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IGN: Why XCOM 2 had to be PC Exclusive, also game uses UE3.5


When we looked at what we wanted to do with the sequel, we had all these very, very ambitious goals,” said Solomon. On his must-have list were high-fidelity characters and environments, better-looking destruction, physically based rendering, and the crown jewel he’d wanted to get into Enemy Unknown but couldn’t: procedurally generated maps. “To do that, we had to use all of our studio expertise … and our expertise here is PC. That's our home, and that's where we're really comfortable.”

Focusing all of Firaxis’ efforts on the PC made logistical sense to DeAngelis, too. “Internally, with a relatively small team for the size of the game that we are, to be able to say we can focus on our platform that the studio has a pedigree for, and that X-COM: UFO Defense has a pedigree for, as PC-only... it just made a lot of sense, and that's how we wanted to dedicate our time.” XCOM 2 runs on a heavily modified version of Unreal Engine 3.5 (Firaxis’ customizations are too extensive to easily move to Unreal 4), which in some ways has been rewritten to the point of being “unrecognizable,” and it’s much simpler to make that work on one platform than three or more at once.

he most obvious change resulting from those conversations is how the team is optimizing the interface to be mouse-and-keyboard friendly,

And though Firaxis plans to add it in the future, the current plan is to launch without gamepad support.

More at the link.
Yep, that's a link.

Here's a quote:

Jake Solomon said:
A focus on PC was the only way to make the XCOM 2 that Creative Director Jake Solomon and his team envisioned when they sat down to talk after completing Enemy Unknown. “When we looked at what we wanted to do with the sequel, we had all these very, very ambitious goals,” said Solomon. On his must-have list were high-fidelity characters and environments, better-looking destruction, physically based rendering, and the crown jewel he’d wanted to get into Enemy Unknown but couldn’t: procedurally generated maps. “To do that, we had to use all of our studio expertise … and our expertise here is PC. That's our home, and that's where we're really comfortable.”


Firaxis can now count on players sitting closer to their PC monitors and being able to read smaller text. And though Firaxis plans to add it in the future, the current plan is to launch without gamepad support.

Welp, not buying it now


Does this decision make business sense for XCOM’s future? 2K isn’t sharing sales figures for XCOM: Enemy Unknown or Enemy Within, or how sales broke down across the PC and console versions, so it’s impossible to say for sure. However, using publicly available Steam data, third-party site SteamSpy unofficially estimates 2.6 million PC copies sold since October of 2012. (That figure does factor in numerous deep Steam sales where it’s sold for as little as five dollars, and its inclusion in HumbleBundles.) Reliable console version sales numbers are difficult to come by, though based on failing to chart in the NPD top 10 retail games for October 2012, it’s safe to speculate that console audiences didn’t flock to XCOM.

Yep. Not sure why everyone is losing their mind, it's no different from when a console game releases and then comes to PC later.

How's that PS3 version of Civ 5 working out?
Articles like this will look dumb when the inevitable console port is announced.

I know right, what company will pass up a free port to consoles? The advantage of a PC exclusive during a console dominated release window means higher sales for the game. While the console version might get held back and release during a window with no major competition.


And though Firaxis plans to add it in the future, the current plan is to launch without gamepad support.

uhh, i'm all for PC, but i still want controller support! XCom played brilliantly with controller.
so i guess i have to wait for the console ports to happen so they patch in controller support. seems like a hell of a way to take a positive from your last game and turn it into a negative.

There's 0 reason a turn based RPG can't have controller support goddamnit


Procedurally generated maps are a god send.

Maps will require more tactical reconnaissance and be more plentiful. It's the perfect idea.
A focus on PC was the only way to make the XCOM 2 that Creative Director Jake Solomon and his team envisioned when they sat down to talk after completing Enemy Unknown. “When we looked at what we wanted to do with the sequel, we had all these very, very ambitious goals,” said Solomon. On his must-have list were high-fidelity characters and environments, better-looking destruction, physically based rendering, and the crown jewel he’d wanted to get into Enemy Unknown but couldn’t: procedurally generated maps. “To do that, we had to use all of our studio expertise … and our expertise here is PC. That's our home, and that's where we're really comfortable.”

It doesn't sound like much of this would be difficult to do on current-gen. Especially for the games art style.


Articles like this will look dumb when the inevitable console port is announced.

Not really. From what I can tell from the article, this is PC exclusive mostly because it's easier for a smaller developer like Firaxis to focus on a single version. By their own admission, there are no real technical issues preventing a port.

Seems like a good idea to me. The reboot suffered a bit from the simultaneous multiplatform development.


They're just saying they want to focus on PC because that's what they are comfortable with and it's easier than doing 3 platforms at once.

They tinker with going down the high-fidelity graphics excuse but change narrative quick.

Not opposed to a console port. Just want to make what they want to make and be comfortable doing it. Can sort out console ports later.

And though Firaxis plans to add it in the future, the current plan is to launch without gamepad support.

IGN thinks it's more popular on PC too.

