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N-GAF Eve Online Corp Part Deux



Since Dust 514 was shown at E3, there has been newfound interest in Eve online, so I am setting up a corp we can all play in. There used to be a neogaf corp but i couldn't find it so here it goes.

To join, send me a PM with your character name. Then fly to Eglennaert I - Moon 17 - Nugoeihuvi Corporation Development Studio. Our Corps offices and HQ are there. It's called N-GAF


Oblivionmancer said:
Just thought I'd mention that there's no need to fly anywhere to apply; search the corp name in people and places, and you can apply from anywhere.

I hope to grow this corp up slowly but steadily by the time Dust 514 hits, so new players are more than welcome to join. If you are one PM me and i can get you into the Buddy Program. It gives you a 21 day free trial and me a free month of playing. I will sell that free month ingame and put it into the corp's wallet.

Those who are already playing you are more than welcome. Be warned though my character and thus the corp doesn't have a lot of cash right now( sigh...the life of a bounty hunter) so we can't just jump into wars just yet. Those will come in the future :p I plan to play the corp as a sort of loose mercenary group so more of a facous on combating pirates and the like than mining, but all miners are welcome.

If you are new check these sites out and finish the game's tutorials. You get some really useful stuff there. Eve online is a unique game with an interesting learning curve. Don't hesitate to ask a question.

http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Main_Page-exactly what it says. Go to if you need any help with the basics.
Grismar's Eve Wiki - Useful knowledgebase worth having handy
Eve Survival - tips and mission details
Eve New Players Guide - information
Battleclinic - Great for ship

Hope to see you in the stars.

So the hangar is up and working. Here are some basic rules and guidelines.

6 of the 7 corp hangars are closed to everyone but a few select members of the corp. Some of you may have already noticed. Mr_Appleby (Daneel Appleby in EVE) has agreed to be one of the members with responsibility of the other 6 hangars. Others will also be able to do this, and I will announce them in the future. Consider them kinda like mods of the Corps.

The first tab in the corp hangar "Misc" is open to all members. Anyone can take things in and out. No problem. This is intended for people who are playing online, when I, Daneel or whoever else has the power isn't online, and you want to use the corp hangar to trade with other members. Remember however that is open to everyone.

This is still very much a work in process, so any suggestions about how to deal with this are welcome. I hope you guys are enjoying the game.

3. If you take something, bump the thread. Just so we know whats happening. A simple
Took 100 piranha missiles.
is more than enough.

We want the corp hangar to be a place where people who lose a ship can refit it again without losing 1-2 mil in the market. Any low level stuff you don't need, please consider putting it in the corp hangar. Thanks


I'm currently going through all the tutorial missions. Once I'm done, I'll relocate to HQ.

I don't have much in the way of assets, but I have around 7 million SP invested (a friend funded my skill training a while back in the hopes of playing, but he quit, so...).


I just started to attempt playing again myself. Damn this game I'm so lost in it.

Flying a Vexor now, and trying to skill up enough that I can pvp in a inteceptor. Wonder how long I'll last playing this time.

Errr...we'll get stomped by the other corps. Last i checked newer corps dont last long.

A neogaf guild will die quickly anyways, they always do.


I started 20 days ago. Did all the tutorial missions and now I'm doing the "Sisters of EVE" epic quests.

As soon as I finish I'll join :)


I've been meaning to give EVE a go (picked up the $5 deal on steam a little while ago); so when ready I'll give you a pm (in a few weeks)
You'll probably get a one-time offer to redesign your character.

Even if the GAF corp dissolves, this thread will be nice for general EVE discussion.


sparkle this bitch
I decided to start to play yesterday(Picked it up last summer for 2$). I need something to relax to between pounding nails into my dick(Vanquish).

Decided to give it the full try to, purchases the 2 month deal for 19.95. I'm pretty sure I'm still on the tutorial missions, but I'm really enjoying it so far. Lots of stat charts for me ^_^. Its still frustrating getting use to everything, specifically how much is on screen everytime. But I really do enjoy all the features I'm given.

JWong said:
When Incarna comes out, do we get to make new characters with our existing uuh pilot dude?

I modeled my after my SWG character, so she is already fabulous!


You'll probably get a one-time offer to redesign your character.

