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Nintendo reveals German sales numbers [Market leader in 2011]


German sales for 2011:

3DS: 600.000
DS: 500.000
Wii: 800.000

3DS had the most successful launch ever.
- 20% more than the original DS in 2005

Installed base of the Nintendo DS family:
- 8.6 million
- that probably means 8 million without the 3DS

Wii is the most successful console ever.
- Installed base of 5 million
- "uncontested market leader" in 2011

- 3DS+DS+Wii = 60% of the German hardware market
- 40% of all software sales were for a Nintendo platform; around Christmas every second title sold was for a Nintendo platform

Software Wii:

Wii is a "family, party, and sports console" in Germany:
- most successful Wii title was Wii Party; number 4 in the all platform chart
- Just Dance 3 was also a huge successful, it was the most successful game across all platforms
- Wii Fit Plus sold 300.000 copies in 2011; they say because of their marketing campaign with Steffi Graf
- Zumba Fitness - Join the Party was another highly successful title

Traditional titles were almost non-existant, therefore there's not much to mention:
- Skyward Sword reached six-digit numbers
- the same holds true for New Super Mario Bros. Wii, Donkey Kong Country Returns, and Mario Kart Wii

Software Handhelds: [3rd parties am cry]
- Mario Kart 7 and Super Mario 3DS Land are number 1 and 2 in the 3DS game charts of 2011; reached a six-digit figure
- Ocarina of Time 3D is number 3, it also sold more than 100.000 units
- same holds true for nintendogs + cats, which is on number 4

- Pokemon Black/White sold 600.000 units, are the two best-selling DS titles in 2011
- New Super Mario Bros. comes in as number 3
- Professor Layton & the Spectre's Call is number 4 [total Layton sales reach more than 1 million in Germany]


I would love to get numbers for the other systems. I must be an anomaly here in Germany because I could not care less about most of Nintendo's offerings.


Go Germany!

SS apparently not selling much more than 100k here makes me very sad though. Or does anyone know if that's a good number?
Go Germany!

SS apparently not selling much more than 100k here makes me very sad though. Or does anyone know if that's a good number?
Not sure if joking here but I'm just going to assume that meant zelda here.

Great nr's for Nintendo in Germany.
It was also very visible at gamescom 2011 the Big N both was completely packed at all times.


the piano man
SS was kind of a flop. It's been available for 30€ now.

Where? I'd like to know. Nintendo core 1st party games being that cheap is VERY rare, happens only when nintendo dictates it with their "player's choice" lines and similars.

I can say the wiimote edition SS flew away from shelves in no time and it is quite rare and hard to find a copy in regular stores now. Amazon and Ebay pricings show this, the same with Xenoblade's Red controller edition, nowhere to be found.

The 3ds, however, always looked like some major flop here, the 3DS stations empty and everyone walking away upset because of the stupid and piss poor 3D effect in pilotwings and Nintendogs, but I am happy for them, that it was my impression more than anything.


Where? I'd like to know. Nintendo core 1st party games being that cheap is VERY rare, happens only when nintendo dictates it with their "player's choice" lines and similars.

Really? Not in Germany. You usually get hardcore Nintendo titles for 39.99€ at launch already. Perhaps not at some over-expensive retailers like Gamestop or MediaMarkt, but at Amazon.de you surely do. Skyward Sword, Mario Galaxy 2, as well as others (I believe Xenoblade too) were all available for 39.99€ at launch.
I got the Zelda SS LE for 55€ at launch and just ordered the Last Story LE for 50€. Nintendo games can be quite cheap after all, you just need to know where and when, as prices might go up again (unless ak tronik reprints some of Nintendo's titles such as Spirit Tracks or Smash Bros. Brawl, then prices stay at 20€).

I can say the wiimote edition SS flew away from shelves in no time and it is quite rare and hard to find a copy in regular stores now. Amazon and Ebay pricings show this, the same with Xenoblade's Red controller edition, nowhere to be found.

That's true, Nintendo Germany seems to get a smaller allocation of these limited editions though. Nonetheless, you can replicate the Xenoblade LE by combining the CC Pro red (30€) and Xenoblade (game only, also 30€).

