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31 Days of Horror 3 |OT| The October Movie Marathon

31 Days of Horror Lycanthropy Edition

Oct. 15 - Ginger Snaps II: Unleashed (2004)


Ginger Snaps II: Unleashed (2004) - Emily Perkins and Katharine Isabelle return as cursed Fitzgerald sisters in this sequel. Brigitte is fighting her self-inflicted lycanthropy infection by mainlining Monkshood while Ginger, now deceased, plagues her sister's waking dreams. This film takes a decidedly grimmer tonal shift along with a change in location from autumnal suburbs to mid-city winter as Brigitte is committed to a lock-up rehab. The writing remains quite good, the acting the same, and Tatiana Maslany steals the show as Ghost, a resident of the clinic who befriends Brigitte and ultimately turns out to be the main antagonist. Not quite as good as the original, but close enough, with bonus points awarded for the comfortable familiarity of a Canadian winter location.

The list so far - all werewolves, all the time!
  1. Bad Moon (1996)
  2. Werewolf: The Beast Among Us (2012)
  3. I Was A Teenage Werewolf (1957)
  4. The Beast Must Die (1974)
  5. Werewolf of London (1935)
  6. The Wolfman (2010)
  7. Silver Bullet (1985)
  8. Fury of the Wolfman (1970)
  9. Never Cry Werewolf (2008)
  10. The Wolf Man (1941)
  11. Werewolves on Wheels (1971)
  12. Werewolf Fever (2009)
  13. The Undying Monster (1942)
  14. Ginger Snaps (2001)
  15. Ginger Snaps II: Unleashed (2004)


Homeland Security Fail
1)The Blair Witch Project (Netflix, Mexico)
2)Halloween (remake, Netflix Canada)
3)The Crazies (Netflix, Canada)
4)The Collector (Netflix Canada)
5)Halloween 2 (remake, Netflix Canada)
6)Slugs (Netflix US)
7)The Collection (Netflix US)
8)Pumpkinhead (Netflix US)
9)Freddy vs Jason (Netflix Canada)
10)House at the End of the Street (Netflix US)
11)Would You Rather (Netflix Canada)
12)Wrong Turn (Netflix Sweden)
13)The Mist (Netflix Canada)

14)The Descent (Netflix Canada): I love this movie for its atmosphere and its cinematography. You can almost feel yourself becoming claustrophobic when they are down in the cave. Then the little twist comes and all hell breaks loose. The visuals and sense of unknown are really great. The characters are likeable and you don't hate any of them. The
creatures are ugly and scary as sin.
Definitely recommend this one. 9/10.

15)Dead Silence (Netflix Canada): First time watching this movie and it's fucking great. Loved every minute of it. The dolls are creepy. The
woman is terrifying. The image of her face as been implanted into my skull. Gives me shivers thinking about it.
I liked the fact that they don't spend half the movie dicking around
on whether the dolls are alive or not.
There are plenty of scares to be had. I jumped quite a few times. It was a nice touch to have the
ambient sounds start going away slowly.
The only negative thing I would say about the film, is that the lead actor acting is spotty. Otherwise, this is a crazy great horror film. 9.5/10



Watched both Gremlins and Gremlins 2: The New Batch.

These movies were staples for me as a kid, and this remains true to this day. I love em both! Anyone who hates on gremlins is no friend of mine!



Neo Member

Watched both Gremlins and Gremlins 2: The New Batch.

These movies were staples for me as a kid, and this remains true to this day. I love em both! Anyone who hates on gremlins is no friend of mine!


Love 'em both, but moreso around the holidays.
#15 Dog Soldiers (2002) Oct 15

Second unsettling film this marathon after [REC]. Saw this mentioned in thread and decoded to check out. Well, it is certainly gory and fast, but still has few WTF moments. Like a shot that shows a room full of male soldiers with guns and a babe with a photo-camera. And it's flash was one of the best weapons fending off werewolves. Then there was boiling water from pans that repelled several attacking weres. Pacing is great in this one - no boring meaningless scenes.


