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Should the 360 become the standard at EVO?


HD Remix according to Sirlin has a stifiling bug for tourney level players.

David Sirlin said:
First up I played a T.Hawk player who I barely beat. I could not even execute Rekka punches at all for some reason. After the match, I asked to test the equipment and verified that Rekka punches really weren't coming out. I don't even mean the series of 3 punches, I just mean doing one in the first place--just a qcf+p motion. I could get it maybe 20%. Something was wrong. Then I switched sticks and did the test again on the same PS3. The new stick was SweetJohnnyV's and it was also a Madcatz TE stick, which should be identical. This time I could do Rekka punches 100%, a dramatic difference. Maybe the first stick was just broken? I assumed so and forgot about that whole thing until later....

Now, I have bad execution, I know that. It's not like "I missed a combo therefore some equipment has failed." Not at all. But I don't even mean combos here, I just mean a basic ability to do moves at all. I've started hundreds of matches with a Rekka punch, and I don't recall ever missing it once. It's just a fireball motion. I wasn't nervous, I wasn't thrown off by ps3 speeds being different (they are, it seems, though with 2 days of practice on ps3, I never had this problem at all except here and in that t.hawk match, first round.) If this problem is real, and I don't know if it is, it's pretty insidious. Checking buttons by doing normal moves worked fine in both cases and moving my character worked fine. It's only special moves that didn't.

Later, I realized something else. I heard this second-hand, but from two different people so I'll assume I'm reporting it correctly. Apparently Watson and Choi did some test of Ryu vs. Ryu. Ryu1 knocks down Ryu2. Ryu1 then does meaty fierce as Ryu2 gets up. Ryu2 attempts to reversal dp. Apparently Choi claimed (and I heard this second-hand, so sorry if I'm getting this wrong) that he could not reversal dp in that situation at all. Literally zero times out of many, many tries. I initially wrote this off as ridiculous because of course you can reversal that, I have done it plenty of times myself...on Xbox360. But it sounds suspiciously like the "specials moves don't come out sometimes" problem. Perhpas some sticks with some PS3s have this problem? Perhaps there is some randomness and it's hard to tell when it will occur? Perhaps it's not real at all? I don't know, but I don't trust PS3 anymore in this game. We already know the confirmed button config problem on PS3 (slowed the HD Remix team tournament by hours probably). And PS3 online play is worse, so it's bad to practice on during the year. Also the speed seems different. So Evolution should really, really switch to Xbox 360 next year for HD Remix, MvC2, and basically everything it can.
There always seems to be marginal differences between 360 and PS3 ports, but the general consensus is always that the 360 version is superior. Is there any reason to continue using the system?


CO_Andy said:
There always seems to be marginal differences between 360 and PS3 ports, but the general consensus is always that the 360 version is superior. Is there any reason to continue using the system?

The PS3 allows for non proprietary controllers to be used on the system.

Also, his claims are unfounded thus far, and he does not have any explanation or scientific method to validate them. "Speed is different" is not a valid complaint against either system.

I don't see how the equipment could be the problem. I can verify my TE input in BlazBlue and SF4. It's flawless in those 2 games.


When the designer of the game has a feeling that one version is bugged, I think you have to think he's probably right.

At least for HD Remix they should be using Xboxes.


TheExodu5 said:
The PS3 allows for non proprietary controllers to be used on the system.

And thats why the PS3 should be the standard for Fighters IMO.

I love using my Sega Saturn USB Pad on the thing, i don't have much other games on the PS3 besides fighting games and Wipeout just because of the freedom of controller choice it gives :)
Um, patch the PS3 version?

PS3 is the tourney standard thanks to the open controller platform, and the fact that the Evo organizers own so many PS3s. Plus, wasn't Sony a sponsor this year?
They should totally go with the PC. It allows for so many different types of controllers, generally runs smoother, allows for great multimedia hookups which are of great use in tournament settings, and can generally provide a greater degree of control over the presentation.


