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Zombie U Hands On: The Dark Souls of Zombie Games


Usually I don't post hands on previews, but this is just awesome.


ZombiU hands-on: the Dark Souls of zombie games
Wii U was always going to get unwarranted flack among gamers for being a casual console. VG247′s Dave Cook plays the punishing ZombiU to find out why they’re dead wrong.

If you’re still not convinced that ZombiU is a ‘hardcore’ game for ‘hardcore’ people, then you should at least check the game out through a friend’s purchase. To all Dark Souls fans, you absolutely need to play this game. It’s that simple.
‘ZombiU is the Dark Souls of zombie games’. You’re going to hear a lot of people say that after the Wii U launches in November. It’s absolutely true, as the game is brutally difficult, and makes no attempt to coddle players as they wade miserably through post apocalyptic London.

One of the magic ingredients that makes a good survival horror game even better is making the player feel dangerously under-resourced, pathetically weak, and continually on the backfoot at all times. If this stresses you out, then ZombiU is not the game for you.

It has been absolutely engineered with hardcore gamers in mind, mixing the continuous dread of games like Amnesia: The Dark Descent with unforgiving trial and error format of Dark Souls. You will die a lot, but with each death you will learn what not to do next time.

Best of all, when you die, it’s entirely your fault and – sorry to put this bluntly readers – down to your own foolish haste and stupidity. It’s not that you’ aren’t smart enough to overcome Ubisoft Montreal’s sadistic challenge, it just takes a lot of practice.

That’s part of the problem. Wii U does have casual players who may take a punt on ZombiU – because, zombies – and that could lead to a lot of copies being traded in shortly after launch.

Our hands-on session starts with a dreary slog through London’s sewer network, and up into the Tower of London’s hidden catacombs. We’ve got a cricket bat – the game’s default, unbreakable melee weapon – and a shotgun with only 30 bullets.

There’s also a flashlight that runs down mercilessly fast, and it takes ages to recharge. Once it’s off, the sewers are seriously pitch black, which is why the Wii U GamePad’s radar screen is helpful for spotting movement in the dark.

Slow movement is the key, as your cricket bat will only down a zombie in about six heavy hits. That’s a lot of attacking needed for just one enemy, so you have to avoid confronting packs of the buggers if you hope to survive long.

You could of course hit them with your firearms – but wouldn’t you know it – gunfire attracts the horde to your location with every single shot, so that’s not a dependable tactic either.

Drawing out zombies one by one using flares does help thin out groups if you have to kill a few of them, or you could lay mines in a tight bottleneck, fire a few shots, and stand back as they rush towards the sound and blow up in meaty, bloody chunks.

There are many ways to play ZombiU, but several truths remain throughout: never ignore your radar and make sure you’re alone before using your inventory. Opening your backpack is activated by simply swiping down on the touch screen, but it renders you immobilised.

You can then drag your favourite items to the hot bar and organise loot gathered from corpses. You only have so many slots, so resource management is yet another problem facing your survivor.

This is where both the respawn and safehouse mechanics come into play. Safehouses do exactly what they suggest – they are respawn zones that play home to crafting benches and lockers that can be used to stash precious loot.

Lockers are crucial, because when you die and respawn as a different survivor, you lose everything – save for your cricket bat, flashlight and a pistol with just six rounds. Back at your point of death, your previous survivor reanimates as a zombie carrying all of your gear.

They aren’t painted on the map either, so say they’re holding that super-upgraded firearm that you spent ages crafting, chances are you will never find them again and the weapon is lost.

This poses a tough choice when faced with an area swarming with the undead. Do you avoid potentially dying and losing your favourite gun – by trudging all the way back to your last safehouse in order to stash it away – or do you rush in hoping that you’ll make it through alive?

You have to constantly make these difficult decisions every step of the way.
You’ll ask yourself, ‘Do I walk blindly through the dark undetected, or use my flashlight to see threats even if it leaves me exposed?’

There are times when you may even think, ‘Do I take the long, dangerous, but silent melee route, or do I risk detection by shooting those zombies to create an easy path?’ Everything must be considered. Even travelling through water is a risk.

