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Full gameplay footage for Pillars of Eternity E3 demo finally available!


About bugs and QA

I'm curious now, Divinity had an early access period from the middle of January until its release at the end of June, and from what I understand that game is also relatively freeform with lots of variables to consider. How buggy did that end up being when it was released?
I'm curious now, Divinity had an early access period from the middle of January until its release at the end of June, and from what I understand that game is also relatively freeform with lots of variables to consider. How buggy did that end up being when it was released?

There was one huge QA oversight regarding voice looping sounds in town (it drove everyone bananas, but wasn't gamebreaking), but aside from that DOS was fully functional and superbly done. Larian have since improved some issues, improved some functionality, and added some content to the game that couldn't make release.

But DOS was in Early Access, so a lot of problems that would have shown up at release were ironed out earlier, while still under the Early Access Cloak of Criticism Protection +1. If Pillars doesn't get EA's before release, it will probably have some unusual problems that cannot be excused by Early Access before being fixed, so it will be interesting to see how that goes.

Honestly, being a self-published title means the era of buggy, ambitious games should be over. Long live the new era of Instant Classics.

Where can I download the full video in hd?

You can download videos from Giant Bomb if you're a premium member of the site, I think.


RPG Codex's Sensuki has an excellent interview up:


Talent Design has been something you have left for the latest stages of development. How is that coming along? Do you have any overall design principles for the design of Talents in PE?

We don't currently have many Talents because they are highly dependent on player feedback. Talents can either extend or modify standard class abilities or they can grant access to outliers that may or may not fall within any single class. Broad Talents like Weapon Focus simply grant accuracy with categories of weapons. Any class could make use of that Talent. A Talent like Grimoire Slam depends heavily on the character using a grimoire, i.e. being a wizard. Thankfully it's pretty fast and easy to implement a lot of Talents, so we should be able to have a quick turnaround following our Backer Beta.​

Sensuki: Josh also provided some extra details about some of the Talents that will be available for the Backer Beta on the Obsidian forums:

Talents are things that are not core to classes but can be used to flesh them out in different ways. Some Talents are class-specific and some are more-or-less class-neutral. An example of a class-neutral Talent would be Weapon Focus, which increases Accuracy with a group of weapons, or Hold the Line, which increases the character's Engagement Limit by 1. Examples of class-specific Talents include Powerful Sprint, which increases the speed of a barbarian's Wild Sprint, Critical Focus, which grants allies affected by a paladin's Zealous Focus a 5% Hit to Crit conversion rate, and Penetrating Blast, which grants DT penetration to a wizard's Blast ability.

The Backer Beta will feature about two class-specific Talents per class (~20+) and a small handful of class-neutral Talents.​

Regarding encounter design, is there anything in Pillars of Eternity that rivals or surpasses the complexity of some of the encounters in Icewind Dale 2 (Orc Shamans beating War Drums to summon reinforcements, Goblins falling off Worgs)? Will there be pre-stealthed enemies? Are there any new scripting features that were built for PE that made things possible you couldn't do in the IE games?

Honestly, I think it will take us a while to exceed the complexity of IWD2 fights. IWD2 and BG2 were built with a lot of tried-and-true scripting functions that programmers and designers developed over previous titles and expansions. Like any other feature, AI in PoE is being built from the ground up, so we have to add layers of complexity over time.​


Josh Sawyer: Number of overall areas is getting close to BG2. I think we now have over 150 maps with a healthy split between cities, dungeons, towns, and wilderness maps. I'm happy with the number of wilderness areas we have. I think there will be good content density in them and there are enough of them off the critical path that players will feel rewarded for exploring.​

This makes me warm and fuzzy inside.
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