October 15, part 2

A film that could be filed in the same cabinet of thought experiments unfortunately made real, like Gus Van Sant's faithful-except-for-the-parts-that-aren't remake of Psycho, The Full Sequence finally delivers on the promise of, well, whatever it was that a lot of people were hoping for with the first film. It's 87 minutes of a steadily escalating series of obscenity so horrific, so beyond the pale, so revolting that the only thing more surprising about the lengths that the film goes to top itself is how dull it gets on its way there. That isn't necessarily to say that it's not going to disturb a lot of people, but there comes a point where you just get wise to what it's going for and you just sort of sit there and just have it progress. And it keeps going, and going, and going, and it just sort of ends. It's a mercilessly long film, and I'm not sure how often that gets said about something that lasts less than an hour-and-a-half. Six manages to get some welcome bits of humor in there, including his frequent undercutting of Laurence R. Harvey's Martin attempts at intimidation versus the reality of him being a morbidly overweight, antisocial loner that lives with his mom (talk about laying it on thick), but it's not enough for people who get the joke early on and have another 80 minutes to sit through. The pointlessness is the point, but it's the kind of thing that should have stayed in a teenager's Trapper Keeper, or fan fiction from an online user, or wherever else Tom Six sourced for the film.

October 16 preview: Without a surplus of violence or other objectionable content, Funny Games still has managed to piss off a lot of people, and proves that sometimes, the way you approach the material is even more important than the material itself.

White Man

Yeah, the most damning thing about Human Centipede 2 is that it's boring, and it's trying really hard to be shocking. There's nearly always something that should be interesting going on. The most enduring image of the movie for me is the mentally burned-in visage of that dude in his underwear, as he frequently is.


Given how good Jess Franco's films are, it should be criminal that a good deal of them are really fucking hard to find/watch, especially in English.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
"Monsters" (on Netflix) was a fantastic movie. I don't know how to describe it -- it's kind of a sci-fi, monster movie? But it isn't horror or scary at all, and focuses more on the human element. The production values seemed far higher than I thought they'd be, and the story/characters were involving and entertaining.


"Monsters" (on Netflix) was a fantastic movie. I don't know how to describe it -- it's kind of a sci-fi, monster movie? But it isn't horror or scary at all, and focuses more on the human element. The production values seemed far higher than I thought they'd be, and the story/characters were involving and entertaining.

I remember really liking this movie.
They don't really show you anything, but it still ends up being entertaining as fuck.
The visuals are gorgeous and Whitney Able is fantastic in the film. IIRC the budget was under $1 million. Really shows how much you can do with little money, and how other movies with much higher budgets really don't have a excuse for lack of similar quality.


"Monsters" (on Netflix) was a fantastic movie. I don't know how to describe it -- it's kind of a sci-fi, monster movie? But it isn't horror or scary at all, and focuses more on the human element. The production values seemed far higher than I thought they'd be, and the story/characters were involving and entertaining.

directed by Gareth Edwards? if so ive got this on bluray not watched it yet


*Title* = First time watching

Click any movie below for my "review"

01 American Mary 3.5/5
02 Evil Dead (2013) 3.5/5
03 Session 9 4/5
04 V/H/S 3.5/5
05 Hellbound: Hellraiser II 4/5
06 Mama 3.5/5
07 A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) 4.5/5
08 A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 2: Freddy's Revenge 2/5
09 A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors 4.5/5
10 Sinister 3/5
11 A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master 2.5/5
12 Ju-on: White Ghost 2/5

13 Creature from the Black Lagoon 4.5/5
My friend lent me the Universal Classic Monsters Bluray and insisted that if I only watch one, I should check this one out. Firstly, I thought the transfer was shockingly good. There was a crazy amount of detail preserved and the audio was very good too. In my experience, I've found anything Universal puts out lately is pure quality.

Back to the actual film. I can definitely see why it became such an iconic film and it actually holds up shockingly well. I watched the documentary attached, Back to the Black Lagoon I think it was called and it was good. It helped me appreciate just how revolutionary some aspects were and I liked how they tried to focus on people who hadn't received enough recognition in the past. I definitely enjoyed this one.


Homeland Security Fail
"Monsters" (on Netflix) was a fantastic movie. I don't know how to describe it -- it's kind of a sci-fi, monster movie? But it isn't horror or scary at all, and focuses more on the human element. The production values seemed far higher than I thought they'd be, and the story/characters were involving and entertaining.

I would describe it as a romantic drama with monsters in the backdrop.
13 Creature from the Black Lagoon 4.5/5

I'm so glad to hear you liked the Blu transfer, I've been eying the Universal Classic Monster Pack for some time and it's great to hear the quality is worth the upgrade.

