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The Great GAF Potato Sack Race: Earn Steam Games from Your Fellow Gaffers!


The Cryptarch's Bane
xKilltheMx said:
Ugh I was there for the creation of the Idea and still missed sign ups. Blargh.

There will almost definitely, like 90+% sure, be more spots to compete, so no worries. Just gotta do some calculating before I open it back up.

XeroSauce said:
I can donate:
Both L4Ds
Almost every Half-Life
Opposing Force. <-HIGH IN DEMAND

I may throw in TF2 and Portal 2 as well if this gets big (I might give them to a friend, so that's why they are under lock atm)

And uhh...yea. I am the proud owner of a Golden Tater, so I guess I'll only be donating.
marrec said:
I want to solve puzzles!! Also, I have Amnesia, Audiosurf, and Defense Grid available for donation.

That's what I'm talking about. Now I'm 96% certain I'll be able to accept some more. Just bear with me. Also numerous people in this thread will be happy to know that's now at least 2 copies of Amnesia in the pot.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Come now.

What did the old potato say to her lover?

Surely you wish to overturn my expectations.

I'm sorry. I forgot to inform you; my expectations are that you are stupid.

Okay hey! If you are donating, participating, or both, join the Steam Group: melisma

Just to be clear on where we are at right now- only people who have potatoes and posted before I said nobody else could enter are guaranteed a spot. But there will almost definitely be more open. Don't worry too much about calling a spot early- unless you have a potato, just posting your desire in this thread now isn't gonna do much. There will be a task required to enter so it won't just be first come first serve.

You'll find that will be a common theme in this contest. First come first serve is how games are usually given away on GAF and that's great. Someone will post "Game up for grabs, first to PM me gets it." But this is for the guy who clicks 3 seconds too late and misses out on being the first- there will of course be a race/time element to things, but your reward will come from a combination of putting in some effort, being efficient, and most importantly, doing something more fun than just saying "me!!!" with extreme haste. After all this is videogames! They're designed for enjoyment!

I'm counting up what's in the prize bag now. Many many thanks to Spookie, Xyla, rabhw, and darkpaladinmfc for the donations. You guys rule! Seriously. GAF community for the giant, pulsating win. Be sure to join the group. I'm not ruling out the possibility of you guys being rewarded some way or another for your generosity such as the delivery of a colorful kitten corpse to your doorstep.

If you want to donate and you are not arakat or XeroSauce, I need you to PM me with what you are willing to give, even if you've posted in this thread. I need to keep everything in one place. Again, the cutoff for accepting donations is 10:00PM EST tonight.

We are doing great though. Most interestingly, a copy each of Burnout Paradise and Just Cause 2 have been added to the pot. What do those games have to do with this contest? They're awesome.

Stay tuned for me to lift the block on new entrants.


The Cryptarch's Bane
denomes said:
Joined the group. You guys are awesome.

So what we need to do to win games has not been revealed yet, right?

That's correct.

Don't worry- everything it takes to enter, compete, and win will be in the first two posts of this thread when it's time.

I'm being told that you can get a bit of info on how things will work ahead of time if one of you comes up with the punchline for her joke...


The Cryptarch's Bane
Your contributions will be inscribed in the Aperture Science Memorial Cooperation Hall for two to three hours. This inscription will then be incinerated.


Junior Member
Oh no. I missed the sign ups! Should I wait to join the group when/if I can get later or can I join now? It's a great thing you are all doing, it's very generous. Great idea Hawkian!

EDIT: Here's my steam id too.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Cranzor said:
Oh no. I missed the sign ups! Should I wait to join the group when/if I can get later or can I join now? It's a great thing you are all doing, it's very generous. Great idea Hawkian!

EDIT: Here's my steam id too.

I basically have you to thank for the idea! I think that is enough to earn you a slot.

For the curious will you people never think of the kittens? I gifted him Half-Life 2, then added that if he proved that he beat it within a month, I'd give him Episode 1 too. That's where the idea of having games as rewards for challenges came from.

