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LTTP: Jak and Daxter trilogy aka the Epic of Orange Lightning


So in prep for The Last of Us, I decided to catch up on Naughty Dog's work from the prior gen. I had been meaning to finish the games for awhile now and I had some time after finals so I sat down and plowed through all three this week. No, I didn't play through Jak X. I am sick and tired of the driving mechanics in these games.

Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy-

Well I liked this a lot. It reminded me of Crash Bandicoot in many ways and was pretty fun to play through. The story itself is pretty simplistic and is very straight forward. My major complaint with the story is that it might be a bit too straightforward. Nothing really surprising happens and it's just a race to the finish line. This trilogy isn't good at making sympathetic villains or just good ones in general and Gol is no exception. I suppose villains is something ND never got the hang of, if the Uncharted series is any indication. Anyway the story is pretty dry and boring but it doesn't really trip up anywhere or make me want to call out the writing.

That said, the environments were absolutely gorgeous in the game, I really applaud the artistic direction of ND. The snowy peaks were really breathtaking, even for a PS2 game. Style can make up for a lot of (what would now be viewed as) technical shortcomings. The colors really pop and the world in general feels very alive.

The characters themselves were pretty forgettable except for the hero of the story, Daxter. Daxter is far and away the highlight of the game due to him injecting comedy every time he talks. He more than makes up for Jak in this game and has some great dialogue.

The gameplay is pretty much pure platforming, which is a refreshing break from the games I play this gen and while a few of the orbs could be a pain to get, overall it was fun. I enjoyed the vehicle aspects in this one and it really doesn't feel like the gameplay ever gets stale or repetitive. The platforming works and you can tell that ND utilized their experience from Crash on the game as it's a fantastic platformer for the most part. The controls are tight and nothing really feels floaty.

Jak 2-
Let me get this out of the way. I hated this game. There are few games I hate as much as this one. There is the nonsensical grim dark tone shift, boring writing, grating VAs for some of the new characters, stereotypical villains, annoying overworld, tiresome missions, humdrum mission environments, the ridiculous lack of checkpoints, damn near broken camera, the aggravating gunplay, and the rage-inducing mandatory vehicle controls. I would have stopped playing this game straight out if I didn't hear that Jak 3 was better. I've checked other threads and it seems some people do like the game. It has to be related to the overworld and difficulty because that's the only thing I could remotely see people liking over the linear predecessor. I completely and utterly disagree with them.

Let's start with the tone shift as this design philosophy really impacts some of my other complaints. It's completely unnecessary and feels like I'm playing a different franchise at times. Instead of the lighthearted adventure in Jak 1, we now have an ultraserious story. It's played up to such ridiculous levels and so serious-faced that I find myself grating my teeth. While I enjoyed having a voiced protagonist on the part of Jak now, I hated half the damn words that came out of his mouth. I was starting to get pissed watching someone else be pissed. It's so constant that I couldn't help but shake my head. I mean even the goatee seems to be designed around a new and more XTREME Jak. ND created such a drab universe in the sequel by making it so serious and it eventually gets boring.
The writing in the sequel is definitely more ambitious and tries to tell a more interesting story from the first. It doesn't really make too many flaws, except for crap like the Errol wanting to race you instead of just flat out killing you, but again the problem comes from the tone shift in that the tone shift just turns the writing into a big revenge story. For so much of the focus to be on Jak, as a character he not only drops the ball but runs in the opposite direction. Another problem is that you spend half the game as other people's errand boys doing sidejobs such as picking up bags of money for Krew. There doesn't really feel to be any initiative on the part of the characters or story.

Some of the VAs were just horrible fits such as Thorn. The entire time he's talking in both Jak 2 and 3, I can't help but imagine Bale's Batman voice. 'I sound gruff because the writers dictated that my character is gruff'. The Baron also couldn't help but sound one-note even during his dying speech. There just isn't any variety in this area.

Now for the villains in particular. Yes, Jak 1 wasn't much better but it also didn't go that overboard either. The Baron is just one step away from kicking that Crocodog and revealing that he's responsible for every major problem in your life(although the story does go down that road anyway). ND took a more serious tone but somebody forgot to tell them that if you go a more realistic route then stuff like the villains start to matter more. Also Krew could be stand-in for Jabba the Hutt. There's also the ridiculous plot-line about Krew selling out the city which is so nonsensical and is more used to advance the plot. All the villains except for Kor, act in the most stupid manner possible.

