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Chroma Squad |OT| Wonderful Chromatizing Budget Rangers



Platform: PC/Mac/Linux
Website: http://www.chromasquad.com/
Release Date: April 30, 2015
Genre:Tactical Role Playing Game
Price: $15
Publisher: Behold Studios
Developer: Behold Studios

System Requirements:
  • OS: Windows XP or later, OSX 10.4 or later, Ubuntu 10 or later
  • Processor: 2000 Mhz
  • Memory: 512 MB RAM
  • Graphics: 640x480 minimum resolution (Direct3D/OpenGL compatible card with at least 128MB)
  • DirectX(If Windows): Version 9.0c
  • Hard Drive: 250 MB available space
  • Sound Card: 2D sound compatible card
  • GlassEmpires- pictures

Chroma Squad is a tactical turn-based manager game, with sentai heroes. Five stunt actors had left their jobs in order to create a Power Ranger inspired TV show. In this game you become responsible for managing and recording episodes for a sentai TV studio. Hire actors, craft equipment from cardboard and duct tape, record episodes and explode everything up! Once the cameras are rolling, you will control your cast of five colored-jumpsuit-clad warriors in dramatic, turn-based battles!

  • Customize your TV studio: hire actors, upgrade your gear, do marketing, craft weapons, costumes and giant cardboard robots!
  • Tactical RPG combat with a twist: combine your heroes’ abilities with Teamwork maneuvers!
  • Giant Mecha combat – destroy the city to save the city!


I'll add tips and stuff here later.

Official Release
Official Release (Portuguese)
Release Date Announcement
Backed this during the Kickstarter. Have only had time to play a bit, but so far it looks pretty neato. It has elements of XCOM, but it's lighter fare--there's the strategic element of managing money for upgrades, but nothing so involved as a research system/panic/interception management. The appeal is just as much the fun tone of the game as the tactical challenge.


Crap, I just posted my impressions in the other thread. Guess I'll go ahead and repost them and maybe clean it up a little.
I played this for a couple of hours last night since it launched early for backers. So far I'm really enjoying it and it's a lot more polished than what I'd expected. Granted I haven't been following development very closely, I just knew some of the big stuff like the Saban issues.

I made it through the first season/contract in my ~2.5 hour play time and I'll provide some more impressions later once I'm off work.
Gameplay rundown
Squad creation- You create a squad with set roles like "Leader", "Scout", "Techie",etc which roughly equate to sentai/MMPR roles. I don't think you can change these (ie you have one of each), but you can choose different actors for each role who each have a unique sprite, bonuses, and per episode wage cost. You can also rename them and change their color. Most of the actors are normal humans (often based on real actors), but there's also a guy in a panda suit, a robot, and an alien. I chose the beaver as my leader.

Studio- You start off working out of a run down warehouse that you can upgrade. Each upgrade has an initial cost and an ongoing per episode cost. They do things like boost squad HP, increase drop rate, increase audience, etc.

Equipment- You can get new equipment from the store or craft with drops from your battles. In the first season all you can craft are guns made of play doh and the like.

Marketing- This unlocks partway through season 1. You can choose a marketing firm (or a random blogger) to support your show. As you gain fans, you can expend "fan power" to use your marketer's abilities. This can give a 1 time cash bonus, increase viewer->fan conversion, etc.

Mecha- Unlocks at the end of season 1. At the start of season 2 you can start upgrading it with cardboard and duct tape. It seems like it will be used in certain climatic battles and has unlockable abilities based on equipment. Mecha battles use a different system than standard battles.

Battles- What you're probably actually interested in! Each season you have to produce a certain # of episodes on a specific budget. Some episodes are mandatory, but it seems you'll have a choice at some point. In season 1 you can choose the order of the non season opener/finale, but they all have to be done.
Anyways, Chroma Squad is a grid based SRPG/TRPG (whatever the right term is). You begin most battles with your actors in their street clothes (or I guess naked as the beaver). After punching a few baddies you can transform which generally makes everyone stronger, gives them access to special abilities, and restores health. In one turn generally a character can move twice or move once and attack/use ability/teamwork. There's also free abilities which don't use an action. Abilities function on cooldowns and seem to be granted by roles and weapons.

At this point everything seems pretty standard, but there's a few twists Chroma Squad adds that made even the easy opening levels entertaining. First is audience. You don't just want to beat the bad guys, you want to do it in style. More audience means more money and more fans! Each season has a fan threshold that needs to be achieved in addition to giving you fuel for those marketing powers I talked about.

So how do you get more audience? Listen to the director! Each episode has optional objectives that will give a big boost to audience. Stuff like defeat enemies in a certain number of turns, hit the boss every turn, use x team attacks, etc. Doing stuff like team attacks, cool summersaults, an finishing moves on the boss tend to give good audience gain too. On the flip side characters being downed or using a finishing move without killing the boss drops audience.

Teamwork is probably my favorite spin on they've added. Instead of attacking/using skills a character can act as a boon for other characters. By placing a character properly the others can use them as a trampoline to extend their move range. If a character standing adjacent to an enemy while using teamwork and another character attacks, both will combine their attacks. You can do a teamwork formation with up to 5 characters for a finishing move. This really adds another layer of depth as you often need to situate one character (especially when chasing ranged guys) to boost move range so everyone else can reach the enemy. And if that character is near the enemy they can join the attack too!

