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"The Last of Us," and other video games that leave absolutely nothing to the imaginat

I still don't get the problem with with people clapping for the Last of Us. It was the end of the demo. Isn't that when people are supposed to clap?

i thought i was alone thinking this ..i would have clapped shot gun or not because of the whole package in this vid ...certainly not because a video game character got shotgun shotted in the face


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
This is a really good point. If the game is relatively open-ended as has been suggested one has to ask why would ND choose that particular option, the one that involved the shotgun blast to the head of a guy begging for mercy. It was a deliberate decision by ND. I also think that the cheers at the end were for the violent ending. The rumor that the audience was full of Sony plants could make all of the arguments moot though, they would have cheered at anything put up by ND, that's why they were there.

Of course it was deliberate by ND to end it that way. The question is why does it matter? And why is it so bad?


doesnt mean i cant hope they do, and when they dont, be disappointed they didnt and think it would have been a better game had they taken that route.

Maybe it could be a better game with it, maybe not. Wouldn't it be quite difficult to achieve something like that? Having different types of AI designed like that? Honest question.


i thought i was alone thinking this ..i would have clapped shot gun or not because of the whole package in this vid ...certainly not because a video game character got shotgun shotted in the face

Absolutely, I thought the audience were clapping because of how impressive the presentation of the demo was in its entirety. Not once did the thought even go through my mind that the audience were clapping because their blood lust was some how quenched because the player shot some bandit in the face.

I actually believe that the reaction to the Last of Us is a bad video to show as evidence of people who are fans of video games are obsessed with violence. Now, if journalists in the video game industry want to convey that message a better video to show in my opinion would be where Todd Howard was demoing Skyrim at Quakecon.

Heres a summary of the video:

*Todd walks pass a dog*
Audience shouts: KILL IT

*Todd walks pass a horse*
Audience shouts: KILL IT

*Todd walks pass a male NPC*
Audience shouts: MURDER HIM

*Todd walks pass a female NPC*
Person shouts: RAPE HER

Thinking about it now, I'm actually surprised THIS didn't make any head way in the press at all. As this is a better demonstration of a gaming audience going bananas.

Here's a link for those who want to check it out:enjoy!
Maybe it could be a better game with it, maybe not. Wouldn't it be quite difficult to achieve something like that? Having different types of AI designed like that? Honest question.

maybe "better" was the wrong word. ambitious and interesting to me though. i cant answer whether that would be difficult to achieve. probably more difficult than just having aggressive enemies, but i have no idea how much. maybe one of our developer members can issue some guidance.


It's laughable to think that they applauded because of the shotgun to the face.


If something different would have happened like him just letting the guy go or simply knocking him out the applause would have still been there because the applause was intended to show respect for all that was shown.

Not to mention the fact that if this particular author were in control of the game he could easily just try to sneak around instead of being confrontational. I have a feeling that the author would not last long in a post-apocalyptic world.
Absolutely, I thought the audience were clapping because of how impressive the presentation of the demo was in its entirety. Not once did the thought even go through my mind that the audience were clapping because their blood lust was some how quenched because the player shot some bandit in the face.

I actually believe that the reaction to the Last of Us is a bad video to show as evidence of people who are fans of video games are obsessed with violence. Now, if journalists in the video game industry want to convey that message a better video to show in my opinion would be where Todd Howard was demoing Skyrim at Quakecon.

Heres a summary of the video:

*Todd walks pass a dog*
Audience shouts: KILL IT

*Todd walks pass a horse*
Audience shouts: KILL IT

*Todd walks pass a male NPC*
Audience shouts: MURDER HIM

*Todd walks pass a female NPC*
Person shouts: RAPE HER

Thinking about it now, I'm actually surprised THIS didn't make any head way in the press at all. As this is a better demonstration of a gaming audience going bananas.

Here's a link for those who want to check it out:enjoy!


I was one of those people that applauded after the E3 demo. It wasn't because of the violence either. It was the presentation of the whole demo. It was so tense! The atmosphere was so well presented in the short amount of time they had. I remember the Uncharted 2 E3 demo and they clapped when they saw a freakin vista. Its just a video game people. I mean are we gonna do this with every violent game now?
Genuine question here,

Were people applauding at the end of the last of us because "OMFG SO BADDASS HE SHOT THAT DUDE IN DA FACES!!"? or was it more "Wow, this game takes character AI and NPC reactions to a whole new level and is showing us the ugly side of violence!"?

