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Democrat-GAF, do you want Trump to win the Republican nominee?

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Two Words

I feel like this is a big gamble for America. I hear from a lot of people that they want Trump to be the Republican candidate because it will mean that the Democrats basically get a free presidential election. The problem I see with this is, it's too god damn risky. I don't really trust America to make the right choice, especially if Hillary is the Democrat's nominee. I would be worried that the fact that she is a woman will cause a lot of voters to spite her. To me, it almost feels more important first and foremost to make sure that Trump is nowhere near the White House. Then worry about who should be president.


Cruz will be just as terrible if not more so than Trump, so at this point it really doesn't matter. I feel like Rubio would be like 10% less bad than Trump or Cruz, not really a significant enough difference to matter. All three would be absolutely awful.


Yep. Any others have more potential cause they aren't blatantly racist/sexist/practically-any-bad-thing-ever as trump is.

Also he kinda is shaking up some previously republican ideals. Like Russia and stuff, so could be good for democrats
Eh. Before, I might have said yes. And sometimes I still lean towards it because in some ways, it stacks the deck in the Dem's favor. But lately I've just been thinking that all it takes is one big catastrophe and Hillary could be fucked. Maybe it wouldn't be worth the risk.

But then, would he really be that much worse than any of the other Repub's? I dunno, man. It's tough to say.


Unconfirmed Member
I don't feel like he's that much worse than any of the others, so I don't really care who wins the Republican nomination. All of them are awful choices.
Nah. Granted, I think he would be an easy win and all but he is an embarrassment and routinely spouts off reckless and potentially dangerous rhetoric.
Cruz will be just as terrible if not more so than Trump, so at this point it really doesn't matter. I feel like Rubio would be like 10% less bad than Trump or Cruz, not really a significant enough difference to matter. All three would be absolutely awful.
Exactly. Cruz is the absolute worst. I think Jeb! would be the best if I had to choose (least worst?)


I'm not a democrat but I don't want Trump as the nominee at all. he worries me and if Hillary is the democratic candidate it could end up being the perfect storm to get him elected.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Yes. And I want him to win. Just think about. President of the United States, Donald Trump. What a time to be alive.


Absolutely not. I don't think his chance in the general is a huge marginal difference from the best GOP candidate, and if something goes horribly wrong for Hillary it'd be a disaster for the nation. Better to have a slightly higher chance of just having a median-bad GOP candidate win.


Hell no. I'd rather we have two genuinely good candidates instead of one evil and another I feel I have to vote for.
Jeb is one of the less bad GOP candidates (he's terrible and wants Iraq War 3, elimination of food stamps, repeal of Obamacare, defunding of PP, and honestly most bad things the GOP wants but doesn't want some of the more beyond the pale insane shit) and is the most hated person running for president so I definitely want Jeb to win the nomination.

Cruz is second since he would be the least electable candidate (19% VAT!) in decades.
I never worried about Donald, I was always worried about Cruz. When he first popped up, I was like "this little prick is going to be trouble" and I've been proven right time and time again.
It is down to Trump, Cruz, or Rubio as possible candidates as far as I can tell. I guess I'd prefer Rubio, but I don't see it happening. So, yeah, I prefer Trump to Cruz. Not saying much, but sincerely I think Trump would do less harm than Cruz and I can even see a couple glimpses of possible beneficial outcomes from Trump. I see no such glimpses from Cruz.

Still would prefer basically any Democrat.


I feel like trump is more dangerous than Cruz because people don't take him seriously. People have been saying since the beginning he has zero chance, which I think will translate into "I don't really need to vote, Hillary got this" and he wins.


I think he's already done a wonderful job for the democrats. Frankly all of the republicans hold positions I would like to avoid at almost any cost(the economy, women's rights, LGBT rights, crime, immigration, defense, religious freedom, and on and on), and the truly outrageous garbage Trump spews couldn't really be implemented even if by some miracle he did win. My ideal outcome is Trump losing to Cruz and going independent, but barring that I think his nomination gives the democrats the best chance of winning. At this point I still don't think Trump is going to win the nomination, and Hillary would win against any of the candidates available with varying degrees of comfort margin.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Honestly, I think Cruz will be an even easier push-over.

What's amazing is they are currently 1 and 2 in the primary.