Even if the GAF corp dissolves, this thread will be nice for general EVE discussion.
Well, Incarna's only a week away. I can wait til then to be sure.

I bought it from Steam a year ago. Should I just activate this standalone? I know people generally say Steam and MMOs don't mix well.


Unconfirmed Member
remnant said:
I will sell that free month ingame and put it into the corp's wallet.
Wow, I didn't know you could do that. Very cool.

If I ever renew my EVE subscription (and/or go through the tutorial missions), I will fly straight to that place and join up :)

Eff the haters; it's nice to see some communal effort on GAF from time-to-time. EVE is a really unique experience, and it's always more rewarding when playing with others you have some link with, IRL or otherwise.
Already a member of a major alliance (hint: its part of the power bloc that's currently finishing up with stomping a mudhole into the Northern Coalition)


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
AlimNassor said:
Errr...we'll get stomped by the other corps. Last i checked newer corps dont last long.
Depends really, unless someone just feels like griefing the corp or you have something worth fighting over you probably won't be wardec'd.

Really wish I'd kept my account training all these years, BattleClinic reckons I should have around 75m SP but I'm only around 29 =(


Just when I was about to play...

Hey, that beginner guide link isn't working. Though I don't think any guide will save me.

Ikuu said:
Depends really, unless someone just feels like griefing the corp or you have something worth fighting over you probably won't be wardec'd.

Really wish I'd kept my account training all these years, BattleClinic reckons I should have around 75m SP but I'm only around 29 =(

Pfft my character was created in 28th January 2004, I have 33m SP, third of which have come this year.


Here I go... though it's a trial. I'll probably restart again next week with a new account. or new character.
Been WoW'ing since Vanilla and I'm honestly just exhausted of it, need a change in scenery and thinking about giving this a shot. Is NeoGAF creating their own alliance?
JWong said:
Here I go... though it's a trial. I'll probably restart again next week with a new account. or new character.

Same. I'm just on a basic 14 day trial, but if I decide to go ahead with it I'll get recruited by one of you (or whomever on reddit, if not here) and start over with a new account. (Trial accounts never let you get too far or acquire anything really cool anyway - see the WoW trial.)
JWong said:
Well, Incarna's only a week away. I can wait til then to be sure.

I bought it from Steam a year ago. Should I just activate this standalone? I know people generally say Steam and MMOs don't mix well.
Nah. Steam overlay works great on it.

GT Vespene said:
Does Band of Brothers still rule the game?

Mailman 007

Neo Member
I've been playing EVE since mind January.
I sent you a PM with character name and stuff.
Does Band of Brothers still rule the game?
No they're gone.
Here's a article The Mittani (leader of Goonswarm) wrote about the fall of IT (BoB)

If people are interested in the politics of EVE, his columns on tentonhammer are a nice read.
I also read evenews24.com
Right now its Northern Coalition vs the Drone Russian Federation.
I think NC is kinda falling apart.
Here's an influence map that auto updates:


Neo Member
The last time I played EVE was well over 4 years ago.

Has anything about the mechanics or UI changed in that span?

Major tweaks only really.
You'll probably get a one-time offer to redesign your character.

Even if the GAF corp dissolves, this thread will be nice for general EVE discussion.
There's an option in station now to redesign at least the look of your character, it's there all the time.


MrPing1000 said:
1.0% right now. I may raise it or make it 0 depending on what happens, but I'm not expecting a big group nor a bunch of miners/traders that can bring in consistent income.

Mailman 007 said:
I've been playing EVE since mind January.
I sent you a PM with character name and stuff.
Have you applied at the office yet? It's at Lisbaetanne I - Moon 1 - Poteque Pharmaceuticals Biotech Production
Just thought I'd mention that there's no need to fly anywhere to apply; search the corp name in people and places, and you can apply from anywhere.

Small corps can do just fine in this game, you won't be claiming sovereignty any time soon, but you can run missions, go fight pirates, or even screw around with people in their own sovereign space solo or with just a few guys.

Unfortunately I've been unable to log in for a week due to a recent client update causing me to crash any time I attempt to load into a station from the character select screen or I might try joining up. :sad:


Corporate Apologist
remnant said:
1.0% right now. I may raise it or make it 0 depending on what happens, but I'm not expecting a big group nor a bunch of miners/traders that can bring in consistent income.

