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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 3 |OT| The fun has been TRIPLED!


This is where we see Pinky Pie shine, where she harnesses the powers of creative Chaos, showing that a little chaos is a necessary part of fun, but uncontrolled chaos can be very destructive. Discord somehow finds he can relate to her, and starts to open up.


Kills Photobucket
I had far less a problem with LD seemingly being kicked out so the change does nothing for me. Wish the alternate ending addressed Spitfire's irresponsibility.

The last bit, with RD at home seems kind of redundant, as it was all implied by the shown ending.


The episode could have used the line about Dash not being a Wonderbolt yet, but definitely on the (very short) list of possible recruits. To slay the ambiguity of whether Dash was a Wonderbolt now or not. I mean, yeah, most likely not, but the ending didn't say either way.


Kills Photobucket
Oh shit,
next ep?

No, "Spike At Your Service" is this week. Then there's a 3 week delay until "Keep Calm and Flutter on"

Just as Spike is about to be gobbled up by hungry Timberwolves, he is saved by Applejack; Spike feels the need to repay Applejack and is soon offering a little too much assistance on the farm in order to fulfill the "Noble Dragon Code."

Pairing Spike up with the Pony that hates him most, should be interesting.


No, "Spike At Your Service" is this week. Then there's a 3 week delay until "Keep Calm and Flutter on"

Pairing Spike up with the Pony that hates him most, should be interesting.

I thought Pinkie hated him most. Don't recall Applejack doing anything to Spike unless using him as a lighter counts.


Kills Photobucket
I thought Pinkie hated him most. Don't recall Applejack doing anything to Spike unless using him as a lighter counts.

Watch the end to "Applebuck season". All the ponies and spike come to help AJ at the end. AJ only gets drinks for the other 5 ponies, and specifially mentions tha tonly the ponies are her friends, and Spike is right there. Pinkie still hates him, never inviting him to parties and all, but in the same scene Pinkie gives Spike this "What are YOU doing here" look.


Watch the end to "Applebuck season". All the ponies and spike come to help AJ at the end. AJ only gets drinks for the other 5 ponies, and specifially mentions tha tonly the ponies are her friends, and Spike is right there. Pinkie still hates him, never inviting him to parties and all, but in the same scene Pinkie gives Spike this "What are YOU doing here" look.

I'll give you that AJ only mentioned the 5 of them but I'm pretty sure Pinkie was just looking at the muffins Spike dug out of the trash
Just caught up with S3E9. It's been sitting on my DVR since Saturday, but the TV's been in constant use by other people (or my little brother, who used to be into the show but decided he outright hates it before S3 started, is present and I don't want to put up with his whining), so I haven't had a chance up until now.

Baby Applejack was adorable - actually, that entire sequence was, honestly. Wasn't a big fan of the song, though, lyrics were remarkably lazy during the choruses. Nice to see more of Babs, was honestly expecting her to be a one-shot. Almost expected Braeburn to get a line or two, considering, but nope. And confirmation of dead parents, even if only subtly hinted at in the show proper, is remarkably dark. Either way, very... average episode, really. Not particularly outstanding in any fashion. Also felt kinda odd how the climax happened right at the commercial break; usually they save that for Act 3, not the very beginning of Act 3.

Anyway, bring on "Spike at Your Service" and "Keep Calm and Flutter On". Still wondering what E8 was, but I guess we'll find out soon enough.

Actually, speaking of that latter one:
I dunno, bringing Discord back so soon kinda cheapens his "defeat" - a remarkable accomplishment since it already felt cheap and rushed as it was. Still, I love Q, so I won't object to more Q Discord. Especially if he asks a pony if she'd eaten any good books lately...
Watch the end to "Applebuck season". All the ponies and spike come to help AJ at the end. AJ only gets drinks for the other 5 ponies, and specifially mentions that only the ponies are her friends, and Spike is right there. Pinkie still hates him, never inviting him to parties and all, but in the same scene Pinkie gives Spike this "What are YOU doing here" look.

