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LTTP: Ry ga Gotoku Kenzan! (import Yakuza + guide play)



preface: it's known as possibly the best Yakuza title made, and while there's always the outside chance we could see it localized in a future collection, given Sega's current financial status, it's highly unlikely. With Yakuza 5 (hopefully?) sometime in 2013, there's a lotta time between Dead Souls and the next release, so I thought it high time to give this one a go & wanted to make a thread for others thinking of doing the same!

Q) How are you playing this? Are you proficient in japanese?

A) I am actually quite horrible at it, and don't even recall much of the katakana/hidegama i studied years ago actually having a japanese roomate, so if you have any level of proficiency beyond anime super kawaii desu ne oni-channnn ja nai noooo kukuku~ you're ahead of me here.
the resources recommended by the late great Segata Sanshiro:

KHHsubs' subtitled walkthrough (Youtube) - Every step of the way you need to take to the game's completion: includes the routes, shops (when required), in-game dialogue, and major CG's of course. Be advised: there's no frills here, so any side-quests, special moves, items etc you may want, refer to Patrick's above guide or elsewhere!

KHHsubs: major cutscenes only, fansubbed - just as described. Pretty early on, he starts lumping multiple CG's across a chapter into one video, so if you're trying to avoid spoilers, pause when your scene's done!

ThePatrick's gamefaqs guide - quite thorough! Lots of fun historical stuff tied in, and he covers everything from combat to summarizing most scenes in the walkthrough.

Q) And how has this worked for you so far? Have you played many imports with guides before?

A) I've tried a bit of then-unreleased stuff in the day (FF V, Seiken Densetsu 3, some Kenshin game, etc) but never really got too far, as anyone knows it's not an ideal way to play any game, much less one text-heavy. Fortunately, I'm quite familiar with the Yakuza series, so the combat system, troupes, etc are pretty familiar.

I'm a a few hours in (just reached chapter 3) and it's going well! Honestly, I've no idea what random NPC's are saying, and it looks like there's a great deal of content to be explored here, so it's a shame I'm basically limited to what ThePatrick's guide covers, but i keep another window open for items and such to allow some exploration while still being able to return to the next story bit. Syncing cutscenes (YT fansubs on my laptop, natch!) has gotten easier too.

Q) It sounds like a lot've effort. Does it really seem worth it?

A) Again, i've had numerous gaffers known for good taste tell me this was their favorite of the series, and putting the cast of Yakuza over the story of Miyamoto Musashi, how awesome is that?! Honestly, the plot so far really hit the ground running, and I'm just as hooked as I recall those early flashbacks in Yakuza 2 had me. I can't wait to play more later today & see where it goes.

Also, besides my prior point on this being the only feasible way to play this great game...let's be honest, I don't like to acknowledge this, but there's always the chance that Yakuza 5 doesn't get localized, so part of me is doing this to prepare for that possibility as well.

Q) Does it play like the other Yakuzas?

A) Largely, yeah - there's coin lockers and all of that...combat-wise, it's pretty cool but there's obviously some changes with the weapons. Fortunately, Kazzy's better with a katana than he is with a gun, heh. The lock-on and physics really aren't bad compared to the series' earlier entries, and HEAT attacks are as satisfying as ever.

Q) Do I need to know anything else to play this?

A) Again, any japanese you know would obviously help, but I'm doing fine with those guides. Likewise, familiarity with both tokugawa period history (this isn't at all going for accuracy of course, but it's cool if you know Musashi stuff it references) and seeing your favorites from the Yakuza series is great too, but neither of these is required.

Q) Where can I find it?

A) I got my copy here @ GAF's buy/sell thread for like < $40 (thanks again, guy!), a cursory ebay check shows it can be bought & shipped for about the same. PS3's region free, so no concerns there! Just make sure the first thing you do is go to options, pick the last one and change the first 2 settings so your X and Y axis aren't inverted, unless you're one of those people.

It's $26 on Play-Asia now, better time than ever to buy it


That's it for now. I'm a few hours in (just hit chapter 3!) and hope to get in more time tonight, I'll try to update the thread as i go with details of my progress - spoiler tagged appropriately, of course - for those interested, as a few people in the various Yakuza threads sounded interested. If you've got any questions, or better yet resources/stuff to add, lemme know!

