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Is the Homogenization of Sony's IPs a Cause for Concern?

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Last night Sony really threw down the gauntlet. The opening salvo of announcements really amazed. But they also made me think.

There's no denying that Naughty Dog is one of the best studios in the gaming industry. Uncharted is always upping the bar, and The Last of Us is one of the greatest games ever made. But does everything need to strive to follow Naughty Dog, or be The Last of Us?

God of War looked amazing. It's a reboot on every level, rebuilt from the ground up.The franchise needed to reinvigorate itself. There are plenty of easy to spot variations, like the lack of the Chains, the brighter color palettes, or Kratos having a son. But what's a little more odd is what looks like the choice to abandon the fixed camera perspective and incorporate more exploration, possibly at the expense of the hack-and-slash. Granted it's hard to say from the demo if this is completely representative of the title, but it would appear so. To me, God of War has always had some of the best graphics, and visceral gameplay, thanks in part to the fixed camera. I think they rival, and often exceed, Naughty Dog. There's no denying the PS4 game looks good, and I'm really excited for it, but it does make me wonder if they've tweaked the formula a bit too much. There really aren't that many isometric, hack-and-slash games anymore. Why lose one of the best?

Then there was Days Gone, by Bend. It's post-apocalyptic. It's zombie-ish. It's got that same over-the-shoulder camera. Again, it looks good, but it look a lot like everything else too.

Even Horizon shares some similarities.

I'm extremely happy they aren't all brown, desaturated shooters, but the predictable trend is now vibrant, foliage-filled, exploratory, action adventure games. Yes, for every one of those there is a No Man's Sky, or a Detroit, or a Last Guardian, but it seems like more internal studios are following, or being encouraged to follow, in Naughty Dog's footsteps.

The AAA industry is at a very dangerous point. The time and cost of development have only continued to increase. With that, the amount of risks a studio or company is willing to take will decrease.

Sony has always been really strong with their variety of games. The PS3 was home to Uncharted, The Last of Us, God of War, Resistance, Killzone, Infamous, Ratchet & Clank, Sly Cooper, Little Big Planet, and Puppeteer - all amazing titles in their respective genres. That variety is what has continued to keep me a huge Sony fan. It's great that The Last of Us exists. It's great that it got like a bajillion perfect 10s, and sold so well. But it's also equally as great that Ratchet & Clank still exists. It was great that God of War provided it's own unique experience in a different genre. Are we at risk of losing some of that uniqueness?

Also, speaking of uniqueness, where were my indies, Sony?


I kept expecting Days Gone to be revealed as a subtitle for a new Last of Us game.

God of War and Horizon look awesome though.


I was getting the same vibes watching it last night. Sure they all have different enemies but if you take the enemies out and look at the game worlds, they did feel a bit similar.

I don't really care though because each game seems like it will play completely different from one another and they all looked fantastic.


I agree OP. This is my only negative about Sony's lineup. All seem like stellar games, but the art direction aesthetics blend together.


My only concern is how I'm going to have time playing all of these games. God of War has needed a major shakeup for years so its time has come and it looks like they've delivered on that front. If the game ends up being good/great, then why would anyone be concerned or unhappy? Naughty Dog aren't the only developer to make third person action games.


I kept expecting Days Gone to be revealed as a subtitle for a new Last of Us game.

God of War and Horizon look awesome though.

Pretty much this. God of War looked so different in tone that it gets a pass. Horizon is a completely new thing to me.


Sure, but, when they show crazy shit like Dreams or No Man's Sky everyone goes "BUT IS IT EVEN A GAME!?"

So, fine. You want games? Here's a third-person game with a dude shooting/punching/hacking shit.


This is why games like Sly 4, Spider-Man, Crash Bandicoot, and Ratchet make me really happy. I feel like Sony is aware.
Last Guardian, gravity rush, dreams, Gran Turismo, Spider-Man, Detroit, and I am sure I am missing more say no.

Also GOW needed to take that angle. The criticisms of Kratos has been he is just an angry screaming tool of destruction, so this direction is an attempt to ground him a bit and give him some relatable aspects.

And Horizon is like nothing else on the market. Does it borrow from other games? Yes. But no game looks like it.

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
I definitely had an impression of redundancy with the cinematic action/adventure SONY game with the direction GOW took and Days Gone. But at the end, the games did look like great efforts.


Other teams are emulating what the best studio ever made is doing? What a surprise lol

They see Naugthy Dog success and they want a piece of it, i love the settings :)


I think God of War could have shaken things up a bit without seemingly abandoning its style of gameplay. Other than that I thought it looked great. I will say that I definitely got "Last of Us" vibes from God of War though. I kept expecting Days Gone to be some working title for Last of Us 2, especially when they said they were going to close the show with it. And then it just didn't happen.

All things said, I didn't get too much of a "homogenization" feeling from everything. Horizon looked solid. Spider-Man brought me off of my couch. Resident Evil 7 got my attention.


I agree OP. This is my only negative about Sony's lineup. All seem like stellar games, but the art direction aesthetics blend together.

Except for Gravity Rush 2 which wasn't even put on the forefront of the presentation and was intead relegated to having a lone e3 trailer. I still can't believe Sony left it out of their presentation considering that, according to several sources, it's comming out this year.
I see and agree with what you're saying, but... Dreams? RIGS? Gran Turismo? MLB? Gravity Rush? The variety's still all there, just there was some crossover during last night's conference.