Now for this godforsaken overworld. I don't mind crappy overworlds, hell I liked the one in No More Heroes and I like the Mako in ME1. I fucking hated this one. There are way too many pedestrians and hovercars for this to be enjoyable. It feels like I'm having to constantly dodge everytime I go some place and it just makes me wish there was a fast travel button. What makes this worse is that the amount of time you have to spent in the damn overworld. There are also some bullshit mission segments in the city such as the race with Errol where you want to strangle the developer. What makes all of this more frustrating is the floating hovercar controls. It's not fun to navigate and overall sucked all the life and enjoyment I was trying to salvage out of this game.

The missions and their environments are for the most part, forgettable and boring. There are really only a couple of acceptable ones such as the Precursor Temple and the underwater mech level but that's really it. ND throws in a bunch of setpieces but unlike Uncharted, I got nothing out of them. The forced shit camera angle also kills some of those bits as well. A lot of the design is industrial in nature and so it becomes pretty repetitive.

Then there is the lack of checkpoints. I'm sure some people liked the increased difficulty spikes, the problem is how big some of these spikes are and how long some of these missions are. The Seal in the Slums mission is absolutely ridiculous with how many enemies there are and how the controls are in general, in that you can't really dodge or move around much. There are also some missions which last close to 10-15 minutes where you have to perform them perfectly or you start from the very beginning. It gets old very fast and very annoying. It's a bullshit arbitrary way of increasing the difficulty and padding out the game time. What makes it all the more frustrating is that due to how the controls are, it sometimes feels like deaths are undeserved and you then have to redo another 10-15 minutes. Atleast with Dark Souls, it feels somewhat fair.

As I stated earlier, part of the problem is the camera. The camera in the game doesn't show all the enemies onscreen or even do a proper job of relaying the action half the time. I would be shooting my gun at some random enemy off the screen, a good portion of the time. There also would be times where the camera would be fixed such as Daxter's chase sequence where I would love to know where the hell I was heading towards. It feels like you're fighting with the camera for hours and the camera is winning.

Now for the auto-aiming gunplay. I wouldn't mind it so much if it wasn't so integral to the game and the camera wasn't so bad. The lack of some sort of dodge or guard mechanism also makes this pretty frustrating as you just have to pray that you stagger or kill the enemy before he hits you. The auto-aim also can really just screw you over such as in the final boss fight where you want to focus fire on the boss but the jetpack crew get the attention because of the auto-aim. More control would have made this much less annoying.

For the vehicles, there's a whole laundry list of issues I had with them. The first is that the controls are just too floaty. Yes they're hovercars but it still feels like I'm fighting the controls. This is a major problem due to the number of races and general moving around you have to do with them. This extends to that damn hoverboard where it feels like the grind isn't really connecting other than a few visual sparks. They feel sluggish and are a nightmare to use. There is also the amount of damage that half these vehicles can take. It feels like with the hoverbike that a solid two hits will do it in. What makes matter worse is the bumpercar physics.

Yea I really didn't like this game.

Jak 3-
Well I definitely liked this more than Jak 2. There's only so far low you can go right? There's a lot of stuff this game does better than the other two but it also screws up in some areas as well. I went into Jak 3 expecting that Jak and Daxter would remain my favorite and this game surprised me. It feels like a happy balance with its two predecessors.

Let's get this out of the way, the story is awful. I mean truly awful. Atleast with Jak 2 it was coherent and somewhat interesting due to the time travel mechanic. An example is with Ashelin being able to easily dismiss the Council when you get back but she's outvoted in the beginning when you're exiled. What? That's like someone overriding Emperor Palpatine. This however has multiple dead characters popping up due to bullshit writing. You have Errol turned into a complete nutjob, which is annoying because you can't take him seriously due to Jak 2. We also have Jak continuing his one-note act from Jak 2, only now instead of him wanting revenge, he's sulky because he got exiled. The story itself also suffers from 'bigger is better' sequelitis where the heroes now have to save the world from some mysterious big bad.

