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Knack II |OT| Knack-knack-knackin' On Heaven's Door


Options menu. Each time you change between resolution or framerate the game requires a restart.

But it's not there at all?

I only see an option to lock at 30fps.

Edit: ah, I see -- it's only available after you exit the game. I was confused since the game jumps right into the intro.
Holy shit I just got the
hookshot arm
Jesus Christ that feels amazing especially with you mix it with the flurry punches


Oh and why are there fucking qtes in this game. Was that something in the first one? Lol

nah I don't remember QTE scenes in the first one. they're a hoot in this one though

Holy shit I just got the
hookshot arm
Jesus Christ that feels amazing especially with you mix it with the flurry punches

yeah I'm a little passed that. the combat in this game was already better than Knack 1, but it keeps getting better.

just finished chapter 5


Reminds me of Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One.

Which is to say I think it could be decent as a couch co-op game, but seems boring as a single player title.


I know you guys are excited for Knack II, but I'm honestly more excited for Knack IV
Lol ars technica level projections and graphing.


First impressions:

- Looks and runs incredible on 60fps mode
- far, far easier than Knack 1 on Hard
- great environment variety once again
- Human companions are still a giant waste of time
- More platforming on 2-1 through 2-3 than the entirety of Knack 1


Up to 3-1. Was hoping for more platforming and less combat but the game is definitely skewing more towards the latter. Someone mentioned Ratchet and Clank it does kind of feel a bit like that in terms of the game focusing more on combat.

Still trying to get over how ugly these human quarters are. Lol

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Reminds me when TLG got one or two 200+ pages for cancellation thread and the OT only got 100 and barley at that.

Controversy will always breed heavy discussion and intense noise, always moreso than the subject itself. This applies to everything in life.


I really don't understand why people hate the look of the game, I really dig the art style excluding the human characters.
I'm genuinely enjoying the game so far (as of chapter 4-1).

There's a healthy amount of platforming that, while simple, feels great and can exhibit moments of cleverness thanks to the size and geological mechanics tied to Knack's form. Chests are tucked away throughout the chapters, sometimes shrewdly, offering pieces of machinery towards new effects and abilities. Unfortunately, there's little variety in the nooks and crannies housing these rewards. In fact, even the entrances are largely similar, thus making the world seem less organic as a result.

The combat progression keeps things fresh by steadily introducing new attacks along with whatever upgrades you choose on the enhancement grid. There's a decent amount of weight and visual feedback to sell Knack's towering monstrosity and an emphasis on skill when you have to multitask between parrying projectiles and fending off a pocket of adversaries confined to the (often small) battle arenas.

You're not going to be humming any of the tracks while preparing a grilled cheese sandwich in the kitchen when you've put the game to rest, but the tunes appropriately capture the diverse locales you'll spasmodically jump between in disjointed fashion. The forest/jungle music evokes feelings of being lost in thickets of green with its use of the kalimba, and the desert region makes light use Arabic wind instruments.

So far, Knack 2 is a colorful game with moments of pleasant environmental art, but it's let down by inorganic level design that forgets it's sometimes trying to depict the natural world. Many of the structures and arenas appear to be copy/pasted or of similar geometric design; different coats of paint won't hide this fact. While a game like Ratchet and Clank manages to be both picturesque and artificial, Knack 2 manages to just be artificial without any of the charm.

Unsightly character design is a series staple — now that we can miraculously even call it one. It's as if Pixar outsourced the D-tier work of hungry interns who bit off more than they could chew. The result is a direct-to-video cast with predictable quips and a bizarrely voiced main character that would have worked just as well as a mute. As a protagonist, Knack is saved by his appealing color palette, size gimmick, and the gift of being an entity ostensibly made up of LEGO pieces able to magnetize and explode back to basics.

An engaging plot is not a feature here. In fact, the game would benefit from a rudimentary setup and minimal exposition. I'm often left wanting to punch my way out of the insipid, overserious storytelling with Knack's mighty fists. I've resigned to just checking my phone with a perfunctory acknowledgment that inanities are abound. Thankfully, the cutscenes often move at a brisk pace, and you're placed back into the action.