Majima lost his eye trying to protect kazzy-chan...haha, you remember MGS3 and Yakuza 4 when eye-cutting cutscenes had a lotta buildup so you kinda knew they were coming? Yeah, he's got both of em when you meet him this time! boy I bet it's gonna be this long dramatic speech before he NOPE sasaki wasn't fucking around...awesome scene.


I got this game from Segata Sanshiro and played it for a while, and had a pretty good time. I like it much more than the other Yakuza games - I suppose it's just more my style. I ended up getting distracted, but I'd love to go back to it sometime. Maybe sooner rather than later!


Mine is still sealed. Never got around to it cuz it takes a bit to get into any import without a single bit of English. Will check out the vids you linked when I do my playthrough. They will help.


Aeana - cool, how far did you get? man i wish i had your japanese skills right now, haha.
also: Segata sends you stuff?
i'ma play it cool now like i'm not jelly (;_;)

Mine is still sealed. Never got around to it cuz it takes a bit to get into any import without a single bit of English.

i know, i sat on my copy for like a year now, but i needed a break from trying to plat Dead Souls, and this looks so much more exciting. honestly, just get set up & try it for an hour or two, you'll be hooked!

also, thanks Rsuper, I'll put a link to that in the OP.
Despite loving the Ryu ga Gotoku series, having played them all including 3, 4, of The End and the two PSP ones in Japan, I've never got round to importing this one. I really should as I never hear anything bad about it.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
I want to play it so badly :( But paying 40 bucks just to realize I cant get over playing it in japanese is too much to swallow.


If I hadn't literally just bought MGS HD, I probably would have gone for it. I've wanted to play it since it came out, I was always really disappointed it didn't see a Western release.


Aeana - cool, how far did you get? man i wish i had your japanese skills right now, haha.
also: Segata sends you stuff?
i'ma play it cool now like i'm not jelly (;_;)
I honestly can't remember. I was a couple of chapters in, but that's about all I can recall. I'd start over if I picked it back up again.
I'm replaying Grandia 2 right now, but perhaps once I'm done, I'll go back to it.


The main quest is perfectly playable for someone who does not speak any Japanese (like me) - even without guide.
But the Patrick guide is great if you want to do EVERYTHING in this game and not just enjoy the story.
Only got stuck once and got helped by a fellow GAFer.
Other than that it's just "get to the pink waypoint".
Great game. Might be my favourite series this gen (started with 3, so I haven't played the first 2 yet), and one of the last games that got that "videogame" feeling to me.
Can't wait for RGG5.


yeah, thank god for waypoints! i felt kinda dumb during certain tutorials when i wasnt sure what was being asked of me though, heh.

started with 3, so I haven't played the first 2 yet

you're in for a treat! 1 is good for what it is, holds up weirdly cause of the dub, but 2 is fantastic.


Kenzan is probably my most favorite Yakuza game. Katana fight really suits with the combat system of Yakuza series. I understand it might be diffecult for the story-wise but Sega should have made Kenzan sequel instead of zombi crap.

]I got this game from Segata Sanshiro[/B] and played it for a while, and had a pretty good time. I like it much more than the other Yakuza games - I suppose it's just more my style. I ended up getting distracted, but I'd love to go back to it sometime. Maybe sooner rather than later!



This game is rather good, I think I beat it with this guide some 3 years ago.

The game came over as better polished than part 3 and I liked the kinda heavy plot surrounding child prostitution etc. I could see why this game would never be localized.


Finished this last year. It was my first time playing a game of such scale in Japanese (never played J-only RPGs like many here do). I missed most of the sidequests, but I had no problems with the main story, and the plot is very easy to grasp with the fansubbed videos.

It's the best game on the series in my opinion, by a long margin. Also, if you are a Vagabond fan or you know the Miyamoto Musashi novels by Eiji Yoshikawa, you aren't allowed to miss the game since the plot is pretty much the same, but with Yakuza characters like Kage or Date taking the roles of Ho'nami Koetsu and Ito Ittosai and such. And well, Kiryu is Musashi Miyamoto.


Also, if you are a Vagabond fan or you know the Miyamoto Musashi novels by Eiji Yoshikawa

i love both of these, so this is really awesome for me! Vagabond is one of my favorite mangas (after Lone Wolf and maybe Berserk), and those movies are some of the only criterion ones i have, sadly. Ive never seen Mifune disappoint.


Gold Member
all praise to patrick's guide! had a blast with kenzan!, easily my favorite game of the series, & it was all thanks to his mighty efforts (what i did was chop his faq into pieces, & had either 3 or 4 windows open all the time. a little time-consuming getting it done, but, once done, it made things very straight-forward all the way through)...


