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Halo 5: Guardians Beta Thread | Hot Red on Blue Action


Explain to me how this is the case? I think it's the exact opposite, in fact all of your points criticizing ADS here prove the opposite. Wouldn't people who use the scope excessively now be negatively affected by the fact that ADS is "slower, clunky, and distracting" in your words? Keep in mind I'm talking purely about precision weapons here as I imagine there will be some changes to the admittedly OP automatics.

Especially with the reintroduction of de-scoping I think zooming in can actually put you at a disadvantage in many cases, and players who are skilled with precision weapons at close/mid range will dominate with hip-fire rather than relying on ADS as a crutch.

Was referring to the automatics there myself. ADS is supposed to be zoom, it's not supposed to give you any ridiculous accuracy or tighten your bullet spread,eespecially in Halo was what I meant. Classic zoom worked in conjunction with hipfire. Both worked the same. It was essentially just zoom to see at greater distances,and guns that didn't allow you to scope shoot allowed you to zoom and see. Here, ADS is essentially a negative for precision weapons.


I haven't played it yet, but from looking at it, the game seems like an evolution of Halo in a good, fair and balanced way. The only annoying and complicated thing I see is the ground pound. I'm not too sure if that'll feel "right" in keeping the game feeling balanced and fair.
It is. Again its what Halo 4 should have been.
Was referring to the automatics there myself. ADS is supposed to be zoom, it's not supposed to give you any ridiculous accuracy or tighten your bullet spread,eespecially in Halo was what I meant. Classic zoom worked in conjunction with hipfire. Both worked the same. It was essentially just zoom to see at greater distances,and guns that didn't allow you to scope shoot allowed you to zoom and see. Here, ADS is essentially a negative for precision weapons.

They should leave the autos as they are. Are they a bit OP, yeah ,but that is so that people who are not good with precision weapons have a fighting chance. You can still four shot the guy and win.

This just encourages the BR/DMR people to get better. I know thats the way I look at it. 343 wants the COD crowd. You guys have to remember the COD crowd is use to being spoon fed and easy kills. Halo has always been hard for them. The way the Auto weapons are now, give them a fighting chance. I don't mind because I can still wreck them.


If it's just a number next to your name and only Pros care about it, why would you care if you have like a Bronze symbol next to your name? Or that you are a 32 etc? If it truly means nothing to the non-competitive crowd, it shouldn't bother them. Having too much of a ranked/social split sometimes just dilutes the playerbase. Besides, trueskill should work better than ever once the game launches, you'll end up playing with your skill level in ranked as it is.

People are just too scared to be told they are not good players for some reason.

I think you are missing the point. Others have said it earlier. Halo is seen by many as too difficult, or they play matchmaking and get destroyed by the "pros" paid or unpaid. Having a means of keeping the different skill levels apart could help keep the population healthy.

Another way is to give them weapons that are viable (powerful ARs, SMGs etc), so they can win some encounters.

Speaking as a European, another big problem with halos of the past is the hosting. The game gives host automatically to NA players, and it puts off euro players. That's why I said about open region ranked and region filtered social.

Microsoft could have a potential "secret weapon" with their cloud. No I aint talking sci-fi stories of the cloud making every xbone 3 x more powerful, I'm talking putting more games 3rd party as well (I am sure that they could make a deal with Activision for cod and destiny to be on azure) and then region filter the games and advertise the fuck out of it. I am certain that would be potentially massive in the EU ANZ. Even the states. Anyway, that is off topic. Sorry about that.


I am fine with how powerful the autos are right now. The issues I have is the range of the AR. I have killed people at mid range that had a BR. BR should always win at mid to long range. I would like it to have a little less range. I don't want it nerfed all to hell. I am having fun with the AR for the first time in 10 years.


ADS has exactly the opposite effect on me. It takes me out of the game every time. Classic scope is way more immersive to me.

Anyway, as I said, in the final game they should make ADS completely cosmetic (no added delay, no extra accuracy increase, etc) and add classic scopes as an option. Want to have half your screen obstructed when you zoom? You use ADS. Prefer the simple and elegant zoom of classic Halo games? You use the classic scope.


For real. It's really tiring seeing the "you just want Halo 2 reskinned" argument over and over. Complaining about bad changes and additions is not the same as wanting exactly the same game.

I'm all for Halo changing and evolving, but the changes and additions have to be good.

"Good", is an opinion.


They should leave the autos as they are. Are they a bit OP, yeah ,but that is so that people who are not good with precision weapons have a fighting chance. You can still four shot the guy and win.