As for the film, it's probably (definitely) nostalgia but I always loved the first Black Lagoon a little more than its accompanying monster flicks. It's been a year or two since I watched it, but if I remember right, the pacing is actually fantastically tight. There's also something to be said for how dark the film looks, I always seem to remember the sequences at night despite a lot of the action taking place during the day.

Spear guns! Jungle underwater demon thing! Women in distress! How'd you like the tropes on display?


10/01 - 1. The Relic (Blu-Ray)
10/02 - 2. Ghoulies (Netflix)
10/03 - 3. Nightmares (1983) (YouTube)
10/04 - 4. The Amityville Horror (2005) (DVD)
10/05 - 5. Battledogs (Netflix)
10/06 - 6. Scream 4 (Netflix)
10/07 - 7. Satan's Little Helper (Netflix)
10/08 - 8. Tales From the Crypt Presents: Demon Knight (Netflix)
10/09 - 9. Perfect Blue (DVD)
10/10 -10. John Carpenter's Cigarette Burns (Blu-Ray)
10/11 - 11. Screamtime (Netflix)
10/12 - 12. Bread Crumbs (Netflix)
10/13 - 13. Ghoulies 2 (Netflix)

10/14 - 14. Tales From the Crypt Presents: Bordello of Blood (Netflix)

-A few minutes in I realized I'd actually seen this one before but it's still a fun & campy comedy-horror movie after all these years!

10/15 - 15. Hotel Transylvania 3D (Blu-Ray)

-It's obviously not a horror movie but it is a really entertaining and well-animated "monster" movie.


Spear guns! Jungle underwater demon thing! Women in distress! How'd you like the tropes on display?

Unfortunately my experience with anything horror before the 70-80s is pretty limited, so I'd be lying if I said I had much from the same time to compare it to. To be honest though, some of it wasn't as bad as I would have expected. While Kay fit the role of damsel in distress which I was expecting and done a lot of screaming, she had a little more character than I would have expected and I've actually seen worse from films decades later.

I think going in with an open mind of when it was made, none of it really bothered me and it's all good fun. Though it would be insulting to see a lot of the tropes in the film today, outside of satirical horror anyway.


#15 | Breeders | via Netflix streaming


The Netflix description:

When a meteorite lands at a Boston women's college, it releases an alien monster hell-bent on mating with human females. The students become possessed by powers that compel them to retreat into the school's sewer system to bear the demon's seed.
Yeah. Pretty much trash on every level but it danced over the line into so bad it's good territory.

The monster and many sequences are pure Alien/Aliens rip offs, the acting is comically bad (our hero has exactly one expression) and the script is full of howlers. Even better, I thought the movie was late 80's, and read after it's from 1997. Total time capsule. (Edit: I just found it's actually a 1997 remake of a 1986 movie by the same name. The box art on Netflix is from the 1986 movie, but I saw the 1997 remake.) The heroes keep learning things and then ignoring them, such as how to reverse the possession of the college girls. Dude saves his girl, then shoots everyone else rather than save them. Selfish bastard. And in the finale with the monster, it can't even keep its own rules straight.

Entertaining monster movie trash.

Side note, the movie is listed as Breeders, but in the movie the title is called Deadly Instincts. I think they changed the name for the video release and never bothered to update it in the movie. :lol


Oct 15: 1408 - Did not sustain, just kept piling and piling on until I wouldn't have been surprised by anything. The one Sam Jackson scene is a great set up, then it's just how much crazy can we cram in this room. I supposedly saw the good ending, but it honestly didn't matter. Nothing in the last few minutes would have made it better. 2/10
Catch up time!

Here's how I see the two sides of the coin.

If you don't want to see it, congratulations: you are a reasonably well-adjusted human being who understands that there is a such thing as going too far in filmmaking, and that your life is better off without bearing witness to such events.

If you do want to see it, congratulations: you are probably just a bit fucked-up, but understand that filmmaking this transgressive, dedicated, and important deserves more than just being read about.