True Fire

The Last of Us is a better inspiration than Modern Warfare. This generation is going to be a good one (until Naughty Dog fatigue sets in).


Sony first party all in on narrative driven thrid person action adventure/RPG it's not even funny. My favorite genre, not going to complaint.
I think it might have to do with dev getting older and want to make games they like to play.


Couldn't care less. Every one of those games looks amazing and I love the aesthetic.

Bring it on, Sony.


Junior Member
this is what happens when the industry experiences a seminal title. now we're a few years down the line the influences of the last of us are being felt more profoundly. it's happened before and will happen again, but I think the fact we're seeing it largely in sony properties is just a coincidence.


Except for Gravity Rush 2 which wasn't even put on the forefront of the presentation and was intead relegated to having a lone e3 trailer. I still can't believe Sony left it out of their presentation considering that, according to several sources, it's comming out this year.
Its been relegated to niche status. Or could be saved for tgs
I too hate the flip that Sony did to Gran Turismo. I'm just trying to race, I shouldn't fucking have to guide my son in his mini car around the track.


I feel like you're missing a bit of the point. Uncharted and TLOU have drastically changed the third person action game at this point. God of War was in need of a shake up as well. Days Gone looks fairly boring to me but as Bends first game it's pretty okay. There's a reason Gears 4 hasn't had much of a reception as God of War had, and it's definitely due to the formula and presentstion.
E3 reaction threads, will we ever learn?
The entirety of e3 has made me massively sour on here lol. I pretty Mich enjoyed every show(excepeEa). Op listed 3 games out of so many they have to offer and honestly the only one I'll even agree with is days gone. Horizon looks like the witcher more(excellent compliment ii would say) and god of war gave kratos character the thing o idk a large portion of people were whining about.


I just know I don't take to most Sony first party content. Just finished watching Xbox confirm and again the first party stuff really drew me in.

Away to watch Sony's but it doesn't sound like it'll do much for me. Ive found for years Sony are talking to a specific audience with most of their first party stuff and for me they really lack a range and frankly - they are just too serious sometimes.

But that's only in some context they still have fun games coming out but I feel their big stuff is too sombre.


So every third person game with a kid or zombie or even walking is now the Last of US, how odd.

For Days Gone this type of games existed long before the Last of Us.

For God of War they wanted to do something new with the series.
The God of War reboot looks great but it's feels safe and kinda boring beacuse the combat seems watered-down.

And about Days Gone, It seems incredible that today, 2016, creative studios still thinks in "survival post-apocaliptic third person shooter" as the way to go.

I feel same way OP
I thought I was the only one who also noticed most things seemed to be third person, have realistic art, and be narrative driven. Even GoW which was pretty unique now looks a lot more generic, although I'll applaud them for taking it in a new direction, even if it's in the same direction everything else seems to be going in.

They're obviously not copies of one another, but it reminds me of Ubisoft's "open world" titles where all of them seem to hit the same list of checkpoints when it comes to look and features

So many adventure or open/semi open games is really bad. This is not what got sony to where they are during ps1/ps2 era.

Racers, party games, action, shooters etc

Going more or less the route of ubisoft and other developers.

They had two story driven games which I am ok with.

If ND has LOU2 being made now I will be super disappointed. It makes no sense to make all these story driven narrative games with bits off story and such. People will get tired of them and again we won't be learning anything from DOOM.

This was one of the worst e3's to me because of all the directions and issues of "games"

I'm not happy about spiderman at all as their best games are sly 1, infamous 1 which follows the open world style of their respected titles the least. Infamous second son was so bland and honestly graphcally souless and ugly and spiderman will basically also be this. cookie cutter world design that I simply find borng

I'd rather just get a true bigger and better sequel to sly cooper one or have them working on a a new linear , bigger longer crash.

Sony is destroying their studios and games in the same way Nintendo did for me 8 years ago. I am hugely disappointed.

Evolution, if your listening please make a motorstorm game with that ms1/2 style.
Wasn't TLOU considered fairly risky before it already released, in that they didn't think it would resonate super well? Or, at the very least, not as well as it ended up doing. And I can't imagine that Horizon, Days Gone, and GOW started development AFTER it was clear that TLOU was considered a critical success.

To say that TLOU dictated the look and feel of these games is definitely stretching it, in my opinion. And that's not to speak of games like Dreams or children of tomorrow, that clearly show that Sony still wants to produce games that are "out there".


Feels like i was watching a ton of Witcher 3 inspired games tbh. Horizon looked nice and unique, robot animals..

But yeah felt like everyone saw Witcher 3 and decided to copy it.
I dunno man, maybe it's just me but Dark Souls with Kratos, a robot dinosaur hunting game, and Dead Rising without a sense of humor are all way more distinct to me than any given trio of generic gray modern military shooters


A couple of years everything was AC inspired open world with towers and dots on the map.

Before that everything was a COD style shooter.

Now everything is TLOU


God of War looked boring, which is odd because I got an RE4 vibe from that Troll battle and RE4 is one of my favorite games. Same with Days Gone. Looked real pretty but boring and depressing at the same time.

Honestly I don't know what I'm looking for anymore. The Last Guardian has me interested, and the VR stuff.
My main problem with Days Gone is not the TLOU setting, but the endless WWZ zombies.

It's more mind numbing than Musou games.
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