TheExodu5 said:
The PS3 allows for non proprietary controllers to be used on the system.
MarkMan is currently testing out a PS1/PS2 to 360 converter that is said to work very well. That PS3 advantage may soon be over.
Epic Tier 3 Engineer said:
Also, I like the PS3 better, and I own one, so they should use it.

I also don't attend EVO, nor do I really know what it is.

It's a fighting game tournament held every year in Las Vegas. Games like Street Fighter 4, Marvel vs Capcom 2, BlazeBlu, etc are played.


It's just Sirlin moaning as usual.

Seriously, there is NO reason to go to 360.

Have you ever played a tourney on 360? Where people have their own controllers? Do you know how much of a hassle it is to switch controllers on that console?

We run weekly SF4 tournaments here and they're all 360, and the amount of time we waste whenever someone makes a single little mistake in plugging in their controller.. It's insane.


vandalvideo said:
They should totally go with the PC. It allows for so many different types of controllers, generally runs smoother, allows for great multimedia hookups which are of great use in tournament settings, and can generally provide a greater degree of control over the presentation.

If only the PC had all the fighters in official form. SF IV is the only recent fighter to have released on it (and yes, I own the PC version).

TimeKillr said:
It's just Sirlin moaning as usual.

Seriously, there is NO reason to go to 360.

Have you ever played a tourney on 360? Where people have their own controllers? Do you know how much of a hassle it is to switch controllers on that console?

We run weekly SF4 tournaments here and they're all 360, and the amount of time we waste whenever someone makes a single little mistake in plugging in their controller.. It's insane.

Haha this drives me nuts on my 360 some times. I hate having a profile associated to a controller...sure it would be a nice option, but it's annoying that it's mandatory on the 360...caused a lot of problems with Rock Band at our last LAN when people wanted to use different instrument sets.


_dementia said:
Um, patch the PS3 version?

PS3 is the tourney standard thanks to the open controller platform, and the fact that the Evo organizers own so many PS3s. Plus, wasn't Sony a sponsor this year?
this. what's funny is the article seems to be based on a 'possible, maybe, i think, probably, could be, i heard, it seems like' sorta bug. get something confirmed FFS before you force everyone to get a 360-only stick :lol
CO_Andy said:
MarkMan is currently testing out a PS1/PS2 to 360 converter that is said to work very well. That PS3 advantage may soon be over.
PS3 works with HID controllers though. Lots of tourney players use fully custom-built sticks that use Cthulhu or similar PCBs.


Steve, the dog with no powers that we let hang out with us all for some reason
Insayne said:
And thats why the PS3 should be the standard for Fighters IMO.

I love using my Sega Saturn USB Pad on the thing, i don't have much other games on the PS3 besides fighting games and Wipeout just because of the freedom of controller choice it gives :)

SS USB Pad on PS3 is so awesome.


CO_Andy said:
MarkMan is currently testing out a PS1/PS2 to 360 converter that is said to work very well. That PS3 advantage may soon be over.
how much does it cost? and that would still be only a portion of people's sticks. 360 still doesn't support any HID stuff.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
CO_Andy said:
MarkMan is currently testing out a PS1/PS2 to 360 converter that is said to work very well. That PS3 advantage may soon be over.

will it alleviate the "please reconnect the controller" hassle if the converter remains plugged in?


bernardobri said:
SS USB Pad on PS3 is so awesome.

This is why I'm getting fighters on the PS3. I bought a TE stick, so the system didn't really matter in terms of solo/online play. However, if I want to play with friends locally, at least I can use a cheap $25 Saturn USB pad as a second controller. There is no decent cheap option on the 360. =\

CO_Andy said:
MarkMan is currently testing out a PS1/PS2 to 360 converter that is said to work very well. That PS3 advantage may soon be over.