When wading through water, your survivor lifts their backpack overhead to keep it dry, leaving you utterly defenceless and unable to attack.
Rushing through the ravaged streets of London is a recipe for disaster and should be avoided at all cost.

Every inch of the game smacks of Dark Souls, and this comparison is highlighted further by ZombiU’s messaging system, which lets you walk up to walls and leave graffiti tag messages for other players online.

These aren’t actual words, but symbols. So you could select the ‘stairs’ icon and a ‘thumbs down’ – to basically say ‘don’t go downstairs’. There are many symbol combinations geared towards highlighting hazards or killer loot, so it will be interesting to see how these are used – or abused – once servers go live.

Finally – and this is a stroke of genius on Ubisoft Montreal’s part – once one of your survivors dies and then reanimates as a zombie, there’s a chance they will also spawn into your friends’ game too.

So you can hop on Miiverse and say, ‘hey I died at this location holding a brilliant weapon. Go find me to claim it’, and vice-versa. It’s a neat way of sharing weapons and collaborating with other players to beat the game.

It’s hard to step back from comparing ZombiU to Dark Souls, but the parallels are blatant. This isn’t a bad thing however, because survival horror games are supposed to make surviving a struggle, and this is one of those rare games that actually delivers that feeling.

If you’re still not convinced that ZombiU is a ‘hardcore’ game for ‘hardcore’ people, then you should at least check the game out through a friend’s purchase. To all Dark Souls fans, you absolutely need to play this game. It’s that simple.

Here's a couple vids for those who have missed:
Official trailer @ Gamescon: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-J2lVQozQtA&feature=player_embedded
Nintendo Direct Preview http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nE4hLZDg88&feature=player_detailpage#t=1325s



Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
*after glancing over some bolded parts drools like a Zombie*


I sense major backlash, and it excites me to no end. If even half this shit is true than the Wii U pre order was justified.


Will QA for food.
ZombiU sounds great every time I read about it. But Ubisoft has burned me way too many times to warrant a full priced pickup at launch.


Hopefully it is that good. I'm still a bit skeptic but I'm willing to give it a chance. Don't disappoint me like you did with Red Steel Ubi!


Usually I don't post hands on previews, but this is just awesome.


When wading through water, your survivor lifts their backpack overhead to keep it dry, leaving you utterly defenceless and unable to attack.[/B] Rushing through the ravaged streets of London is a recipe for disaster and should be avoided at all cost.

Every inch of the game smacks of Dark Souls, and this comparison is highlighted further by ZombiU’s messaging system, which lets you walk up to walls and leave graffiti tag messages for other players online.

These aren’t actual words, but symbols. So you could select the ‘stairs’ icon and a ‘thumbs down’ – to basically say ‘don’t go downstairs’. There are many symbol combinations geared towards highlighting hazards or killer loot, so it will be interesting to see how these are used – or abused – once servers go live.

Finally – and this is a stroke of genius on Ubisoft Montreal’s part – once one of your survivors dies and then reanimates as a zombie, there’s a chance they will also spawn into your friends’ game too.

So you can hop on Miiverse and say, ‘hey I died at this location holding a brilliant weapon. Go find me to claim it’, and vice-versa. It’s a neat way of sharing weapons and collaborating with other players to beat the game.

^Sounds amazing!

Leaving a thumbs up or down for stairs or paths? Could be some epic trolling lmao!!

And I love the touch of having to hold your backpack above water so as not to ruin your loot. Nice touch of realism there!


Not a fan of threads born from singular previews, but the main thread was chock-full of people who seemed to not bother reading anything about the game, so this can't hurt.
It sounds great but I just can't justify spending 60 bucks for a 10-12 hour game without online multi-player or co-op. It'll prob be around $30 a few months after launch which is when I'll pick it up.


Must buy for me. Can't say the same for most first person shooters these days and that is what makes it so exciting. It may not be a masterpiece, but it damn sure sounds fun.


Funny they are again invoking such a name as Dark Souls, it'll be incredibly hard to live up to any of that hype.

