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Sony Unconcerned About Xbox 360 Price Cuts

Guy Legend


Sony Unconcerned About Xbox 360 Price Cuts

Microsoft's recent move to reduce Xbox 360 prices across the board may turn out to be especially significant for the console wars. It means that for the key holiday season, the mass-market Xbox 360 Arcade SKU is less expensive than the Wii -- and Wii may see additional challenges from supply constraints. And with both consoles now entering the $200 "inflection point" analysts say has historically helped spread console sales to new audiences, has Xbox 360 opened a competitive gulf over the PlayStation 3?

Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter tells Gamasutra that, with a little help from correct marketing, Xbox 360 sales stand to lift 20 percent in the Fall-Holiday season over the same period last year. The $199 Arcade SKU in particular is expected to attract more mainstream consumers who are primarily interested in major brand names like EA Sports titles and Tony Hawk.

"I'd guess that there will be some substitution of Xbox 360 Arcade for Wii as gifts," Pachter says.

"More important, I think, is the low price itself; I think that Wii owners may consider buying a 'next gen' console and look hard at the Xbox 360 at the $199 price point, and don't think Sony is particularly competitive at $399 for the cost-conscious crowd."

So is Sony concerned? Not so much, Julie Han of Sony's corporate communications tells Gamasutra. "We'll obviously see the natural lift [in sales] with the price cut -- but how sustainable is that in the long term?"

"We're really confident that consumers are making choices driven by value," she says, "and we know PS3 offers that value across the board, with the built-in Blu-ray player the broadest and deepest software lineup in the industry, with LittleBigPlanet, Resistance 2, Motorstorm [Pacific Rift]... we're quite confident our holiday sales will be good."

Sony has stressed several times that they've no plans to reduce PS3 prices this year, and Pachter doesn't expect to see a reduction until early next year. "I think Sony is going to roll the dice on its game lineup... and hope that HDTV sales drive more PS3-as-Blu-ray-player sales," he says.

"The migration to an all-digital broadcast standard in the U.S. in February should cause a lot of consumers to look at HDTVs, and most people will consider a BDP along with an HDTV purchase, so I think that Sony is counting on some traction there."

Han confirms that Sony's pricing strategy hasn't changed in light of Microsoft's Xbox 360 cuts. "There are no plans to do any price cuts," she states.

"We try to stick to our strategy... we feel the PS3 offers the value at that price point. More than anything, you'll see with the 80-gigabyte announcement at E3 as well as with the recent 160 gif, consumers are telling you they want more storage for photos, music... new games are also getting quite a bit of pickup through PlayStation Network. There's also our new video download service that consumers are going to want to do. It's showing that we're moving in the right direction."

Offering larger hardware sizes has served Sony well in the past. According to the company's own data, from October to December in 2007, the 80 GB Motorstorm bundle outsold the 40 GB SKU by 22 percent, despite the $100 price premium. Additionally, Sony says 60 percent of its customers would rather buy videos via PlayStation network than rent them, and Han also points to year-to-date hardware growth up 99 percent for the console.

And in addition to banking on the game lineup and the increased storage options, Han claims one more advantage for the PS3 -- the ability to put PS3 downloadable content onto the PSP.

But Han admits the average consumer is less aware of the availability and breadth of that particular feature. "There's a lot we can do on the marketing front," she says. "Definitely, that's something we're interested in doing."

She also concedes "we don't talk enough" about Sony's "future-proofing" ten-year strategy, which receives a good deal of coverage in the games press, but might be unfamiliar to the average consumer comparing consoles for purchase at Christmas retail.

A difficult economy for U.S. consumers this holiday might mean shoppers seek less expensive options for holiday gifts, which could conceivably pose another challenge for the PS3 -- but Sony hopes the economic climate may actually make consumers more interested in making an investment they believe has long-term value.

"With the recession, as people are... on tighter budgets, they're going to be much more conscious of how they spend their money," says Han.

I knew that the 80gb model outsold the 40gb model, but I didn't know it was was 22%. I wonder if Sony really thinks that was due to storage or the real factor (PS2 backwards compatibility).

Regardless, it looks like they won't drop this year. Maybe they add some more value in bundling a game or bluray movie into the 80gb core pack...


Crystal Bearer
Regardless, they're still selling fine at $399 with the new model out now.
Even if they do drop in say, November, they're not going to go around announcing it now.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
as of right now the ps3 is outselling the 360 in all three regions of the world. So yeah, i don't think sony has any immediate concerns.