That's the exact thing I was thinking when I heard that applause, which stood out more to me than the actual violence.

Ever play GTA with people watching you? They constantly ask you to run people over or beat people up or shoot cops. There are no real world consequences and people just want to see what systems and reactions will be in place in the world when you do something outrageous.


I was one of those people that applauded after the E3 demo. It wasn't because of the violence either. It was the presentation of the whole demo. It was so tense! The atmosphere was so well presented in the short amount of time they had.

Same here. The audio was great in the room so I think it felt even more intense to us.


Genuine question here,

Were people applauding at the end of the last of us because "OMFG SO BADDASS HE SHOT THAT DUDE IN DA FACES!!"? or was it more "Wow, this game takes character AI and NPC reactions to a whole new level and is showing us the ugly side of violence!"?

I know I was impressed by some of the events shown in the game. Like, the NPC's reaction to your being out of bullets, or the girl throwing the thing at the guy's face to give you an opening. If that stuff isn't on-rails, then it's pretty impressive to have it set up like that.



Still, to say that the applause at the end was only for the ending is stupid. People applaud at the end of performances/displays/whatever for the whole thing. The small outbursts of applause in the middle of it don't mean otherwise.

Well, the idea of giving applause to video game footage seems inherently ridiculous to me.


I've read a few of these threads so far and in every one there are posters who hone in on the fact that the scavenger who get blasted with the shotgun was begging for his life...but that same guy had just broken a 2x4 across your face and was trying his damnedest to crack your trachea with his thumbs...

In this game you are not only fighting on to protect your own life, but also a little girl's. If there is any chance of her getting hurt or raped, I wouldn't bat an eye if Joel shot a few dozen scavengers at point blank. In a post-apocalyptic world like that, there are few vestiges of normal society left...what is left is more akin to animals in the wild.


Unconfirmed Member
This is a really good point. If the game is relatively open-ended as has been suggested one has to ask why would ND choose that particular option, the one that involved the shotgun blast to the head of a guy begging for mercy. It was a deliberate decision by ND. I also think that the cheers at the end were for the violent ending. The rumor that the audience was full of Sony plants could make all of the arguments moot though, they would have cheered at anything put up by ND, that's why they were there.

Sony didn't have to put plants in the audience, they invited 200 people who showed up to one of their blog events. Why pay someone to cheer when you can just let in 200 of your biggest fans who will do it for free?




Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
I love the continued assumption from so many people that it's either a bright happy flowing adventure platform experience that has some challenge and are fun and worth your time ... or violent. As if that means the game can't be hard or challenging or cerebral.

Like Mario is the only game that gamers should appreciate or want. Or only something like journey can be a well thought out emotional experience. So ridiculous.
It's both dumb to say that people WERE and WEREN'T applauding the shotgun to the face moment. It was a fantastic demo, and the blast at the end was a visceral and "impressive" punctuation to the whole presentation. They weren't cheering the gore, or the fact that you can facilitate gore; they were cheering for a slick presentation that finished with - quite literally - a bang.

Seriously, watch the video and skip the shotgun part; imagine it fading/cutting to black. Gore advocate or not, the presentation loses a lot of its impact and staying power. Top-notch directing on ND's part. That's all it is.


Theres always something left to the imagination, even in the last of us, you ask your self what happened to Junno's baby and what happens after the end of the game.


On a more serious note, I'm not sure if I remember well, none saw the person being shot, it was just an assumption that he was shot, perhaps it was a shot just scare him away? Perhaps in game you may choose to spare him or not, and this may be rewarded later on.
I loved the moment at the end of The Last of Us. It's heavy. And it is legitimately disturbing. And it should be.

This isn't violence that was glorified. It wasn't done to be so super-awesome. It was a natural consequence of the world that was presented within the digital landscape. These characters are in a world where they must do what it takes to survive, and it's not always pretty. Does that make what the player did the morally correct choice? I don't know, and it doesn't really matter. It's not about right or wrong, it's about what this world has driven these characters to. That's one of the themes of the game.

And the important thing to remember is that there is an element of choice. It's the player who pulls that trigger. It's the player who decides to attack the bandits instead of sneak around. Naughty Dog has said and demonstrated that there are multiple ways to tackle these situations, including non-violent ones. Of course, if this tactic bites you in the ass too many times, maybe the next time you'll just kill them.

