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Card Hero:Pokemon::Chess:Mouse Trap


force push the doodoo rock
Usually when I get a game, I try to put out impressions pretty quickly, just because hell, I tend to get games early and I like giving you guys the dig on new stuff from Japan asap. I got High Speed Battle: Card Hero last week and I was going to post impressions, but I realized I had no idea what I would talk about.

To be honest, I'm still scratching the surface here.

The game -- to me anyway -- is a lot like Virtua Fighter. The game has a plethora of cards with mildly different "rules" attached to each one, each card is useful in a variety of situations and the strategies seem almost infinite, even in the super simple Spd rule set (I'll get to this rule set business in a bit)

So, back to the reason I didn't post impressions: the beginning of the game kinda lies to you. Well, actually, it doesn't lie so much as it doesn't tell you that what you're playing is the equivalent of some kids finding some cards and making up their own rules that vaguely resemble the actual game. They do this to ease you in to the game, but it took a while to get to the point where I was playing the game the right way. Even knowing the right way, however, I still couldn't grasp the sheer amount of depth involved with the game.

The game has 4 different rule sets from what I've found on the net, and while I've only actually played the Spd rule set, I've seen video of the Jr Sr and Pro rule sets and they seem to be completely different with Pro matches lasting up to 20 minutes.

Spd rules are fairly simple. You create a deck of 10 monster cards and 4 magic+super cards for a total of 14 cards. When the match begins, the game randomly shuffles your monster cards and you put 2 of 3 drawn cards face down into play. The computer player does the same thing and the match begins. Cards turn over and the winner of a pre-game coin toss starts playing his cards. Here comes some boring explanation (well, more boring, sorry, I'm not a very entertaining writer).

There are 2 main types of monsters, ones that attack at close range, and ones that attack from far away. "That's it? Why are there so many cards then, sp0rsk?" Because this game is all about this whole "freedom within a set of rules" thing all good games have. There are Close up monsters with far away special moves, far away monsters that attack SUPER far away, there are monsters that can attack more than once, there are monsters that can attack 2 people at once, all of which while being balanced to perfection.

Actually, let's back up a bit. Let me explain monsters.

Monsters have a few different variables. Attack distance, Leveling, HP, Attack Power, Special moves and "Wild Card" properties. Every monster is made up of a different combination of these things so let's take a quick look at a couple of cards.

SPARTAS                 Heatron
Close up Attack         Close up attack 
Lv 1:  HP 3 Attack P2   Lv 1: HP 5 P2
Lv 2:  HP 4 Attack P3   Lv 2: Hp 5 P3
                        Wild Card: P+1 when healed

You can see that Spartas is a bit weaker than Heatron, but that's because Spartas is the shit card you start with and not a card you actually play with, but I put it in here for comparisons sake. Heatron is a pretty straight forward card but it has one little wild card that increases his attack power one round when he is healed. The thing about this is that you have to use a special card to heal. A card that costs 3 "stones" to use. So from a strategy perspective, Heatron isn't a card you would want to start a game using, even though he's good damage sponge.
There are tons of cards with tons of combinations and building your deck is no easy task. It's almost like trying to make your own batting line-up in baseball except you can't decide the order.

Earlier I mentioned stones, you start every game with 1 stone, and you get more stones when you get killed IN SPD RULES. There are other ways to get stones in Jr - Pro rules. Stones are used in special attacks, special cards and leveling up.

Gah, as you can see by the length of these impressions the game is just a deep dark hole with seemingly no bottom. I'd explain more, but your's and my brain might just explode.

TL:DR folks: The game is fucking awesome. It's the Virtua Fighter of card games. Hope and pray every night Nintendo translates this. I can't give you online impressions cause the game won't even let me online yet. I don't have the necessary training :(. If you want me to keep going just say so.

P.S. Excuse typos and shit, I've been playing tour guide for my family all around Japan the past few days and I'm using my last bit of waking energy to tell you guys this game rocks.


I´ll recieve my game tomorrow or Friday along with FF4.

I absolutely loved the one for gbc and from what you´re telling it seems pretty similar. I will try my best to help anyone with questions later on.



force push the doodoo rock
grandjedi6 said:
Love the thread title. So Card Heroes is a more deep and complex version of Pokemon?

I compare it to Pokemon because it's another Nintendo developed "collect and battle" game. The story mode is closer to DS style "adventure" games than classic RPGs. In reality, Card Hero has as much in common with Pokemon as Chess has with Mouse trap.


Master of the Google Search
sp0rsk said:
I compare it to Pokemon because it's another Nintendo developed "collect and battle" game. The story mode is closer to DS style "adventure" games than classic RPGs. In reality, Card Hero has as much in common with Pokemon as Chess has with Mouse trap.

So its a traditional card battle game but with a more deep card mechanics then usual? I'm trying to get a feel of what this game is like since the only card games I've played as been Pokemon: TCG and SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighter's Clash


I was never really into card games, but that got me interested. I really hope they localize this... I want to try it out.

I didn't exactly understand the rules from your post (no offense), is there somewhere I can read a detailed description of them?


I was already sold on the card game + IntSys combo. I'm just waiting for Nintendo to localize it and I'm there day1.


sp0rsk said:
I compare it to Pokemon because it's another Nintendo developed "collect and battle" game. The story mode is closer to DS style "adventure" games than classic RPGs. In reality, Card Hero has as much in common with Pokemon as Chess has with Mouse trap.
have you played Culdcept sporsk? How does it compare?


Thanks for the impressions.

Hopefully it will be localised, but I must say I'm really tempted to buy the Japanese version at the moment, it sounds great!


antun said:
I´ll recieve my game tomorrow or Friday along with FF4.