Will drop pants for Sony.
I won't be shocked if Sony denies a price drop but does it anyway. They have done that before.


chandoog said:
as of right now the ps3 is outselling the 360 in all three regions of the world. So yeah, i don't think sony has any immediate concerns.

price cut will do nothing to affect this


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
duk said:
price cut will do nothing to affect this

who knows .. maybe it won't. I believe this price cut around the geow 2 launch would have been a much better idea.


Crystal Bearer
WrikaWrek said:
I bet the 360 will still keep selling like crap after the 360, so it won't affect PS3 crappy sales.

It certainly won't start selling Wii numbers. Either of them.


I knew they were not going to drop the price back in May from the investor call. They have only reiterated that many times this year. Offerering another $500 bundle in November only reinforces this as well. They maybe unconcerned, but they may want to re-think not dropping the price this year;


If there's one console maker that should worry about Xbox 360's multi-model price cut, it's Sony, claims analyst Jesse Divnich with Electronic Entertainment Design and Research.

"[Between Sony and Nintendo,] Sony should be the most concerned [about the 360's price cut]," he told Edge on Thursday. "...Going into this holiday season, the PS3 will not only have the highest price point, but also the smallest software library, weaker line-up of exclusive titles (compared to Xbox 360’s Gears of War 2 and Fable 2), and a less popular online network."

Divnich said that Sony should "heavily consider" a hardware price cut in the next few months in order to keep pace.

Currently, Sony's de facto standard 80GB PS3 retails in the U.S. for $399, while Microsoft's range of Xbox 360s now start at $199.

Sony has said that it will not be reducing the price of the PS3 this year.

"I suspect that the reason why Sony has been so adamant about maintaining its current price point is because it has not reached a more efficient scale in its manufacturing of the PS3," said Divnich.

"Long-term, I don't think anyone doubts the success of the PS3, however it is currently looking like the Xbox 360 will win another holiday season against the PS3 in North America."

Across all three models, Divinch expects a 20-30 percent short-term jump in Xbox 360 unit sales thanks to the price cuts.

Analyst Michael Pachter with Wedbush Morgan told Edge that he thinks the price reduction will "spark an increase of 15-20 percent in unit sales over the next 12 months."

Colin Sebastian with Lazard Capital Markets called Microsoft's move "good news for the videogame industry," adding that it may boost sales of the upcoming Rock Band 2 and Guitar Hero: World Tour.

He added that his analysis of historical U.S. console sales shows a leap in uptake after hardware breaks the $200 mark.

"In addition, given the weaker consumer spending environment, the Xbox 360 should also now be in closer reach of more price-sensitive consumers," Sebastian said.

What about Nintendo?

With Xbox 360 and PS3 sales virtually neck-and-neck every month in the U.S., the focus has been on that horse race. But it's Nintendo's platforms--the Wii and the DS--that have been consistently outselling its rivals by large margins.

But now that the Xbox 360 Arcade is $50 cheaper than the $249 Wii, should Nintendo be on its guard?

"Nintendo need not worry about Microsoft, or anyone else for that matter," Divnich said plainly. "Nintendo will always be its own worst enemy (in terms of keeping up with demand).

"...Nintendo has so much wiggle room on the Wii’s pricing that they will never be afraid of a competitor trying to use price as a differentiating feature.

"If they ever felt threatened, they could drop the Wii down to $149 and destroy a competitors momentum. But in this particular case, Nintendo won’t feel too threatened by an Xbox 360 price drop."

Sebastian also said that he doesn't expect Nintendo to change its pricing strategy in the wake of Xbox 360's price drop, noting that the Wii remains in short supply at retail, despite being on the market since late 2006.


i dont know what to say. regardless of what inside the box. the fact that you can play next gen gaming on 360 with almost half the price on PS3 is something big.

i don't know however how this will effect on hardware sales. i guess this holiday will be very important for both Sony and Microsoft.
I have 3 questions on the 360 price cut which NPD will answer in the coming months:

- How much of a bump will they give to 360 sales
- Will it be a temporary or permanent increase
- Will PS3 sales decrease as a result (360 stealing PS3 buyers)

As for Sony, pretty much an expected response.


Kagari said:
So if the Xbox can't outsell the PS3 this month, what will happen?
a whole bunch of this:



I'd like to know how much a arcade unit actually costs to make. If you take out 50$ for the controller, cables etc is the box itself really worth like $125 if you take into account retailers have to make a few bucks on it?


Kagari said:
So if the Xbox can't outsell the PS3 this month, what will happen?
outsell what?

outsell in terms of Life to date?or...

This November will mark 3 years since the xbox 360 came out, where did time fly?

jax (old)

"With the recession, as people are... on tighter budgets, they're going to be much more conscious of how they spend their money," says Han.

funny how his last statement contradicts the entire breathe of his PR/commentary.
Problem with Sony now is they have a $200 gap between the Xbox 360 and their lowest end PS3.