I'm probably more in the 2nd category, but I do have my limits so I'm teetering into the first one for the cannibal flicks. My indecision on if I should watch the movies or not isn't so much over the fact I'm offended someone killed an animal on-screen over 30 years ago (though I do believe strongly in animal rights, I've read from multiple sources they did eat it so that helps any moral dilemma I may have) but that there's simply some images I don't want rattling around in my head. And trust me, there's a lot of space up there, rattle they will.

I remember going though the trailers on one of the Italian zombie movies from Media Blasters/Shriek Show and there was a trailer for a cannibal flick they released, I think it was Eaten Alive. In the trailer, they showed the animal cruelty scene.
The cannibals cutting open an alligator's mouth.
. That was just... ugggh. You can throw all the red corn syrup and foam latex you want at me and I won't even bat an eye, but alligator stuck with me for a while.

some of these older horror flicks feature women who are attractive in a certain way that seems to be lost nowadays

can't really put my finger on what it is exactly, but some of the women in 60s and 70s horror flicks had a unique elegance to them

Oh man, tell me about it. Especially the European movies from that period. Since I did the 4 Blind Dead movies and then 7 gialli in a row it was like a non stop parade of stunningly beautiful, elegant women. Next year I have to work in some Edwige Fenech gialli, because, well... Edwige Fenech.

EDIT: Commenting on other stuff in the thread: I dug the first Human Centipede because it appeared to be really intentionally campy, whereas the sequel is really shitty because it seems to take itself more seriously and goes for cheap shocks.

I enjoyed both for obviously different reasons, but I agree with you. One of the things that makes Human Centipede so fun is people's preconceived notions of what it is, then them seeing it and it actually has very little of what they expected on screen. HC2 loses that because it just goes so nuts.

Given how good Jess Franco's films are, it should be criminal that a good deal of them are really fucking hard to find/watch, especially in English.

Any recommendations? I don't think I've seen any of his yet and his filmography is so huge I don't even know where to begin. Did he do any zombie flicks besides Oasis of the Zombies and Mansion of the Living Dead?


Oct. 1 The Evil Dead (1983) - Great
Oct. 2 V/H/S 2 - Good
Oct. 3 Blair Witch Project - Boring
Oct. 4 Sleepaway Camp - Great
Oct. 5 Drag Me To Hell- Boring
Oct. 6 The Possession - Great
Oct. 7 Session 9- Great
Oct. 8 Nightmare on Elm Street 2 - Boring
Oct. 9 [REC] - Great
Oct. 10 Evil Dead 2 - Fantastic
Oct. 11 Tucker and Dale Vs. Evil - Fantastic
Oct. 12 Ringu - Good
Oct. 13 V/H/S - Good
Oct. 14 Dawn of the Dead (2004) - Great
Oct. 15 The Cabin in the Woods - Great

The Cabin in the Woods -

There's not much to say about this film that hasn't already been said. The Cabin in the Woods was a satirical take on the cabin clichéd horror films. A lot of people here have probably seen the movie at some point since it came out pretty recently, but it was my first viewing. I enjoyed the hell out of it except for the characters pissing me off through most of the movie. A few minutes after they entered the cabin, I wanted them to all die. I was thrilled when the monsters made an appearance later on in the film because I knew shit was about to go down. I was not disappointed. Anyone who’s sick of the cabin cliché should definitely check this out.
Any recommendations? I don't think I've seen any of his yet and his filmography is so huge I don't even know where to begin. Did he do any zombie flicks besides Oasis of the Zombies and Mansion of the Living Dead?

They slap his name on Zombie Lake though he was only partially involved in that masterpiece ;)

White Man

Watched the Purge last night. It was half good. It had fairly decent tension but everything goes down the tubes a little before the third act begins. I'd be interested in the sequel--I liked the concept.


Catch up time!
Any recommendations? I don't think I've seen any of his yet and his filmography is so huge I don't even know where to begin. Did he do any zombie flicks besides Oasis of the Zombies and Mansion of the Living Dead?

I watched this one last night and really enjoyed it:


Don't expect zombies though...even though the film title and the VHS sleeve clearly make it seem like it's a zombie flick. I'm not even joking, it's not a zombie flick. Also, if possible try to avoid the version that contains the extra Jean Rollin footage. The extra footage ruins an otherwise amazing movie.

IIRC other great ones are Succubus are Vampyros Lesbos. Do NOT watch White Cannibal Queen, it's horrible.

I would like to watch more of his films but like I said, I'm having trouble finding them.


