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The ever "present" Obama

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From his announcement speech on 2/10:

"What's stopped us from meeting these challenges is........our chronic avoidance of tough decisions."

Well, what does his record show?

While some conservatives and Republicans surely will harp on what they call his "liberal record," highlighting applicable votes to support their case, it's Obama's history of voting "present" in Springfield - even on some of the most controversial and politically explosive issues of the day - that raises questions that he will need to answer. Voting "present" is one of three options in the Illinois Legislature (along with "yes" and "no"), but it's almost never an option for the occupant of the Oval Office.

We aren't talking about a "present" vote on whether to name a state office building after a deceased state official, but rather about votes that reflect an officeholder's core values.

For example, in 1997, Obama voted "present" on two bills (HB 382 and SB 230) that would have prohibited a procedure often referred to as partial birth abortion. He also voted "present" on SB 71, which lowered the first offense of carrying a concealed weapon from a felony to a misdemeanor and raised the penalty of subsequent offenses.

In 1999, Obama voted "present" on SB 759, a bill that required mandatory adult prosecution for firing a gun on or near school grounds. The bill passed the state Senate 52-1. Also in 1999, Obama voted "present" on HB 854 that protected the privacy of sex-abuse victims by allowing petitions to have the trial records sealed. He was the only member to not support the bill.

In 2001, Obama voted "present" on two parental notification abortion bills (HB 1900 and SB 562), and he voted "present" on a series of bills (SB 1093, 1094, 1095) that sought to protect a child if it survived a failed abortion. In his book, the Audacity of Hope, on page 132, Obama explained his problems with the "born alive" bills, specifically arguing that they would overturn Roe v. Wade. But he failed to mention that he only felt strongly enough to vote "present" on the bills instead of "no."

And finally in 2001, Obama voted "present" on SB 609, a bill prohibiting strip clubs and other adult establishments from being within 1,000 feet of schools, churches, and daycares.


While these votes occurred while Obama and the Democrats were in the minority in the Illinois Senate, in the Audacity of Hope (page 130), Obama explained that even as a legislator in the minority, "You must vote yes or no on whatever bill comes up, with the knowledge that it's unlikely to be a compromise that either you or your supporters consider fair and or just."

Paper thin......


Because certain people need something to talk about.
If he can't make up his mind on strippers then he doesn't deserve to be our next president. Hillary knows where those titties belong.


testicles on a cold fall morning
you mean that rhetoric espoused by politicians isn't always self-prescribed? you mean to tell me that rhetoric is empty if the speaker doesn't necessarily practice what they preach? civilization am cry.


testicles on a cold fall morning
more Obama! now we're getting a flood of counter spin to match the positive spin!

did people forget about Pelosi and Clinton already? geez.
Your realize that your obsession with Obama simply shows how much of a threat he is to you and your ilk. And when this mess is over, hundreds of thousands of lives will have been wasted on the petro-imperialist dreams of your neocon overlords.

edit: Oops, I meant to post this in the "lives wasted" thread.


With all these Obama threads of GAF lately, I am somewhat expecting an advertisement to pop up sooner or later asking me to recognize his icy grillz...


testicles on a cold fall morning
siamesedreamer said:
You actually have to bring something to the table to be a "threat".

He's just an empty suit.
not true - i think there's a person underneath those finely tailored jackets i see on the news.


Setec Astronomer
On the other hand, if he had voted on some of these, you'd still be grilling him for it. Kind of a no-win situation as far as you're concerned. Actually, I read an article that mentioned his avoidance of election-time trap votes.
siamesedreamer said:
You actually have to bring something to the table to be a "threat".

He's just an empty suit.

Umm, I don't see anyone posting 17 threads about Mitt Romney not paying a cable bill when he was 30 . Now there's an empty suit. The only interesting thing about him is that he follows a sect that is full of even more bullshit than regular Christianity.


oh my, lets see another Obama threat from SD. Really man you should just get a sticky thread entitled "Anti-Obama talking points from the right wing go HERE AND NOWHERE ELSE."

It'd make it easier on all of us.


testicles on a cold fall morning
ronito said:
Here's one we can agree on.

He's not Hillary.
this is fun. i have another one - he doesn't adhere to neoconservative foreign policy thought.
and he's black.


scorcho said:
this is fun. i have another one - he doesn't adhere to neoconservative foreign policy thought.
and he's black.
oh and he actually has a realistic and well planned energy policy!


Small balls, big fun!
If Obama did something, and then someone says he shouldn't have done that thing, would that count as that person criticizing Obama?


APF said:
Do you actually expect to get honest criticism of the Democrats' new Jesus here?
Is that what we're doing? Because I thought we were just making 75 random threads about the latest Obama smear fad, no matter how stupid and/or meaningless it is, and then loling about how people must think he's their messiah since they refuse to criticise him in the face of such damning evidence.

But if this is about honest criticism, you can find it here and here.
And this comes back to my problem with Obama attempting to seperate himself from other politicians when he's similar. Giving a good speech does not make you presidential material.


*drowns in jizz*
PhoenixDark said:
And this comes back to my problem with Obama attempting to seperate himself from other politicians when he's similar. Giving a good speech does not make you presidential material.

So tell me PhoenixDark, what makes one 'presidential material', by your definition of the term?


Oh lovely another siamesedreamer thread. I love those, you always know what to expect before heading inside.

hey what ep is this from?
Slurpy said:
So tell me PhoenixDark, what makes one 'presidential material', by your definition of the term?

Perhaps you misread my intention. What I was saying is that to date, the only thing he has done is give a really good speech, after which people started the presidential talk. One speech. I would like to see a candidate who I have a feel for, not just in his/her voting record, but in other things such as experience. This is going to be Obama's first challenging race on a national level; how is he going to react to this pressure?

At the end of the day he's a junior senator who hasn't done much in the senate, yet gets a lot of praise. Part of that has to do with people wanting to project their own desires and opinions onto him of course, but that doesn't make it logical. As I said earlier, what's the big deal about him outside of his speaking prowess?

I'll still wind up voting for him in the democratic primary (I'm not a fan of Hillary, and Edwards is like a poor man's Obama anyway). And the general election if he gets past Hillary.


Gruco said:
But if this is about honest criticism, you can find it here and here.
OMG you're so RIGHT! Whoops sorry to criticise you there, but you're just so right on the money! Ugh, there I go again criticising you, sorry dude!! But when you're so totally and completely right like that it's hard not to... wow and I did it again with the criticising! I'm just so critical today it seems...
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