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Kris Kobach, architect of "papers, please" profiling laws, named to Trump transition

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Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach has been asked to join President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team.

The team will advise Trump on policy issues leading up to his swearing-in in January, preparing him to begin his first 100 days in office. It’s an unpaid position for Kobach[

Why should this terrify you? Because Donald Trump has just named one of the most racist politicians in all of America to his transition team. Kris Kobach was the architect of the most racist law in modern American history. SB 1070 passed in Arizona in 2010. What did it mean? If you have brown skin or an accent, police had a right to stop you, detain you and demand you prove your citizenship.

It was nicknamed the “Papers Please” law and thanks to Kris Kobach and the right-wing ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council), two dozen copycat bills quickly spread to other conservative states. Can you imagine walking down the street and police having the power to stop you and your children and throw you in jail on the suspicion alone that maybe you don’t belong? Because you have brown skin or an accent? Terrifying, right?

Before becoming the secretary of state in Kansas, Kobach worked for an organization the Southern Poverty Law Center has designated as a hate group:
Kobach’s closeness to hate groups runs far deeper than speaking to TSCP. For years, Kobach has worked as a lawyer for the legal arm of the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR). The Southern Poverty Law Center has listed FAIR as a hate group since 2007—and for good reason.

Tanton founded FAIR, and its current President Dan Stein has said, among other things, “Immigrants don’t come all church-loving, freedom-loving, God-fearing … Many of them hate America, hate everything that the United States stands for.” In another instance, Stein said that the 1965 Immigration Act, which undid four decades of explicitly racist immigration policy in the United States, “was a great way to retaliate against Anglo-Saxon dominance and hubris…and it’s a form of revengism, or revenge, that these forces continue to push the immigration policy that they know full well are [sic] creating chaos and will continue to create chaos down the line.”

Kris Kobach is also extremely dedicated to making sure that minorities, women and low-income voters can’t participate in elections. His outrageously unconstitutional laws and actions were struck down by the federal courts last month. From the Kansas City Star:

Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach has suffered another stinging, embarrassing loss in court. And that’s a victory for the rights of voters in the Sunflower State.

Kobach’s anti-voter efforts were slapped down Friday by a federal appeals court in the District of Columbia. Earlier this year, the often-smug Kobach had assured people that the courts would uphold his attempt to make it harder to vote.

But that hasn’t happened at any step of the way, as courts often have ruled against Kobach’s disdainful attitude toward voters — especially those who have low incomes or are minorities.


Better start organizing and take action.


This is only going to get much worse before its gets better I think. Civil war might actually happen. These people don't have a clue what they are doing.
We should really have a collection of evil organization jpegs by now. Going to get a lot of use.



The sensationalism of this election has been shocking. Even the "Redneck Racists" didn't react to Obama like this.

Kobach's office sent out a election mailer a few years ago with the wrong information printed in Spanish. Like it or not, it's there, in black and white.


Did they riot in the streets?

Peaceful protests aren't riots and Obama isn't Trump, jesus christ. Why don't you answer to the actual evidence of him being a racist instead of trying to keep people from using the word because it's "sensationalist" and makes you feel bad? Is this what people mean when they say they are sick of being called names instead of being engaged in political discussions? Ignoring blatantly racist behaviour and being offended at anyone calling it that?
The sensationalism of this election has been shocking. Even the "Redneck Racists" didn't react to Obama like this.

All the racist rednecks did was claim that Obama was an illegitimate president who was lying about his religion, purposefully destroying the United States, and supported ISIS.

Meanwhile, mean people are pointing out the things that Trump's advisers say and believe in, it's so bad.


Would be great for Kansas if he left and wasn't allowed back.

Dude is a testament that education doesn't equal enlightenment. He studied at Harvard, Oxford and Yale.


Trump isn't evil and it's wrong for you to take the Lord's name in vain...

Fuck Trump and fuck his fascism and fuck the people who voted for him. Millions of human beings are going to die and live in pain and misery because of all of this bullshit.
There is only so much that will happen before people push back. No way can a guy like this be given so much power and get away with it.
Trump isn't evil and it's wrong for you to take the Lord's name in vain...

I'm pretty sure that white evangelicals who voted for Trump did more to besmirch Jesus' name than anyone on GAF did tbh.

I mean dude, he raped his wife. He sexually assaulted 12 women. He cut off medical funds to his dying nephew because of a family feud.

And that's before his presidential campaign.


Fuck Trump and fuck his fascism and fuck the people who voted for him. Millions of human beings are going to die and live in pain and misery because of all of this bullshit.

Millions are going to die?
I can't even do the mental gymnastics to get there.

I'll refrain from posting further on the matter since it causes so much heartburn in you. My apologies.


Millions are going to die?
I can't even do the mental gymnastics to get there.

I'll refrain from posting further on the matter since it causes so much heartburn in you. My apologies.

Well yeah. Not in the short term but his stance on climate change is going to royally fuck a lot of people.

In the short term there will be millions living in pain and fear. That's what happens when you elect an overtly hateful candidate.


Trump isn't evil and it's wrong for you to take the Lord's name in vain...
You're a fucking model Christian worrying more about taking the lord's name in vain than our President hiring an architect of institutional discrimination.


There is only so much that will happen before people push back. No way can a guy like this be given so much power and get away with it.

I'm afraid that:

1. When people will push back -> "Riots"
2. Then militarized police, NSA surveillance/security apparatus, national guard, new fascist laws, and all of the state's powers will be leveled at the US public
3. People who don't fall in line get killed, punished, thrown into the prison industrial complex to do slave labor
4. Fascism becomes normalized and the status quo
5. Minorities get blamed for the ills that ail the country
6. When things turn to even more shit, justification of war and invasion of other countries with wealth & ressources
7. ????
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