This just encourages the BR/DMR people to get better. I know thats the way I look at it. 343 wants the COD crowd. You guys have to remember the COD crowd is use to being spoon fed and easy kills. Halo has always been hard for them. The way the Auto weapons are now, give them a fighting chance. I don't mind because I can still wreck them.

So I HAVE to land a 4 shot while they can spray and pray?
The thing about clamber is its only necessary because of map design. They made their own problem and solution.

I have nothing against clamber because logically a super soldier should be able to climb. Sometimes I forget about it though. Its quite convenient when you accidentally fall off a ledge.
So I HAVE to land a 4 shot while they can spray and pray?

If a BR/DMR is your go to weapon shouldn't you be able to do that with ease after some point? Also you can kill in 5 before you die. so really just depends on you, and your skill with the weapon. Use your abilities to your advantage. Start thinking for how to approach the situation. I know most likely the person has an AR out so I approach with caution by either throwing a grenade , using the AR myself, or make sure I'm a good distance. If you randomly run into an AR user strafe, jump , and thrust . You should be able to kill the person.
If you are in close, yes. You started with an AR, if you get in close, you should swap to it. Actually makes the BR not a one stop shop for all things.
Agreed. If you're in close, the SMG or AR should have the advantage. BR is for the mid range and giving the autos power up close is a good thing.

Just have to tune the range of the power.


Agreed. If you're in close, the SMG or AR should have the advantage. BR is for the mid range and giving the autos power up close is a good thing.

Just have to tune the range of the power.

I disagree completely and think this is ridiculous. The BR should always win vs the AR no matter what circumstance. It's a more skillful weapon. The AR is spraying, the BR you have to precise your shots, which is harder especially when getting shot.

Chitown B

Maintainance that's supposed to have concluded.

This a video game forum, you don't need to act condescending. Nobody will respect you more for it.

You said everyone was arguing amongst themselves. Condescending?

You said again. They were down on purpose and weren't down and then up, and down again. They're not up yet.
I disagree completely and think this is ridiculous. The BR should always win vs the AR no matter what circumstance. It's a more skillful weapon. The AR is spraying, the BR you have to precise your shots, which is harder.

It still does.you just have to be more precise , and maneuver better.
  • Status
  • Increases the desire to improve
  • Keeps players coming back to see it rise which helps retain population
  • Gives people incentive to win/Gives each match meaning

This is why 1-50 is needed. I stayed on Halo because if it. Reach and Halo 4 would have benefited from it even if the multiplayer was flawed.


If a BR/DMR is your go to weapon shouldn't you be able to do that with ease after some point? Also you can kill in 5 before you die. so really just depends on you, and your skill with the weapon. Use your abilities to your advantage. Start thinking for how to approach the situation. I know most likely the person has an AR out so I approach with caution by either throwing a grenade , using the AR myself, or make sure I'm a good distance. If you randomly run into an AR user strafe, jump , and thrust . You should be able to kill the person.

I wasn't aware that because I prefer to use a precision weapon that I should only land 4 shots on people. This must mean ce players routinely get tsk's.
I wasn't aware that because I prefer to use a precision weapon that I should only land 4 shots on people. This must mean ce players routinely get tsk's.

if you lose to an AR user from a medium distance to long range you just suck. Only at close range is it a bit more difficult. At that point 4 shot or use your abilities to you help you get the kill.


Wtf why was the server maintenance at 1 o'clock on a Sunday with the beta only lasting two days. Only so much time damnit 343
I'm 99% sure. There is 1% change it's just really bad screenshake and my subconscius over-reacting to it. Either way, it sucks.

I only really doubt it because when I use the DMR my shot never changes. That takes more precision than the BR so since I never felt like my aim was off I'm going to take it its the screen shaking that got you feeling this way.


Ninja commented on the flinch in his stream yesterday. Said it needs to go and in his opinion it's the worst thing to ever happen to Halo.

So I haven't played it myself... But flinch is there in some form based on that.


That's horrendous. That idea needs to die in Halo. Flinch sucks no matter how you implement it.

I find it adds to immersion. It made no sense for me as a Spartan to be hit with multiple bullets and not attempt to dodge them or it affect my vision. If anything, having the screen remain static just seems boring and unsatisfying. It gives a real consequence to how I engage enemies knowing that each bullet I let hit me, affects my vision and visual stability.



I disagree completely and think this is ridiculous. The BR should always win vs the AR no matter what circumstance. It's a more skillful weapon. The AR is spraying, the BR you have to precise your shots, which is harder especially when getting shot.

Takes more skill to be situationally aware. AR vs AR will also be won by the best shot and most mobile.
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