We'll see how it goes. The last adapter he tested from that company got pretty terrible reviews (claiming lost inputs, input lag). I forget the name...

edit: XCM


dfyb said:
how much does it cost? and that would still be only a portion of people's sticks. 360 still doesn't support any HID stuff.
MarkMan has the full skinny. Any previous PS1/PS2 adapter on 360 has been sadly expensive (and laggy), but this one could be different
I would hope that the PC version is standard. Everything PS3/360 stick can work and it has the extra eye candy that everyone loves.


TimeKillr said:
It's just Sirlin moaning as usual.

Seriously, there is NO reason to go to 360.

Have you ever played a tourney on 360? Where people have their own controllers? Do you know how much of a hassle it is to switch controllers on that console?

We run weekly SF4 tournaments here and they're all 360, and the amount of time we waste whenever someone makes a single little mistake in plugging in their controller.. It's insane.

Switching out sticks on the 360 is a real pain on certain games. I dont have the same issue with BBlue as I do SF4 though.


That's the worst testing I've seen.
"I heard this second hand so it might be the issue"

You worked on the game. Ask the dudes you worked with.


extra source of jiggaflops
Don't forget the issue with breaking equipment.

The 360 is breaking more often than the PS3. (This is statiscally relevant if you do big tournaments.)

A similar situation was with the Dreamcast and Marvel vs. Capcom. The EVO2k9 staff is very happy that they can now retire the Dreamcast and go with the PS3.

As others have said, if there is a bug it should be investigated as good as possible (figure out how to reproduce, and with what peripheral) and then it should be fixed.
TheExodu5 said:
What PC version?
He probably thought Sirlin was talking about SF4 instead of HD Remix.

And I'm going to say no, only because I am a contrarian and hate David Sirlin and his shitty "play to win" shit. I don't know (or care) enough about the differences between the versions to have an opinion on which version of each game is better; the only thing that dictates what console I play fighting games on is that I have two sticks for 360 and none for PS3. :p
"So uhh, the creator of the game didnt notice the problem when he was working on it? what a joke.."

That's the thing. Sirlin said he never even really worked on the PS3 version. All his work was on the 360 version. Maybe he (or backbone, in general) should do a better job!

Sounds like QQing.


Why would they switch to 360 or PC when they already have PS3s from the previous years? And going PC itself would be a lot more costly of an endeavor if anything. Also again, only SFIV is on PC, no Blazblue etc.


Sirlin should be embarrassed. Instead of bitching about it, how about getting Capcom/Backbone to fix it. Instead he will just complain cause he's David Sirlin. Also no one bitched about speed issues before him, kinda hilarious. Seriously, the more I read from him, the less I like him. His complaints for SFIV are legitimate, but when he pretty much admits a game he worked on is shitty on one system, and hopes that Evo uses 360's for HDR because it's the "better version" is laughable. It just shows you why no one really likes Sirlin anymore. His Ego is just too big.
kiryogi said:
Why would they switch to 360 or PC when they already have PS3s from the previous years? And going PC itself would be a lot more costly of an endeavor if anything. Also again, only SFIV is on PC, no Blazblue etc.
Atleast if they went PC we wouldn't have to deal with the crappy feed and poor presentation.

PS: Poor BlazBlue. :(


No, stick to PS3 version. The QQing idiot should go complain to the people he worked with. Tell them to fix Gunstar Heroes as well.


Sonos said:
no one uses the standard dpad at EVO i'm pretty sure.

Some people do, and this guy on GGPO brought a keyboard stick. So don't assume people don't play on pad or any other controller that isn't a stick.


Ive never been able to attend the tourney so ive only watched a million vids hence my "I'm pretty sure". cleared it up though thanks.


Sonos said:
no one uses the standard dpad at EVO i'm pretty sure.

I know it's rare but it does happen but I think they should just stick with the PS3 especially if they already have all the systems already.

It's comparable but I don't think it's a big deal either way, sounds like a random bug that was just found.
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