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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 7 - Sundays on HBO

J2 Cool

Nah, Bran's superpower is knowing everything, but his weakness is that he can't actually tell important information.
He'll probably mention some horrifying memory of Arya's this time, like how beautiful she looked as she watched their father get beheaded or something.


Still waiting to see how Bran's helpful in any way. Arya and Bran's worldly developed skills seem way too valuable to spend combined on Littlefinger. It's a pretty big downgrade for Arya from the start of the season, to go from murdering the Freys & targeting Cersei, to being duped by Littlefinger in Winterfell.


Kills Photobucket


"I don't want to see Jon bang his Aunt."


My theory for the rest of the season: Daenerys is going to die.

I just don't see how Game of Thrones has an interesting season 8 if either (a) Cersi is killed/exiled or (b) the Daenerys/Lannister conflict is continued to be drawn out.

Once the Lannister/Daenerys conflict is resolved, you're left with a boring and 1-dimensional conflict against the White Walkers. Unless the resolution is in the Lannister's favor.

Ending the Danny/Lannister conflict also risks denying so many satisfying scenes that just feel like they have to be there. The Hound vs The Mountain, Arya vs Cersi, etc.

If I were writing the show, I'd have Cersi kill Daenerys and the dragons go wild. Season 8 could then focus on Jon Snow discovering his true identity and trying to tame the dragons he needs to win the war, while also giving breathing room for the Starks to encounter conflict as they're forced south.


Junior Member
My theory for the rest of the season: Daenerys is going to die.

I just don't see how Game of Thrones has an interesting season 8 if either (a) Cersi is killed/exiled or (b) the Daenerys/Lannister conflict is continued to be drawn out.

Once the Lannister/Daenerys conflict is resolved, you're left with a boring and 1-dimensional conflict against the White Walkers. Unless the resolution is in the Lannister's favor.

Ending the Danny/Lannister conflict also risks denying so many satisfying scenes that just feel like they have to be there. The Hound vs The Mountain, Arya vs Cersi, etc.

If I were writing the show, I'd have Cersi kill Daenerys and the dragons go wild. Season 8 could then focus on Jon Snow discovering his true identity and trying to tame the dragons he needs to win the war.
That would make for some interesting TV.


My theory for the rest of the season: Daenerys is going to die.

I just don't see how Game of Thrones has an interesting season 8 if either (a) Cersi is killed/exiled or (b) the Daenerys/Lannister conflict is continued to be drawn out.

Once the Lannister/Daenerys conflict is resolved, you're left with a boring and 1-dimensional conflict against the White Walkers. Unless the resolution is in the Lannister's favor.

Ending the Danny/Lannister conflict also risks denying so many satisfying scenes that just feel like they have to be there. The Hound vs The Mountain, Arya vs Cersi, etc.

If I were writing the show, I'd have Cersi kill Daenerys and the dragons go wild. Season 8 could then focus on Jon Snow discovering his true identity and trying to tame the dragons he needs to win the war.

I'm thinking the opposite, cersei dies, dany and the gang go north, season 7 is about the battle for the dawn.


I'm thinking the opposite, cersei dies, dany and the gang go north, season 7 is about the battle for the dawn.

So you think we're going to have 8 episodes, each 90+ minutes, of "world vs White Walkers"?

I just don't believe that Season 8 is going to be 14 hours of "everyone vs White Walkers." Someone needs to be at play, which means that somehow the Lannisters need to stay relevant.

I think they're setting us up for Daenerys losing this war.

Lannisters win gives a lot of breathing room for season 8 plot lines. The Starks would be forced to go south again. Arya's list would still be relevant. The continent would still need to be unified. We'd see a ton of character development for Missandei and Grey Worm.

Edit: Just imagine... Cersi suddenly kills Daenerys. Dragons go crazy and burn/scatter the Dothraki. World left in absolute chaos as the White Walkers move in. Jon Snow has to become Jon Targareyan, tame the dragons, and unite the world.
I'll admit I'm curious how this season will end because if this were a normal 10-season episode, it would feel like they're heading for the big climax(es).
Tyrion going to KL was the worst idea in this episode. I mean, he's literally the most recognisable man in the city.
If the actor Kevin Eldon recognised him, I reckon lots of others would. I'm not sure how he finds Bron so easily.
And if Cersei knew about the meeting, why would she pass up the opportunity to catch Tyrion?

The suicide squad plan seems pretty dumb too. I'm pretty sure Cersei would see Wights as her best ally against King Jon rather than than the other way round.

Gendry is too much fanservice. He knows how to smith Valyrian Steel so it made sense to get him to help the war effort. But now he's just a footsoldier.

Could Cersei's child be the Valonquar? Her mother died in childbirth after all. I'm guessing not, but it'd be one hell of a twist.

I guess next week is the big ice battle, and the final episode is Cleganebowl at the summit of the 2 queens.