The 3ds, however, always liked like some major flop here, the 3DS stations empty and everyone walking away upset because of the stupid and piss poor 3D effect in pilotwings and Nintendogs, but I am happy for them, that it was my impression more than anything.

When I went to Saturn to try the 3D effect in Pilotwings, I felt as I was becoming blind on one eye. Wasn't a that great experience.


Do you have the original article or PR?


Don't know whether it's of much help for you:

Nintendo auch 2011 wieder Nr. 1 auf dem deutschen Videospielmarkt

Nintendo 3DS sorgt für besten Konsolenstart aller Zeiten / Wii ist erfolgreichste TV-Konsole

Super Mario und seine Freunde sind in Deutschland so beliebt wie eh und je. Das belegen die Marktdaten für das Kalenderjahr 2011. Danach war Nintendo auch im vergangenen Jahr wieder Marktführer bei Videospiel-Hardware. Denn: Die deutschen Spiele-Fans legten sich im vergangenen Jahr 1,9 Millionen Konsolen der Marken Wii, Nintendo 3DS und Nintendo DS zu. Damit bescherten sie Nintendo einen Marktanteil von knapp 60 Prozent. Darüber hinaus waren über 40 Prozent aller 2011 in Deutschland verkauften Videospiel-Programme für eine der Nintendo-Konsolen bestimmt. Im Weihnachtgeschäft war es sogar jede zweite Videospiel-Software.

„Deutschland ist weltweit einer der wichtigsten Märkte für unser Unternehmen“, sagt Dr. Bernd Fakesch, General Manager Nintendo Deutschland. „Darum freut es uns umso mehr, dass unsere Spiele und Konsolen bei den Deutschen 2011 wieder so viel Zuspruch erfahren haben wie in den Jahren zuvor.“

Millionen Nintendo-Konsolen im Gebrauch

Entscheidend zu diesem Erfolg beigetragen hat der neue Handheld Nintendo 3DS: Die erste Spielkonsole der Welt, die uns 3D-Grafiken ohne 3D-Brille sehen lässt, kam im März 2011 auf den deutschen Markt und hat sich dort bis Jahresende deutlich mehr als 600.000 Mal verkauft. Das sind gut 20 Prozent mehr als von dem 2005 erschienenen Vorgänger-Modell Nintendo DS im gleichen Zeitraum abgesetzt wurden. Keine andere Konsole - ob mobil oder TV-gebunden - hatte in Deutschland je einen erfolgreicheren Marktstart. Gemeinsam kamen Nintendo 3DS und Nintendo DS 2011 auf eine verkaufte Stückzahl von 1,1 Millionen - und lagen damit weit vor allen anderen Handhelds. Die installierte Basis der Nintendo DS-Familie liegt in Deutschland nun bei mehr als 8,6 Millionen Geräten.

Unter den TV-gebundenen Spielkonsolen war die bewegungsgesteuerte Wii auch 2011 wieder unumstrittener Spitzenreiter: Mehr als 800.000 Mal ging sie im letzten Jahr über Deutschlands Ladentische. Damit stehen jetzt insgesamt 5 Millionen Wii in deutschen Haushalten.

Die erfolgreichsten Wii-Spiele 2011

Ein Blick auf die meistverkauften Spiele für Wii zeigt, dass das Gerät seinem Ruf als Familien-, Party- und Sport-Konsole vollauf gerecht wird. Titel, die zum gemeinsamen Spiel und am besten noch zu ein wenig Sport und Bewegung animieren, stehen auf der Beliebtheitsskala ganz oben. Der begehrteste Wii-Titel des vergangenen Jahres war Wii Party, der zu virtuellen Brettspielen und mehr als 80 Mini-Games einlädt. In der Gesamtwertung der deutschen Videospiel-Charts 2011 erreichte er Platz 4. Auch das Tanzspiel Just Dance 3 für Wii erwies sich als absoluter Renner. Im Weihnachtsgeschäft war es, über alle Videospiel-Plattformen hinweg, der meistverkaufte Titel.

