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Clinton may win the popular vote by millions

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So it looks like Hillary may win the popular vote by 2-3 million. She's winning by 600k as of now.

“We probably have about 7 million votes left to count,” said David Wasserman, an editor at Cook Political Report who is tracking turnout. “A majority of them are on the coasts, in New York, California, and Washington. She should be able to win those votes, probably 2-1.” By mid-December, when the Electoral College officially casts its ballots, Wasserman estimates that Clinton could be ahead by 2 percentage points in the popular vote.


She should be fairly close to Obama 2012 by the end of it. Unfortunately, she didn't get the votes where it mattered (PA, MI, WI).


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
What a shame that a majority of sensible Americans were let down by a campaign that took the rust belt for granted. All she had to do was lock down that blue wall but instead the campaign got high off it's own farts and tried to flip Arizona and Texas.

So basically she won. That bites. Yeah, the EC has to go.

No she didn't win. She lost fair and square. Clinton, her campaign, the DNC, everybody knew that Trump's only path to the WH was to win Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, etc, we all knew the rules of the game and the routes to victory. Instead of being defensive and guaranteeing a win they took a risk and tried to humiliate the Republicans, neglecting their working class base and trying to flip red states.


It's going to be a much wider gap than between Gore and Bush, that's for sure. I'm glad, even if it may not mean much in the grand scheme of things. At least we can beat that over the head of Trump supporters going forward.


Gold Member
This is something else... People were up in arms when Gore had won the Popular Vote by over 400k.. If we are seriously talking about over 2 million votes, I just don't know what to say..

I mean, I haven't given my support to the EC petition that is going around. I don't think its a smart political move. But over 2 million? Makes my question that.


What a shame that a majority of sensible Americans were let down by a campaign that took the rust belt for granted. All she had to do was lock down that blue wall but instead the campaign got high off it's own farts and tried to flip Arizona and Texas.
Yup. Lock up what is needed, don't try for a landslide, particularly with so much on the line. Time/resources/money spent on Texas, AZ, and GA were pissed down the drain when they could have gone to PA/MI/WI/NC and made an actual difference.


I'm just please california was pretty much all in for Clinton. It's hard to find anyone my age over here that likes trump, and these votes prove it
I'm not ready to abandon the EC, but winning the Popular Vote should be like catching the Snitch in Quidditch. An automatic 100 Electoral Votes.


The Electoral College in the US elections is a joke from all I've read and seen about it. The sooner you guys get rid of it, the better.
I can't imagine being able to get rid of it within the next four years seeing how now the Republicans are in charge of pretty much everything.


This will likely only get worse and worse as more and more people conglomerate in urban areas like NY and CA.

The electoral college as it exists now, along with how congress as a whole is elected, basically only exists to help the Republican Party.


Kills Photobucket
The republicans would never do it.

Republicans know now that they can only win the General Election via the Electoral College and only by minority rule. It's never going away.

As said before, a election based on the poular vote would have had completely different campaigns and outcomes. It's a worse system than the electoral college by far.

Yes. Much better to let rural America impose minority rule upon the rest of us...
I will take solace in that fact, knowing that there is more good in this country than bad. These people believe in the message of us being stronger together, and that really warms my heart.


So Hilary wasn't such an awful candidate after all if you're talking about the majority of voting Americans.
It just gets more painful, doesn't it? Sigh.

Actually this is one of the few things that give me hope. This, and what was pointed out on Twitter, that Trump has probably the lowest approval rating of any incoming President in history, that even among his own voters he has a low approval rating. A lot of the despair I've been feeling over the last few days is getting this idea that Trump is what this country, as a whole, wanted. That I and the people who voted for Hillary were in an extreme minority that could never hope to win against the massive Trump surge.

But it's not a surge. And as much damage as Trump is going to do in 2, 4, or God forbid 8 years, if he doesn't keep his promise to "Make America Great Again," it's not going to take a lot for a larger majority of the country to turn on him.

At least, I only hope that we get the chance to make changes in the mid-terms and 2020. Because if what the most dire doomsayers are saying is even close to true... God help us all.


Didn't Gore win the popular vote too?

I still feel bad about that... I feel like the world would be very different today if Gore had won instead of Bush


This is pretty meaningless in the context of a contest that everyone knew was based on the electoral college. If it was a popular vote contest, the areas and the way the candidates campaigned would be different and some voters in overwhelmingly red or blue states would have more motivation to vote. She may have still won but you can't make that assumption because it is a completely different scenario.


time to throw the electoral college in the garbage can

it'll never happen though

still no excuse for her to lose though, she ran probably the worst campaign in modern american history


brazen editing lynx
Does this mean that national polls were actually somewhat close at the end?

It still doesn't excuse them getting key states completely wrong. Same goes for the Clinton campaign largely ignoring those states.


So basically she won. That bites. Yeah, the EC has to go.

Is that the best idea? If we went straight democracy with popular vote it could skew things. I thought the purpose of the EC was to give a larger voice to the more rural area. Without that, the issue that are important to them would go largely ignored and politics would be skewed to only care about issues relevant to people who live in large cities, which are often almost opposite of what is important to more rural people.


how does the second sentence follow from the first?

Popular vote means campaigns and policies would just revolve around te most densely populated areas and large cities. It would also completely change people's motivation to vote, where as right now it depends on what state you're in.

I'm not at all convinced that if this were an election based on the popular vote, the outcome would be any different.


time to throw the electoral college in the garbage can

it'll never happen though

still no excuse for her to lose though, she ran probably the worst campaign in modern american history
If enough states sign the compact it won't matter if REPUBLICANS stop it or not.
Anti trump vote outnumbers Trump vote. We have the numbers on our side. Start there. Keep protesting. Disrupt everything in Washington.
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