole time I kept hoping that it would be more nonchalant in the discussion with Reiko and Nomura, rather than her reacting to his words). I thought the ending was a bit weak, and I wish there had been more development on the outcome of the "new development," possibly a revisit to the earlier scene with the new details. Good story overall though.

Mike M - I enjoyed this one. While I was hoping for a bit more fight on the Captain's part, but at least the weakness was evident in the story. I would also think that when the AI initially made the mistake over the Captain's name, that it would logically take into account possible mistakes in its further actions, but it wasn't that distracting. I did like the progression from simple name confusion to the inability to administer even the most basic of human necessities. The final door reveal was pretty good, too.

B-Dubs - I thought the fairies were interesting, but it seemed a little strange to me that they were confined to the building. Most creatures would simply move elsewhere rather than living on in a world that didn't allow them to survive. Maybe a bit more focus on why they stayed where they did. I rather felt like I was reading a Monty Python sketch for the first part of the story (which isn't necessarily a bad thing), but I felt that the fairies' dialogue was cliche and could have been a bit more entertaining, especially considering the tone of the dialogue up to that point.

Sober - I liked the concept! But, the story just droned on and on - no conflict, no rising action, nothing (for instance, the section about Haynes/Barnaby - I didn't feel like it added anything to the story. Also, was "Dr. Barnaby" Alan? He was never introduced with his full name, so I had to go back and reread who all the players were), until like the last few paragraphs, and even then, the story just kinda...stops. I think fleshing out their decision and the consequences would have been a good way to go about it.

lastflowers - Ummmm...whoa. I think you have a terrific knack for exposition, but there is a point where it definitely is excessive. I could follow along somewhat, but the sheer enormity of the descriptions hindered my enjoyment of the story itself. The imagery was nice, but ridiculously distracting. It was certainly a curious read, but I think loosening the level of flowery prose would severely increase the gratification one would get from reading the story.

Tangent - I got the confusion early on with the references to the different "groups" of animals, but I can see why others may not. As such, the final reference from the owl was a bit heavy-handed. For that matter, I can see why some stories use an outsider for perspective, but I think the story could have been much better if he had been left out. The stork narrative was interesting enough - and the owl just seemed extraneous filler.

Nezumi - I liked it. After reading the entire thing I ended up hoping for more of an upbeat end to the underlying story, rather than the anticlimactic finale Dahpne and Brian got - though it does make sense given the nature of the story. But it was certainly good, I never felt bored or wanting during its entirety.

Ashes1396 - I'm a big fan of dialogue-heavy stories, and I appreciated the interactions between Joseph and Katie. Coming from someone who has had plenty of issues with alcohol in the past, some of the dialogue at the end made it a bit more personal for me. I think my only problem was the speed at which the dialogue changed after the shower. I may have missed something, but he seemed to sober up rather quickly as if not enough time had passed. It didn't strike me as such when I was reading - more like after the fact. However, I still really liked it.

I had a tough time getting down to 3, so...

1. Nezumi
2. Mike M
3. Ashes1396

HM: Cyan, lupin23rd



1. Cyan
2. Mike M
3. Ashes
HMs: Ourobolus, Nezumi

Man, I hate giving critiques - I always feel like such a dick. :p

Sober - I liked the concept! But, the story just droned on and on - no conflict, no rising action, nothing (for instance, the section about Haynes/Barnaby - I didn't feel like it added anything to the story. Also, was "Dr. Barnaby" Alan? He was never introduced with his full name, so I had to go back and reread who all the players were), until like the last few paragraphs, and even then, the story just kinda...stops. I think fleshing out their decision and the consequences would have been a good way to go about it.
Wow, what a dick! <3

But I feel the same, this is one of those stories I think I just didn't have enough words for. Another 1000 at least, so hopefully I'm come around to it again and figure out how to do that, since I really liked the concept but I think trying to write it too late (in every sense) while not making time for it just made me vomit all the ideas without much thought into it. Good thing I actually wrote down notes for this, even had more planned but 2500 words seems like too little! I blame coming off of NaNo where I sometimes spent that much just getting something started.


Happy birthday, Mike M! That is one awesome goat. Best birthday gift ever! I'm feeling like I might be coming down with something, so I'll make this quick:

1. Ourobolus -- this was such a refreshing story to read, you have a great style and the story line was great and well paced. If you want me to get picky, I'd just say that I think the MC would have been a little more annoyed that his mom kept on getting it wrong about who his dad is, and announcing her convictions at potentially poor moments.
2. Nezumi -- kept me interested throughout the story
3. Cyan -- Loved the concept and the style. It reminds me of some famous short story but I can't think of the name right now. There were parts that felt mildly disjointed but it could have been me being out of it while reading!
hm. Ashes -- I had to look up Kinder Surprise to remind myself of what it is. :)

Thanks for the critiques for my story. It's always helpful to get a reader's perspective... when you're writing something, it's hard to know where there might be confusion! Nezumi, good point about just focusing on the stork and taking out the owl. My explanation: I was hyper-tired and felt like I was jamming in one more e.g. of double entendres with the "who? hoo?" ending. :)
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