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Wheel of Time TV show moving ahead

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It won't be good.
Don't kid yourself.
Look at this metric ton of horse shit we got before.

Jordan would be spinning in his grave.
If Red Eagle still holds the reigns then they won't give a fuck.
You know what time that aired? Like midnight on FX on like a Weds night once and never again.


I can't see this working. This show seems unfilmable unless they dramatically change the source material. Far too much magic would require a crazy effects budget and without the tits/ass/gore of Game of Thrones, I can't see this developing a similar-sized audience to warrant such a large expense.

El Topo

I can't see this working. This show seems unfilmable unless they dramatically change the source material. Far too much magic would require a crazy effects budget and without the tits/ass/gore of Game of Thrones, I can't see this developing a similar-sized audience to warrant such a large expense.

"How do we get the tits and ass audience?"
"All Aes Sedai now run around naked."


Cool, man. As one of the people who actually enjoyed that "pilot" they released a while back...


I'm all for continued attempts at doing a decent WoT show.


I can't see this working. This show seems unfilmable unless they dramatically change the source material. Far too much magic would require a crazy effects budget and without the tits/ass/gore of Game of Thrones, I can't see this developing a similar-sized audience to warrant such a large expense.

There is a fair bit of nudity with the Aiel they could exploit.

I'm halfway through book 10 and it's a slog. It's been a slog since book 8 or 9. Apparently it doesn't get 'good' again until book 11 or 12.

Yes, good is in quotes. The other books haven't exactly been good, they are good in relation to these books in the series


I can't see this working. This show seems unfilmable unless they dramatically change the source material. Far too much magic would require a crazy effects budget and without the tits/ass/gore of Game of Thrones, I can't see this developing a similar-sized audience to warrant such a large expense.

But just imagine all the braid tugging!
The skirt smoothing!


There is a fair bit of nudity with the Aiel they could exploit.

I'm halfway through book 10 and it's a slog. It's been a slog since book 8 or 9. Apparently it doesn't get 'good' again until book 11 or 12.

Yes, good is in quotes. The other books haven't exactly been good, they are good in relation to these books in the series

Hard to imagine the Aiel not looking ridiculous. Aren't they dark skinned blondes/gingers with blue/green eyes? Seems like a harder sell than a white blonde chick.

Regarding the books, I remember feeling like books 8-11 were extremely dull but the series picks up again for 12-14. Worth finishing for sure. Kinda put me off on reading fantasy for a long time though. Definitely will not get invested in anything that long again.


Please don't be MTV or CW. They ruined Shannara, they are probably going to ruin WoT. Best hope for a good series is SyFy, but for some reason I'm thinking Paramount.
Loved this series right up until the middle. When it took a big shit on my enjoyable. As characters got more and more annoying, along with the plot and pacing that took a dive. I stopped around the point were they find that abounded city or whatever and stay there until something happens. Then a cringe tower conversation occurs that ended it for me.

Anyways this is going to be a bitch to adapt, the budget would have to be pretty big and given its a more traditional epic fantasy book. Going by what MTV did with Shannara (Mediocre teens actors with magic) , which wasn't a good series in the first place. On the other hand this is actually a good series if they ignore a good chunk of the middle or change it to make it work better, either way this series has a lot of traveling in it. Never the less heard the books got better at the end.

Maybe cinemax could get in on this skin game or TNT and FX.

Syfy would fuck this up though.


There is a fair bit of nudity with the Aiel they could exploit.

I'm halfway through book 10 and it's a slog. It's been a slog since book 8 or 9. Apparently it doesn't get 'good' again until book 11 or 12.

Yes, good is in quotes. The other books haven't exactly been good, they are good in relation to these books in the series

Book 11 is outright good though. No need for quotes.
You focus on Rand and Mat, cut a lot of the Aes Sedai filler, and basically stop covering Perrin chapters after Faile is introduced.

Focusing on Rand would make it worse. He was a stupid character until he got his shit together at the end of book 11.

I would say the number one scene I want to be adapted well is Rand in the Glass Columns, followed by Perrin's second(?) (around book 13 ish?) fight with slayer.