I think Cruz is more dangerous to be honest. I would rather Trump win because he'll sink the party. I'd rather a conventional republican win if at all possible just in case Clinton turns out to literally be the antichrist.
I think he's already done a wonderful job for the democrats. Frankly all of the republicans hold positions I would like to avoid at almost any cost(the economy, women's rights, LGBT rights, crime, immigration, defense, religious freedom, and on and on), and the truly outrageous garbage Trump spews couldn't really be implemented even if by some miracle he did win. My ideal outcome is Trump losing to Cruz and going independent, but barring that I think his nomination gives the democrats the best chance of winning. At this point I still don't think Trump is going to win the nomination, and Hillary would win against any of the candidates available with varying degrees of comfort margin.

This echoes how I feel pretty closely. Trump is pushing a lot of people away from the GOP, and if Cruz can snag the nomination, Trump may very well run independent and split the vote, creating a landslide for Bernie or Hillary.


Yes, I think if he clinches the nomination there would be no way he'd have all the support he has now when it comes to him versus Hilary. Think about how his complete lack of consistency and substance and shit talking will be further scrutinised. Also, it'd sever the GOP and they can be forced to reform their mess of a party instead of defiantly doubling down on their troubled ideologies. I think America deserves better parties in general and this is a good shakeup.
Yes. Burn that party to the ground, because apparently the latest Presidential elections haven't taught their constituents a damn thing.

Hopefully something better will rise from it.


He won't win over the middle 20% in the required numbers, so yes I don't mind.

I'd still prefer a 3rd party run, though.


The more him and Cruz are in the news the more they get to spew hate speech. I'd rather they both be out of the picture, but if polls are to be trusted it seems like it's going to be one of them. If it has to be that way, the silver lining is that general election voters may actually see how crazy the Republican party has been for years now that some of the dog whistles have been taken away. The downside is that they hear all of the crazy and vote for them anyway.


I'm not a democrat, but I am on the left.

In a sense I'd rather see him than some other nutjobs, because I think a lot of what he says is hot air. But it's hard to say, because ultimately I would see him as the type of person to pursue the crazy ideas just to keep his constituency happy so he could pursue the goals he actually wants.

On the other hand, I think he is actually left of many republican issues. I think he is even left of Hillary economically. I like a few things on his platform. But really I think he is pretty terrible over all.

Though I'm frightened by how I prefer him is some regards over Hillary. I will probably still vote hillary in the general if it's her and Trump. Because I value social progress, and not giving the dissociative federal gop nutjobs an inch. But economically I think is a far better option.

Basically Bernie will promote wealth redistribution, and Trump will take capitalist aggression far more global. Either will work in a sense, but they are two very different sides of the coin. I prefer Bernie though.

Hillary is so far in with Wallstreet that it terrifies me, while Trump plays wallstreet he is also in competition with all of them. I feel he is far less held to their whims. I don't like my politicians being bought. So based on a bet that Trump is just a blow hard pandering to a certain voting base, the fact that he has less obligations to big donors is a big plus once he get's elected and then can ignore his voter base. But he is still very backwards. I'm very divided, because maybe he will become more sober and rational come the general election. Right now I'm firmly hoping it's Sanders v Rubio though.
I don't consider myself democrat, but their current form is close to where I stand.
I don't take Trump as a serious contender. He is like, Herman Cain Vs 2.0.
If he were to somehow win it all, I doubt his promises will come true.
Now Ted Cruz seriously scares me. IMO, this guy is pure evil and should be nowhere near the top GOP contenders.


Meh. The only two others who stand of chance in winning the primary are both Tea Partiers, so it doesn't make a huge difference to me either way. The only difference is Trump is incredibly vocal about being an asshole, while Cruz and Rubio are not so much. It's not like someone like Romney is running and they'd be leaps and bounds better than Trump.

All three would be horrible for the nation.
I have trouble identifying with Democrats since I feel that they are overall too conservative and pro-business. That said, I don't really care which Republican gets the nomination so long as they lose in the end. They are all as bad as Trump.

Meh. The only two others who stand of chance in winning the primary are both Tea Partiers, so it doesn't make a huge difference to me either way. The only difference is Trump is incredibly vocal about being an asshole, while Cruz and Rubio are not so much. It's not like someone like Romney is running and they'd be leaps and bounds better than Trump.

All three would be horrible for the nation.

Trump must be quite the asshole if he makes Cruz look like someone who doesn't vocalize that quality much in comparison :)
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