Ein ganz besonderer Erfolg war dem Trainingsprogramm Wii Fit Plus beschieden: Obwohl schon seit 2009 auf dem Markt, konnte es 2011 noch einmal rund 300.000 deutsche Fans hinzu gewinnen. Dazu hat eine groß angelegte Kampagne mit Tennislegende Stefanie Graf erheblich beigetragen. Auch Zumba Fitness - Join the Party von 505 Games hat sich auf Wii durchgesetzt: Mit dem Titel, der zu den beliebtesten seiner Gattung zählt, wurde 2011 die Auswahl an Tanz- und Sport-Spielen erfolgreich erweitert.

Nach wie vor großen Anklang bei den Wii-Freunden finden natürlich die traditionellen Videospiel-Genres. Mit der Kultserie The Legend of Zelda, die 2011 ihr 25-jähriges Jubiläum feierte, landete Nintendo am Ende des Jahres noch einen echten Coup: Das Fantasy-Abenteuer The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, obwohl erst am 18. November erschienen, erreichte bis zum 31. Dezember eine sechsstellige Verkaufszahl. Damit reiht es sich in den Jahrescharts in die Riege der Evergreens New Super Mario Bros. Wii, Donkey Kong Country Returns und Mario Kart Wii ein.

Die Spitzenspiele im Handheld-Bereich

Bekannte und beliebte Charaktere wie Link aus der Zelda-Reihe oder Super Mario sorgen auch bei den Handheld-Spielen für Spitzenabsätze. Mit dem Rennspiel Mario Kart 7 und dem Jump’n’Run Super Mario 3D Land belegte der pfiffige Klempner gleich die beiden ersten Plätze in den Ninten-do 3DS-Charts. Beide Titel kamen erst kurz vor Weihnachten in den Handel. Dennoch erreichten sie noch vor Jahresende Verkaufszahlen im sechsstelligen Bereich und befeuerten damit zusätzlich den Abverkauf des neuen 3D-Handhelds. Auf den Plätzen 3 und 4 landeten - mit ebenfalls mehr als 100.000 verkauften Spielen - das Fantasy-Abenteuer The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D und die Tiersimulation nintendogs + cats.

Auch der Nintendo DS bleibt mit seinem Spieleprogramm heiß begehrt. Bei den jüngeren Mitgliedern der Videospielgemeinde steht beispielsweise das Sammeln und Tauschen von Pokémon nach wie vor hoch im Kurs. Sie legten sich im vergangenen Jahr deutlich mehr als 600.000 Exemplare der Spiele Pokémon Schwarze Edition und Pokémon Weiße Edition zu und verhalfen ihnen so zu den ersten beiden Plätzen der Nintendo DS-Charts. Seit Jahren auf Spitzenpositionen abonniert sind auch die Titel der Rätsel- und Detektivspiel-Serie mit Professor Layton. So schaffte es 2011 die vierte Folge der Reihe, Professor Layton und der Ruf des Phantoms, auf Platz 4 der populärsten Nintendo DS-Spiele - direkt hinter New Super Mario Bros. Ganz nebenbei machte der Titel die Layton-Reihe damit zum Million-Seller.

„Wir sind mit den Ergebnissen des Jahres 2011 mehr als zufrieden“, sagt Dr. Bernd Fakesch. „Mit originellen Spielideen und innovativen Konsolen werden wir dafür sorgen, dass auch unsere Fans es weiterhin sind - im Jahr 2012 und darüber hinaus.“


Really? Not in Germany. You usually get hardcore Nintendo titles for 39.99€ at launch already. Perhaps not at some over-expensive retailers like Gamestop or MediaMarkt, but at Amazon.de you surely do. Skyward Sword, Mario Galaxy 2, as well as others (I believe Xenoblade too) were all available for 39.99€ at launch.
I got the Zelda SS LE for 55€ at launch and just ordered the Last Story LE for 50€. Nintendo games can be quite cheap after all, you just need to know where and when, as prices might go up again (unless ak tronik reprints some of Nintendo's titles such as Spirit Tracks or Smash Bros. Brawl, then prices stay at 20€).