Have you applied at the office yet? It's at Lisbaetanne I - Moon 1 - Poteque Pharmaceuticals Biotech Production
I think a tax would be best for a corp, and it doesn't hurt players to much.


I've been looking at EVE on and off for years now. I have a Gallente miner somewhere, but it would be nice to start fresh again with some friendly faces. I'll probably check it out once Incarna's released.


Oblivionmancer said:
As someone who's played for a while, the only question a tax brings up is, what will the proceeds be used for?
mostly paying for the rent of an office, but also ships and fittings. Stuff that is destroyed and need to be replaced. Insurance only goes so far and having an extra account to help new players could be beneficial, especially if they are bounty hunters.

Oblivionmancer said:
Just thought I'd mention that there's no need to fly anywhere to apply; search the corp name in people and places, and you can apply from anywhere.
Totally forgot about that. Yeah if anyone doesn't want to fly out there, use People and places.
Mailman 007 said:
Also, if you ever get rich enough, you can buy 30days game time with ISK.

I don't think I would ever leave WoW if it had this option (I've been pretty business savvy there at times.)

The ability to pay for a server transfer with an item purchasable with in-game money would also help immensely in my retention there.

The interesting thing about EVE though is that value can actually be destroyed, whereas in WoW the only thing close to that is gold sinks from vendors (or doing something completely idiotic).


I've always been curious about Eve. I did a trial several years ago and had no one to tell me anything about it. It was kind of a moment where it was too much too quick and I got confused, dissuaded and left. I've always kept it on my radar though.

I wouldn't mind something like this, but I'm not 100% sure if I'm ready for another MMO yet. I fell pretty hard into WoW and burned myself out on the MMO experience. I'll be keeping this thread in the back of my mind for a little bit and figure out if thats something I want to do. Sounds cool.
remnant said:
mostly paying for the rent of an office, but also ships and fittings. Stuff that is destroyed and need to be replaced. Insurance only goes so far and having an extra account to help people new players could be beneficial, especially if they are bounty hunters.

Totally forgot about that. Yeah if anyone doesn't want to fly out there, use People and places.

Right; I guess what I mean is that I've been a director for a small (~50 member) pirate corp in the past, and there is some doing in managing corp funds equitably and in a timely fashion; at this point you've basically got a unified chat for gaffers, which is of course totally cool, but I guess the question is whether raising funds through taxation or otherwise is really even something to worry about unless the group progresses beyond that.

Not really important, but thinking about eve always gets the gears turning when it comes to corp management and stuff like that :)

And I managed to get logged in! Maybe I'll toss in an app, see if anyone is bold enough to attempt pirating about in low sec at some point.
Seems like a TON of people got kicked off the server at once (me included). It seems to be back now, but we went from at least 22k people to 7k now.

EDIT: And that would appear to be due to an emergency shutdown in progress :/

Well it looks like I'll miss out on the bonus for the radar signature training mission. Oh well.


CarbonatedFalcon said:
Seems like a TON of people got kicked off the server at once (me included). It seems to be back now, but we went from at least 22k people to 7k now.
A server restart...


CarbonatedFalcon said:
Seems like a TON of people got kicked off the server at once (me included). It seems to be back now, but we went from at least 22k people to 7k now.

EDIT: And that would appear to be due to an emergency shutdown in progress :/

Well it looks like I'll miss out on the bonus for the radar signature training mission. Oh well.
Yeah just happened to me, Sucks.

Mailman 007 said:
Kk, I threw in my app
I got the app. You're in.
The downside of a single server...

No other server/cluster/shard/whatever to hop to if you really wanted to keep playing the game :p

(It's not like you would hop on servers not your home server often anyway in other MMOs.)
yeah i'm interested. freaking universe has been conspiring to get me back to eve after i played for about four months back in 07, and yesterday i succumbed to the 2 months deal.. only it turns out i have my own corp with a truly awesome name i'd completely forgotten about so i have to either shut that down, pass ownership to an alt (that can be done i think?) or join with a new character. oh the difficult decisions :D

i've never played eve with other people though. i imagine it's more fun that way.

fake edit: emergency reboot, still getting DDoS attacks?
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