BR or not, Sony is going to have to at least cut their 80GB Core pack to $329 this Holiday season if they even want to stand a chance against the Wii and the 360.


Crystal Bearer
neptunes said:
outsell what?

outsell in terms of Life to date?or...

The month. Like last month PS3 outsold XB360 with the $299 20GB out there. Will a similar thing happen? Or can XB360 outsell PS3. It remains to be seen.


Kagari said:
The month. Like last month PS3 outsold XB360 with the $299 20GB out there. Will a similar thing happen? Or can XB360 outsell PS3. It remains to be seen.
it's been outselling it for the past 2 years,

I'm confused


VictimOfGrief said:
Problem with Sony now is they have a $200 gap between the Xbox 360 and their lowest end PS3.

BR or not, Sony is going to have to at least cut their 80GB Core pack to $329 this Holiday season if they even want to stand a chance against the Wii and the 360.

Lol, that ship sailed a long time ago...
to the collective chagrin/nerd-rage of gaffers worldwide


Kagari said:
The month. Like last month PS3 outsold XB360 with the $299 20GB out there. Will a similar thing happen? Or can XB360 outsell PS3. It remains to be seen.

Now they're going up against a $200 20GB here in Canada. As a PS3 owner right now, I'm damn tempted to just pick up a 20GB.


TheExodu5 said:
Now they're going up against a $200 20GB here in Canada. As a PS3 owner right now, I'm damn tempted to just pick up a 20GB.

Where do you find a $200 20 GB, my brother emailed me this morning about the $199 arcade at futureshop and I said don't even think about buying one without a HDD.


what do you think how many potential 360 consumer have been waiting for a price drop? As a european i can only talk about the market over here and the fact was nobody cared about the machine and for that reason the price drop didn't have any impact. Now the question is how many consumers have been waiting for this to buy a 360? Well we well see. I dont think people now look at the 360 price tag and buy a 360 instead of a wii.
Ryu1999 said:
Lol, that ship sailed a long time ago...
to the collective chagrin/nerd-rage of gaffers worldwide
----Somewhat. They've been pretty bullish on not dropping the price---- thinking that BR deserves the premium; Plus the fact that they're not making any money on the system.... from a sales perspective, a price drop to around $300 would be a signal to the rest of the BR makers that it's time to push the format and also for Sony to gain some market share against MS.


carlosp said:
what do you think how many potential 360 consumer have been waiting for a price drop? As a european i can only talk about the market over here and the fact was nobody cared about the machine and for that reason the price drop didn't have any impact. Now the question is how many consumers have been waiting for this to buy a 360? Well we well see. I dont think people now look at the 360 price tag and buy a 360 instead of a wii.

People are always out there looking for prices to drop. No matter when you look at somethings timeline there is the same amount of people every year turning 14-15 and begging for their parents to buy them something.

There will be 10,000 kids in the US today that instead of shopping with mom at Walmart is checking out the electronics section and will be running across the store to tell mom/dad that the 360 is now only $199 and if they could have one now.

I hate the old saying that everyone that wants a 360 has already bought one.


comedy bomb said:
I'm worried about the 360 price cut.

Because by the time I scrape up $200 the arcades will be impossible to find :(

4 left on Amazon this morning. You got to wonder what kind of stock MS will have in store this month because it maybe near the best selling SKU for awhile. Possibly until holiday bundles.
riskVSreward said:
Wouldn't it be great if Sony released a statement expressing that they were terrified?


"Sony Calls It Quits! 'Price Cuts Just Too Much'"

(Sorry, no Photoshop and I'm at work. :p)


Kagari said:
So if the Xbox can't outsell the PS3 this month, what will happen?

It's probably not going to outsell the Playstation 3 this month, the price drop won't be included in August's numbers and the price drop itself has basically been confirmed for weeks.


Why would sony drop the price when ship=sold during the holiday season. Thats just lost revenue that they can't afford just to win a PR fanboy forum war.:lol

All this price drop will do is show if there really is this pent up demand for a $200 360.


Nothing fazes Sony. I love it.

"Sony HQ bursts into flames! Software engineers run around flailing as they burn to death! Sony: Meh."


Remember people that Sony cant completely price all other blu-ray products out of the market if they do slash the price.

They have to be careful with this.
Gbeav said:
Remember people that Sony cant completely price all other blu-ray products out of the market if they do slash the price.

They have to be careful with this.

More like they have to carry the cost of the Blu-Ray drive and the HDD. Those components won't be cheap for quite some time.
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