I will say this though, the precursor twist was absolutely amazing. I died laughing. Great trolling on the part of ND.
I also disliked the car combat stuff. I really do despise ND's vehicle controls. It also being such a big part of the game was irritating, when I started doing the Wasteland missions I was wondering if I was playing a racer. There is also just the annoying aspect of every time I go out into the Wasteland, there is a seemingly endless number of cars who ruin my drive. They're not hard but they can get annoying at times if they ram you. That said, it was better than Jak 2. I would take the Wasteland any day over the dozens of cars in Haven City. On that note, I do like the changes that they did to Haven City, mainly making it less crowded and smaller.

The checkpoint system also got revised to the point where it's not easy and you might have to redo a few minutes but also not to the point where you want to physically harm a developer such as in Jak 2. Some of the missions were also not exactly a cakewalk either, so it had a decent balance for the most part.

As for the characters, I have no clue why they push Jak so hard into the spotlight as Daxter is much more interesting and fun to watch. It's one of those cases of the sidekick being cooler than the hero. I was utterly disappointed in Damas as he's a pretty flat character throughout and it's obvious where his storyline is going.

The best part about this game though, is the gameplay itself. The mission objectives are much more varied and more fun than anything in either previous game. Who didn't laugh when Daxter was riding a missile around? The different types of guns also made the shooting galleries less painful such as the Beam Reflexor being so easy to abuse. Some of the Light Power Jak stuff also mixed it up a bit more. The vehicle segments, jetboard grinding and the like, were nowhere near as painful as in Jak 2. While it's still very much shootbang, it feels less so especially compared to Jak 2.

The environments also came back after dying in Jak 2. They are much more distinctive and are actually nice to look around. The sewer level in particular was especially cool with the whirlpools everywhere. The colors are vibrant again and it feels more in line with Jak and Daxter but still retaining elements from 2.

While I had some problems with the game, it also had some of my highlights from the trilogy. It really prevented me from souring on the trilogy.

Overall, it's interesting to look at the development of the trilogy and the design process behind it. It seems like with Jak 2, ND didn't want to make a platformer and made some shooter hybrid instead. Then with Jak 3, they went with the car/racing aspect. I actually wonder how much of the staff that worked on 2 and 3 were platformer lovers. You can obviously see the GTA influence on the trilogy and it's something I'm not particularly happy about. That said, the characters were the real highlight in the trilogy. Daxter and Pecker really brightened up any scene they were in. The dialogue of these two, and some of the other side characters, were fantastic.

In short, Jak 3>Jak and Daxter>>>>> Jak 2
Completely agree on Jak II. It was a real grind to get through that game. The difficulty really angered me at times, and the game was so fucking long.


I have some fond memories of Jak 2, but Im probably just replaying some of the better platforming levels in my head and sidelining all the dumb shit I know is in the game.

Jak 1 and 3 are definitely my favorites though. I'll probably give the edge to Jak 3 since using your Dark and Light Jak powers led to some extremely cool platforming moments.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
If you like Jak 1 and Jak 3, you should try Daxter on PSP. Thought that was also a fun little ditty.


I own Jak 1 and 2, but have beaten neither. Been thinking about getting the HD collection. OP's thoughts on the second game have me worried though. I've heard that the game is hard - frustratingly so. And no/limited checkpoints really piss me off.


Playing through the trilogy now. As someone who played Crash Bandicoot as a kid, I loved the first game. Playing through Jak 2 right now and I really don't like it, the open world is badly done and it's just a very tedious game. I do hope that Jak 3 is much better like you say it is.

I also played Daxter on PSP, which was pretty good.
I always feel weird in Jak threads since Jak 2 is my favourite. Though I liked all of the games. Replaying them, Jak 1 is the one that holds up the best.

But still pisses me off that the reward for getting all the precursor orbs is a lame cliffhanger cutscene.


I loved Jak 1 and platinumed it, but I'm really having a hard time convincing myself to continue with Jak 2. I'm enjoying the Ratchet collection more.


Jak 2 = Jak 3 = Jak and Daxter = Crash Team Racing > Uncharted 2 >>>>> Everything else ND has done.

Although I haven't played UC3 yet.