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
It's still my favorite RGG. The last boss is kinda stupid, though. RGG4 has a better last boss.


Subscribing to this thread for when I eventually play through Kenzen. This is one of the few times I wish I hadn't left my ps3 with my parents.


An blind dancing ho
Great game, one of my top 5 on PS3, got it when they released it in Japan,best Samurai game with one of best combat system ever made.

Everyone should buy and play it with ThePatrick guide.


chapter 3 -
Majima noooooooooooo
yeah he's gonna stay dead for like 1 chapter tops, isn't he
...time to flip dem turtles


there's ALWAYS ONE
Awesome thread. I bought Kenzan for $20 or so and wandered around a bit before shelving the game. I'm excited to give it the shot it deserves.

let's be honest, I don't like to acknowledge this, but there's always the chance that Yakuza 5 doesn't get localized, so part of me is doing this to prepare for that possibility as well.
I thought you were the one telling me to have faith.

Great game, one of my top 5 on PS3, got it when they released it in Japan,best Samurai game with one of best combat system ever made.
Wait, you like it? That means I'll hate this game, doesn't it.


I thought you were the one telling me to have faith.

that disclaimer was for the plebs! we both know it's coming, man. if anything, i'm just expecting a delay & possible import/guide play during my impatience

Wait, you like it? That means I'll hate this game, doesn't it.

haha - dont worry! this is sane Toto, you'll be okay.

So, as spinoff games, what is better, Of The Dead or Kenzan?

halfway through chapter 4 now - this one >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dead Souls, by a country mile. DS was fun for what it was, but this one's awesome.

I'd watch this lets play instead since the guy making it is subtitling the game as he plays it (!!!)

that's actually a cool way to see the game if you dont wanna go through the guides & all, too. good link man.


An blind dancing ho
fun fact for Samurai games fans.

This dude is the father of this dude

no really, Shota Matsuda(who played Sasaki in Kenzan) is the son of Yusaku Matsuda (the actor Capcom modeled Jubei of Onimusha 2 after)

Wait, you like it? That means I'll hate this game, doesn't it.

huh? why?I love RGG/Yakuza,it's one of my top favorite series of games, it's just that Yakuza 4 was fucking shit nothing more nothing less.
I've always really wanted Kenzan. =(

I love adventure games with a feudal Japan theme, and since WotS3 ended up sucking...

I did get Yakuza 3, which is my first Yakuze title, but stopped playing right past the overly long opening cutscene, because I started it at a time when I was very impatient with games. Now I just don't play games at all. =/

Yet whenever I see Yakuza 4 for $20 I'm tempted to pick it up.


An blind dancing ho
I've always really wanted Kenzan. =(

I love adventure games with a feudal Japan theme, and since WotS3 ended up sucking...

I did get Yakuza 3, which is my first Yakuze title, but stopped playing right past the overly long opening cutscene, because I started it at a time when I was very impatient with games. Now I just don't play games at all. =/

Yet whenever I see Yakuza 4 for $20 I'm tempted to pick it up.

Even if you don't play games that much nowdays but you like Samurais then go for Kenzan,it's the best the samurai game ever, its feudal Japan atmosphere and experience as good as it gets (it also different than the main Yakuza games).

and really avoid Yakuza 4 at all costs.


and really avoid Yakuza 4 at all costs.

makingmusic & firehawk, above all else: avoid toto's opinions on yakuza 4. he's okay on most other games (im told Persona 3 is another sore spot, haha) but 4 is fantastic, 2nd best in the main series after 2. these are more or less accepted as facts. rumor has it Toto is salty because Akiyama, Tanimura & co made his prior job as a yakuza 3 fanfic writer obsolete.

at Chapter 5 now! looks like the handholding is over, time to get lost!


yeah, he's awesome! just started chapter 6, 5 was crazy exciting. good fights & cool seeing more familiar faces. speaking of:

so far, ive met majima, date, kage the florist, haruka, trying to remember who else - who was the badass monk a few chapters ago, was he all new here or should i have remembered him?

also, i just got to the part where i was given the ability to mod weapons at a blacksmith, suddenly all that junk i was carrying around makes sense - i was worried i was tossing stuff away when full earlier, thank god there's a chest. and of course i just sorted that the items i kept sending away where the healing ones... -_-'
Nice!! I also bought this while travelling in Tokyo a few years ago but I was waiting for my Japanese skills to get better before tackling this. I didn't know that there were so many resources to help with the story and gameplay already available, I'll definitely follow this and maybe go for it later this year!


