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Man proposes to wife via "hacked" Chrono Trigger SNES game.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated


www.news.com.au said:
PHILL Spiess loves his girlfriend Annie Flansburg so much he spent weeks rewriting the game she was playing to include a surprise marriage proposal.

"I wanted to propose in a unique way and had bounced several ideas off our friends," Mr Spiess told Greenpixels.com.

"I really wanted to do something more memorable than just dropping to one knee in a restaurant.

Mr Spiess, a computer science student and software engineering intern, decided to rewrite one of the games she was playing so that it would include a story of some of their special memories and end with a proposal.

He spent about three weeks "hacking", or modifying, a custom level in the Nintendo DS game Chrono Trigger.

On the night of the proposal, Ms Flansburg came home and said she was getting tired of the game.

"It freaked me out but I persuaded her to carry on by telling her she was just 15 minutes away from the coolest quest in the game," Mr Spiess said.

"I pointed her towards the mountain I had created, and left her to it.

"While she was playing through it, I was acting casual and desperately trying not to loom.

Ms Flansburg was initially confused by the coincidences between the game and her life, Mr Spiess said.

"Then she saw her actual name on the screen, and she turned to me looking kind of puzzled and said, 'How did they get my name in this game?'"

"She saw that I was on one knee with the ring. She did a double take, re-read the proposal, and nodded yes.

"Then she told me 'You are such a nerd!' before giving me a big hug, telling me how much she loved it, and then asking a load of questions about how I managed to do it.

Surprisingly, Mr Spiess is not the first to propose with a hacked video game.

Last year, a man spent weeks hacking the popular game Bejeweled to propose to his wife with a pixelated ring that appeared in the puzzle.

The game's publisher, PopCap, responded by flying them to Seattle for the wedding and giving copies of Bejeweled to guests.

And just this week, US technology blogger Grant Robertson used the micro-blogging service Twitter to propose to his blogger girlfriend, Christina Warren.

As for Mr Spiess, he is "delighted" that he was able to make a memorable proposal to his girlfriend.

"Now it's the first thing she tells everyone about us, and she has invited all her friends over to see it firsthand."

My question is: how did he "hack" a read-only DS game card? Surely she must have been playing it off of a flash cart/SD card, hence, she and her husband are both pirates and should be punished by Nintendo to the maximum extent of the law in the most romantic fashion possible!
"You are such a nerd!" is a pretty great response to a wedding proposal.

Either one of the people in that picture could be any one of many, many people that I know. Look like a nice couple.


tedtropy said:
My question is: how did he "hack" a read-only DS game card? Surely she must have been playing it off of a flash cart/SD card, hence, she and her husband are both pirates and should be punished by Nintendo to the maximum extent of the law in the most romantic fashion possible!
Maybe he's a good boy and he bought them game legally too


tedtropy said:
My question is: how did he "hack" a read-only DS game card? Surely she must have been playing it off of a flash cart/SD card, hence, she and her husband are both pirates and should be punished by Nintendo to the maximum extent of the law in the most romantic fashion possible!

Snes emulator, game came out for ds after the video so he's just bullshitting that bit of the interview to give the ds release a plug.

Also, OLD!


tedtropy said:
My question is: how did he "hack" a read-only DS game card? Surely she must have been playing it off of a flash cart/SD card, hence, she and her husband are both pirates and should be punished by Nintendo to the maximum extent of the law in the most romantic fashion possible!

Okay, so they have him arrested at the wedding and locked up for the rest of his life while Iwata marries his girlfriend. He then makes friend with his cellmate, the REAL Yamauchi, who trains him in classical languages, fencing and the game industry. After Yamuchi dies, our hero escapes by hiding in Yamauchi's body bag and being tossed into the sea. He makes it to an island where Yamuchi has hidden a treasure trove of Nintendo stock and devotes the rest of his life to revenging himself against Iwata and Nintendo.
I always think it's a bit suspect when someone does something like this, then goes to the press about it to get coverage. It's like, it's great and all that you proposed to her and all that, but you know half the reason he did that was so people would cover the story.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
TwinIonEngines said:
Okay, so they have him arrested at the wedding and locked up for the rest of his life while Iwata marries his girlfriend. He then makes friend with his cellmate, the REAL Yamauchi, who trains him in classical languages, fencing and the game industry. After Yamuchi dies, our hero escapes by hiding in Yamauchi's body bag and being tossed into the sea. He makes it to an island where Yamuchi has hidden a treasure trove of Nintendo stock and devotes the rest of his life to revenging himself against Iwata and Nintendo.

