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City Shrouded in Shadow (Granzella) - First Trailer (Up2: Ultraman x Godzilla x Eva)

So it's like that Disaster Report game currently in development, but with blue skies substituted for nighttime and shadows? :p
So it's like that Disaster Report game currently in development, but with blue skies substituted for nighttime and shadows? :p

It's basically a Godzilla game except you're playing as a human instead of the usual Godzilla role that tends to be standard with games based on that IP.


Looks awesome.

Also, wonder if the LIVE turning into EVIL is the writer's think they're being clever (like in Zetman, a bar called LOVE is a hideout for EVOL)


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
That is actually a pretty cool idea, trying to get from one area of the city to another while giant monsters do battle with each other causing all manner of destruction for you to avoid and navigate.


I've been work-shopping in my head a disaster game with Kaiju as the disaster for months now. Thank God someone with talent and resources and connections and everything I don't have had the same idea.

It better actually be Godzilla though. I was fine with not-Godzilla in EDF, but if you can get Ultraman, you better get Godzilla too.


Wow! This is like the obvious supernatural extension of Disaster Report. Such a magical hype-ripe time for Irem fans.

I feel like my cat came back from heaven and is taking me on amazing adventures.


I've been thinking how awesome it would be to have a game where you could play as a civilian or solider and need to survive a kaiju attack. Finally someone made it!


Honestly could be one of the many Godzilla substitues from the Ultra-verse, like Earthron, Ghostron, Salamandora or Jirass wich was a repurposes Godzilla suit.

If they were pulling solely from the Ultra Series, I imagine the game's name would reflect that. Bandai Namco does have the Godzilla license, so it's not impossible for it to be the real deal.


Before we get carried away, I don't think they'll actually have an Ultraman vs Godzilla thing in this game. It's possible but unlikely. What is more likely is an Ultraman-like and a Godzilla-like along with other homages to the giant hero/monster genres. So the anniversary of said works are not really relevant in that case.


Before we get carried away, I don't think they'll actually have an Ultraman vs Godzilla thing in this game. It's possible but unlikely. What is more likely is an Ultraman-like and a Godzilla-like along with other homages to the giant hero/monster genres. So the anniversary of said works are not really relevant in that case.

That article updated with a screenshot, and I think Granzella and Bamco would get into a hell of a lot of trouble calling that an Ultraman-like and getting away with it. It's straight up Ultraman.


Oh, wow, I didn't even see the scan yet. That's... Ultraman. Lol. The official logo also has the tagline "This is not the story of some hero, this is your story", so I guess they're playing up the hero-from-the-perspective-of-civilian angle. I'm super impressed they actually managed to pull this off.


Before we get carried away, I don't think they'll actually have an Ultraman vs Godzilla thing in this game. It's possible but unlikely. What is more likely is an Ultraman-like and a Godzilla-like along with other homages to the giant hero/monster genres. So the anniversary of said works are not really relevant in that case.

Looks like Ultraman, all right. Don't think they can get away with calling him not-Ultraman at this point.


If they were pulling solely from the Ultra Series, I imagine the game's name would reflect that. Bandai Namco does have the Godzilla license, so it's not impossible for it to be the real deal.
Toho never allowed an outright crossover. They allowed Tsuburaya Productions to loan out workers, actors, equipment and suits and some Ultraman episodes were shot on Toho soundstages, not to mention that the early Ultraman movies were distributed by Toho. But the Toho monsters always had to be "disguised" as another creature on the show.


Oh, wow, I didn't even see the scan yet. That's... Ultraman. Lol. The official logo also has the tagline "This is not the story of some hero, this is your story", so I guess they're playing up the hero-from-the-perspective-of-civilian angle. I'm super impressed they actually managed to pull this off.

I just got done reading that Bandai bought a significant stake in the production company behind Ultraman back in 2007, so it was probably a lot easier for them to pull off than we might have suspected.

If they did get Godzilla in this for Ultraman to fight against, that would be straight up fan fiction come to life.


Looks like Ultraman, all right. Don't think they can get away with calling him not-Ultraman at this point.

Edit: By the way, is linking this from Gematsu allowed? I could never quite grasp what scans are allowed.

If you're not sure then you shouldn't. It's Famitsu so remove it bro.


If it actually ends up being Godzilla, like for real Godzilla, I wonder if it'll be the new Godzilla that kinda looks like a burn victim or if they'll go with one of the earlier ones.

Wonder if we'll get other monsters too. I have no experience with the Ultraman franchise so I don't know if there are any super popular or famous monsters from their that I should be aware of.


Talk about a brilliant concept! I hope this makes it over to the U.S.! Been ages since I've played a game with Ultraman in it.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
this plus a real disaster game coming to ps4, my god... ps4 is a beast

Will either be in english though

It will be in English
maybe in Asia only, heh.
So, this is level based, right?

Although I'd have preferred a semi-open world approach, I'm actually coming around to the idea of this. And I'd imagine it'd make it somewhat more importable for me should it not come to the west.

Anyway, I love the concept, interested to hear more.


Yes the game is stage based, unlike Disaster Report. Apparently there is a "different type of shadow" in each stage, so it seems like a way for them to tell different types of scenarios in the same engine with the same characters. Ultraman might not be fighting Godzilla, rather there is an Ultraman stage that we know of now, and another stage might be Godzilla instead. etc. I wonder how much variety they're going to fit in by the end? Maybe the narrative can be presented like a TV series with each stage being an episode?
Hng, I have literally dreamed of this game multiple times. Definitely going to import this if there's no hope for a localisation.
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