Here in Spain MediaMarkt is the only one (that I know) that launches Wii Nintendo games at 39,99€ - 42,99€. When is holidays/christmas time they lower the price to 34,99€. But I haven't seen any first-party title at 29,99€ (and I'm searching for Xenoblade and nothing... sadpanda.jpg)



His profile says he's from Brazil ;D

Here in Spain MediaMarkt is the only one (that I know) that launches Wii Nintendo games at 39,99€ - 42,99€. When is holidays/christmas time they lower the price to 34,99€. But I haven't seen any first-party title at 29,99€ (and I'm searching for Xenoblade and nothing... sadpanda.jpg)

In Germany you can get great deals as many shops have 5-10€ coupons available pretty often. The cheapest Xenoblade price I could find right now is 32€, shipping to other countries is quite expensive though.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
3DS is amusing. I heard it bombed and now it seems to be outrageously successful.


All we know is that it sold at least 100k not that it didn't sell much more than 100k

The way the PR is worded though sound like it only did a little bit more, otherwise they would have given us an aproximate number. I'd be surprised it if sold 150k copies.

3DS is amusing. I heard it bombed and now it seems to be outrageously successful.

I'm also surprised, but I'm sure it has to to with the price drop and the great line-up lately.


In Germany you can get great deals as many shops have 5-10€ coupons available pretty often. The cheapest Xenoblade price I could find right now is 32€, shipping to other countries is quite expensive though.

I haven't seen any coupons for videogames chains here. I have friends in Germany, and 32€ uhmmmmm... is the game multi-region? (Spanish subs or at least English subs)

And more info about the software in Germany, thanks to BKK (As I said in the PAL sales thread, Wii Party is my surprise of the list)



[ALL] FIFA 2012 (EA)
[ALL] Call of Duty: Black Ops (Activision Blizzard)

[ALL] Battlefield 3 (EA)
[ALL] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (Activision Blizzard)
[ALL] Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit (EA)
[ALL] Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (Ubisoft)
[ALL] The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim (Zenimax)
[PC] Star Craft 2: Wings of Liberty (Activision Blizzard)
[WII] Wii Party (Nintendo)
[PS3] Gran Turismo 5 (Sony)
[PS3] FIFA 12 (EA)

[NDS] Pokemon White (Nintendo)
[NDS] Pokemon Black (Nintendo)
[NDS] Art Academy (Nintendo)
[WII] Donkey Kong Country (Nintendo)
[WII] Just Dance 3 (Ubisoft)
[PS3] Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit (EA)
[PS3] Battlefield 3 (EA)
[PS3] Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception (Sony)
[PS3] Assassin's Creed: Revelation (Ubisoft)
[360] FIFA 11 (EA)
[360] FIFA 12 (EA)
[PC] Battlefield 3 (EA)
[PC] Fussball Manager 2011 (EA)
[PC] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (Activision Blizzard)
[PC] The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim (Zenimax)
[PC] ANNO 2070 (Ubisoft)

[NDS] Professor Layton und der ruf des Phantoms (Nintendo)
[3DS] Mario Kart 7 (Nintendo)
[3DS] Super Mario Land 3D (Nintendo)
[3DS] The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Nintendo)
[WII] Monster Hunter Tri (Nintendo)
[WII] FIFA 11 (EA)
[WII] Shlag den Raab - Das Spiel (Namco Bandai)
[WII] Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Nintendo)
[WII] Zumba Fitness (505 Games)
[WII] Mario & Sonic at the 2012 London Olympics (Sega)
[PS3] Resident Evil 5 (Capcom)
[PS3] Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 (Konami)
[PS3] Medal of Honor (EA)
[PS3] LA Noire (Rockstar Games)
[PS3] Crysis 2 (EA)
[PS3] LittleBigPlanet 2 (Sony)
[PS3] Killzone 3 (Sony)
[PS3] Batman: Arkham City (Warner Bros.)
[PS3] Need for Speed: The Run (EA)
[PS3] The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim (Zenimax)
[360] Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (Ubisoft)
[360] Kinect Adventures (Microsoft)
[360] Kinect Sports (Microsoft)
[360] Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit (EA)
[360] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (Activision Blizzard)
[360] Battlefield 3 (EA)
[360] Forza Motorsport 4 (Microsoft)
[360] The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim (Zenimax)
[PC] Sims 3: Late Night (EA)
[PC] FIFa 11 (EA)
[PC] Siedler 7 (Ubisoft)
[PC] C&C Tiberium Twilight (EA)
[PC] Civilization 5 (2K Games)
[PC] Crysis 2 (EA)
[PC] Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit (EA)
[PC] Mafia 2 (2K Games)
[PC] Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (Ubisoft)
[PC] The Sims 3: Pets (EA)
[PC] The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings (Namco Bandai)
[PC] Die Sims: Mittelalter (EA)
[PC] FIFA 12 (EA)
[PC] Fussball Manager 12 (EA)
[PC] Star Wars: The Old Republic (EA)

Zelda: SS could be anywhere between 100.000 and 200.000.