I actually had a blast in Jak 3 once I got the hang of driving the cars. I loved the one that could jump high, Rockhopper maybe


Precursor Legacy was loads of fun. The graphics blew me away: awesome draw distance, excellent animation, loved the seamless world traversal, and the plot was enough to engage my highschooler brain.

Not sure why I bothered finishing Jak 2, it was the most frustrating experience I had on the PS2.

Tried to give Jak 3 a chance. Once I got to the driving/racing segments I pulled a seinfeld'no_thanks'.gif


I actually like Jak 2 and couldn't stand 3 (When playing the HD collection) The car stuff was just so boring and tedious that I gave up early on, despite enjoyig it first time round on PS2. Jak 2 suffers from some bad checkpointing but it is overall a fun interesting game with a GTA feel to it.

Of course Jak and Daxter is the best game by far, utter joy to play through, start to finish bar the swamp rat minigame. It holds up very very well and is a solid platformer. Is amazing the second time I played it how much it reminded me of Crash Bandicoot.

I also agree that people should check out Daxter on the PSP (Or Vita if it works on that) The digital version also has better speed as it was released to use all 333mhz of the PSP, where as the UMD version can only run at 222 mhz (Unless you use custom firmware).

The Jer

Jak X is the best kart racer of all time. It's what made me go back and play the trilogy. It's a shame you aren't playing it and it's a shame there isn't an hd remake. The racing parts in the trilogy aren't as good as the racing in Jak X.


Jak & Daxter >>> Jak 3 > Jak II

I'm a sucker for cute 3D platformers, the sequels went in a different direction which I didn't like.


I loved Jak 2, once I got into the swing of things the challenge felt perfect *aka spin and shoot for aoe crowd controll*, Jak 3 was way too easy. Jak 1 is pretty brain dead to play through.
I never really played much of the first one, but Jak 3 is definitely better than Jak 2. It improves on it in almost every way. The only thing I wasn't a huge fan of was driving the vehicles all out in the desert, though I suppose it was definitely better than navigating the cramped and crowded city in 2 with tissue paper hovercars.

I still enjoyed 2 a lot, but it definitely has issues with difficulty at times.


I never really played much of the first one, but Jak 3 is definitely better than Jak 2. It improves on it in almost every way. The only thing I wasn't a huge fan of was driving the vehicles all out in the desert, though I suppose it was definitely better than navigating the cramped and crowded city in 2 with tissue paper hovercars.

I still enjoyed 2 a lot, but it definitely has issues with difficulty at times.

Some have better durability then others. Just pick one of the tank ones. Granted sometimes you're forced to use a zoomer, but most of the time you can use a vehicle with decent durability.

I like the first one the best. The series didn't need to become a GTA clone.


If you like Jak 1 and Jak 3, you should try Daxter on PSP. Thought that was also a fun little ditty.

I actually bought the game years ago but I never finished it. I did have a blast from what I remember.

Tried to give Jak 3 a chance. Once I got to the driving/racing segments I pulled a seinfeld'no_thanks'.gif

Yea I could see that. After the first area fight(tutorial), there are like four racing/vehicle related segments back-to-back. After the third, I seriously asked out loud, "What the hell".

Jak and Daxter is still the best one.

I think J&D is far and away a more solid game as a whole however I think Jak 3's peaks somewhat negate the valleys.


My rankings:

1) Jak & Daxter: Precursor Legacy
2) Daxter
3) Jak 3
4) Jak & Daxter: The Lost Frontier
5) Jak II

I own a copy of Jak X, but it's kind of hard to place it anywhere.

The only reason The Lost Frontier is that low is because the game is really rough around the edges. If OP raked on the previous games for poor stories, TLF will make him mad, lol.
Jak 2 was good though, i had fun playing it and wish i didn't sell it before beating it and starting 3 :/ what was wrong with me.

