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How good is Resonance of Fate?

I'm playing Project X Zone in preparation for the sequel and I'm loving the Resonance of Fate characters, they look great and are very charismatic.

Zephyr, Leanne, Vashyron

So yeah, now I want to play Resonance of Fate, but it has a low MC score and I hate tri-Ace, their games suck.

Please post a list of pros and cons. You can also compare it to Final Flop XIII, is it better, is it worse? Thank you.

(too bad it doesn't have a PC version)
It's really good. It's complicated to get into, but once you get it down, the game play is a thing of beauty.

Plus, the main characters are some of the best the genre has to offer.


Great under rated game, its very unique and worth a buy as its fun and there's nothing else like it.

Edit: Wait, what Tri-Ace suck?! They Make Valkryia Profile 1&2 dude, you have got to be kidding me.


So good.

Let's just say, the more time and effort you put into learning the game, the more you'll get out of it.

It's got a very cool and unique world map system and playing dress up and customizing your gun is pretty darn fun. As for the story, I wasn't exactly sure what was going on but the game has a really good tone and atmosphere.

I loved it, probably my second favorite RPG last-gen.
I hated it personally. The combat looked awesome but I found it hugely unbalanced and the story was almost non existent (I only played about half way through the game) and the characters were cheesey for the most part.


Pretty divisive game. Mostly because, the game does a lot of unique things, but they are also set back by some flaws. So either you fall on the side that embraces how unique it is regardless of the flaws, or your someone that can't get into it, because the flaws are too much.

If you can get it cheap, I always recommend someone trying this game out (if they like the genre). Because if you can embrace it, and you do fall in love with it, it's a really unique game.
I hated it personally. The combat looked awesome but I found it hugely unbalanced and the story was almost non existent (I only played about half way through the game) and the characters were cheesey for the most part.
The story is there, just isn't fed to the player in the way most are used to. You get tidbits through cutscenes and then it's mostly filled out through dialogue during battles.

This was a plus for me when I played the game since I just wanted to get into action and not deal with overwrought cutscenes and child protagonists.


irresponsible vagina leak
Combat is great and easy to figure out tactics. The story while kinda hard to grasp its still interesting thanks to the characters.


I'd say it has one of the most interesting RPG mechanics that came out of the last generation and worth playing it on that alone. Not sure why people felt the combat was confusing or complicated but there's a training area at the start of the game and the first 2/3 hours hold your hand fairly tight.

I'm hoping Sega give it the same treatment they did with Valkyria Chronicles and do a PC port but I doubt there's much chance of that.

I hated it personally. The combat looked awesome but I found it hugely unbalanced and the story was almost non existent (I only played about half way through the game) and the characters were cheesey for the most part.

There's definitely a story there, it's just not painfully on the nose as 99% of JRPG stories are. I personally didn't find it too interesting but it's clear that it went over most peoples heads as it's typically the first thing said about it.


Overly complicated, failrly limited world, feels like an episodic anime. Character and gun customizations are pretty decent. Game looks washed out, runs at 30 fps most times, when it doesnt it feels terrible, and has so much aliasing. I dont know, the game lacks a soul and just feels wrong.

That spinning lottery attack is the dumbest mechanic.


Fairly high learning curve for the combat til you "get it".

Amusing story. lots of humor.

Good customization due to small pt (3 core members).

Visuals are kinda of all over the place, but I can't think of any particularly offensive moments.

I liked it.


Unconfirmed Member
I hated it personally. The combat looked awesome but I found it hugely unbalanced and the story was almost non existent (I only played about half way through the game) and the characters were cheesey for the most part.
Yeah, the first 2/3 of the game have very very little story progression.

Very unique combat system, unique world map, just a very different game from anything else I can remember playing. Really enjoyed it, I say go for it OP.
Like most tri-Ace games, a great combat system that feel amazingly rewarding.

Like most tri-Ace games, I could take or leave the story they frame around it.


A decidedly imperfect great game. Short answer, yes, if you want an RPG different from anything you've touched before

+Fun, original combat system (tri-ace, yo)
+Interesting characters that shine in the situations they're put into
+Looks and sounds good, mostly due to solid voice work (I like the English dub here, which is unusual for me). The Sakuraba soundtrack is ok.
+Stylish, in and out of combat
+Customization gets kinda nuts, in a funny way ;)

-Some feel combat gets repetitive (I see the complaint but I never got bored)
-Is merciless - Once you fall behind in a fight, the scales tip super-heavily in favor of the enemy - And it's prone to unforeseen difficulty spikes (keeps you on your toes though, I guess)
-Main story is weak, although I find most people who like the game don't care too much about this, and the main plot is thankfully not very intrusive

Edit: Oh yeah, I should add that the start of the game is particularly brutal. You just don't have the resources to fight the way the game wants you to and to make it worse, in typical tri-ace fashion you're tossed into the deep end without experience. There is a tutorial in the coliseum by the starting town, but it's... not very helpful imo. The battle system is too different from anything I'd touched before to piece it all together in that controlled setting. I considered giving up a number of times in Chapter 1. Once you get an additional 'bezel', the combat starts to come together. Tri-ace should have started you with 4, not 3.