Weird that this announcement is coming without a studio or network already listed.

I'm also worried that Harriet will care more about protecting RJ's work than creating a great adaptation. It needs to be a film series to give it the scale it warrant and it needs people who aren't afraid to keep what works and jettison all the stuff that doesn't.


There is a fair bit of nudity with the Aiel they could exploit.

I'm halfway through book 10 and it's a slog. It's been a slog since book 8 or 9. Apparently it doesn't get 'good' again until book 11 or 12.

Yes, good is in quotes. The other books haven't exactly been good, they are good in relation to these books in the series

Reconstructed based on my current progress (middle of 9) and what a friend has been telling me:

1-3: Tight, awesome trilogy with only minor lulls
4-5: More drawn out but still a lot of important stuff happening
6: Less stuff happening and even more drawn out
7: Actually pretty great and lively
8-9: Similar to 6
10: The nadir, absolutely fuck-all happening
11: Getting good again
12-14: Roller coaster ride to the end
Reconstructed based on my current progress (middle of 9) and what a friend has been telling me:

1-3: Tight, awesome trilogy with only minor lulls
4-5: More drawn out but still a lot of important stuff happening
6: Less stuff happening and even more drawn out
7: Actually pretty great and lively
8-9: Similar to 6 (Hear this was the case strongly)
10: The nadir, absolutely fuck-all happening
11: Getting good again
12-14: Roller coaster ride to the end

Yep never got to seven i don't think. Book 1 through 3 were amazing.


Reconstructed based on my current progress (middle of 9) and what a friend has been telling me:

1-3: Tight, awesome trilogy with only minor lulls
4-5: More drawn out but still a lot of important stuff happening
6: Less stuff happening and even more drawn out
7: Actually pretty great and lively
8-9: Similar to 6
10: The nadir, absolutely fuck-all happening
11: Getting good again
12-14: Roller coaster ride to the end

Winter's Heart (9) redeems itself by having a fantastic climax. Which 10 then squandered by taking place concurrently in 5 different view points.


Starting around 6, you get whole chapters of:

  • Secondary and tertiary character Aes Sedai making tiny miniscule progress in looking for the Black Ajah or arguing about how they should run things (Tower and rebel alike)
  • The Black Ajah rubbing their hands together and plotting, or arguing about how to run things... For evil.
  • Perrin not getting along with Faile
  • Rand doing ruler things, telling nobles to fuck off, and only vaguely hinting at his plans for later in the book/series
There is so much time wasted time in those areas. If you compressed 6-10 to the the CliffsNotes version of all the major plot points, you could tremendously improve the pacing of the series.

Winter's Heart (9) redeems itself by having a fantastic climax. Which 10 then squandered by taking place concurrently in 5 different view points.

Hey, so did 6. The overarching problem was still that 80% of it was purely about setting things up for other books.


Winter's Heart (9) redeems itself by having a fantastic climax. Which 10 then squandered by taking place concurrently in 5 different view points.

The climax in 9 is where Rand removes the taint right? It lasted a chapter or maybe 2?
The rest of the book was quite boring

10 is bad, really bad. I'm halfway through it and I'm reading about Elayne and Avienda (excuse my spelling of the names) having baths and getting walked in on. It goes on for about 2 pages!


The climax in 9 is where Rand removes the taint right? It lasted a chapter or maybe 2?
The rest of the book was quite boring

10 is bad, really bad. I'm halfway through it and I'm reading about Elayne and Avienda (excuse my spelling of the names) having baths and getting walked in on. It goes on for about 2 pages!

10 (Crossroads of Twilight) is bad. Like, worst book I've read bad, perhaps tying with The Sword of Truth though I only made it about a hundred pages into that one. Nothing happens in CoT. Nothing!

But if anything a TV series is an opportunity to cut out a lot of that dross and just focus on the action. Much as with Game of Thrones, which after book three took a very WoT-esque dip in plotting quality.


I enjoyed 6 for its amazing ending. Rage Rand in all his glory. That shit was like the sweetest revenge to read after the way he was treated.
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