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Shütshimi: Seriously Swole |OT| More Pumped Up Than A Blowfish (Wii U Coming Soon)



Welcome to the official thread for Shütshimi: Seriously Swole, a unique mix of shmup action and WarioWare!


Release date: August 25, 2015 [US]; Soon [EU]

Platform(s): PC/Mac/Linux; PS4/Vita; WiiU (soon)

Price: $9,99 [US]; 9,99€ [EU]

Developer: Neon Deity Games

Publisher: Choice Provisions

Homepage: http://shutshimi.com/ (@Shutshimi)

Purchase on Steam - Purchase on PSN (US only for now, Cross-Buy enabled!)​


On first impression, Shütshimi is reminiscent of games like Parodius and Cho Aniki. While it is a frantic and eccentric horizontal-scrolling shoot'em up, it differs greatly from its inspirations by introducing a randomly generated wave-based structure with WarioWare-like modifiers into the mix. Before each round, the player has ten seconds to pick an item from the shop which will have all kinds of whacky effects on the next wave. Since each wave only lasts ten seconds, as well, things are constantly unpredictably out-of-control!

Initially a Game Jam game that was then expanded into an XBLIG and PC title, the 'Seriously Swole' epitheton was devised as an update that would bring some minor enhancements to the game. However, the update grew bigger and bigger over time, at which point Neon Deity Games decided to shoot for an even more fully-fledged release, targeting Playstation platforms, as well as WiiU and Steam.

The vastly expanded version of the game now features 2-4 player local co-op, a ton of new power-ups, new and updated sprites and backgrounds, a lot of additional songs, new enemies and bosses, extra hats (yes, the game has hats!), and, last but not least, cross-save, Trophy support and online leaderboards!​




Announcement Trailer

Release Trailer


IndieGames - No Score
Shutshimi was a great game on its own, but all of the touch ups, visual improvements, and new additions make Shutshimi: Seriously Swole the definitive shotgun-wielding goldfish game. It takes the strong gameplay Neon Deity Games created and just refines and improves it, giving you a whole lot more game to play and a whole lot more goofiness to discover. It's an unending treasure trove of laughter and frantic fun - a perfect way to slap a smile on your face in seconds.

Operation Rainfall - 5/5
For a mere $9.99, I think Shutshimi is a great bargain. It offers a game so strange that it stands out from the pack, and it’s simple nature keeps me replaying it just for kicks. Though the version I reviewed was on my Vita, the game is also available on PS4 and Steam, and will eventually make its way to other consoles. If you like crazy games or SHMUPs, or just want to take your anger out on some laser-spewing sharks, you won’t go wrong with Shutshimi. Well done, Neon Deity Games and Choice Provisions. This fish is worth keeping!

Slant Magazine - No Score
You could imagine Shutshimi being rejected by “serious” players, especially overly analytical ones. Or maybe they would laugh at Neon Deity's parody of masculine resistance in the cigar-smoking protagonist. Still, there's a fundamental seriousness to the game: When one becomes familiar with the assorted bonuses and hindrances, strategies will emerge and adaptation must occur as the screen fills with unholy animals. Similar to the arcade masterpieces, this cartoon is no joke.

PSN Stores - 4/5

Defunct Games - B

The Vita Lounge - 3.9/5

PlayItalia - 7.5/10

TechRaptor - 7/10


Thanks to the generosity of Neon Deity Games, there will be 50 Steam codes and 50 PSN Codes (US only!) given away in this thread. To participate, leave a post in this thread and write a few (or more than a few) sentences on your favourite fish-related video game! Don't forget to specify your platform!

As of September 29 there's only a few Steam codes left, while all PSN codes have been given away to GAFfers. Enjoy and don't forget to post impressions!

One more condition that yours truly borrowed from Toma's giveaway threads: If you've won a code and have spent some time with the game, please post some impressions in the thread!​


Thanks to Wayne Kubiak for the banners!
I'll play it for the fish

Giveaway prompt:
I quite like the Darius series. While not as fish focused as this or a number of other games, the series' Fish themed enemies (and especially bosses) never fail to put a smile on my face. Kind of want to play G Darius now....