That'll work.
tedtropy said:
My question is: how did he "hack" a read-only DS game card? Surely she must have been playing it off of a flash cart/SD card, hence, she and her husband are both pirates and should be punished by Nintendo to the maximum extent of the law in the most romantic fashion possible!

Some of us have real dev carts. :lol


Hail to the KING baby
TwinIonEngines said:
Okay, so they have him arrested at the wedding and locked up for the rest of his life while Iwata marries his girlfriend. He then makes friend with his cellmate, the REAL Yamauchi, who trains him in classical languages, fencing and the game industry. After Yamuchi dies, our hero escapes by hiding in Yamauchi's body bag and being tossed into the sea. He makes it to an island where Yamuchi has hidden a treasure trove of Nintendo stock and devotes the rest of his life to revenging himself against Iwata and Nintendo.

did you have that same dream too?


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
Mammothtank said:
She was tired of Chrono Trigger before finishing it? Poor guy didn't dodge a bullet on that one.

Maybe he added an option for renaming the wife character.
I've gotten the "You're such a nerd" response for my marriage proposals too.

It never ends as happily as it did in the OPs story, though.


tedtropy said:

My question is: how did he "hack" a read-only DS game card? Surely she must have been playing it off of a flash cart/SD card, hence, she and her husband are both pirates and should be punished by Nintendo to the maximum extent of the law in the most romantic fashion possible!

meh, we should let em go, they look nice together so we'll forgive em.


Well wtf. I wrote to the Dr. Phil show to ask if they could put a scrolling banner across one of their episodes as my proposal. They never replied.

I should taken the matters to my own hands, like this guy! Gotten a recording and hackneyed a scrolling banner during the broadcast!


With my ex, I was going to make a GB game where it's Zelda, but you start off and the old bastard has a ring instead of a sword and a partially reworked phrase.

Although the original ain't bad. "It's dangerous to go alone. Take this."

It was amazing, she actually had a list of rules of where and when and how I should propose to her. Like, NOT a public place (E3, sporting event) and certain things I couldn't say.

I'm SO happy she dumped me.

Although now I'd like to propose to my current fiancee (Even after the marriage, actually, before the real one) in Club 33, somewhere. She loves Disney, but doesn't actually know about Club 33.
I proposed to my fiancee using a photoshopped image of the Xbox 360 blades in the advertising space.

Had to use the PS3 to display the image though. :lol
TwinIonEngines said:
Okay, so they have him arrested at the wedding and locked up for the rest of his life while Iwata marries his girlfriend. He then makes friend with his cellmate, the REAL Yamauchi, who trains him in classical languages, fencing and the game industry. After Yamuchi dies, our hero escapes by hiding in Yamauchi's body bag and being tossed into the sea. He makes it to an island where Yamuchi has hidden a treasure trove of Nintendo stock and devotes the rest of his life to revenging himself against Iwata and Nintendo.

Dude you forgot where he works for smugglers that bring in pirated Chinese DS carts


Maybe it's because I'm a sucker for Chrono Trigger, but the YouTube clip of what he made was pretty touching, good for them. Although yes, his girlfriend is right and he's a huge nerd.


This guy made a quick 8-bit game for his proposal (scroll down to the bottom).

She Said yes...


Some people ask the question with a cake or a ring. Possibly even a webcomic, power armor or a pile of corpses... Me, I asked with a pixel side-scrolling video game.

As Dom has told me, the way you ask should be true to who you are. Me, I make video games. Hell, I get paid to do it supposedly. So when I asked Jes to marry me, I had spent the last year secretly making a little 8bit game for her. An hour here, an hour there, I slowly put it together in cover of night. It worked out great. Well... it would have been better had the final boss not glitched and got stuck in a wall. ( -_-)

Anyway, here's some more shots of the game. (I will not post a copy of it online. It was made for an audience of one.)



Oh, this had nothing to do with the Bacon Ice Cream, by the way. That's just awesome on it's own.

EDIT: Yeah, the hud is totally stolen from Megaman Z. Should give you an idea of how the game controls.

Posted by Ian
June 20, 2008, 16:36 EST


I may be nuts, but that image looks like it was taken at Rochester Institute of Technology.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
8-bit game guy said:
Anyway, here's some more shots of the game. (I will not post a copy of it online. It was made for an audience of one.)

But he sure has no problem boasting about it to the world. :lol

Oh well, guess I can't blame him. Although that doesn't look like it's using the palate of any 8-bit game I've ever seen.
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