Lot of them you can find out youtube I think heh

Do they just show the ones that don't have gratuitous nudity? Or somehow censor it? Don't think I've seen a Franco flick that didn't have lots of nudity, but maybe it's just the ones I happen to be watching.
I watched this one last night and really enjoyed it:

Don't expect zombies though...even though the film title and the VHS sleeve clearly make it seem like it's a zombie flick. I'm not even joking, it's not a zombie flick. Also, if possible try to avoid the version that contains the extra Jean Rollin footage. The extra footage ruins an otherwise amazing movie.

IIRC other great ones are Succubus are Vampyros Lesbos. Do NOT watch White Cannibal Queen, it's horrible.

I would like to watch more of his films but like I said, I'm having trouble finding them.

Cool, thanks for the recs. I'll see what I can come across but I doubt I'll have much more luck than you.

edit: Hey, that one's on blu-ray haha
I think Oasis of the Zombies is too, I should check that out.


Cool, thanks for the recs. I'll see what I can come across but I doubt I'll have much more luck than you.

edit: Hey, that one's on blu-ray haha
I think Oasis of the Zombies is too, I should check that out.

I viewed it on BluRay, it's definitely the preferable way to go. The VHS release by Wizard that has the cover art I posted above is the bastardized Rollin version.

Filmed by Franco in 1973 in scenic Portugal as NIGHT OF THE SHOOTING STARS, the film, like many Franco pictures during the Eurocine period, was re-cut several times with senseless and limply shot sex scenes inserted and, in the case of the widely seen VIRGIN version, with tacked on sequences of grotty, horny zombies chasing women around and hiding out in the forest. Said ghouls were massaged into the picture by iconic filmmaker Jean Rollin at the request of producers in the early 1980s to capitalize on the success of DAWN OF THE DEAD and its myriad Italian offshoots. It’s that version, with its elaborate Wizard Video cover art, that most VHS-era horror fans ended up being duped into watching, one of many erroneously marketed Franco films that were bound to disappoint the average horror fan on a Friday night rental binge.

This was the version that most Americans were forced to watch...until the BluRay release. The BluRay contains both versions. Here is a Fangoria review of the BluRay: http://www.fangoria.com/new/jess-francos-a-virgin-among-the-living-dead-blu-ray-review/

16. Dawn of the Dead (2004)

I'm not going to sit and nitpick about the differences between the original and this remake but what I will say is that I enjoyed the movie in theaters and still enjoy it today. It is a well done, fast paced zombie run and shoot movie and it is a lot of fun. Back it 2004 we had The Walking Dead pretty much wrapped up in 117 minutes.

I viewed it on BluRay, it's definitely the preferable way to go. The VHS release by Wizard that has the cover art I posted above is the bastardized Rollin version.

This was the version that most Americans were forced to watch...until the BluRay release. The BluRay contains both versions. Here is a Fangoria review of the BluRay: http://www.fangoria.com/new/jess-francos-a-virgin-among-the-living-dead-blu-ray-review/

Oh good, thanks for the warning. I'm gonna see if I can find it cheap-ish on ebay.

That's a crazy cover though. Too bad it's a flat out lie :(

Edit: Man, that's a glowing review on fangoria.

Oct 14th - V/H/S 2

So after pretty much almost borderline hating the first one, I came around to checking this out because numerous sources kept reporting it improved quite a bit on the original...that's not the case at all though. In many ways, it's actually worse.
Fuck where do I start? Well I'll just keep it brief as I'm trying to keep my reviews small and easily digestible.Basically this film is even more of an incohorent mess with the last short particularly aggravating to watch. The overarching story that stitches it all together (and feels like it lasts maybe a total of 5 minutes as a whole) has almost no concern with having any sort of meaningful pay off. It funnily enough represents rather well what's really wrong with the series. Somewhere these writers/directors (most of them anyway) felt that throwing as much at the screen as possible would be enough to convince people that their film was scary. Well It aint. You need balance. Maybe some story. Characters you give at least a tiny bit about, etc. The only director who seemed to get this was Gareth Evans (The Raid). He fleshes out what he can and it works. Easily the best film of the bunch. Everything else is trash. Especially dissapointing is that the last film (the worst one) was done by the dude who did Hobo with a Shotgun


Didn't watch anything last night 'cept Pacific Rim
Cool, thanks for the recs. I'll see what I can come across but I doubt I'll have much more luck than you.

edit: Hey, that one's on blu-ray haha
I think Oasis of the Zombies is too, I should check that out.

