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Did Hillary Clinton show her true colors by not addressing her staff last night?

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I had family and friends at the Javits last night. We come from a long Democratic background. And aside from the massive disappointment, they were annoyed as hell that all the work they put in and she decided not to come out and console them at least.

She ran on a platform for uniting America and playing the "mom" card. Well, a mom is supposed to console her kids when they are down. There were a ton of disappointed, confused people - good people - who poured their blood and sweat into this campaign. Many of them worked FOR FREE!!! Volunteered so this woman could become president.

So many stayed back to hear a message from her to let them know that IT WILL BE OK, that she will talk to Trump and make sure the millions who did not vote for him know why they didn't.

None of that happened. This is what I expected from Trump if he lost. This was a landslide loss! She has no foot to stand on. There is no appeal. What the F made her decide not come out to thank all those people is beyond me. I've never seen anything like it.

I don't know. What do you think?
I had family and friends at the Javits last night. We come from a long Democratic background. And aside from the massive disappointment, they were annoyed as hell that all the work they put in and she decided not to come out and console them at least.

She ran on a platform for uniting America and playing the "mom" card. Well, a mom is supposed to console her kids when they are down. There were a ton of disappointed, confused people - good people - who poured their blood and sweat into this campaign. Many of them worked FOR FREE!!! Volunteered so this woman could become president.

So many stayed back to hear a message from her to let them know that IT WILL BE OK, that she will talk to Trump and make sure the millions who did not vote for him know why they didn't.

None of that happened. This is what I expected from Trump if he lost. This was a landslide loss! She has no foot to stand on. There is no appeal. What the F made her decide not come out to thank all those people is beyond me. I've never seen anything like it.

I don't know. What do you think?

yea had friends there too, really pissed about it.
Maybe; my first thought was that there were 2 concessions speeches she could give: 1) a total victory, 2) a Trump electoral victory and a Clinton popular vote victory. 2) happened but wasn't clear until this morning.


it wasn't really a matter of her showing her true colours so much as it was just inline with the Hilary that everyone knows.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
I'm guessing she was/is hoping the vote was close enough in the one or two states she needed that she could contest or demand a recount

But she ended up needing a lot more than one or two of those states.
She probably had no concession speech prepared lol. But yeah, spineless. Bad candidate and I can't believe the Democrats didn't find someone more suitable. People just couldn't connect to her at all.


Hillary is a fucking joke. The fact that she didn't even give a speech perfectly shows her arrogance. I don't care if you're shooked. You go out there and you address the people and conceded the election like every past nominee did. Complete disgrace she couldn't even manage to do something simple like that.

Hopefully she disappears from public life for good after this. Complete and utter embarrassment in all aspects.


41 > 38
She absolutely showed her true colors. Everyone in the world knew that the election was over when Podesta took the stage. I was surprised to hear this morning that she is even giving a speech at all today.


She was clearly distraught and "too upset" to give her speech yesterday, I read early. I have some sympathy with her on that, but it is still pretty shocking that she didn't even attempt to address her people. You have every right to be angry.


It must suck, but I think she was just devastated by the result, and exhausted after a long day. Wasn't it around 2am her time when she called Trump to concede and wish him well? She is sixty nine years of age, after all. I'm not trying to make excuses - not being American I had no horse in this race - but I'd say the combination of shock, being emotionally drained and physical exhaustion is probably behind the reason.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
She just lost to someone like Trump and knows the country will suffer because of it..you need a lot of energy to stand up just a couple hours later and tell everyone one "how great things will be after all" .....
I mean I give her a pass. Donald Trump is president of the United States. If I were her I would be devastated in a way I can't really imagine.


She was clearly distraught and "too upset" to give her speech yesterday, I read early. I have some sympathy with her on that, but it is still pretty shocking that she didn't even attempt to address her people. You have every right to be angry.

Fucking ridiculous.

But then again, the establishment never likes it when things don't go their way.


That makes it ok then ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

As President, there will be other moments when she would have been legit shook.

Doesn't bode well for her temperament now, does it.

I can't believe I'm agreeing with Donald Trump.

I'm not justifying Hillary, I'm just saying why I think she did what she did.