Oh, a vita code is preferable.
I see the Vita link in the OP, but is this cross-buy?

read the OP pls.


I see the Vita link in the OP, but is this cross-buy?

Edit: Yes it is, Vita link instead of PS4 link threw me off a bit.


Unconfirmed Member
Wow that's a legit generous giveaway! My giveaway entry (PSN if possible) has to go to Darius, a shmup where all the bosses are crabs, fish, and other sea creatures.

Game reminds of Aqua Kitty in a good way. First time hearing of it. 😊
Very nice of you guys! If I win a code (PSN), I'd love to check it out and post my impressions. As for a fish related game, Ecco the Dolphin is my pick. Loved exploring under the ocean, and it was such a unique and quirky idea at the time.


Nice to see this getting more attention, I wish I got it at launch. I don't think I've played any fish game, outside the Little Mermaid stage on Kingdom Hearts.

Edit: Vita, if possible. Thank you!
I always wanted to try this game ever since I saw it on the Super Best Friends Play youtubes. I hope I get a chance to with this giveaway!

Anyway, my favorite fish related video game is probably Super Mario Bros 1 and the the crazy flying fish. SMB1 has some of my favorite swimming levels of all times, and it is mostly thanks to those funny lookin' bloopers.
Will enter Vita giveaway.
Guess the only fish related games I've played are Sonic Adventure and Pokemon when it comes to fishing.
Edit: oh that giant fish that tries to eat you in Super Mario bros is a good one too
my favorite fish related game has to be G-Darius, the best gol-dern entry in the evil-mechanical-fish-shooter genre.

my Steam account would welcome the opportunity to get swole.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Good op and thanks for the codes! Too bad i'm European peasant :(
My favorite fish guy is James pond!


How can you beat a fish that's half fish, half james bond and half robocop?
South park math
Well I honestly hadn't even seen this on the PSN yet so I'd go for a PSN copy. As for my fish related game I have memories of Seaman on Dreamcast. I was working in a mom and pop game store and we had it on the demo station. It was always fun to see peoples reactions the first time they saw the game. It was always a look of horror and confusion, especially from the parents.
This looks pretty kewl! My favorite fish-related game is Link's Awakening. The Windfish has my vote for best looking fish in the video game universe. Platform is PS4.


My favorite fish related video game would have to be Shovel Knight. Just for that sweet sweet Troupple King.


Plus the fact you can just use a fishing rod whenever you like, which is pretty neat. But I hate that angler fish miniboss thing.

Platform would be Steam if I am deemed worthy.


One of my favorite fish games was Legend of the River King. But to be more specific for a game focused on a fish id go with Legend of Starfy. He wasnt swole but more doughy like. Shutshimi looks like a fun game. Ps4 over here :)


I'm cool with either version, I guess PSN preferred if I get it.

Fish in a video game - the eel in Super Mario 64. Maybe technically not a fish (I hope it is for the sake of the giveaway) but the first time you see it in the depths near the pirate ship in Jolly Roger Bay, you can't help but feel you're in way over your head and that its time to surface and never dive down again.

Later on you have to chase it around and catch its tail for a star too.

Glad to see Shutshimi out, I bought the XBLIG one back in the day although I didn't play it that much. Hope it's doing well!


I guess my favorite fish-related video game would be The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, with its fishing mini-game and Jabu-Jabu. (PC/Steam, please.)
I guess my favorite fish related video game would be Animal Crossing Wild World. I spent quite a bit of time fishing in that game. I kept fishing until I'd gotten all the fish into my museum. I'd like a Steam code if possible.
Nice OT Daydream.

One of the fish related games I mostly played was Sega Bass Fishing on my Dreamcast. I totally sucked at this game, but didn't stopped me to enjoying it a lot, and still to this day there is something in fishing in games that I still enjoy and it's funny because I don't have the patience to fish in real life.