(Don't worry, I've factored the extra copy of Ep1 out of the prizes, Cranzor. I had 2.)

Also, good stuff coming! Keep your potatoes peeled!


Junior Member
Hawkian said:
I basically have you to thank for the idea! I think that is enough to earn you a slot.

For the curious will you people never think of the kittens? I gifted him Half-Life 2, then added that if he proved that he beat it within a month, I'd give him Episode 1 too. That's where the idea of having games as rewards for challenges came from.

(Don't worry, I've factored the extra copy of Ep1 out of the prizes, Cranzor. I had 2.)

Also, good stuff coming! Keep your potatoes peeled!

Gosh, you're being awfully generous to me this week! Thanks for the spot! I'm enjoying HL2 thoroughly :)


The Cryptarch's Bane
Sooo... here is the pot so far.

Audiosurf: 2 copies
Amnesia: 1
AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity: 2 copies
Bit.Trip.Beat: 1
Burnout Paradise: 1
Cogs: 2 copies
Counter-Strike: Source: 2 copies
Day of Defeat: Source: 1
Defense Grid: 3 copies
Half-Life: 2 copies
Half-Life: Blue Shift: 1
Half-Life 2: 5
Half-Life 2: Deathmatch: 3 copies
Half-Life 2: Episode 1: 4 copies
Half-Life 2: Episode 2: 3 copies
Just Cause 2: 1
Killing Floor: 2 copies
Left 4 Dead: 1
Left 4 Dead 2: 3 copies
Opposing Force: 2 copies
Osmos: 1
Portal: 10 copies*
Portal 2: 2 copies
Super Meat Boy: 3 copies
Team Fortress 2: 2 copies
Team Fortress Classic: 2 copies
Toki Tori: 1

Wow. That's 63 games to gift. And we still have a few more incoming, and there's a half hour left if anybody wants to donate! Subtracting the 10 for Portal* since it will be an afterthought for most if not all, and allowing some leeway for people to get more than one game, I think we are quite comfortable offering at the very least 35 slots. I am going to count up users in the Steam Group with potatoes who will be automatically in. I will also reserve 5 for certain "special friends" who have spoken to me personally. That will leave a number of spots open to anybody except golden potatoheads. These slots will be filled by being the quickest to complete a simple task I will post here sometime after 10:00PM, probably closer to 11:00PM EST. I'll mention how many spots there are and what to do.

XeroSauce, let me know which HL games you can offer. Exodu5 has already pledged to donate so he can take as long as he likes to tell me what he has, but I won't be able to update the pot until he does. As a result, some more slots may open after the upcoming cutoff too, so don't give up.

Floored by the response to this. At this point we are working on a scale of hundreds of dollars' worth of games, so I would definitely like to okay this whole deal with a mod and just make sure everything I am doing is kosher. Does anybody know who would be best to ask?

*hahahahahahaha.... yeah. well. Okay, two things: 1. if you don't have a copy of Portal and you enter this competition, you are absolutely fucking required to go for it. You must also confess your sin here and face public ridicule.
2. Since we've got so many, I'm personally going to offer a mystery bonus to anybody who decides to go for a copy anyway. Willing to risk it? I promise it'll be worth your while...

The Enrichment Center has instructed me to inform you that he is most likely lying. You do so love to lie.

I would also like to take this opportunity to express my disappointment in you. No one has guessed the answer to my joke. I feel as though you have raped my humor organ. Humans do have humor organs, yes?

One of you contacted me privately with a very good guess. Well, very good on a scale of awful to failure. I highly suggest he share it with the rest of you.
That's just one crazy list of donations. I can't express how grateful I am to even have a shot at some of these. Thanks for the outpouring of love for us, GAF!

Hawkian said:
One of you contacted me privately with a very good guess. Well, very good on a scale of awful to failure. I highly suggest he share it will the rest of you.[/I]
That would be me... My guess was "You're a sight for sore 'eyes.'"

Get it? Like eyes on a potato? When it grows those roots?
I'm usually great at terrible puns, so this must be a good pun.
Hawkian said I was very close, though, so good luck if anyone gets it!