My theory for the rest of the season: Daenerys is going to die.

I just don't see how Game of Thrones has an interesting season 8 if either (a) Cersi is killed/exiled or (b) the Daenerys/Lannister conflict is continued to be drawn out.

Once the Lannister/Daenerys conflict is resolved, you're left with a boring and 1-dimensional conflict against the White Walkers. Unless the resolution is in the Lannister's favor.

Ending the Danny/Lannister conflict also risks denying so many satisfying scenes that just feel like they have to be there. The Hound vs The Mountain, Arya vs Cersi, etc.

If I were writing the show, I'd have Cersi kill Daenerys and the dragons go wild. Season 8 could then focus on Jon Snow discovering his true identity and trying to tame the dragons he needs to win the war, while also giving breathing room for the Starks to encounter conflict as they're forced south.
I want this to happen so bad, the other thread would go on full meltdown mode.

I just don't think D&D have the balls to do it.
Gendry can smith Valyrian steel?
His master could in the books iirc.


There is zero chance Dany dies before the end of the show. The real purpose of her dragons is to be used against the white walkers, I don't see them just happily agreeing to getting controlled by other people after their mum dies.

p.s. fuck Cersei. I imagine that in the books the alliance against the dead would be Jon, Dany and fAegon (if they're even remotely anything like the show), which would make much more sense that we currently are going to potentially have. Although I wonder if Dany will actually leave Essos by the end of TWOW.
Consider what Jon's last words to Daenarys were.

Yeah! That stood out to me straight away. Imagine it's all one big red herring and Dany ends up being the child of rhaegar and lyanna :') would be ballsy but don't see it.

Wait, what? Which book and scene is this? At Craster's Keep?

The opening of AGoT iirc

She will still play a slight role in the story since her brother Arthur was Rhaegar's best friend and got killed by Ned during the storming of the tower, which was most likely the reason she commited suicide, since the whole rebellion was all for nothing and killed all her close people in life. That's the reason she was alluded to being Jon's mother, she probably knew what was going on the whole time.

Yeah! It would have been cool to have Howland Reed about to flesh it out some more.


Tyrion going to KL was the worst idea in this episode. I mean, he's literally the most recognisable man in the city.
If the actor Kevin Eldon recognised him, I reckon lots of others would. I'm not sure how he finds Bron so easily.
And if Cersei knew about the meeting, why would she pass up the opportunity to catch Tyrion?

The suicide squad plan seems pretty dumb too. I'm pretty sure Cersei would see Wights as her best ally against King Jon rather than than the other way round.

Gendry is too much fanservice. He knows how to smith Valyrian Steel so it made sense to get him to help the war effort. But now he's just a footsoldier.

Could Cersei's child be the Valonquar? Her mother died in childbirth after all. I'm guessing not, but it'd be one hell of a twist.

I guess next week is the big ice battle, and the final episode is Cleganebowl at the summit of the 2 queens.

I was gonna be like how the hell is the Mountain gonna get from Kings Landing to beyond the Wall in two episodes but then I remembered he'd probably just borrow Euron's teleport.
Tyrion going to KL was the worst idea in this episode. I mean, he's literally the most recognisable man in the city.
If the actor Kevin Eldon recognised him, I reckon lots of others would. I'm not sure how he finds Bron so easily.
And if Cersei knew about the meeting, why would she pass up the opportunity to catch Tyrion?

I'm pissed we missed the reunion of Tyrion of Bron. Like they decided, "Nah, I guess no ones interested in that dialogue exchange." Instead here's a tame shock reveal.


Junior Member
Gendry needs to be legitimized first

As he's literally the only living baratheon it wouldn't be that hard. Gendry legit has the most solid claim to the throne on the show right now lol, at least disregarding having armies, capital, allies, etc to take it. Just as a familial claim he has the best claim over any targs or lannisters as cersei doesn't have a legit claim at all and the targs were already ousted.

Edit: wait if all "baratheon" cersei children are gone does that legitimately give cersei the throne? I suppose as there isn't anyone else.


As he's literally the only living baratheon it wouldn't be that hard. Gendry legit has the most solid claim to the throne on the show right now lol, at least disregarding having armies, capital, allies, etc to take it. Just as a familial claim he has the best claim over any targs or lannisters as cersei doesn't have a legit claim at all and the targs were already ousted.

Edit: wait if all "baratheon" cersei children are gone does that legitimately give cersei the throne? I suppose as there isn't anyone else.

Cersei has no legitimate claim on the throne. Either you'd have to find some cousin of Robert's or possibly no one has any claim as that cousin wouldn't descend from any royalty as Robert was the first Baratheon king.


So you think we're going to have 8 episodes, each 90+ minutes, of "world vs White Walkers"?

I just don't believe that Season 8 is going to be 14 hours of "everyone vs White Walkers." Someone needs to be at play, which means that somehow the Lannisters need to stay relevant.