Another game that I played a lot and is related to the theme is G-Darius, mostly of the enemies in the game are themed after sea creatures, I was blown away by that design back in the day because it was the first game of the series that I played. There's a new Darius game being made.



Big thanks from the Neon Deity Games team to daydream for putting this OT together! I've started handing the codes out, so if anyone wants one, just shout out and I'll PM one over to you.

European release should be real soon, as should the Wii U release. We're working with Sony and Nintendo on that now. Sorry for the delay!


Big thanks from the Neon Deity Games team to daydream for putting this OT together! I've started handing the codes out, so if anyone wants one, just shout out and I'll PM one over to you.

European release should be real soon, as should the Wii U release. We're working with Sony and Nintendo on that now. Sorry for the delay!

:O had no clue man, congrats on the game! I'd be willing to try it on ps4 for sure!

Been trying to wrack my head around fish related game... All I'm coming up with is Mr. Crab for ipad, and a music video for Goldfish based on video games lol.

Probably World of Warcraft, I spent a lot of time fishing in that game..
Game looks cool.

My favorite fish game is by far Sega Marine Fishing. Building that aquarium was dope, especially with the Dreamcast fishing controller.

I'd love a PSN code if there some left, those sharks with glasses look pretty great.
My favorite fish game has to be Seaman on the Dreamcast. Sure had some fun with that back in college. Surprised no one else has mentioned it.

Edit: guess it was mentioned!

I'd love a PSN code.
Well, this is oozing creativity! I'd love to play it!

I'd love a PSN code if possible, my favorite fish-related game is probably Ridiculous Fishing, I've spent an insane amount of time playing it...


I'd love to try it out on Steam. As for my favorite fish-related game, it has to be Aquaria, since I like metroidvanias and the underwater setting was a lot more appealing to me than stuff such as Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet (despite also liking the it). It's also a game where I got lost and ended up exploring for the sake of it a couple times, which was really nice since most new games tend to be a bit too generous in pointing out where you're supposed to go all the time.


Oh cool. The graphics remind me of a Parodius Shoot'em Up.

Even Parodius you could play as a Giant Fish that functioned as one of the games ships, character was named Mambo.

Also Darius is another Shoot'em Up that all of the enemies are Fish-like Ships and other machines that look like sea life like giant-crabs and whatnot.

If there are any codes left I'll take a PSN code for the PS4.

My favorite Fish game is probably EVO on the SNES, while not really a fish game. You do start off as a fish in the ocean and must eat other fish and sealife to earn points to evolve into larger fish-type creatures. Eventually you become a land animal and then dinosaur and so forth. It was a series of evolutions that started before the prehistoric era.

If that doesn't count, I guess I could say the old PC game Odell Lake, which you was similar in that you were a randomly chosen fish and had to correctly guess if you could eat other fish. You also need to avoid things like Fishing Hooks and larger predator fish.

I also enjoyed Ecco the Dolphin on the Genesis and the Metroidvania style Aquaria on Steam in which you play as a Blue Mermaid-like Fish creature.
This game was on my sight when I saw it in the Steam thread.

I played Ecco The Dolphin ages ago, and quite honestly, what I remember the most is the aliens haunting my dreams. Also I found it quite hard too. Well, Dolphins are MAMMALS so I don't know if it counts.

Does OoT fishing minigame count?


Unconfirmed Member
I'd love a PS4 code.

My favorite fish game is probably JAWS for the NES. I know this always ends up on the worst games of all time lists, but my dad and I played this all the time. It took us a really long time to finally finish it, but we could do it pretty much every time we played after a few years. Mini Sub 4 life!


Looks like a really nice game. Would love to try it on PC.
My favorite game with a fish cameo would be Cave Story, with that Ikachan boss fight.


Junior Member
Looks pretty sweet. Wind Waker counts as a fish-related game, right? The only way to map the whole world is by feeding a fish! Love Wind Waker so much.
I'd like a steam code if I am chosen.