"What did the old potato say to her lover?"
"It's been a long time... I realized that I only have eyes for you, sweet potato."


Bonus answer: "I made a mistake. It was me. I-da-ho."


The Cryptarch's Bane
vid said:
I only have eyes for you
Cleverly done. The superfluous context you have presented indicates a flawed understanding of basic humor, but the results are satisfactory. Your completion time for this test is very impressive, and second only to a monkey who was able to tell me the answer in 5 minutes while throwing his own feces. Nevertheless, you will be rewarded for your efforts.

I get it. Those things I called stars before, they weren't stars at all! They're

So wow, these potatoes have gone a bit stale. Still the eyes seem to be of some value to her. Trust me, you want to hold onto them.

Here's why: obviously all of the prizes in this contest are not worth the same amount of points. The cheapest/least awesome prizes will be one-eye "*" challenges, requiring little to no skill and time to compelte. The next level will be two-eye "**", requiring some genuine effort, but I know multiple games people have mentioned in this thread will be in this category. More recent/pricey stuff will be three-eye "***"; Portal 2 alone will be a four-eye "****" challenge and obviously will take the most time and effort, and probably span multiple games and/or activities (I may offer multiple routes for this so people who don't have a lot of Steam games still have a chance).

You can earn eyes starting immediately. When the challenges begin, you will be able to use your eyes however you like- but no one can earn more than four. Yes, that means if you win Portal 2 it will be your only prize. Deal with it. It also means that, if you, say, wind up with only three eyes, you can choose to go for one three-eye challenge, one two and one one, or three ones. Starchy?

Finally, if you go for a challenge and fail, or someone beats you to the punch, you don't forfeit your eyes, so you can try for something else until you wind up with something! Never give up! Never surrender!

If you're reading this and planning to compete, start thinking about how you might want to spend your eyes!

A major update to the OP is incoming shortly which will include this information, how to get to earning eyes, and opening enrollment in the contest for all. Speaking of which:

I've got good/disappointing news!

Despite plenty more who qualify already, only 7 of you (below, Steam IDs in parentheses) have successfully joined this contest! If you have at least one potato, simply follow the instructions in the OP and you are in! Since so many folk did not succeed, we still have plenty of open slots that are up for grabs! At least 20! Gogogogo!

Following shortly will be instructions for anybody to get in! Stay tuned!

Test Subjects
Mr_Guillotine (Bill S. Preston Esquire)
Ifrit (OriginalPablo)
Typographenia (Typographenia)
shintoki (Wild Pink Hair Uke)
Cranzor (Cranzor96)
Datwheezy (DATWHEEZY)
V_Ben (V_Ben)

Congratulations on being slightly more intelligent than the other test subjects. I am sure this is a proud moment for you. Would you like me to call your families?


damn, i really want burnout paradise since i missed the last sale, sucks that i cant participate :( heh

good luck everybody!
I'm really excited! This sounds like it will be really fun!
I'll be aiming for that 4 star glory!

Also, congrats to vid! I don't know how I couldn't think of that, haha.

Edit: Where did I get "vidkid" from? Sorry, hahahaha!


So, I believe I need to earn some potatoes to compete? Except... I believe the potatoes are no longer accessible?


The Cryptarch's Bane
OP is about to be updated with full details on how to enroll.

Also, I just noticed marrec donated four games on the last page which I missed. Awesome! He didn't PM me, which is rather unfortunate, but I'm assuming that stuff is all still up for grabs and adding it to the pot! It's good stuff!

vid said:
So, I believe I need to earn some potatoes to compete? Except... I believe the potatoes are no longer accessible?

Nope, not at all. Having a potato just guarantees you the right to compete. Anybody can join! Just watch the OP.
vid said:
So, I believe I need to earn some potatoes to compete? Except... I believe the potatoes are no longer accessible?
They're the potatoes in your soul!

More donations? Goodness, we need more people to sign up!
Come on, there has to be more of you!
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