I absolutely loved the one for gbc and from what you´re telling it seems pretty similar. I will try my best to help anyone with questions later on.

that gbc game is japanese only?.

I hope this game gets localized.


Sadly, yes, the gbc game is only in japanese, but as long as you read hiragana and katakana fluidly you can manage a long way if you have played similar games before.

The only downside with the gbc game is that the cpu takes forever to take a turn sometimes.


Please help me with my bad english
By Pokemon you guys are talking about Pokemon: The Trading Card Game?


Please help me with my bad english
sp0rsk said:
I've never played the TGC. I'm just talking about pokemon the game.

Never played this one?


(more a nerd than a geek)
sp0rsk said:
I compare it to Pokemon because it's another Nintendo developed "collect and battle" game. The story mode is closer to DS style "adventure" games than classic RPGs. In reality, Card Hero has as much in common with Pokemon as Chess has with Mouse trap.

I know other folks have mentioned the GBC game called Pokemon: The Trading Card Game, but I'm getting really curious as to whether the Card Hero games have the same structure.

Do you wander a world, talking to folks, playing card battles with kids and earning new cards as you do so? Is there a vague structure of "trying to get to ____" by building up the "perfect deck"?

The GBC PTTCD was quite fun, and I'm not a guy that likes Pokemon or collectible card games.


Sporsk, is this something like Magic:The Gathering ?

I like card trading (Tsubasa ones, Capcom vs. SNK also), and I was once into colleting the actual Magic:The Gathering cards.

Please keep up the impression. I am interested in this game.


force push the doodoo rock
DanielJohnson said:
Not import friendly, huh, Sporsk? I imagine that you'd be dead in the water without being able to understand each character's stats.

Yeahhh, but you can turn off kanji, so if you have a basic understanding of Japanese you can probably get through fine.


Now I have the game and I must say, this is the best game I have ever played and I only played as far as unlocking wifi and the modes where you play in a larger field.

It plays so well and IS took all the good from the gbc version and perfected it with this game.

So I ve just unlocked wi-fi. I´ll be back later with impressions. I hope there is a mode that doesn´t require friend codes.:D


Well, give me your friend code already! :D

I have been trying to find someone to play against all night and yesterday as well. Do you know the difference between the two options you choose after choosing free battle?

I have been trying both.


force push the doodoo rock
Those options say "Yes I am willing to fight someone who has a card with an 8 rarity" and "No, I am not willing to fight someone who has a card with an 8 rarity"

FC is 0344 8092 4214


All right.

Thanks for the help. I have added you now. Please tell me if and when you want to play. I really love this game. Maybe we can trade a few cards as well.



How does it compare to Yu-Gi-Oh? Your description makes it sound more restrictive and calculated, more like Card Fighter DS.


I finished a special tournament yesterday that granted me a new mastercard. I got to choose between 4 different suits. The top two i could understand but the other two i couldn´t. I choose the fourth one and i ended up with a mastercard that is able to:

Attack (3 stones)
Bind a monster (2 stones) I don t know what it binds but the little M appears. Antilevelup perhaps?
Put shields on two monsters (3 stones)
Choose one of your own monsters and one of the opponents and kill them (3 stones)
May fail and then your monster dies but the target lives.

I wonder what the third master was about.

Sporsk, if you get to the point when you get to choose a great master please tell me what the third master is for.

I like the wonder master a lot but my favourite so far is the black master. The ability to raise ones strenth at any time for just 3 stones is superior. Combined with a lot of cards that grant you stones it is instant win. :D


Ugh, I really want to learn a lot more about this game, but this thread isn't generating enough information, in my opinion.

Well, then again, does this game really have a chance of being localized into NA territories?
sp0rsk said:
I compare it to Pokemon because it's another Nintendo developed "collect and battle" game. The story mode is closer to DS style "adventure" games than classic RPGs. ..
That description reminded me of Microprose's Magic: The Gathering for the PC. Are you familiar with that game, sp0rsk? If so, will you compare the two? Also, is there an actual ending to work toward?

Also, if you've played it, as far as the card battling portion, how does it compare to Eye of Judgment? I just got EoJ, recently, but haven't opened it, yet. However, every impression I've read about it has been positive.

I just watched a few videos on Gametrailers for this game, but they don't show the adventuring aspects of it.


There is no adventuring what so ever in this game. You just play card games earn money and buy more cards and play more cards.

Compared to magic it is a very different experience. There are no elements and the overall feel is much more fun. For me that is but i really like the speed of this game. Even if you play Pro rule it is very fastpaced and fun.

I hope this helps a little.


Int Sys is the only company I'd trust to make a competent TCG game. Card Fighters Clash (and the shitty state of RPG design in general, as compared to tabletop games) proved to me that most devs have no idea WTF they're doing when they try to make a turn-based system fun. When they're so poorly made, it's not a wonder so many RPGs are going the real-time route.

Paper Mario, though, was one of the few games that exhibited solid game design in the field. So I'm definitely looking forward to this game, if it ever gets localized. Or, hmmm, maybe we'll see a fan-made translation patch?
antun said:
There is no adventuring what so ever in this game. You just play card games earn money and buy more cards and play more cards.

Compared to magic it is a very different experience. There are no elements and the overall feel is much more fun. For me that is but i really like the speed of this game. Even if you play Pro rule it is very fastpaced and fun.

I hope this helps a little.
Thanks for confirming the lack of adventuring in this game, antun. I, personally, love MTG, but it falls apart as a videogame with CPU opponents. The real fun is human competition. Since Card Hero was made as a videogame, first, though, they didn't have to work within the confines of tabletop game. Sounds promising. Hopefully it gets translated so I can try it out for myself.


Hopefully this will get localized. I have been playing Front Mission DS recently and it just feels so sloppy next to the Advanced Wars series. I crave that IntSys magic.
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