I haven't seen any coupons for videogames chains here. I have friends in Germany, and 32€ uhmmmmm... is the game multi-region? (Spanish subs or at least English subs)

Yes, it is multi-region. If you want more information, just send a PM ;)

And more info about the software in Germany, thanks to BKK (As I said in the PAL sales thread, Wii Party is my surprise of the list)


Those are LTD sales though, not just 2011.


the piano man
Really? Not in Germany. You usually get hardcore Nintendo titles for 39.99€ at launch already. Perhaps not at some over-expensive retailers like Gamestop or MediaMarkt, but at Amazon.de you surely do. Skyward Sword, Mario Galaxy 2, as well as others (I believe Xenoblade too) were all available for 39.99€ at launch.
I got the Zelda SS LE for 55€ at launch and just ordered the Last Story LE for 50€. Nintendo games can be quite cheap after all, you just need to know where and when, as prices might go up again (unless ak tronik reprints some of Nintendo's titles such as Spirit Tracks or Smash Bros. Brawl, then prices stay at 20€)..

er, yeah, I mean Germany and yeah, I was talking about normal retail, not about online.

Nintendo 1st party core games on Wii are 49.99 euro as a standard. I did once see PunchOut for like 29.99 but that's about it.


Wii + DS + 3DS = 1.900.000 = 60% of the market. This means about 3.170.000 systems have been sold in total.

So about 1.270.000 Systems of XBox360, PS3 and PSP have been sold. PSP sales are probably neglectable but maybe some of the share goes to PS2.

But still, about 40% market share for XBox360 + PS3 is kind of impressive.
Wii + DS + 3DS = 1.900.000 = 60% of the market. This means about 3.170.000 systems have been sold in total.

So about 1.270.000 Systems of XBox360, PS3 and PSP have been sold. PSP sales are probably neglectable but maybe some of the share goes to PS2.

But still, about 40% market share for XBox360 + PS3 is kind of impressive.

I'd guess that its ps2 sales that will negligible not psp (though psp sales will be small too), I can't really speak for Germany but in the uk pretty much nowhere has sold ps2 for years


er, yeah, I mean Germany and yeah, I was talking about normal retail, not about online.

Nintendo 1st party core games on Wii are 49.99 euro as a standard. I did once see PunchOut for like 29.99 but that's about it.

Well, that's your fault if you're buying games at retail ;)
They also sell PS3/360 games at ridiculous prices. If you get Nintendo titles for at least 10€ less than RRP, it's surely not a major achievement in Germany.


the piano man
Well, that's your fault if you're buying games at retail ;)
They also sell PS3/360 games at ridiculous prices. If you get Nintendo titles for at least 10€ less than RRP, it's surely not a major achievement in Germany.

HA!! :) you are talking to the wrong guy, I have a NTSC wii and only buy games for under 15 dollars, mostly amazon.us. Games with region lock are bought from the UK sites (means 360 foremost) . So I know about prices everywhere. I still think, even counting german online sites, Nintendo here is pretty expensive, so much that I don't bother anymore lookig for deals here, it's a waste of time and all UK online sites ship to me so there.

Wii + DS + 3DS = 1.900.000 = 60% of the market. This means about 3.170.000 systems have been sold in total.

So about 1.270.000 Systems of XBox360, PS3 and PSP have been sold. PSP sales are probably neglectable but maybe some of the share goes to PS2.

But still, about 40% market share for XBox360 + PS3 is kind of impressive.

PSP has been dead here since like 2 years, and I mean absolutely dead, more the software than the hardware, software shelves are laughable and have always been so


Those are pretty good numbers as far as the console/handheld space goes.