I'm not at all convinced when I see the actual footage. I hope i'm proven wrong though, the Souls games can teach every developer a thing or two about challenge and level design.


Something about this article makes me incredibly disinterested in the game after hunting down all footage around E3.


( ≖‿≖)
Because it's trial and error it's like dark souls? OK. I don't think "a lot of people are going to be saying that" about a zombie FPS.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
What interests me the most in this game is its arcade mode. The way they make it a score based competition with your miiverse friends is awesome.


Funny they are again invoking such a name as Dark Souls, it'll be incredibly hard to live up to any of that hype.

I'm not at all convinced when I see the actual footage. I hope i'm proven wrong though, the Souls games can teach every developer a thing or two about challenge and level design.

Even funnier that they are invoking the name because "it's hard", like that was the reason people liked Dark Souls.
It certainly sounds interesting. I'm planning to wait a couple of months to seek out a Wii U anyway, so I'll be eager to hear impressions from the launch buyers.


I'm still getting an unmistakable 7.5/10 vibe from this game. Maybe it's the weaksauce-looking hands/guns or the sort of uninspired art direction. Maybe it's just my Ubi bias. But conceptually, it seems solid. Certainly "Dark Souls + Amnesia" is a worthwhile goal to pursue. :)


Backlash will come because of the graphics and/or the need to look down at the gamepad.

Graphics look stellar imo, and the need to look down at the gamepad is used to heighten the suspense as hungry Zombie approach. From what I have heard, some of the most clever use of the gamepad yet.


This post has just sold me on the game. I was on the fence about it but it really sounds amazing based on the post. Here's to hoping it's got Accomplishments too. Although, being that it's a Ubisoft game, I may wait a little bit for a price drop.


It sounds great but I just can't justify spending 60 bucks for a 10-12 hour game without online multi-player or co-op. It'll prob be around $30 a few months after launch which is when I'll pick it up.

There's really no online play? Why oh why?
I'm still getting an unmistakable 7.5/10 vibe from this game. Maybe it's the weaksauce-looking hands/guns or the sort of uninspired art direction. But conceptually, it seems solid. Certainly "Dark Souls + Amnesia" is a worthwhile goal to pursue. :)

I'd say mostly 8/10s. Launch games tend to get rated higher. Perfect Dark Zero got a bunch of 9s if I remember right

There's really no online play? Why oh why?
Ubi probably didn't have enough time to implement it. That or the network isn't completely ironed out yet, probably Ubi just didn't have the time.


It sounds great but I just can't justify spending 60 bucks for a 10-12 hour game without online multi-player or co-op. It'll prob be around $30 a few months after launch which is when I'll pick it up.

Same here. Ever since I got bit by the CoD bug and was putting in close to 500 hours into each of them, it makes it hard to spend the same amount of money on single player games with a 10-30 hour campaign.

The game does sound really good from the previews though and if I can also get over my wussyness of scary games, I might pick it up as well when it's a bit cheaper.


Graphics look stellar imo, and the need to look down at the gamepad is used to heighten the suspense as hungry Zombie approach. From what I have heard, some of the most clever use of the gamepad yet.

Yeah, or it'll be incredibly annoying, which to me sounds more likely at this point.


this whole zombieu is darksouls is gonna get some people angry when they buy this game based on this idea.

I think it evident that it's not Darksouls, but that the game share some similarity.
ZombieU seems to have some elements that people like in Darksoul, that's all.
See also, Red Steel.
There were lots of negative impressions posted about Red Steel though. Every IGN impression of the game was pretty grim. I haven't seen negative impressions so far. I'm still skeptical and I don't get the Dark Souls comparisons other than trial and error and it being difficult.


The only reason there are comparisons to the Souls series is that some elements were obviously inspired by it. Such as when you die, your character becomes a zombie, you respawn as a new survivor and have to find your old character in order to kill them so you can get your inventory back. Same concept with making it back to your bloodstain where you died in order to retrieve your souls. Then there is leaving helpful/false messages for other players and the difficulty that punishes you for not thinking. While it may not end up being a masterpiece like the Souls series, putting these elements in a survival zombie shooter is pretty damn neat and makes it stand out from all of the modern military bullshit we are constantly fed in the FPS genre. About time, too.
Because it's trial and error it's like dark souls? OK. I don't think "a lot of people are going to be saying that" about a zombie FPS.