Good combat which may look complicated at first, but really isn't once you spend a few minutes with it and aesthetics.. Story is kinda nonexistance though the character interactions really makes up for it as it is the best I have seen in a game. The grid nature of the overworld might turn some off though. One of my favorites of the last gen.
Was okay. Combat was great at first but lack of diversity especially in tactics made it feel stale after a while. Needed more skills and equipment.
Man, the last boss was such a cheese. After getting a hang of the combat I pretty much steamrolled to the final fight and then that. I hate endless enemies as its just horrible game design majority of the time. Didn't beat the boss and doubt I ever will.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
You can also compare it to Final Flop XIII, is it better, is it worse?

ANYTHING is better than Final Flop 13. Come on, Sammy. You knew that was an easy "yes" for End of Eternity--er--Resonance of Fate.

But yeah. From the little I played (I need to go back to it) it's a pretty solid, if a little too complicated, JRPG.
It can take some getting used to but the combat is really really good. It's dirt cheap now so I would definitely recommend picking it up. Even if it doesn't click with you at first just keep at it.

Edit: It has the most interesting overworld I've ever seen in an RPG as well.


Not very good. It has its charms such as a good art-style and a catalogue of weird and interesting systems that naturally extend to its combat. But the whole game is filled with odd design choices. It's entirely possible to play the game wrong -- considering its complexity, it's very possible -- and get stuck on a quest.

As layered as the battle system is, once the game gets going, the battles sort of start becoming a slog. Some encounters can be done in one shot while others can get bogged down in monotony if you don't bring the right items with you. Basically, the pacing in the game is all sorts of fucked.

The story is bad. It doesn't make a lick of sense but at least the characters are goofy enough to not be offensive. You can customize the crap out of them which is always a plus in my book. I did missions to get more money just to see what kind of outfits I could make.

It's an uneven game. It's a weird game; sometimes it's stupid as all hell, but in a genre that has become all too rote, RoF is sort of refreshing. I don't regret playing it at all.


I'm supposed to return to this. stopped when I kept getting wrecked by this boss

you gotta understand the battle system. I don't wanna tho


I'd like to finish the game but I just don't get the combat system. I stopped when I could spend up to 30 minutes on a single random encounter hacking away enemy's armor, and then I was out of turns.
It's really good. It's complicated to get into, but once you get it down, the game play is a thing of beauty.

Plus, the main characters are some of the best the genre has to offer.

I have also been interested in this game after playing as them in PXZ, and when someone says, "the main characters are some of the best the genre has to offer", well that's a pretty fucking tall order!

JRPG's have had some of the most interesting, well fleshed out characters in video gaming, so I am wondering if, without delving too far into spoilers, if you can elaborate at all on them, or why you think they are among the best.


I loved the game. Or rather, I loved the battle and customization system, the places you visit, the soundtrack, the characters. And the premise + the world had some potential... but the story just doesn't go anywhere interesting. And yeah, it took me a while to fully grasp the battle system.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Huh...how many of those bullets were fired away from the enemy? I mean she fired them simultaneously with her arms apart several times.

And how does she keep from random shooting her team?

The world will never know.

AKA: Game logic.


+Best JRPG battle system of all time.
+Incredible weapon customization, including item synthesis/desynthesis. Tri-ace is very good at this.
+Likable characters & good writing. Very witty dialog.
+The town areas have fixed camera angles and great art direction.
+Clothes have no influence on stats, it's all about looking cool.

-Story presented in vignettes, most of which don't tie into the "main" plot.
-There are only ~3 towns. Nearly all the other areas are dungeons composed nothing but hexagonal battle arenas.

Overall, imo it's worth it, but the game is more "slice of life" than "grand adventure."


It's unique enough to be worth a play, the gun customisation is fun & it's pretty long. Filling out the hex map was interesting too

The battle system seems extremely complicated at first but in reality it's actually very simple, shallow and repetitive

It doesnt have a particularly deep plot or characters or much character interaction or anything, it's closer to a dungeon crawler than a story based JRPG
Picked it up a few weeks ago. Played for about 10 minutes until I got into a battle. The game didn't feel the need to explain to me how the battle system worked, and I lost hard.

Eh, left a bad taste in my mouth and I haven't picked it up since. Will probably give it another try when I have more time for it.
God, it's hard, but when you nail the combat system there are few things more satisfying. Absolute best combat system in a JRPG ever. Disclaimer: "Nailing it" might take you a hundred+ hours but you never notice the time passing. Boss fights were best of last gen until the Souls games popped up. Unique puzzle system in the overworld. Start on the lowest difficulty.

I give it massive kudos for having a party of people who are 100% actual real people, with normal body features, with no ridiculous super powers, including a female character with a 100% entirely normal physique. They all have gigantic wardrobe selections for you to mess around with and aren't sexualized in any way whatsoever, ever, Oh, and their dialogue is fantastic.

Never been certain how much of keeping the story on a more personal level for the cast was deliberate or not. As long as you never expect a big stereotypical JRPG story it works. By the end, you are without much doubt the "bad guys" and being selfish dicks. They seem aware of it, too.


It's one of my favorite RPGs of that generation. It took me about 20+ hours playing before I realized I could rotate the gun parts and make crazy guns, but once I did, it was awesome.

Story is minimal, but unlocking the hexes on the map, building guns and dressing up the characters is really addicting, and the combat is tons of fun once you figure it out.

I also really loved the overall setting and style of the game.
Huh...how many of those bullets were fired away from the enemy? I mean she fired them simultaneously with her arms apart several times.

And how does she keep from random shooting her team?
The bigger question is what a gun that can do that would look like. The answer:

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