Oasis is bad, really wouldn't recommend anyone spending anything on it. It was released on many Public Domain sets as well... think its still up on Netflix too.


Neo Member
Been awhile since I've updated, but I'm still making steady progress.

10. Excision

Another random addition to my list. Enjoyed it quite a bit, uncomfortable in many parts to great effect but overall played out very evenly without losing itself.

Overall: 7

11. Evil Dead 2 (commentary)

Someone else mentioned the commentary on evil dead 2 was pretty good, so seeing as it's a fairly short movie I thought it why not give it a shot. Some good info and pretty funny. Commentaries are hit and miss for me but as evil dead is fun to watch with sound on or off it was interesting to hear about all the suffering the cast had to go through while watching said scenes at the same time.


Forgot this was on youtube until someone else brought it up earlier in this thread. And while I didn't find it as creepy or informative as I originally thought it was going to be, it was still a pretty good documentary that's worth checking out.

Overall: 6

13. Maniac (remake)

Saw Maniac earlier this year, and enjoyed it regardless of all the potential issues one could find with it. Picked it up only blu ray yesterday to see what I would find in a second viewing, and came out enjoying it as much as the first time. The first person is done well, the soundtrack is great, and while the violence is pretty intense and totally uncomfortable, I felt the movie had enough going on to not be purely aiming for shock value. A great style to it and more then a few genuinely creepy scenes, I feel this is one of the better modern horror movies out there. At some point I should track down the original.

Overall: 7
Oasis is bad, really wouldn't recommend anyone spending anything on it. It was released on many Public Domain sets as well... think its still up on Netflix too.

Yeah, I just watched the trailer. That looks like a pass.

"YOU BELIEVE IN ZOMBIES?" *everyone laughs*


I need some more quality Euro zombie flicks.

John Dunbar

correct about everything
Watched The Gate and Tales from the Darkside

The Gate was pretty fun for the most part, though the whole ending with the rocket was kind of bizarre to me. The weird neighbour kid biting the hand in the closet was hilarious.

Tales from the Darkside was mostly good. First story with the mummy was pretty good fun. The cat was kind of dragged, but the ending was nicely done. The last one with the gargoyle thing was definitely the best one. I pretty much guessed the ending quickly, but it didn't detract much from the impact, and I thought it was pretty good stuff. The frame story with the witch was ok, Deborah Harry still looked good then. Was kind of hoping the kid would be eaten.
Yeah, I just watched the trailer. That looks like a pass.

"YOU BELIEVE IN ZOMBIES?" *everyone laughs*


I need some more quality Euro zombie flicks.

I'm sure you've tapped em out long ago. Been digging through zombie film encyclopedia and lists trying to watch them all and really most good stuff is known, rest being complete ass or part of the long string of zombie erotica.



Can't believe I haven't seen this until now. Troll 2 is a masterpiece of, well, I am unsure how to finish this sentence. It's horrible and I can't get enough!!
I'm sure you've tapped em out long ago. Been digging through zombie film encyclopedia and lists trying to watch them all and really most good stuff is known, rest being complete ass or part of the long string of zombie erotica.

I'm sure there's some at least decent ones I've missed. Maybe after the month is over when I have a little more time I'll put together a list of what I've seen and post it in the general horror thread for recommendations.

Day 16 - Night Of The Demons 09

need something mindless and fun tonight so boom

I thought that was pretty good, as far as remakes go. It's not like the original was high art to begin with. And Diora Baird makes anything better.

14. The Hole (Netflix Instant)

I had serious concerns that The Hole would be this year's Don't Be Afraid of the Dark, but it was actually decent, even if it lacked the subversiveness I expected from Joe Dante. It's not particularly scary, since it's a PG-13 family horror movie. Joe Dante pulls from his Gremlins days for the fight against
a clown doll
in the basement, but he draws inspiration from German impressionist horror films like The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari for the visually creative scenes where the protagonist chooses to enter the supernatural world to confront his fears. It touches on fairly heavy subjects for a PG-13 family horror film, such as domestic abuse and survivor's guilt, but the stakes are never that high, and the atmosphere never feels oppressive.
The Not So Cuddly Double Feature


14) The Howling (1981) (Oct 15)

Ah. The 80s. How I love thee. Right here is an excellent example of what I enjoy about 80s flicks. The Howling is just a really fun movie with some fantastic practical effects and a cast of familiar faces. You could argue the plot is a little simple but at a brisk 91 minutes it never outstays its welcome. Considering it was directed by Joe Dante I thought it would be a little wackier, but I'm actually glad it wasn't.

