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EA Sports Engineer: Wii U is crap, < powerful than 360. No $ 3party. [Tweets Deleted]

I'm going to buy a physical retail copy of NEED FOR SPEED MOST WANTED U it will be part of gaming history someday :)

Nintendo and EA will never happen again guys so go get it and lock it up


Do you have any idea of all the "who/whom" that have been angering my ocd throughout this thread? I've held back from saying anything, but since you started it...


WHOM to believe.

There's a ton more, but I'm too busy trying to keep up with the thread.

This is amasing but there're people in World that do not speak englis as their 1st language.


LOL @ people who think he will be fired.
For what? Because he said the truth.
He works in the industry so he got some inside knowledge going.
But yeah just fire him because he insulted my childhood idol Nintendo

Nah, telling the truth would be saying the truth, Wii U is more powerful than the PS3/360, even the NFS team said it, and they are owned by EA.
I don't get peoples blind love and adoration for products and companies. Some will fight to the death to defend a corporation that is only out to make money off your dime. Fucking coo coo for cocoa puffs if you ask me.

I'm 30 years old. I grew up playing nintendo games and owning their consoles. I never bought a Wii and won't buy a WiiU, why?

Because I'm not dropping $250 to play a mario or zelda game once every 3-5 years. I'm a consumer of reasonable intelligence and the sale rates of the WiiU (and the Wii in the last few years of it's life) tell you that people aren't getting fooled by Nintendo again. If you are going to sell hardware that is inferior technologically, you damn well better put out a slew of great titles to support it.

You do realise that there are people who think the Wiis catalogue is superior to most Nintendo consoles, right?


Their long-term relationship with the most famous and well-known videogame company of all time? Just because they aren't collaborating at the moment doesn't mean they're done forever. Dude would be slapped if I were his boss.

Their not the only ones not collaborating though. 3rd party games are dead. Damn look how Mark Rein spoke about them. Not good.
Nintendo fans are great at being mad at other people for saying Nintendo makes underpowered hardware. Why they can't mentally cut out the middle man and just be mad at Nintendo for making the underpowered hardware in the first place is the real mystery. Instead it seems the overwhelming pattern of nintendo fandom is to defend Nintendo's decision to cheat their customers out of current technology at all costs, and attack anyone who says anything negative about it.

As a big Nintendo fan, I wholeheartedly agree with what you've posted. It's true, though, this time Nintendo is beating themselves with their own drum. They should have gone with a more traditional (power, functionality) console - woulda could shoulda.

I'd add that Nintendo fans on the whole, lament lacking third party support, but they don't really buy many third party games.

They've put themselves in this pickle.

I say this as a WiiU/3DS owner :0(
What do we care if the guy isn't representing his company professionally? I'm not EA – I welcome people in the industry that have the guts enough to speak their minds.

I don't care about his opinions on the Wii U's power, that's fine. Probably not factually correct, but opinions don't have to be.

However, wishing for Nintendo to stop making hardware is basically saying he wants them to perform poorly. That is in poor taste. He's not making games for Wii U, nor is his employer, so he's not forced to deal with the console. It shouldn't matter to him.


I'm sure somehow some will make this out to be justifiable because Nintendo did this that or the other, but bottom line is this: if this guy is for real, that's an utterly unprofessional thing to do.

And mostly untrue. The online is fine, "weird tablet" controller is actually really pretty great in practice and we have games which show us it's at least as powerful as 360.
I'll just repost what I said in the Battlefield 4 skipping Wii U thread.

"If ever there was a good time to use the term getting Dreamcasted I think the Wii U is it.

I also wonder if it also have a lot to do with 3rd party companies not liking the competition from 1st party games."

I'm sure the competition from N's 1st party games is warranted to some degree, but that shouldn't be used as a scapegoat. Some 3rd party games do sell extremely well on Nintendo consoles, like Lego games, Just Dance, Sonic, and Fitness games. Games considered "hardcore" have a harder time though and part of the reason might be the Nintendo demographic. I'm sure EA expected more in the 1st month than 10K for the "definitive" version of NFS: MW and WB expected more than 20K for Injustice. I'm sure there will always be deals between Nintendo and 3rd parties like Bayonetta 2, DQX, MH3U, Yakuza 1+2 HD and the 3 sonic games, but IMO, the performance of games like Watch Dogs, Splinter Cell, Assassin's Creed IV, Batman: Arkham Origins this Fall will be CRITICAL to see how big third party publishers will act towards the WiiU in 2014.
You do realise that there are people who think the Wiis catalogue is superior to most Nintendo consoles, right?

What they think and what is factually true are two different things. If you or anyone else thinks the Wii has a superior catalogue to say, the SNES or any of the gameboys or DS, than I would have to laugh that person out of the room.


Let me find a statement where a high up at Apple publicly calls the Nokia Lumia "crap".

The videogame industry has some growing up to do.


Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about Rayman Legends Wii U.
I wish people would stop claiming to know the truth behind this Nintendo-EA relationship. 1 twitter account and some old rumors are nothing to go by. Something happened though between EA announcing support while having active dev kits to launching some late ports and ending development completely.


Even if they are inflammatory I always do love hearing about what developers who work at these game companies think of each other. Hope they don't shut the guy up for having an opinion, although given EA's current relationship with Nintendo I doubt EA has anything to lose from this guy running his mouth.


I don't get peoples blind love and adoration for products and companies. Some will fight to the death to defend a corporation that is only out to make money off your dime. Fucking coo coo for cocoa puffs if you ask me.

I'm 30 years old. I grew up playing nintendo games and owning their consoles. I never bought a Wii and won't buy a WiiU, why?

Because I'm not dropping $250 to play a mario or zelda game once every 3-5 years. I'm a consumer of reasonable intelligence and the sale rates of the WiiU (and the Wii in the last few years of it's life) tell you that people aren't getting fooled by Nintendo again. If you are going to sell hardware that is inferior technologically, you damn well better put out a slew of great titles to support it.

The Wii SOLD you moron. You keep going on and on about Nintendo fans and their loyalty. Well if fans were that loyal they would have bought WiiU in droves. But they aren't and didn't. Nintendo will have to learn its lessons. But you keep going on and on about how because the WiiU is a disaster right now Nintendo should just give up and go 3rd party. Why? The Wii sold amazingly well. Wii U isn't. One bad mistake doesn't mean the corporation give up what they do. They have to fix it but they shouldn't just leave.


Are these people saying "Lol why do fanboys defend a company!" pretty much implying that one can't disagree with what this guy said?

I think the only "hard fact" here is that WiiU is underperforming and of course that reflects in poor sales for 3rd parties.


And Nintendo going third party(which hopefully will never happen) is
about the worse thing that could possibly happen to this industry.

They aren't considering blocking used games, are apprehensive with the
whole DLC area(as am I), don't plan on using online as drm and are
keeping game costs in check compared to the rumored $69 price for Durango
and PS 4 games.

Be careful what you ask for gamers. We need Nintendo.

I really don't see why you think Nintendo is some kind of paragon of virtue in the gaming industry:

Nintendo has produced multiple DLC packages at this point, offers an online system that doesn't allow reasonable transfer of content licenses. They are also slow to drop prices on their games, which means they are more expensive than the industry standard.
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