The only thing remotely "Dark Souls" about it is the messaging system that Ubisoft lifted from DS wholesale.

There is more to Dark Souls than its perceived difficulty...
Even funnier that they are invoking the name because "it's hard", like that was the reason people liked Dark Souls.

they used the dark souls name because they know is a "cult game" in the hardcore scene

i haved played this game on ubisoft harddays on madrid,and this game i nothing like dark souls,nothing,is a dead island with some changes,and a cumbersome use of the gamepad,the graphics were very meh and the whole game feels unpolished,animations,textures,etc etc

I take this experience from a guy who was to buy the wiiu just for this game,i love the idea of survival but expected much more

but its a launch game on a new system a a lot of people need games to shine on the launch


Dark Souls is not awesome just because it is hard. The setting, lore, combat etc all make up the awesome game. Other than difficulty, I really don't think people will care about lore or setting in Zombie-U. Its another Zombie game and while it does look pretty cool, saying it is like Dark Souls mike actually scare regular gamers off. :D


Can people stop mentioning Red Steel for fucks sake. It doesn't have shit to do with ZombiU, other than being published by Ubisoft.

As for the game, it sounds bloody brilliant.

I was saying some people unfairly compare it to Red Steel because its a Ubisoft game coming out at launch for the new Nintendo console and it's gimmick controller that's supposed to cater to the hardcore crowd and instead is a steaming pile of mess.

This is a whole different thing though, and I'm getting more excited for it everyday.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Yeah, or it'll be incredibly annoying, which to me sounds more likely at this point.

The Gamepad integration is extremely intutive from what I played, but then again there will always be complaints. I think the distaste for it will be from a small, but vocal minority (see not_so_special above) and I just hope it doesn't scare people away from the game becuase it's a worthwhile innovation for this genre (IMO).


The only thing remotely "Dark Souls" about it is the messaging system that Ubisoft lifted from DS wholesale.

There is more to Dark Souls than its perceived difficulty...

It also has the part where you have to reclaim your shit upon death.

Also open, persistent world. Though those concepts weren't invented by dark souls.


I'm wondering how the level structure works. Challenging difficulty and messaging other players is one thing, but another big "feature" of Dark Souls was the big inter-connected world. Is this going to be similar? Different safe-rooms as hubs (aka bonfires)? Level-based?

It sounds great but I just can't justify spending 60 bucks for a 10-12 hour game without online multi-player or co-op. It'll prob be around $30 a few months after launch which is when I'll pick it up.

10-12 hour playtime? Was this confirmed anywhere? It's something I've been wondering about myself. I think they've only showed like one area in the game, unless it all looks the same.


I'm wondering how the level structure works. Challenging difficulty and messaging other players is one thing, but another big "feature" of Dark Souls was the big inter-connected world. Is this going to be similar? Different safe-rooms as hubs (aka bonfires)? Level-based?

My understanding is that it is structured similarly to Dark Souls, in that it's a big open world, but cornered off in such a way where it's not completely open exploration. I'd have to think that there will be shortcuts and alternate paths that connect the major zones, as well.


There were lots of negative impressions posted about Red Steel though. Every IGN impression of the game was pretty grim. I haven't seen negative impressions so far. I'm still skeptical and I don't get the Dark Souls comparisons other than trial and error and it being difficult.

No real parallels to draw from Red Steel at all save for the fact that it was a launch Ubi title on a Nintendo console.

It was also made by an Ubi B team, while ZombieU is getting AAA treatment all around, not to mention that Red Steel's hype train never really took off past its heavily doctored screenshots, while hands on previews and video's told us everything we needed to know about how sketchy the whole thing was.

Zombie U is delivering where Red Steel didn't in terms of it's developer, video's and hands on previews.
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