Final Thoughts
So far the game's been pretty easy as it introduces all the gameplay systems, but they've already put the pieces in place for more difficult and strategic play. The season 1 finale boss was actually quite challenging so I'm looking forward to starting season 2. The story at this point is decent. I feel like the dialogue is fairly straightforward and simple most of the time, but at other points they do a great job of capturing the camp of their inspirations.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Looks fun and touches something I love...but I'm just not really a PC gamer much, so I guess I might wait to see if it hits a console soon like you guys say.

I would love this game so much if they made a Decade reference.

I'm pretty sure there is one...

In the April 30th trailer, at one point I saw one character shooting a gun who looked like he was meant to have the same head-style Decade and Diend use (aka the PS3 head).


Digging it as someone that's not big on the whole Power Rangers thing. I mean, I don't hate it, but I stopped watching it as a kid and have only been slightly aware of the genre since then. So if you think the game might only appeal to big fans and is not for you, it's still universal enough for layman to enjoy.
Been mostly playing around with the Linux port and its mostly a solid port. It works nicely with a dual screen setup. Has anyone else encountered a bug with health bars appearing in cutscenes? I'm wondering if its only a Linux thing.


Been mostly playing around with the Linux port and its mostly a solid port. It works nicely with a dual screen setup. Has anyone else encountered a bug with health bars appearing in cutscenes? I'm wondering if its only a Linux thing.

I'm playing on Windows and I remember a couple of times where a few characters had health bars over their heads during the cutscenes while others didn't.
Kickstarted this and forgot. Enjoyed what I've played so far, although sometimes my screen will get all screwed up during cutscenes. Maybe it's just my old dang ass Macbook.

I'll probably double-dip when it hits Vita, too.


Looks intersting... Is it a choice heavy game or more like a tactical combat? Is there any games which you can compare it to?

What do you mean by choice heavy game?

It's sort of similar to XCOM except instead of managing a world saving facility, the upgrades are built around a TV studio. The battles so far are probably a bit more in the Final Fantasy Tactics mold, small areas with enemies in plain view.


"Inspired by Saban's Power Rangers"

That's so petty of Saban, making them do that.

I'll be picking this up at some point.


werent they in real trouble at some point? like Saban got mad at this and they wouldnt be able to put it out or something

Yep, though they came to an agreement with Saban. That's probably why "Inspired by Saban's Power Rangers" is on everything now.


A few more impressions. Just finished up season 2. It feels like the difficulty is ramping up a bit. I'm starting to put more effort into buying/crafting equipment to make sure everyone is properly outfitted. Once again it seems like the season finale was easily the most difficult of the set. It looks like the story's starting to kick into gear so I'm interested to see where this will go.

A few interesting things I noted:
1. All healing so far has been percentage based. This means you really want to buff your character's HP since it not only means they can take a beating, but it's easier to keep them up via healing.

2. When your team transforms they all run up to the currently selected character, even if they've already taken their turn or it's out of their normal move range. I've started moving someone close to a group of enemies, then transforming to pull everyone in for an attack.

3. There's several upgrade paths for each mecha part. Some give stronger passive bonuses, others give special abilities. Can't craft all of them yet due to rarer materials needed. Speaking of mecha, there's significantly more mecha battles in season 2 than season 1.

4. Setting your guys to do teamwork and a initiating with a regular attack is different than teamwork with a special attack. Didn't realize this at first. I'll have to look more into this.

This game references a lot of pop culture and memes. On the whole I like it, but there's been a few that made me groan. Namely the doge speak in season 1. It's fine in the right context like the twitter messages shown after each episode, but the use in the middle of one of the episodes fell flat. Still, I liked the barrel roll, "Robert Sponge", and The Little Mermaid reference. All in all I'm definitely enjoying the game so far.
Oh come on, you didn't laugh out loud (lol I think the kids call it) when the director said "Hey! I never wanna hear you say 'I want it that way!' "


Oh come on, you didn't laugh out loud (lol I think the kids call it) when the director said "Hey! I never wanna hear you say 'I want it that way!' "

Ok, yes that one did get me. What I was trying to say is I found the memes and references to be hit or miss, but I found there to be more hits than misses so far. I mentioned it specifically because I know there's people who have issues with that particular kind of humor, but even if they don't generally like it I'd still recommend the game because it's well done most of the time, at least in my opinion.
How in-depth is the actual show management? Is there a writer's room at all?

Please do not say it is anything like Dev Tycoon.


Memes and cultural references are super cringe worthy and the game design of "we have to put this backer into our game during this point" were also super bad.

Game is super solid beyond that, but there's some really illogical game design choices so far that will hopefully go away as the game goes on.


werent they in real trouble at some point? like Saban got mad at this and they wouldnt be able to put it out or something
Yeah, Saban pulled some copyright shit on them IIRC. I've seen comments from the devs saying that they were given the options of cutting Saban a royalty share or getting taken to court, with the associated legal fees and the game likely never being released. Saban basically strong armed themselves into the situation.

Anyway, glad to hear the positive impressions.
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