Jak 1 was amazing too


Jak 2 was always my favorite when I played them back when they were released, 2>3>1. But today I'd say 1 is my favorite just because my tastes have changed over time. I actually just 100%'d Jak 1 HD a couple of weeks ago, I still really dislike the citadel, it just felt like they ran out of time and threw a bunch of assets they had together instead of creating a memorable final area. Spider Caves are awesome, one of my favorite areas in any 3D platformer
I recently got the HD collection when it went on sale and to be honest all three games were terrible. I really wanted to like them, I really did. I guess Jak 1 was the best. It was light hearted collectathon, but other style games Mario 64, Banjo, Conker ect were just better in every way. I can see a kid liking it but the game is pretty dull. While Jak 2 has many, many problems I can appreciate that it tried to do something different and actually have a story and turning a light hearted game into grim dark is interesting, but they didn't pull it off well. Jak 3 on the other hand is the worst. I don't understand how some think it's the best. It's not as frustrating as Jak2 with it's overworld, mission structure or overly hard mini games but Jak 3 has it's own problems. The game kinda has two locations the city from Jak2 and the desert city. You barely go to the city much at all and are mainly stuck in the desert and a couple of "dungeons" you revisit several times. Even though Jak3 is a platformer style of game there is barely any platforming sections. If I'd classify it as anything if would be a racing game with minor platforming on the side. The game is much shorter than Jak2 and manages to have the most boring story of all three games. Yes even the first game was more interesting.


Jak 2 was the Warrior Within of the series. Stupid dark tonal shift, protag suddenly gets a nasty attitude and becomes a little punk ass twerp. As soon as he opened his mouth to talk, I was wishing he had kept it closed. Needless to say, I toggled off his goatee as soon as I could.

I'm quite surprised that the same studio that made the Jak series went on to make Uncharted.

Uncharted 2 > Uncharted 1 > Uncharted 3 > Jak 3 > Jak & Daxter > airplane food > Jak 2

I own Jak 1 and 2, but have beaten neither. Been thinking about getting the HD collection. OP's thoughts on the second game have me worried though. I've heard that the game is hard - frustratingly so. And no/limited checkpoints really piss me off.

Most of your failures will come from not knowing what to expect or what you're supposed to do. If you watch a LP of the game as you play (watch the mission before you do it) you should stay only moderately disgruntled.
Jak3>Jak2>jak and Dazter.

I fucking loved the hoverboard and the turbo cheat you can buy in jak 3 makes for some awesome dessert hoverboarding. You can pull off like 50ft jumps out there with it.
Hmm. I never tried The Last Frontier. Is it worth going back and picking it up for PS2? I never saw many copies floating around after it was released.

For me, I'd have to rank it Jak and Daxter >>> Jak 2 > Daxter > Jak 3

Jak 2 was my favourite growing up, but when I look back on it I really don't think it fares as well as it used to. I've been back and played through these games on the recent HD collection disc. Jak 1 is by far the most colourful. I find the world is more interesting and I enjoyed it the entire way through, no bad moments for me personally. It's kind of the Sony version of Banjo-Kazooie! Jak 2 on the other hand... I found the style unappealing, the missions uninspired and the city kind of dull. Granted, I loved exploring outside of the city walls and the writing / storyline was much better. It just has too many let-downs for me, looking back on it. Jak 3 felt short and just didn't keep me interested as much as the first two games did. I'm not a big fan of the vehicles either, so this was a big downside for me.

Did anyone else have that problem with Jak X's save data? I put lots of hours into that game back in the day... but my save became corrupt! I remember the reason was because I had gone from playing on a PS2 chunky console to the PS2 Slim (back when I "upgraded" hardware.) The floating blue cube is still there on my memory card... I have never been able to get rid of it!


Recently went through the entire trilogy again thanks to the PS3 HD collection, and I agree with pretty much all your points.

It's weird, because when I was younger I beat each game over three times each during their initial release and my opinion has changed so much now. I used to think Jak II was the same quality as the other games, but replaying it was such a chore and the open world just seems really crappy now compared to similar modern games (eg. Batman). I suspect that they were rushed to release the game in time and probably didn't have enough time to polish the gameplay as much as they'd have liked to. The entire tone is really out of place and the missions are mind-numbingly dull.

Really wish they'd release an HD version of Jak X, though. I loved Crash Team Racing on PSX, and never had a chance to play Naughty Dog's PS2 equivalent.


I grabbed the trilogy early this year and was blown away by the first game. I haven't started 2 or 3 yet, but I feel like I really missed out on something special with the first game.

Had I played it at launch, Mario 64 might not be my favorite 3D platformer today.