I would somewhat agree to this, however, it may be a simple oversight by the still tired Applejack and...

I'll give you that AJ only mentioned the 5 of them but I'm pretty sure Pinkie was just looking at the muffins Spike dug out of the trash

well, that too. Not that there is anything wrong with Spike eating those muffins. Waste not want not, after all! I shall also remind you of both her, AND Rainbow Dash's treatment of him in Fall Weather Friends, but then again, that episode has more going on than I want to go into at present.

Regarding Pinkie and Applejack supposedly hating Spike, I have a personal theory to answer that: Earth Ponies simply don't like dragons, AND to a certain extent, Dragons (not including Spike) don't care from them either, perhaps as an old rivalry or forbidden relationship angle?

Without going fan-fictiony on everyone, I shall use the theory that I assume that Draconequus/Kirins/Longmas or other pony/dragon mixes are probably uncommon to very rare in the MLP world (exception being Discord obviously). Such mixing, to the... god this will come off wrong, but the simple Earth Ponies would be seen as bad. After all, Discord was bad, who is to say another mix wouldn't also be bad. Perhaps, this was unconsciously carried down family lines from the capture of Discord. Who knows, for sure though (I certainly don't!)

That said, it is neither here nor there trying to make sense WHY Applejack or Pinkie are particularly mean to the dragon "son" and/or "brother" of their supposedly best friend, Twilight Sparkle. Then again, I hate Pinkie BECAUSE of this hypocrisy (and many, MANY other things!), and Applejack, while on a better level than that pink devil, isn't scoring points based on her treatment of Spike at times.


Since I am rambling, and I think this was brought up before... Spike seems to have a somewhat borderline case of Oedipus Complex when it comes to his 'unreasonable' attraction to Rarity. (Who could simply remind him of both Celestia and Twilight in terms of coloration and motherly affections. Thus, his attraction will always be towards white/purplish Unicorns... maybe Pegasi too, just to be fair.)

I honestly don't think this will ever be explored outside of supplemental materials (like fan fics, and goofy shipping videos), but leads more to my own theory that if Dragons are magically-resistant, then perhaps any attraction to any kinds of pony mares in Equestria, it would MOST LIKELY be a Unicorn (an opposites attract sort of thing). Then again, I could simply be full of it... which I am more than willing to admit!

While I am ranting, I shall also add this. Honestly, the amount of Apple Bloom and Spike shipping tales ASTOUND me. When were they ever alone, or ever hanged out together? I don't know anymore...


Isn't the easier explanation for Spike's crush on Rarity that he's spent literally his entire life at Celestia's X-Pony school surrounded by Canterlot unicorns? Surely he's just internalized the prevailing standards of attractiveness. And the show keeps telling us that Rarity is an exceptional example of a Canterlot-style unicorn. You'd sort of have expected a Trixie crush if he were drawn to Twilight surrogates (magic, dark coloration, distant, and borderline abusive).
Regarding Pinkie and Applejack supposedly hating Spike, I have a personal theory to answer that: Earth Ponies simply don't like dragons, AND to a certain extent, Dragons (not including Spike) don't care from them either, perhaps as an old rivalry or forbidden relationship angle?

Without going fan-fictiony on everyone, I shall use the theory that I assume that Draconequus/Kirins/Longmas or other pony/dragon mixes are probably uncommon to very rare in the MLP world (exception being Discord obviously). Such mixing, to the... god this will come off wrong, but the simple Earth Ponies would be seen as bad. After all, Discord was bad, who is to say another mix wouldn't also be bad. Perhaps, this was unconsciously carried down family lines from the capture of Discord. Who knows, for sure though (I certainly don't!)