I used to love Feeding Frenzy, a PopCap arcade title on xbox 360. I was terrible at it, but I didn't care!

Add me to the PSN drawing, please! :)


I always loved fishing in world of warcraft. Back in the day, mindlessly sitting there in voice chat and laughing it up with my buddies while mindlessly watching the bobber float up and down in the sea. I understand why people hated it, as it can be dull, but it's about having the right mindset and enjoying the calm around you.

Add me to the steam drawing!


Posting my impression of the game. Actually lets make this a review.

OmegaDL50's NeoGAF Review of Shutshimi: Seriously Swole

When I first started up the game the intro story caught me me off guard. Giant Gold-fish with bulging muscle arms cocks his shotgun to fend off invaders.

Okay so the impression gave me the idea it was Rambo Fish fights off hordes of invading fish. Well maybe I am partially right...I think

Nope, not even remotely close. It's a chaotic shoot'em up of enemy waves consisted of Various Fish, Squids, Sunglasses wearing lazer-firing sharks, buzzsaw spinning grizzly bears, submarines, Lazer breathing Dragons, Evil looking Jellyfish that look like they have the face of Gigyas (Yes that guy from Earthbound),yes I said Gigyas Jellyfish!

The waves come quick and you better be quicker!

Every 10 to 15 seconds or so you are presented with a Shop with a countdown of 6 seconds or os with various icons of things like Donuts, Hotdogs, Gears, Partially-eaten Chocolate Bars, Lollipops, Arcade Sticks, Headphones, Mushrooms, Casette Tapes, Anchors, and other ridiculous things.

Each of the items has a description, but you need to be quick because of the timer. Some of the descriptions are comprised of random jokes and interesting comments but if you read careful you'll get an idea of the items effect.

Also you pick one item per shop visit, each effect is varied from floating upwards to the top of the screen, to having the world display upside down, sinking to the bottom of the screen, swimming slower, swimming faster, being double sized, shooting faster, having disco party with rainbow strobe lights and confetti, changing your basic shot into a slow-moving cannon with an arc but penetrates through several enemies at once, and other random assortment effects.

Graphics are decent with a nice 2D pixel art style. Music is cool chiptune style.

The gameplay is fun, with mixture of solid Horizontal Shoot'em Up goodness with random craziness that tells the story of this one Fish and how he fought off the invaders.



My favorite fish related game ever was Shark! Shark! for the Intellivision.

You were a small fish that could eat smaller fish to eventually grow bigger, and avoid bigger fish that could eat you. Occasionally aggressive sharks would come after you, and you had to nip their tails in order to beat them (when you were tiny, it was super dangerous and took many nips).

I could play a single life for hours when I was a kid. Those were the days!

I'd love a code for the Vita version if possible! Thank you for the opportunity!


Just had our 1.01 update go up on the Playstation and Vita versions fixing a few bugs. We already have a 1.02 update going to submission to spruce up a couple little things you'll probably never notice, but also to add a couple of other little things. The Steam version should, as far as I know, be in perfect working order. If it's not please tell us -- we can fix it!

By the way, daydream, the game is also coming out for 3DS.

As for my favorite fish related game... I really liked Spore's first section. You technically play as cells and upwards, so I don't know if it counts. If it does, put me on the PSN list. :p

The 3DS version is, as of now, on hold. Not 100% sure what we're doing in that arena just yet.


My favorite fish game, eh? I'd have to go with (and excuse me of it's cheating) The Legendary Starfy for the Nintendo DS. I think there's something about an underwater game that doesn't revel in its difficulty that appeals to me. It's a pleasureable experience, and I've always enjoyed having full control of a character's movement in my platformers (the titular Starfy can move up, down, left, right, taking full advantage of his ability to swim).

As a runner up I'd go with Ikachan, but that may be even worse cheating.

If I win, I'd love a PSN code. Thanks!
i remember playing those Freddi Fish games for the PC growing up...... along with pajama sam, my first experience with a point and click game

PSN code if i win please
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