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LTTP: Assassin’s Creed Rogue (or Rogue Vs Black Flag)


I just beat Rogue today on PS3, I played Black Flag (also on PS3) Last September

I've not played 3 as based on reviews and the general reception it received I decided it wasn't worth it, but jumping back into the series after not playing an Assassin's Creed game for a few years with IV was really refreshing. If this was a series where a new game came out every 2 years even, I think people would on the whole enjoy them a lot more

Rogue was shorter (I think my save was 13 hours compared to 30 in Black Flag) but I liked how the sailing was cut down. I like sailing, but there were parts in IV where you'd play for an hour and be sailing for 75% of that time, and I think overall it serves the game better as something to do in between the on foot missions rather than something where the focus is equal. Rogue also has a lot more stuff in the water, so the sailing is more involved

The voice acting, for the main character in particular, was pretty awful. The times where he does well he sounds passable, but there are times when he's narrating the story and it just sounds terrible, which is a shame because Edward Kenway had a great voice actor

Rogue and Black Flag are mechanically quite similar, but the setting really makes them stand apart, also I think both games performed and ran pretty well on the PS3, and since I've not played the IV story DLC and it was on sale, I grabbed it off PSN, but I'll play it in a few months probably

It's a shame this game was pushed out to die really, because its a very good sequel to maybe the best Assassin's Creed game, overall it's probably not as good as IV, but if this dropped on PS4/XB1 and they delayed Unity a year I don't think maybe people would have minded considering how much better IV did critically compared to III, and a lot of people seemed kind of bummed that the sailing was gone from Unity

What do you think, GAF?

In before everyone is waiting for a PS4/XB1 release


The north atlantic map is really good. Most of the areas have pretty good verticality so its fun to explore and try to figure out how to get on top of things and the cave areas. It was about as platformy as AC's controls can get. For me the game was at its best in that area, sailing from port to port.


I'm actually playing through it right now, and I'm enjoying it. I strongly prefer the setting to that of AC4, and I like seeing all the references and characters from AC3, which I enjoyed more than most. It's also nice to be playing on the non-anarchist scum side again, didn't do enough of that in AC3. That said, particularly early on in the game, but in general throughout as well, it really does feel like someone took AC3 and AC4 and cut and pasted from them to make another game. If you've played either recently, probably a good idea to wait a while before playing Rogue.

(minor spoilers for Rogue)
Oh, and I love the fact that you go to Paris briefly, it really shows the massive graphical contrast between Rogue on the one hand and Unity on the other. It's not even just the level of detail, but also the general scale of it. That said, I think Rogue generally looks perfectly fine maxed out.
Excellent to hear about the length, for some reason I thought people had said it was LONGER than Black Flag which did not seem pleasant. I liked Black Flag a lot, but it did get pretty monotonous after a while trying to get all the collectibles (or at least the ones I cared about).


Excellent to hear about the length, for some reason I thought people had said it was LONGER than Black Flag which did not seem pleasant. I liked Black Flag a lot, but it did get pretty monotonous after a while trying to get all the collectibles (or at least the ones I cared about).

Getting all the collectibles might not take you quite as long as in Black Flag (mostly because there's fewer in random spots out at sea etc.), but it's still not going to be particularly quick, it's still very much a Ubisoft game :p


I played Black Flag and enjoyed the non-AC parts.
So, pirating.
And despised anything AC related (story, combat, stupid collectibles).

Wanted to try Rogue too, but if the pirating parts are really cut down I think I'll pass.

Edit: I think I might have misunderstood the OP about the sailing and pirating parts.
I liked it alright. Definitely prefer Black Flag for the history, pirate setting, characters and well pretty much everything, but playing as a Templar for once was fun.

I didn't really care much for the new shanties which was a shame.
This should have been the main game instead of Unity. I enjoyed it on PS3, but really wish it had gotten a release on current gen consoles.
Rogue is a good game, but it's not going to be remembered in the long run.

Thankfully, it and Unity (better game) both lacked the tailing/eavesdropping focus that Black Flag had.


Been wanting to play this but am holding out on a PS4 version. Anyone know what are the chances of something like that being announced at E3?

If it isn't announced I'll just grab the 360 version for cheap.