That said, it is neither here nor there trying to make sense WHY Applejack or Pinkie are particularly mean to the dragon "son" and/or "brother" of their supposedly best friend, Twilight Sparkle. Then again, I hate Pinkie BECAUSE of this hypocrisy (and many, MANY other things!), and Applejack, while on a better level than that pink devil, isn't scoring points based on her treatment of Spike at times.
I have a theory about that, actually: the writers overlook Spike and keep creating these situations which support silly theories about Pinkie hating dragons or something. I dunno, maybe I'm overthinking it.
Isn't the easier explanation for Spike's crush on Rarity that he's spent literally his entire life at Celestia's X-Pony school surrounded by Canterlot unicorns? Surely he's just internalized the prevailing standards of attractiveness. And the show keeps telling us that Rarity is an exceptional example of a Canterlot-style unicorn. You'd sort of have expected a Trixie crush if he were drawn to Twilight surrogates (magic, dark coloration, distant, and borderline abusive).

Truth be told, I hold that Spike wasn't exposed much to Canterlot. He knew OF the city the Unicorns, and the Royal Palace grounds, but I feel the prissy citizens of all types would have made his life hard as he was exposed to them little by little. Dragons are not know for anything but their slumbering and territorialism, from what the first Season had said, and little was gained from Spike's own journey in the second season.

Having said that, one's upbringing DOES has an affect on the later stages of life. So, by that, and my own bullshit reasoning of a dragon attraction to things they themselves cannot have (i.e. Magic, perhaps even the affections of a mare), it could have shaped him to being attracted to Rarity the way he was in episode one: He fell for her instantly. I find the whole thing cute, to be honest.

Regarding Trixie? She was poisoned the INSTANT she arrived into Ponyville, with three of the Elements mocking her since the start of her show. Wouldn't make sense for Spike to fall for her. (Until maybe his rebellious teen-dragon years.. I'm just sayin'! ;p)

I'll share more later, but I wouldn't want to over-think anything... Speaking of which!

I have a theory about that, actually: the writers overlook Spike and keep creating these situations which support silly theories about Pinkie hating dragons or something. I dunno, maybe I'm over-thinking it.

Fully agree that could be the case. I mean, a token male(/monster) character in a world full of women(/civilized society). It is not a bad thing, but would be an interesting place to be in, to be quite honest. Besides, I taste the slight sarcasm, and believe it or not, I don't over-think shit. This simply comes to me as I read a topic. Lord knows what would happen if I actually ever shared my Regular Show theories in public... ;p

It is all in good fun, I hope you realize.

Besides, Pinkie is a fucking asshole to Spike, this is established. To deny it, is to deny Derpy is dead. I should know, I have seen the body plastered all over Hot Topic! ;p

Despite my hatred of the bounciness of Pinkie, I can tolerate her. Nah, my thoughts and hatred I have had only focused on one show... fucking iCarly. But it is off the air now, therefore, I don't fucking care anymore. That show, I over-anal-yzed just to make it seem like the worst show in the world, despite the fact I liked the secondary characters, weirdly enough.


Kills Photobucket
Episode 12: "Just For Sidekicks"

Spike finds himself in over his head after convincing Twilight and her friends to let him pet-sit all of their critters in exchange for a few gems.

What's interesting is that we've had two part finales since season 1, and this doesn't really sound like a set up for a second part epic finale.

Could we be getting a Pony Cliffhanger?


Episode 12: "Just For Sidekicks"

Spike finds himself in over his head after convincing Twilight and her friends to let him pet-sit all of their critters in exchange for a few gems.

What's interesting is that we've had two part finales since season 1, and this doesn't really sound like a set up for a second part epic finale.

Could we be getting a Pony Cliffhanger?

So basically a rehash of
Stare Master?
Episode 12: "Just For Sidekicks"

Spike finds himself in over his head after convincing Twilight and her friends to let him pet-sit all of their critters in exchange for a few gems.

What's interesting is that we've had two part finales since season 1, and this doesn't really sound like a set up for a second part epic finale.

Could we be getting a Pony Cliffhanger?
Hopefully they're not trying to Doctor Who this and pack a whole finale into one episode.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I have a theory about that, actually: the writers overlook Spike and keep creating these situations which support silly theories about Pinkie hating dragons or something. I dunno, maybe I'm overthinking it.