So it HAD to be exclusive, because they wanted to start off that way...


so i guess i have to wait for the console ports to happen so they patch in controller support. seems like a hell of a way to take a positive from your last game and turn it into a negative.

There's 0 reason a turn based RPG can't have controller support goddamnit

It's probably an okay sacrifice if they optimize for a M/KB interface by putting way more info on screen and adding depth to the strategy layer outside of combat.

And hey, there's the Steam controller out by the time this game releases.
Eew small text. I'm gonna play it on PC with a Steam controller so the control issue is solved but when will these devs learn that not everybody on PC plays games hunched over a keyboard 2 inches away from the monitor?
This basically sounds like 2K was stoked about how Enemy Unknown sold, and Solomon was able to convince them that focusing on one platform was the smart play due to all the focus they wanted to put on PC anyway.


This is probably coming to the PS4/Xbone sometime in 2016. 2K isn't that stupid.

You think the sales on those platforms would offset the budget and time needed to port them?

Because clearly it didn't work out that way on the last set of consoles.
...since Firaxis can now count on players sitting closer to their PC monitors and being able to read smaller text

You're killing me here, this game really isn't going to play nice on my TV is it? Hopefully the traditional gamepad support will bring proper, television-sized, UI with it.
It's weird that they aren't doing gamepad support. Most PC gamers seem to be on a gamepad especially all the ones that migrated to PC recently.
Firaxis can now count on players sitting closer to their PC monitors and being able to read smaller text. And though Firaxis plans to add it in the future, the current plan is to launch without gamepad support.

Sooooo..... PC gamers don't play any of their games in living rooms in 2015? I guess I'll wait until they "add it in".


Oh man...EU works great with controller, it was kbm that gave lots of problem.

Because it was not a good implementation and clearly designed around the caveat of controllers. It's like with Dragon Age after the first one where yeah, gamepad was better because the entire thing was built around it and they had to shoehorn the KBAM back in.


I know right, what company will pass up a free port to consoles? The advantage of a PC exclusive during a console dominated release window means higher sales for the game. While the console version might get held back and release during a window with no major competition.

There's usually always going to be major competition now. You have GOTY caliber games like Bloodbourne, Witcher 3 and Batman releasing in the first half of the year.

"Delay it to avoid all the heavy hitters" isn't a viable strategy anymore because everyone is also doing the same.


Smaller text? The exact opposite of what they should be considering. Scaling UI with TV viewing distances in mind please. At least as an option.
“To do that, we had to use all of our studio expertise … and our expertise here is PC. That's our home, and that's where we're really comfortable.”
This is great, it's a very good reason and it doesn't present an issue with porting later if there's a good enough dev studio to step up to the task.

:D I hope this game sells very good on PC. I'll be there!


firaxis is at home with PC why is that so hard to understand? many devs stated their displeament with the cell cpu in the ps3. let them be comfortable making the game for one platform, its going to sell well anyways.


I can wait for the inevitable console port, and I can see why they want to focus on PC. Just make it the best you can, Firaxis.


Not really. From what I can tell from the article, this is PC exclusive mostly because it's easier for a smaller developer like Firaxis to focus on a single version. By their own admission, there are no real technical issues preventing a port.

Seems like a good idea to me. The reboot suffered a bit from the simultaneous multiplatform development.

The reasons they list are not exclusive to pc gaming. They made an argument got a lead platform, not that it had to be pc only.


It's weird that they aren't doing gamepad support. Most PC gamers seem to be on a gamepad especially all the ones that migrated to PC recently.

While I'm sure a lot are using gamepads, this is clearly false. Almost all of the most popular PC games are KBAM oriented. Most PC gamers probably own a gamepad, but doesn't mean they are gamepad only or preferring it.


It's probably an okay sacrifice if they optimize for a M/KB interface by putting way more info on screen and adding depth to the strategy layer outside of combat.

And hey, there's the Steam controller out by the time this game releases.

Exactly. But not having to cater to the couch crowd, they can really get into the nitty gritty of strategy elements and control.

It's nice to have an Xcom game returning to its PC interface roots as a fan of the first games. Anything they have to do to make the series even more of a pure reboot of the first one is fantastic. Generated levels is needed for that feel. You shouldn't be able to be familiar with anything except familiarity with enemy ship layouts and your base layout.
Articles like this will look dumb when the inevitable console port is announced.

Heh, if they added why it had to be initially a PC exclusive then it would be okay. Also I think it's inferred that they're concentrating on the PC first, then after they can deal with the console ports.


The reasons they list are not exclusive to pc gaming. They made an argument got a lead platform, not that it had to be pc only.

I agree. The article title is silly. But ease of development is still a good reason to do it this way, not to mention how much more popular XCOM was on PC.


This is probably coming to the PS4/Xbone sometime in 2016. 2K isn't that stupid.

Yup, but it will likely get ported by another studio. Makes sense given their success on PC, and I totally don't mind waiting for this version of the game.

Knowing me I will probably cave in and get the PC version, since I missed out of Pillars of Eternity too.


I don't understand why "PC exclusive" is hard for people to understand.

They gave X-Com two tries on console. If it sold well, of course they'd be doing it again.
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