You also need to factor in that this is the second president bid of hers that failed, so it was probably the shock of losing to Trump compounded with the fact that she probably realized her political career was over.
Well, facing these results late last night may not have gone over well with her supporters. This isn't a typical level of disappointment. Many people fear for their rights, or at least feel alienated by an opposition so passionately against them. I'm sure Hillary was not ready to handle those raw feelings, and I don't doubt she was completely fucking devastated too.

The people let her down. She needed to sleep on that shit


For christs sake go into her shoes.

How do you come out and tell everyone who thought for sure you were going to win that not only you've lost, but you would like to 'thank' the guy who wants to put you in prison and likes to grab women by the pussy?

If I were her I'd be broken.

if I'd gone on that stage I'd have cracked and probably broke down.

On the other side if Trump conceded he just shrugs, says it was rigged, goes back to being a billionaire.
When the free world rests on your shoulders, and the outcome is a rejection of all the culmination of a world trying to hold it together, you might need some time to reflect.


I don't blame Hillary at all, I wouldn't even be surprised if she bursts into tears while giving her concession speech.
She was clearly distraught and "too upset" to give her speech yesterday, I read early. I have some sympathy with her on that, but it is still pretty shocking that she didn't even attempt to address her people. You have every right to be angry.

Don't give a speech!! Don't talk about the result. You don't need a fucking teleprompter to come out and thank people, cry a bit - or a lot. Show you give a damn about the work these people did for you.



I would be gutted if I knew I literally just made the lives of everyone in the country worse. She cost America's decades worth of progress.
She probably had no concession speech prepared lol..

She did. CNN reported in the late afternoon that Hillary had 2 speeches prepared and had been rehearsing both. So either the the person(s) close to the Clinton campaign lied to the CCN reporter about her having a speech ready in case she lost, or she just bottled it.
For christs sake go into her shoes.

How do you come out and tell everyone who thought for sure you were going to win that not only you've lost, but you would like to 'thank' the guy who wants to put you in prison and likes to grab women by the pussy?

If I were her I'd be broken.

if I'd gone on that stage I'd have cracked and probably broke down.

On the other side if Trump conceded he just shrugs, says it was rigged, goes back to being a billionaire.

Yep. Once again, different standards are weighed for her.
Dick move to all the people who worked tirelessly and supported her.

Kinda validates my opinion of her all along.

And who gives a fuck if she's shook. As the president she would face far tougher moments then not getting the job she wanted.

At least have the courage to address your supporters.


For christs sake go into her shoes.

How do you come out and tell everyone who thought for sure you were going to win that not only you've lost, but you would like to 'thank' the guy who wants to put you in prison and likes to grab women by the pussy?

If I were her I'd be broken.

if I'd gone on that stage I'd have cracked and probably broke down.

On the other side if Trump conceded he just shrugs, says it was rigged, goes back to being a billionaire.

Yeah, she's probably devastated. She's obviously a very hard worker.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
It will not be OK. We are fucked. This was literally the first time she was honest with you people and you still dont like her.


I don't blame her. What the fuck are you gonna say? I wouldn't know what to say, don't know what to say now. So fuck it, take a night and say something today. Who gives a shit.

I understand all the people involved who posted their heart and soul into this, but so did she, Shes just as shocked and agast as the rest of us. Can give her a few hours to come to grips.


I don't like how Podesta relayed the message. It felt very Gore 2000-ish.

Kerry in 2004 waited until the next day, and I thought that was okay. A speech at 3am in the morning is bullshit, lol.

I'm glad it's over


Probably got too drunk from celebrating too early. Would have been a bad look to be on stage like that.


For christs sake go into her shoes.

How do you come out and tell everyone who thought for sure you were going to win that not only you've lost, but you would like to 'thank' the guy who wants to put you in prison and likes to grab women by the pussy?

If I were her I'd be broken.

if I'd gone on that stage I'd have cracked and probably broke down.

Yeah. Just a basic empathy for the delay isn't unwarranted here. She has to be questioning everything about her basic identity right now.

She'll concede. Does it matter that it comes at a day later? It's not like she's holding out on us for weeks on end or anything.

The Lamp

I understand why it is taking her so long to make a statement.

Maybe you're right that as president she would face tougher moments and she should be ready to do so.

But I also see why last night was probably more disappointing for her than any of us can imagine.
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