People keep forgetting that this is a show for little girls and that the adult fandom is basically a complete accident. There's way more meaning being applied to this series than is really warranted sometimes.


People keep forgetting that this is a show for little girls and that the adult fandom is basically a complete accident. There's way more meaning being applied to this series than is really warranted sometimes.

Speaking only for myself, there's no forgetting going on. It's just a fun show to read stuff into. It's not as if this is an unusual way to consume fiction; lots of people like to say: "Ok, let's pretend this is a completely accurate depiction of (in some sense) actual events. What could be going on when the cameras aren't turned on that explains the stuff the cameras /do/ see?" A lot of the fun is exactly in taking things that the writers just keep doing subconsciously or accidentally and assuming that, rather than being real-world oversights, they instead reveal something interesting about the fictional world. Harry Potter is also fun to look at this way. I imagine you're getting tripped up by the lack of any one plausibly-authoritative right answer here, in the absence of some fleshed-out backstory in the minds of the writers which hasn't been revealed to us, but I don't see that that kind of intentionality is necessary. Lots of people had a lot of fun with Lost even after it became pretty clear that the writers had no more idea than anyone else where they were going with it.

You can go even deeper and treat the work of fiction the way you might an obviously fictionalized record of history. If you're trying to read the Bible for what it says about history, you're going to go wrong if you assume it's entirely fictional or entirely accurate. If something doesn't quite fit, maybe you can throw it out as a transcription error. But if something does fit, then it makes sense to ask what the implications are for real history beyond what's explicitly stated in the text. There's an ongoing process of figuring out what bits of quasi-historical texts best cohere with what we think we know of history and what bits are ahistorical and should be ignored (for now). Applied to fictional worlds, maybe you only appeal to continuity errors or writer flubs when you have to.

Yeah, it's not as if the writers actually have a pony Silmarillion all laid out. But the question is - what would we expect to be in it, if it did exist?
So basically a rehash of
Stare Master?
I was thinking
"Baby Cakes"
, myself.

Hopefully they're not trying to Doctor Who this and pack a whole finale into one episode.
"Best Night Ever"
says hi. (And yes, I know that
"The Return of Harmony"
was meant to be the finale initially, maybe.)

Really, it's sort of this Watsonian (in-universe explanation) vs. Doylist (real-world explanation) faceoff. Both are fun to dabble in, but I tend to err Doylist more often than not.
Episode 12: "Just For Sidekicks"

Spike finds himself in over his head after convincing Twilight and her friends to let him pet-sit all of their critters in exchange for a few gems.

What's interesting is that we've had two part finales since season 1, and this doesn't really sound like a set up for a second part epic finale.

Could we be getting a Pony Cliffhanger?

Don't forget we still don't know what Episode 8 is supposed to be, so we still have 2 episodes left.
Episode 12: "Just For Sidekicks"

Spike finds himself in over his head after convincing Twilight and her friends to let him pet-sit all of their critters in exchange for a few gems.

Sounds fun!
Poor Spike... I would charge way more than that though...

People keep forgetting that this is a show for little girls and that the adult fandom is basically a complete accident. There's way more meaning being applied to this series than is really warranted sometimes.

The same is often said of Adventure Time, but later on, the show did make a few more nods to the older audiences and parents watching. Thing is, I fully understand this will never happen with MLP simply because, One: It is not a little boy's show (which by it's nature CAN push a little beyond its intended boundaries) and Two: MLP was aimed far lower age-group and demographic from the beginning (age is key after all on what can be said and pushed. Hell, I remember "egghead" being a big deal to them!)

Essentially, I agree with Gotchaye, it is fun for me to make up wild theories about this stuff. I recall doing so with Powerpuff Girls, and even Strawberry Shortcake when my two sisters were younger. (I hated the latter... my god!) It makes even the most annoying shows tolerable, and decent shows better.