I think they're setting us up for Daenerys losing this war.

Lannisters win gives a lot of breathing room for season 8 plot lines. The Starks would be forced to go south again. Arya's list would still be relevant. The continent would still need to be unified. We'd see a ton of character development for Missandei and Grey Worm.

Edit: Just imagine... Cersi suddenly kills Daenerys. Dragons go crazy and burn/scatter the Dothraki. World left in absolute chaos as the White Walkers move in. Jon Snow has to become Jon Targareyan, tame the dragons, and unite the world.

We have 1 season left, of 6 episodes. 8 episodes left in the series from today.
While it would be an interesting dynamic to see cersei truly become #1 Queen and take over, it doesn't feel like the series is headed that way. We gotta remember this is D&D we're talking about.


I think it's more likely that Dany's existence in the series is to defeat the WW's. In the show i think it's going to be quite... tropish. She goes north, a dragon or 2 dies, or even 3, and we're left with jon having to defeat the WW (as we originally thought from the earlier seasons).

My biggest thing that will never happen is that Jon is AA, and uses his sword to Nissa Nissa Dany so he can finally end the WW's, but that feels more like a book thing than TV series.


Team 7 could've at least forged obsidian weapons before they went to beyond the wall. At least one of 'em

Jon's got Longclaw, Thoros got "Litebringer", Gendry can crush all the skeletons into bonedust, maybe the zombies will break their toofs on Jorah's stone-arm, and the Hound... is effed.


Well that was some speed there...

- I imagined some would complain about the breakneck speed the show is moving on now, but I don't care. I loved the slow build ups from previous seasons, but I appreciate the pacing now.

- Daenny is such a ruthless woman. Gatdamn. Tyrion feeling useless and meeting up with Jaime was neat though. Bron remains a winner. "If those dragons come to King's Landing, you are fucked." "You mean we?" "No, you, because when dragons appear I draw the line"

- Gendry? Man, that was a while ago. Lol at all the scenes with Davos. The man is fantastic.

- Cersei being Cersei.

- Oh Little Finger, you sly trickster, death awaits you.

- Jon and his merry band of men better come back. I need Tormund to fuck some shit up.


So Tyrion is a targaryen right?

I mean when Tyrion meets the dragons down in the cellar to unchain them, it's basically the same reaction when Jon touches the dragon.
I would like to thank whoever brought up Chrys reviews earlier.......

wasn't tyrion the one who suggested the boneheaded plan to sneak in to KL without any disguise or hood to somehow contact bronn to meet jaime who he couldn't have known was alive at the time (again why didn't they scout for him/search the water!!) to tell cersei who hates his guts to meet them so they can show them a white walker and then all engage in jolly co-operation and cersei would never use them to be opportunistic?

arya/gendry would be creepy as shit considering maisie williams was like 14(?) when she started adventuring with gendry

so naturally tumblr is gonna have a field day


arya/gendry would be creepy as shit considering maisie williams was like 14(?) when she started adventuring with gendry
Lyanna was 15/16 when married with two 30+ Rhaegar ran off with her. Arya + Gendry was always supposed to happen and GRRM isn't backing out of it even without the time skip, and I don't think the show will either.


Dany said she's going to break the wheel again. What does that mean? She's still doing the whole feudal rule so I doubt see how it's any different.


wasn't tyrion the one who suggested the boneheaded plan to sneak in to KL without any disguise or hood to somehow contact bronn to meet jaime who he couldn't have known was alive at the time (again why didn't they scout for him/search the water!!) to tell cersei who hates his guts to meet them so they can show them a white walker and then all engage in jolly co-operation and cersei would never use them to be opportunistic?


Yeah. Chrys does seem to liberally rewrite the narrative for the joke to land. Basically an abridged parody.


Junior Member
Jon's got Longclaw, Thoros got "Litebringer", Gendry can crush all the skeletons into bonedust, maybe the zombies will break their toofs on Jorah's stone-arm, and the Hound... is effed.

Also with the whole being super worried about the hammer in the boat was that supposed to be Robert's hammer or something? Was that valyrian steel?

Edit: yeah I'm pretty sure that's what the show runners were alluding with that, so good on them.

Honestly Gendry does have a pretty solid claim to the throne having Robert's hammer and pretty solid witnesses to his birthright. Maybe D&D are gonna try a whole king Gendry deal with an Arya north alliance and get the council in KL to go along with it. Maybe neither Dany or Jon will make it to the Iron throne. Seems more likely this would be something GRRM would have happen and outlined to D&D.


So Tyrion is a targaryen right?

I mean when Tyrion meets the dragons down in the cellar to unchain them, it's basically the same reaction when Jon touches the dragon.

That's always been a lurking possibility. Books imply that Tywin was cuckolded by the Mad King.

I really hope it doesn't go that way, though. Makes a total mess of the Tywin / Tyrion relationship.
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