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UK's Channel 4 Poll on UK Muslims: 52% Say Homosexuality Should be Illegal

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The recent poll done UK's Channel 4 tv stations focused on surveying social attitudes Britain's Muslim population. Though the complete poll results are yet to be released (not until this next week), some preliminary results have been leaked. As the Telegraph reports;


The survey for Channel 4 found there was a “chasm” between views among the British Muslim community and mainstream opinion in this country.

It found 52 per cent of Muslims said homosexuality should not be legal in Britain.

Of more than 1,000 British Muslims polled by ICM, 39 per cent agreed “wives should always obey their husbands”, and 31 per cent said it was acceptable for a man to have more than one wife.

The survey also found 23 per cent said they supported the introduction of sharia law in Britain.

Asked their views on stoning those who commit adultery, five per cent said they sympathised with use of the punishment - often meted out under sharia - while 79 per cent condemned it.

Trevor Phillips, the former head of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, who interpreted the survey for a documentary to be broadcast this week, said: "The integration of Britain’s Muslims will probably be the hardest task we’ve ever faced.

“It will require the abandonment of the milk-and-water multiculturalism still so beloved of many, and the adoption of a far more muscular approach to integration.”

The programme, What British Muslims Really Think, is due to be shown on Channel 4 at 10pm on Wednesday.

Similar polls were done in the last decade, so one wonders how comparably better or worse the recent results are


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Not surprising, to be honest. Even my most liberal and highly educated Muslim friends only concede that "gays should be left alone", but they should "not be gay in front of others".

It's time to keep the pressure up on these bad ideas instead of burying heads in the sand.
This would have been more interesting if they'd also surveyed 1,000 Catholics, Jews, Protestants, Hindus, etc. on the same views so the statistics could be compared. The homosexuality question in particular would have been interesting in this regard. But as it is only focusing on Muslims, the programme loses some credibility as it clearly has already made an assumption.


Is it bad I kind of expected it to be much higher? I would also expect there being some differences in acceptance between Arab and Asian descent Muslims.


A overview of the results from the Sunday Time preview of the poll



I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
This would have been more interesting if they'd also surveyed 1,000 Catholics, Jews, Protestants, Hindus, etc. on the same views so the statistics could be compared. The homosexuality question in particular would have been interesting in this regard.



But as it is only focusing on Muslims, the programme loses some credibility as it clearly has already made an assumption.

So every poll that focuses on Muslims loses credibility? That's an illogical statement.
What's concerning is that it'd be easier to brush this off if much of the British Muslim population was above a certain age although 33% of British Muslims are under the age of 15 and I doubt they were polled.

Also, it's worth pointing out that Christians, whilst better than Muslims, are also quite far behind public approval of same-sex relationships.

Also, 47% of Muslims were not born in the UK and thus likely to have views which are out of step with the majority of the UK. This isn't good, I know that, but regardless of that it shows an interesting side of this. So, 33% of Muslims are children and wouldn't be polled for this, 47% aren't born in the UK (most of those children likely were) and the 52% of people who say this will likely drop drastically in the future - as has/will opposition in general.

This is a really shit situation, yes but I really think calling against integration when 37% of Christians think similarly (not the same, admittedly - they're against marriage). Maybe we need to integrate those elderly, white, British people a bit better to get them in step with the liberal intelligentsia of the day.

Honestly, I'm disappointed by this news but it's easy enough to feel safe when looking at the numbers and analyzing it further than a show trying to spark controversy and drive up their viewing figures. This ship will course-correct and is not an issue of integration but from an aging population of migrants and a problem that we still face in many demographics.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I'm shocked that a chunk of adherents of the literal word of God would take it literally.

Why is this even news?

Top tip, ask Muslim friends not put in a quasi legal bind of confession how they feel about gay friends.
Pretty sad result. Still a long way to go. Sadly that goes for a lot of people, Muslim or not.

Do we have any numbers if the results improve when asked younger people? Although I imagine not really.


would be curious to see an age breakdown on those results. aka what percentage of 18-29 vs 50-69 year old british muslims.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Religion: bundles of arbitrary and often horrible values attached to the ego through a personally gratifying meme like "God".


This would have been more interesting if they'd also surveyed 1,000 Catholics, Jews, Protestants, Hindus, etc. on the same views so the statistics could be compared. The homosexuality question in particular would have been interesting in this regard. But as it is only focusing on Muslims, the programme loses some credibility as it clearly has already made an assumption.

It's not clear from the description how scientific this is, but I did find this. Strongly religious British Catholics 50-40 support gay marriage, strongly religious Protestants 45-47 oppose gay marriage. This is substantially lower than the general population's 66-22 in favor. Note that this doesn't even touch on the question of it being illegal just to be gay, because holy shit.

Speaking of which:
“It will require the abandonment of the milk-and-water multiculturalism still so beloved of many, and the adoption of a far more muscular approach to integration.”

So every poll that focuses on Muslims loses credibility? That's an illogical statement.
Oh come on, it's blatantly obvious what the agenda is here. And in the above table it's not '77%' of Muslims disagree that Sharia Law should be implemented, it's '23%' agree. No pie charts in sight either. Admittedly this is the paper's take on the leak and not as it will be presented in the TV programme, but the agenda is still painfully obvious to see.

I agree there are severe integration issues here in the UK that need to be tackled with more force, it's a huge issue, but the way this is presented only serves to make the divide worse as it results in further alienation. I also don't think this survey tells us anything we don't already know.


I have some close muslim friends but homosexuality is a topic i like avoid around them. Its not worth the trouble.

Whats sad is they are nice people and if you try and call them out on it, it escalates and they become different people.


I thought the Koran was pretty clear that if you're in another country you follow that countries laws - or did that get neutered by a Hadith or something?
Now poll 1000 Irish Catholics.

Asking people of a faith of they accept the rules of that faith is uninteresting. But Muslims are the bigey men at the moment and this shoe next weekbisbgetting a lot of traction in the Daily Mail and other shit press.
I thought the Koran was pretty clear that if you're in another country you follow that countries laws - or did that get neutered by a Hadith or something?
Religious people following their texts to the letter? Did you not learn anything from Christianity? You can justify hating gay people but that shit about shellfish and mixed fabrics is all nonsense. I would make some Muslim comparisons if I knew the Qur'an well enough.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Whats sad is they are nice people and if you try and call them out on it, it escalates and they become different people.

This is the saddest part. You have perfectly decent people that hold abhorrent views simply because they have been told that the source of these views is "holy". To add an anecdote that I've heard from a Christian friend, she told me that gay people "are troubled" and should receive "help and love" to get them out of these "troubles". She is certainly a well-meaning person that has been brainwashed to believe illogical and harmful bullshit.
In the UK? Well since Ireland made gay marriage legal it wont be that bad!

I added more, but the point stands. Whether you believe in their faith or not doesn't matter, but to ask them if they follow the rules of the one they follow isn't news. It's the status quo.
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