That's the choice, right?

Games are reaching a point in which they are coming into their own as an art form, and Naughty Dog seems to be realizing it. They are effectively using the elements of their medium in order to bolster the themes and the story they wish to present. No different than theatre or movies, really. And that's where gaming needs to head.

You're damn right that headshot at the end of the demo of The Last of Us was disturbing. It damn well should be. And kudos to the creators for that.
What do you think? I gravitate a lot to the: HOLY SHIT, THIS GUY GOT OWNED! OMG THE GRAFX!!!

No one cheered when the AI was recognizing that your revolver was empty, dynamically loading in a fitting speech sample, just to then be attacked contextually by Ellie.

No, what people cheered for was the implied graphic execution of a man point blank with a shotgun, carried out by a burly brutish main character. What people cheered for was the gruesome head to cupboard execution, not the fact that the animation was contextually applied to the environment.

I don't think Last of Us is a shallow game, quite the contrary, it was one of my E3 highlights, but holy shit was the crowd reaction disgusting.

It was a lot more visible though. Maybe because for years, this exact style of game design has been front and center.

How is it disgusting? it's a damn video game. Violence is fun when it's fake. Do you think it's disgusting that millions enjoy Grand Theft Auto?


Well, the idea of giving applause to video game footage seems inherently ridiculous to me.

They always clap after every presentation. Sony gave a couple of hundred free tickets for the E3 representation, and they told those people to cheer at the show, which I presume is the common habit in all those conferences.

Conor 419

I was actually a bit surprised that The Last of Us was so heavily action orientated, especially considering the post apocalyptic landscape filled with people desperate to do anything to survive.

Seemed kinda dumb =/


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Couldn't agree more with the article in the OP, so sick of these controlled cinematic experiences like Uncharted or the New Tomb Raider.


What does this even mean?

I don't know if that's what he means, but there are other scenarios for a post-apocalyptic setting than simply groups of people shooting at each other to survive. See for example Lord of the Flies, Heinlein's "Tunnel in the Sky" (both not really post-apocalyptic, but with similar motivations), Asimov's novelized "Nightfall"...
I wouldn't really expect such depth from a videogame, but there are other paths than the "Mad Max" one.


So they made the first encounter with the bandits a cutscene and then the gameplay part is sneaking past them / killing them?

Yeah, not liking this direction. It would be far more interesting if you ran into people and had to find out yourself if they were friendly or not.
So they made the first encounter with the bandits a cutscene and then the gameplay part is sneaking past them / killing them?

Yeah, not liking this direction. It would be far more interesting if you ran into people and had to find out yourself if they were friendly or not.

We don't know if that's their first encounter with them. But there are multiple groups in the game and some are going to be friendly while others will be like the group in the demo.


I assume when you say this, that you wish the platforming was more of a focus and revamped? Same with the puzzles? Because the segments for both of those were absolute jokes. I agree that I much would have enjoyed a puzzle platformer with actual adventuring instead of 3 high production value typical TPSs.

You got it, chief!
Do you all not pay attention to the demo?

Those bandits bragged about the enjoyment they got from killing tourists! (They immediately associate the two main characters as tourists).

He attacked first because he knew they would attack him if they saw him.

Seriously people.



Leaves pretty much everything to the imagination:


Leaves basically nothing to the imagination:


Simple part of evolution... as your eyes are shown more, your mind's-eye needs to show less.

I miss the old days of gaming where imagination was expected to play a role in your gameplay experience. Gaming has basically evolved from "Book" to "Movie" within a single medium.

rdrr gnr

Yeah, that's the first rule of survival : find a predator and attack him !
Not dying is ultimately survival. Not pacifism inherently.
Preemption can also be survival, as it may lead to not dying.
Cost/benefit is also survival.

I think Joel should have tried using his words.


Yeah, that's the first rule of survival : find a predator and attack him !

You do know that ND stated that you can be a complete pacifist and an evader until you run out of resources. The combat was shown because it was E3 and to demonstrate that almost every fight is akin to a mini-boss battle who has selected an aggressive path for survival (predator) and will stop at nothing to get what they need/want.

ND also stated there will be friendlier factions.
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