I'd like to think that PCs are still dominating the market here.
Where's the " Nintendo going 3rd party since.... " avatar?
Every end of the fiscal year is the same thing and Nintendo continues to sell a lot of hardware / software.


European sales figures are the ones I can least take at face value without any PC DD info. I just don't believe we're even getting half the picture without those.


HA!! :) you are talking to the wrong guy, I have a NTSC wii and only buy games for under 15 dollars, mostly amazon.us. Games with region lock are bought from the UK sites (means 360 foremost) . So I know about prices everywhere. I still think, even counting german online sites, Nintendo here is pretty expensive, so much that I don't bother anymore lookig for deals here, it's a waste of time and all UK online sites ship to me so there.

I didn't expect you to buy from local stores, I doubt anyone on NeoGAF would do so ;)
Does 15 USD already include shipping? That's damn cheap then. But I wouldn't completely ignore German online shops at all...Punch-Out for 3€, Ghost-Trick for 5€. It's just the evergreen titles which still cost 30-40€.

PSP has been dead here since like 2 years, and I mean absolutely dead, more the software than the hardware, software shelves are laughable and have always been so

I'll be surprised if Vita becomes a success.

Neo C.

DS-family! This is as stupid as the "Playstation-family", a PR-term to make impressive numbers.

Probs to Nintendo though, the 3DS should be a great success when all is said and done.


the piano man
I didn't expect you to buy from local stores, I doubt anyone on NeoGAF would do so ;)

Does 15 USD already include shipping? That's damn cheap then. But I wouldn't completely ignore German online shops at all...Punch-Out for 3€, Ghost-Trick for 5€. It's just the evergreen titles which still cost 30-40€.

oh, I have relaitves in texas, I buy anytime and when I have a trip there I pick up my purchases, ( I even refuse to pay international shipping, haha for the extra cheapassness,)

I'll be surprised if Vita becomes a success.

I am sure Sony has a plan but I can't how sony is going to keep the Vita alive, let alone make it a success...
I am sure Sony has a plan but I can't how sony is going to keep the Vita alive, let alone make it a success...

There are a couple things they can do, but the more likely route to survival is to go back and push the PSP with some more software to keep it alive for as long as possible, treating the PSV as a "luxury" device, until the Vita can be manufactured to sell at more of a mass market price (say, under $200 at most). This would still be a terrible, terrible trial.

The other way is to try to make a "pocket" version of the Vita that's 3DS-sized and has some unnecessary features removed, which would decrease the cost of manufacture by way of having smaller screen, smaller battery, less case plastic, fewer components. I just don't know if that'd make enough of a difference to drop the price sufficiently. Also, battery life.


the piano man
There are a couple things they can do, but the more likely route to survival is to go back and push the PSP with some more software to keep it alive for as long as possible, treating the PSV as a "luxury" device, until the Vita can be manufactured to sell at more of a mass market price (say, under $200 at most). This would still be a terrible, terrible trial.

The other way is to try to make a "pocket" version of the Vita that's 3DS-sized and has some unnecessary features removed, which would decrease the cost of manufacture by way of having smaller screen, smaller battery, less case plastic, fewer components. I just don't know if that'd make enough of a difference to drop the price sufficiently. Also, battery life.

(I hope we are still talking about Germany here)

giving the PSP a second wind here is a bit unrealistic, that would require some substantial advertising, maybe even new games developed for it, nothing of which will happen. Making PSP games unplayable on Vita is yet one more trap the Vita will have to deal with and with Vita around the corner, why invest in a product that already gave what it had to give instead of giving it to your upcoming device??

a Vita revision could/will appear down the line but will people care by then?
The OP conflicts with the Germany BIU awards that BKK posted.

No Wii Fit Plus on the list, no NSMBW, no Mario Kart Wii, no nintendogs + cats.

Am I missing something here?


The OP conflicts with the Germany BIU awards that BKK posted.

No Wii Fit Plus on the list, no NSMBW, no Mario Kart Wii, no nintendogs + cats.

Am I missing something here?

It probably means that Wii Fit Plus, New Super Mario Bros Wii, and Mario Kart Wii were greater than 500k before last year, but didn't get to 1 million.
And maybe Nintendogs + Cats includes bundles or something in Nintendo's figures.
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