What I'm seeing thus far is a serious step forward in the gameplay department, and a game that stubbornly refuses to allow you to love it. Reducing the plot to a bare minimum and literally going back to the drawing board would elevate the series. As things are, it's still an enjoyable game that promises to get even better as I progress.


I kind of hope we do get a Knack 3 after putting a few hours in - it's clear the devs paid close attention to the criticism, and if they do the same again they could really have a great new platformer IP on their hands.


I kind of hope we do get a Knack 3 after putting a few hours in - it's clear the devs paid close attention to the criticism, and if they do the same again they could really have a great new platformer IP on their hands.

I kinda hope it's a different type of game, like more platformer oriented.
I kind of hope we do get a Knack 3 after putting a few hours in - it's clear the devs paid close attention to the criticism, and if they do the same again they could really have a great new platformer IP on their hands.

Just make a new platformer/brawler IP. Knack as a character and its world are very bland.

I thought the game itself is pretty decent mechanically, but everything around it is very meh.


I kinda hope it's a different type of game, like more platformer oriented.

I agree, having recently replayed Jak & Daxter (on PS4), I really really want a platformer in that vein, large open ended hub areas, minimum story or guidance and just leaving the player to work there way through with a perfect balance between platforming and combat - Knack could really benefit from that kind of level design, especially with the grow/shrink mechanic. I do think the combat is a strong point however, and they expanded it really well in this game, so I'm not averse to combat sections at all, they just need to strike a balance. This sequel goes a very long way in that regard, really impressed with the jump in quality they've made.


Having played it for about two hours, this seems like a very solid title. If it holds and offers variety over the course, I might even label it good.

Combat on hard is fun, I especially like dodging attacks by becoming small Knack at exactly the right time. Graphics were ok in the demo and the initial level (city), but I must say the second environment looks very appealing to me, hopefully the game has more visually pleasing sections like this. Story is simple cartoon plot stuff, but it has it's charms.

Overall, it feels like a family friendly God of War with a bit simpeler combat and (better) platforming.
This game is so great. Just got ice powers and using the freeze for platforming and combat is fucking great and I love it. Really enjoying this so far, thanks NZ for my copy :p
This game is great and indeed even better than the Game Of The Generation that came before.

That opening is some hype Platinum shit.


I had no idea I'd be in for the toughest day of my life today.

Simply dispatched yesterday, but Royal Mail have failed me and not delivered today.

Looks like Knack will have to wait until tomorrow :c

Reading these positive reactions is pure torture.


I kind of hope we do get a Knack 3 after putting a few hours in - it's clear the devs paid close attention to the criticism, and if they do the same again they could really have a great new platformer IP on their hands.
Dont see how it would be possible when they are not getting support for this game.


I am talking about people getting it without paying thats zero support.

There were a few in the thread that chimed in saying they liked their time with it enough to purchase a copy, so it's not all bad - I'm sure the budget on it isn't that big anyways so I'm certain it can meet sales targets throughout the tail end of the year.


I am talking about people getting it without paying thats zero support.

The game was never going to sell as well as the first one.
Well this is a family oriented game, lets see how well it does this christmas first. I cant be the only parent buying it to play it with his kid.


There were a few in the thread that chimed in saying they liked their time with it enough to purchase a copy, so it's not all bad - I'm sure the budget on it isn't that big anyways so I'm certain it can meet sales targets throughout the tail end of the year.

Well this is a family oriented game, lets see how well it does this christmas first. I cant be the only parent buying it to play it with his kid.
I guess we will see.


I can't believe I binged through 5 hours without even realising - I'm honestly so stoked this game was even made, it's been constantly surprising me and with Knack being my first PS4 game, playing through this is making me feel pretty nostalgic.


This game is getting better as i play, i thought the beginning was atrocious, but now i'm at chapter 4 and i'm really liking it so far.
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