This would make a great 80s double feature with Fright Night.


15) The Howling II ...Your Sister Is a Werewolf (1983) (Oct 16)

What... the... fuck.

Even though the end tease from the first movie wasn't carried over into this one (which always disappoints me in sequels), the Howling II started off with promise... but then within minutes it went all Troll 2 on me. What the hell happened?

Sybil Danning was the only redeeming factor.

Final Viewed List:
01) The Birds (1963) (Oct 1)
02) Tombs of the Blind Dead/La noche del terror ciego (1972) (Oct 2)
03) Return of the Evil Dead/El ataque de los muertos sin ojos (1973) (1963) (Oct 3)
04) The Ghost Galleon/El buque maldito (1974) (Oct 4)
05) Night of the Seagulls/La Noche de las gaviotas (1975) (Oct 5)
06) Blood and Black Lace/Sei donne per l'assassino (1964)
07) The Bird with the Crystal Plumage/L'uccello dalle piume di cristallo (1970)
08) A Lizard in a Woman's Skin/Una lucertola con la pelle di donna (1971) (Oct 8)
09) What Have You Done to Solange?/Cosa avete fatto a Solange (1972) (Oct 9)
10) Don't Torture a Duckling/Non si sevizia un paperino (1972) (Oct 10)
11) Watch Me When I Kill/Il gatto dagli occhi di giada (1977) (Oct 11)
12) StageFright: Aquarius/Deliria (1987) (Oct 12)
13) The Town That Dreaded Sundown (1976) (Oct 13)
14) The Howling (1981) (Oct 15)
15) The Howling II ...Your Sister Is a Werewolf (1983) (Oct 16)
Creature from the Black Lagoon[/B] 4.5/5
My friend lent me the Universal Classic Monsters Bluray and insisted that if I only watch one, I should check this one out. Firstly, I thought the transfer was shockingly good. There was a crazy amount of detail preserved and the audio was very good too. In my experience, I've found anything Universal puts out lately is pure quality.

Back to the actual film. I can definitely see why it became such an iconic film and it actually holds up shockingly well. I watched the documentary attached, Back to the Black Lagoon I think it was called and it was good. It helped me appreciate just how revolutionary some aspects were and I liked how they tried to focus on people who hadn't received enough recognition in the past. I definitely enjoyed this one.

But did you watch it in 3D?!? It's best in 3D!!

Seriously, I was completely blown away by this film when it was re-issued in theatre 3D in the the '70s... The underwater scenes are incredible. I went out and bought the 400' Super8mm red/blue 3D reel for my projector after seeing it with my father at the Towne Cinema. Beautiful film... I hear the 3D on the Universal Horrors BD version is excellent, but I don't have a 3DTV yet to see for myself...



15) The Howling II ...Your Sister Is a Werewolf (1983) (Oct 16)

What... the... fuck.

Even though the end tease from the first movie wasn't carried over into this one (which always disappoints me in sequels), the Howling II started off with promise... but then within minutes it went all Troll 2 on me. What the hell happened?

Sybil Danning was the only redeeming factor.

You forgot about the amazing credits sequence.

And Big McLargehuge.

And everything about that dwarf's death, from the Atari 2600-quality lighting bolts to the death itself.
You forgot about the amazing credits sequence.

And Big McLargehuge.

And everything about that dwarf's death, from the Atari 2600-quality lighting bolts to the death itself.

The end montage only served to remind me that Sybil Danning was the only good part of the movie.

Is that who you mean by Big McLargehuge? Because I've already blacked the rest of the movie out.


The end montage only served to remind me that Sybil Danning was the only good part of the movie.

Is that who you mean by Big McLargehuge? Because I've already blacked the rest of the movie out.

No, I'm talking about the hero, played by Space Mutiny's Reb Brown.

And if you don't know about Space Mutiny, you will make me cry.
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