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Pics that don't make you laugh but are still cool


That's pretty cool. Do you have some background on the math of that? Would be interesting if that concept is generally applicable.




Borg Cube Mini-Fridge: Freezistance Is Futile

It's apparently taken some 27 years for a marketing genius at Paramount to realize that the cube-shaped Borg ship introduced in Star Trek: The Next Generation bears an uncanny resemblance to a mini fridge. But someone has finally put two and two together resulting in what's easily one of the best Star Trek-themed products of the past 20+ years.

Is $150 a lot of money to pay to keep just nine cans of pop cold and within easy reach? It doesn't matter. The Borg are some of the best baddies in science-fiction history, and there's some wonderful attention to detail here, not the least of which being that cool green glow inside and out. Furthermore, this doesn't just cool beverages, it's also got a warm setting for keeping food hot. So short of sink functionality, this cube almost puts a complete tiny kitchen in your college dorm room—which should help convince your parents to buy you one for September.


1958: Marilyn Monroe Poses for Life Magazine and Richard Avedon

In 1958, Life Magazine invited Marilyn Monroe and photographer Richard Avedon to recreate images of five celebrated actresses of different eras. Entitled “Fabled Enchantresses,” the piece was part of the magazine’s December 22 “Christmas” issue and included an article by Marilyn’s playwright husband, Arthur Miller, entitled “My Wife, Marilyn.”

Avedon found in Marilyn an easy subject to work with, “She gave more to the still camera than every other actress – every other woman – I had the opportunity to photograph…” He added that she was more patient with him and more demanding of herself than others and that she was more comfortable in front of the camera than when not posing.
Three more pics in the link, of which Theda Bara pic is slightly NSFW.


Marilyn as Clara Bow, the silent screen’s “It Girl”


Marilyn as Marlene Dietrich



A storm over Turku, Finland. The castle looms in the distance.


A friend of mine took this pic in the Ostrobothnia area, in the northern Finland, where I grew up.
Maybe not exactly cool but interesting:

Captured bullet ants fixed onto a glove:

They are called bullet ants because their sting is supposed to feel like getting shot. Caused by a powerful neurotoxin, more painful than any other insect bite.

The tribesmen put their hands in these gloves for 10 minutes and voilà, agonizing pain lasting up to a day (but no tissue damage I think). Every man has to endure this 20 times in his life.

Here's some white guy doing it:

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
If I had to guess, probably testing the life of felt-tipped markers.
Yeah, quality control, innit

I've always wanted to know how they design the machines that mass produce products. I understand how a prototype is made but I've always been curious how the then design something to make thousands/millions of them

It constantly blows my mind, that's why 'How it's made' is the shit


I've always wanted to know how they design the machines that mass produce products. I understand how a prototype is made but I've always been curious how the then design something to make thousands/millions of them

I work for a label company and we have a group that designs the machines that apply labels at CRAZY high speeds and I often go over to their building just to see the crazy robots / machines they come up with and it is very impressive.


Camped around Iceland for 5 weeks. I picked out some of the more cool things I saw. The pictures, especially from my poopy point and shoot, don't do it any justice.


This is just a bigass lava field on the Reykjanes Peninsula. Makes you appreciate how far lava can flow from these eruptions. The yellow moss made it looks like such an alien landscale.


Just a cool scupture in Reykjavik. It's 3D but it looks like a cartoon.





This was probably the most alien place I've ever been. Kerlingjafjoll. It's just a big geothermal area in the interior highlands. The fog and clouds made it even more eerie.



A Tuff Cone by Myvatn. Looks like the lunar landscape inside.


1984 lava flows from the Krafla eruptions. Some parts of it had steam coming from them, apparantley the bottom of the lava flow is still hot and heats up the groundwater.



The mighty Detifoss. As seen in movies like Prometheus, Oblivion and many others.


I just liked the view from here


The famous and pretty Svartifoss


I think that ice up there is part of the Eyjafjallajokull ice cap. Could be the Katla one I forget.


However this is me sitting on a scoria cone from the 2010 Eyjafjallajokull eruption. It was a long ass hike to get up here from our campground. The cone itself is still very warm, even 4 years after the eruption. Hot even. If you dug into it a little it got really hot. One girl on our hike sat down to eat her lunch and she sat on this really cheap frogtogg rain jacket and it got a hole burnt through it.


This was really cool. Near the Skaftafell park. I forget the mountain I took the picture on I just know it sounds basically like "Kristina Tindr" which is kind of amusing.
But this is just a HUGE cliff face with a big glacier on top, and the melt water from that glacier is spilling down and over the cliff and feeding 2 small glaciers on the bottom.

Highly reccomend going to Iceland if you get the chance

Just a cool scupture in Reykjavik. It's 3D but it looks like a cartoon.

awesome pics! But that one is screwing with my brain haha

saw on reddit:

The cardinal fish tried to eat a tiny shrimp (ostracods), but as a defense mechanisms the ostracod produces a burst of bioluminescence. The fish instantly spits it out because it doesn't want to be a swimming neon "eat me" sign to its own bigger predators.


Looks like a CGI effect :D
That's about as cool as this.


Impressive. Although I always wonder about using such techniques in a fight. Even in a tournament scenario, if one of the first two kicks actually hits the opponent (or he/she blocks them), his momentum is gone and he would probably have a hard time regain his balance. It's a way to surprise I guess, but then again the last kick is higher than any of their heads so he would need to fight a big guy :D
His landing is great tough, already in a stance to defend/attack with seemingly not much time needed to find his balance.
yup. quick googling told me Death Star 1 would be 160km in diameter (seen in this picture).

Death Star 2 would even be 900km... That's quite big.

Huh, I was always under the impression that Death Star 2 was smaller than the first one... You really do learn something new every day.

The mighty Detifoss. As seen in movies like Prometheus, Oblivion and many others.

I think I saw this in Game of Thrones too, only more snowy. Could be wrong though.
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