As a die hard Assassin's Creed fan I simply do not enjoy the ship segments. It's fun once or twice but to use it all the time is slow and annoying. Rogue was so much worse than Black Flag I had to force myself to finish it. Unity had lot's of problems yes but to me it is a superior game with more interesting characters.


Getting all the collectibles might not take you quite as long as in Black Flag (mostly because there's fewer in random spots out at sea etc.), but it's still not going to be particularly quick, it's still very much a Ubisoft game :p

I can only talk from my experience, I know my Rogue save was 13 hours and my Black Flag save was 30, I don't tend to get all the collectables though, I just do the side missions I enjoy, but I do visit most of the locations

Rogue would have taken less than 13 hours if I didn't do all the gang base stuff, though I did do more of the side stuff in Black Flag

That said I'm glad the eavesdropping and tailing missions were mostly absent from Rogue. They're fine every so often but Black Flag sprinkled them around a little too liberally, plus introduced boat stealth missions, which was never going to be a fun experience

What did people make of Freedom Cry?


If it's not at E3, it's not happening.

I don't think we'll see it anytime soon, just because when are they going to release it? At the same time as the new game? Send Rogue out to die all over again?

I think they might do some HD Collections in a few years time, an Ezio Trilogy and a North American Trilogy (3, 4, Rogue)

But again it comes down to when do you release it, there are a lot of people already tired of the series, bringing out more than one game a year on a regular basis just seems a bit much


I haven't played Rogue yet, I'm not a huge AC4 fan and the whole pirate thing doesn't exactly float my boat the way it seems to for many other people. (No pun intended, I swear. I was going to rephrase but fuck it.) But if they ever do release for now gen I'll definitely play it.

Just wanna say about AC3: I was reeeaaaally down on it when it came out. Major disappointment, a clear case of failing to live up to the hype. After two annual filler games, I expected a lot more from the proper sequel and it failed to deliver in several ways. I actually experienced more bugs when playing AC3 than I did with Unity, which I was surprised to be virutally bug free, compared to what people were saying when it came out. Anyway, what I want to say about AC3 is that I eventually replayed it, right before Unity came out. And without the high expectations weighing me down, I enjoyed it much, much more the second time around. Any AC fans out there who skipped it because of the bad rep, definitely recommend picking it up on the cheap.


Hoping they make a current gen release. No rush, so I can wait a loooooooong time for it. If it doesn't pan out, then I can always grab the PS3 version, it's pretty cheap.


I haven't played Rogue yet, I'm not a huge AC4 fan and the whole pirate thing doesn't exactly float my boat the way it seems to for many other people. (No pun intended, I swear. I was going to rephrase but fuck it.) But if they ever do release for now gen I'll definitely play it.

If you only want to do story missions there is a lot less boat stuff in Rogue than in IV, most of the main missions have you on foot, I think the only boat based missions are right at the end of the game (though for those who like the boat stuff there is plenty of side stuff that will have you sailing a lot)

Also the entire game is pretty much set in the north, where its full of ice and snow, so it's less evocative of traditional pirate imagery, on the whole I think the devs definitely took note of the most common criticisms that were leveled at IV when making Rogue


I don't think we'll see it anytime soon, just because when are they going to release it? At the same time as the new game? Send Rogue out to die all over again?

I think they might do some HD Collections in a few years time, an Ezio Trilogy and a North American Trilogy (3, 4, Rogue)

But again it comes down to when do you release it, there are a lot of people already tired of the series, bringing out more than one game a year on a regular basis just seems a bit much

A summer release would be perfect. There's a huge gap between Batman and MGS/Mad Max.

I unfortunately doubt that's going to happen because Ubi probably would want more than a month to promote the thing.


Sorry for the bump. I take it the ps4 version of this is not happening since there was no announcement at e3. Going to go ahead and pick up the 360 version.


I really enjoyed it actually. I'd recommend it to fans of the series.

Just got round to playing this last week, It was a good little expandalone (if that's the correct term)

It was very similar to IV but it told a nice little side story, and I'm glad they didn't feel the need to shoehorn in parts set in the present as well

I really liked the music too, it felt quite unique comapred to other games in the series
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