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
I got this game from Segata Sanshiro and played it for a while, and had a pretty good time. I like it much more than the other Yakuza games - I suppose it's just more my style. I ended up getting distracted, but I'd love to go back to it sometime. Maybe sooner rather than later!

I still need to get the game. Thankfully with the best series can pick it up cheap. Though am tempted to search for the original just for collectors sake. Really did dig the demo and the combat felt good. Loved how they did the learning new moves also. Reminded me of Ryu ga gotoku 3 lol

As always they had a pretty high profile cast for the game too. Its a shame they never continued this series in its own way, even though it was just a spinoff.


I was thinking about starting a thread asking about this game. You've finally convinced me to take the plunge and order it. Hope the guides will come in handy as I don't know a lick of japanese.


About damn time you started this!

haha i know right? i slept on it forever, but i was on my last playthrough to plat Dead Souls and just got tired of it, took a long trip and came back wanting something different, and this was definitely it. so glad i finally sat down & committed to it.

Bookmarked. I imported this last year but still haven't played it yet. Nonetheless big Vagabond and Yakuza fan...

oh man, as a Vagabond fan, again this one shines. I mean, you know it's still Kazzy but he's really fitting the mold sometimes...way of the sword/bloodlust, shitty life for peasants (especially women & child prostitutes, yeesh), badass dialogue when Musashi wants to handle drunken samurai or bandits without even unsheathing his sword...Lone Wolf & Cub fans also shouldn't sleep on this.

I was thinking about starting a thread asking about this game. You've finally convinced me to take the plunge and order it. Hope the guides will come in handy as I don't know a lick of japanese.

awesome - again, i'm finally where the game opens up (not that i didn't enjoy getting there either, the narrative was awesome) so if i wan to do things like sidequests there's a lot more stopping & reading/searching to do them, which is a shame/throws off the flow more than just sticking to the story proper but it's a yakuza game so half the magic is slightly hidden, heh.
what im saying is thePatrick guide will be all you really need there, but it's gonna take a bit've effort. again though story-wise, this one's shaping up to be amongst one of the series' strongest so far so i hope none of that discourages you.


An blind dancing ho
Vagabond is decent with good art and all, but it don't really feel like the real Musashi Myamoto (yes I know it's a re-imagining of Musashi) and I think Inoue have the same of "Masashi Kishimoto focusing problem" when he wrote Sasaki.

and when the real old stories about Miyamoto Musashi and Sasaki makes them more badass than in a freaking manga you know you have a problem here,so that why I liked RGG kenzan story even more,because Musashi here feel more like Samurai 1/Mifune's Musashi and Musashi NHK.
haha i know right? i slept on it forever, but i was on my last playthrough to plat Dead Souls and just got tired of it, took a long trip and came back wanting something different, and this was definitely it. so glad i finally sat down & committed to it.

oh man, as a Vagabond fan, again this one shines. I mean, you know it's still Kazzy but he's really fitting the mold sometimes...way of the sword/bloodlust, shitty life for peasants (especially women & child prostitutes, yeesh), badass dialogue when Musashi wants to handle drunken samurai or bandits without even unsheathing his sword...Lone Wolf & Cub fans also shouldn't sleep on this.

awesome - again, i'm finally where the game opens up (not that i didn't enjoy getting there either, the narrative was awesome) so if i wan to do things like sidequests there's a lot more stopping & reading/searching to do them, which is a shame/throws off the flow more than just sticking to the story proper but it's a yakuza game so half the magic is slightly hidden, heh.
what im saying is thePatrick guide will be all you really need there, but it's gonna take a bit've effort. again though story-wise, this one's shaping up to be amongst one of the series' strongest so far so i hope none of that discourages you.

Yeah, Dead Souls is crap. I'm a really huge Yakuza fan and I simply wouldn't touch that game at all. I'm glad to see you are enjoying Kenzan, it's really really a fantastic game without a doubt. Majima is awesome too.


An blind dancing ho
Wow. I bought a used Japanese copy just to collect, but maybe I should actually play it... going through a game with a guide is so retro though. lol

You should since Kenzan is amazing and for the guide you will get used to it in no time(better if you just print it or have it on your phone or something instead to returning to your PC screen everytime).
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