Episode 12: "Just For Sidekicks"

Spike finds himself in over his head after convincing Twilight and her friends to let him pet-sit all of their critters in exchange for a few gems.

What's interesting is that we've had two part finales since season 1, and this doesn't really sound like a set up for a second part epic finale.

Could we be getting a Pony Cliffhanger?

Gee I just hope we don't get
two Spike episodes in one season considering how horribly bad the last one was.

I'm guessing it will actually be a CMC episode. We haven't this shot from the promo yet:
At Chuck E. Cheese with my older sister's family (including two young girls to justify setting foot in there; one 6, one 1). Did you know that, apparently, The Hub advertises here? Seen several Fraggle Rock clips (do they even still air that?), at least one Pound Puppies clip, and they just aired a clip from S2E13 "Hearth's Warming Eve" now (the first backstage segment, specifically). All winter-themed, of course...

(Also I liked "Dragon Quest" :I)
Won't be able to watch S3E10 live tomorrow; I'll be too busy travelling from NY back to MD, which takes like six hours. (Not like I've been watching this season live very often, anyway… Took me until Wednesday to watch this last one.)


...Applejack killed three timberwolves...is this the first time we've seen anything die on this show?
Does King Sombra being shattered into a lot of tiny little pieces count as dying? He got blown up good. If it counts, then yes. We have seen someone die on the show.


...Applejack killed three timberwolves...is this the first time we've seen anything die on this show?

I guess you could argue that timber wolves can reform after being shattered, meaning she didn't really kill them. That's pure conjecture of course.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Fun episode. Definitely a better Applejack episode than last week (like I've said, she needs to work off the Mane 6).


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Speaking only for myself, there's no forgetting going on. It's just a fun show to read stuff into. It's not as if this is an unusual way to consume fiction; lots of people like to say: "Ok, let's pretend this is a completely accurate depiction of (in some sense) actual events. What could be going on when the cameras aren't turned on that explains the stuff the cameras /do/ see?" A lot of the fun is exactly in taking things that the writers just keep doing subconsciously or accidentally and assuming that, rather than being real-world oversights, they instead reveal something interesting about the fictional world. Harry Potter is also fun to look at this way. I imagine you're getting tripped up by the lack of any one plausibly-authoritative right answer here, in the absence of some fleshed-out backstory in the minds of the writers which hasn't been revealed to us, but I don't see that that kind of intentionality is necessary. Lots of people had a lot of fun with Lost even after it became pretty clear that the writers had no more idea than anyone else where they were going with it.

You can go even deeper and treat the work of fiction the way you might an obviously fictionalized record of history. If you're trying to read the Bible for what it says about history, you're going to go wrong if you assume it's entirely fictional or entirely accurate. If something doesn't quite fit, maybe you can throw it out as a transcription error. But if something does fit, then it makes sense to ask what the implications are for real history beyond what's explicitly stated in the text. There's an ongoing process of figuring out what bits of quasi-historical texts best cohere with what we think we know of history and what bits are ahistorical and should be ignored (for now). Applied to fictional worlds, maybe you only appeal to continuity errors or writer flubs when you have to.

Yeah, it's not as if the writers actually have a pony Silmarillion all laid out. But the question is - what would we expect to be in it, if it did exist?

I get what you're saying, I really do. But the idea of a pony Silmarillion (even imaginary) just seems absurd to me.

I think that for fiction that takes itself seriously or is for older audiences, that making a completely consistent universe makes more sense. But in the case of ponies, the writers just like to come up with fun situations for the characters and that trying to adhere to some strict sense of canon just shackles them down.

Further, making up ideas like Pinkie Pie hating Spike just seem completely silly, because such a idea just rubs against the entire feeling the show is attempting to convey. The writers would probably disagree with that entire theory. It's just born out of reading waaaay too much into these little tiny details.


I actually really liked that episode, even though I'm normally not that big on AJ or Spike. The timberwolves looked good and it was pretty funny and in character. Dash's line about her unfinished novel made me actually laugh out loud.


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