Did anyone else have that problem with Jak X's save data? I put lots of hours into that game back in the day... but my save became corrupt! I remember the reason was because I had gone from playing on a PS2 chunky console to the PS2 Slim (back when I "upgraded" hardware.) The floating blue cube is still there on my memory card... I have never been able to get rid of it!

Yeah it never stops saving on slims so it's almost guaranteed to corrupt when you turn it off.
I started playing these awhile ago. I got through the first one, which was great, and then I just couldn't stand the 2nd one, so I stopped. Maybe I should just play 3 and skip 2.


Best game series ever!

The first is just this fantastic pure platformer with fun exploration. Just pure fun.

The second has a lot more issues. Particularly within the city. Between the driving, the traffic and the cops it isn't very fun to navigate. Plus missions often have you driving from one spot off to get a mission and then to another spot to actually play the mission. But the missions and level design outside the city are just so brilliant. The checkpoints can be brutal, but I think it is worth it. I also like the attempt at adding more story to it and trying to push platformers in a cool new direction. It definitely makes a lot of mistakes along the way, but I appreciate what it did for the series.

I think 3 fixes a lot of what went wrong in II. Driving the buggies (and riding the lizards) is more fun. The cities are easier to navigate. Less travel between missions. More fun environments. Better checkpoint system. The guns are better designed for the aiming system. Plus the new light Jak powers are cool especially Light Flight. There definitely should have been more platforming (and more Keira!), but otherwise I loved it. I loved the story too. Especially the precursor reveal.

Overall I like 3 a bit better than 1 which I like a good bit better than 2.

I also enjoyed Jak X which had some of the funniest moments in the series (like when Pecker was talking about all the tough situations Jak was in over the years showing pictures from the game and then a picture of him between a fighting Keira and Ashelin). Daxter is a fun platformer. Even The Lost Frontier is a cool game too. It did some neat things with the flight sections.

I'd love another game in the vein of 3 with more platforming though on... too late for PS3 so maybe PS4!.


........ nope

Jak2> Jak1>>>>>>>>Jak3

It's interesting to see the range of responses this trilogy has on fans in regards to which one if the best. Personally, I agree with you, Jak 2 was my favorite, followed by Jak 1. I enjoyed the first but as someone mentioned earlier it felt a little too much like it was trying to be a Rare platform game clone, very well done but didn't feel like it had a unique identity of its own. Jak 3 felt like a watered down version of Jak 2, some of the added abilities felt pointless, the writing wasn't as well done, the missions weren't as interesting and so on.


Jak 2 is one of the best games on the PS2. The level design and mission variety is flawless. Sorry you have bad taste.


It's interesting to see the range of responses this trilogy has on fans in regards to which one if the best. Personally, I agree with you, Jak 2 was my favorite, followed by Jak 1. I enjoyed the first but as someone mentioned earlier it felt a little too much like it was trying to be a Rare platform game clone, very well done but didn't feel like it had a unique identity of its own. Jak 3 felt like a watered down version of Jak 2, some of the added abilities felt pointless, the writing wasn't as well done, the missions weren't as interesting and so on.

It is rather interesting. I wholly agree on the writing being not as quality as 2 but I completely disagree with the missions not being as interesting. Over half the missions in 2 are some form of fetch, escort, or protect. Protecting the kid was an especially annoying one. I do wonder how many people are viewing 2 with a nostalgic perspective because I'm actually having difficulty understanding what this game actually does correctly other than the platforming bits. It's an awful shooter and even worse racer. Atleast with 3, the ground vehicles aren't as bad as the hovercars.

2's missions seem designed for another game, one that actually provides the precision necessary for the experience to not be hard as balls.

Exactly. It's like the developers overrated their controls.

Whaa... that is 2's biggest flaw. Travel across map to start mission, arrive at mission halfway across map to be told to go back to where you came from. So many times.

Oh God. Makes me appreciate Xenoblade's system. I normally wouldn't even mind travelling back and forth however due to how awful the overworld is, it just felt like a waste of time and another annoyance. Another thing I didn't mention in my overly long post was also how slow you move most of the time. If they had coupled faster vehicles with tighter controls then I could have dealt with the overly congested areas.


LOVED Precursors Legacy, like one of my favourite games ever. I really despised the direction they took the series after that. Seems like they tried to jump on the GTA wagon that was going on at that time.
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