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Oculus Rift will cost more than $350 due to customized hardware (for quality purpose)


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch

Unlike the developer kit, it seems they are not cutting corners and use off-the-shelf parts this time (DK2 uses Galaxy Note 3 display). They will be using custom display that they co-create with Samsung, custom tracking system etc

from Palmer Luckey
You know, I’m going to be perfectly honest with you. We’re roughly in that ballpark… but it’s going to cost more than that. And the reason for that is that we’ve added a lot of technology to this thing beyond what existed in the DK1 and DK2 days.
I'd give it 2-3 years when parts become cheaper and competition booms for VR to be really viable. As of now it's like smartwatches: really cool idea that's advanced enough to sell but not advanced enough to really become viable as a form factor.
Hey Oculus? You've got up to $500 from me, but you'd better try to hit $369 for all those folks who aren't ready to dedicate themselves to this.
I have a hard time seeing VR catch mainstream success for awhile. Not until the support is there and the price goes down. Seems silly for so many companies to try and jump into it at once. I don't think a lot of users will have PCs beefy enough to run it while also wanting to spend ~400 on a peripheral.
No thanks. I'd rather pay for games on proven hardware that I currently own than roll the dice with new technology and get what could amount to potentially glorified tech demos.


I've been in for 350 from the get go. If it's 450 I'll just one for a couple of must haves to release before jumping in.... If I'm lucky they'll already be there day 1. If it comes wii sports-like revelatory experience, I might still be there day 1


The amount im willing to pay will depend completely on the amount of quality porn available. GTFO if i cant imitate the love of a good woman. /monocle
I don't think this will really take off until a few years after launch when there's an entry price that's around $200 and the required specs are mid tier, right now I think it'll be successful but it wont be a huge hit next year. Probably more of a gradual thing.


Ever since DK2 was $349 I always expected the consumer version to be at least that price. I just kind of hope its not over $400. Will still pay no matter what the price is though haha.

A lot has changed since DK1. We're talking absolute top of the line dual screens, full 6 dof tracking over a wide range, built in 3D audio, high quality lenses, Day 1 software like Oculus Home/Video/etc. It's gone completely beyond what was thought feasible at the time they made those inital price guestimates.


I'm not sure it matters what kind of gamer that user is. It's his opinion. He can have it. I've got consoles and a PC and I think it'll have a hard time finding an audience at more than $300.

Yea, I don't think Sony should price PSVR any where near $300 either, since that's just way too pricey for what the mass market will consider an exotic peripheral.


I hope they expect low sales down the line after the initial sales.

I'm pretty sure they do. It's a premium price for a premium product. They have said multiple times that they don't expect it to sell crazy out of the gate, they anticipate enthusiasts and curious folks with diaposal income to be the pioneer customers. They want to grow VR with a relatively high-end product at the front. Prices will come down eventually as with any tech.
Well I expected it to be reasonably costly hence why I'm not planing to upgrade my PC's graphics card til these come out, my GTX 580 will do me good til then.


Been waiting since the kickstarter, I'm there day one.

Higher price = less chance of running out of stock, i.e good for me and early adopters.


Dead on arrival, I suppose.

$199-$249 would have been ideal.

Ideal, but unrealistic. I was hoping for $300, as it seemed like that was really the price they were aiming for, but apparently they've decided to put more money into the hardware and lean closer to the $400 estimate they were giving out. I can't say I'm happy about it, necessarily, or that I think it's a good decision regardless of how I feel about it. All I know is that it better be damn well worth the price.
I'm not sure it matters what kind of gamer that user is. It's his opinion. He can have it. I've got consoles and a PC and I think it'll have a hard time finding an audience at more than $300.

People who spent money upgrading their computer for VR already know what they are getting into price point wise.
Yea, I don't think Sony should price PSVR any where near $300 either, since that's just way too pricey for what the mass market will consider an exotic peripheral.

Whn you introduce something like this you're usually not going for mass market off the get go.


I hope this is just early adopter tax(in which case this is reasonable), and not the target price point that they stick with for future versions of the Rift.


Ideal, but unrealistic. I was hoping for $300, as it seemed like that was really the price they were aiming for, but apparently they've decided to put more money into the hardware and lean closer to the $400 estimate they were giving out. I can't say I'm happy about it, necessarily, or that I think it's a good decision regardless of how I feel about it. All I know is that it better be damn well worth the price.

I can say pretty much without any doubt that it will absolutely be worth the price. Same with the Vive. Same with PSVR. If there has EVER been a peripheral worth $400, this shit is it.
I'm not sure it matters what kind of gamer that user is. It's his opinion. He can have it. I've got consoles and a PC and I think it'll have a hard time finding an audience at more than $300.

The only way VR would ever have quick adoption is if they were priced at $150 or less as they are secondary devices. Given that reality, it's much better for them to sell at a price where they can recoup the cost without needing massive volume. For it's initial stage, it's going to be far more common to use VR as part of experiences in museums, theme parks, etc. Otherwise, the primary consumer of these things are going to be the enthusiast anyway. Enthusiasts tend to not too much about price.


Everyone else doesn't know. And they're in for a fucking shock.

No they're not, the enthusiasts will be among the first to pick it up, over time as it gets cheaper more mainstream audiences will get one. $350 for an incredible piece of entirely new technology is pretty cheap honestly

VR will be a slow and steady success, Palmer and Facebook have said multiple times that this is a very long investment for them, VR will grow to be absolutely huge over the next 10 years.


I don't understand how some people thought this would be $200 at launch. They'd take way too big a hit. I'm fully expecting $400 or more. I'd be happy if I was wrong but its not feasible for a first product launch like that with custom tech like they have.

The reason I was interested in Oculus--from the very beginning--was because it was such an (amazingly!) affordable price. Sure you need a good computer, but I have that for other reasons.

If it's $500, I won't be jumping on board for a veeeeeeeeery long time.



The reason I was interested in Oculus--from the very beginning--was because it was such an (amazingly!) affordable price. Sure you need a good computer, but I have that for other reasons.

When did it ever have an "amazingly affordable price"? It hasn't come out yet


I thought that using off the shelf parts to keep costs down was part of their long-term strategy. Shame to see them going in the opposite direction but hopefully it's for the best.

I'm also a bit surprised at some of the "high end" talk in this thread. I thought this was supposed to be the low cost Trojan horse that finally brought VR to the price range of the average consumer. Isn't that the basis of Facebook's investment?


I've already decided to purchase an oculus rift CV1 whatever the price. I'll probably get an htc vive too.
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