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Why do people wear shoes inside their houses/apartments?

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It is absolutely gross. You are basically spreading all the filth that you stepped on outside and bringing it back in the house. (Especially from public bathrooms, ugh)

Who does that? Take your shoes off as soon as you walk inside.


one of my friends does this and it bugs the shit out of me. especially since i live in wisconsin and that means snow/dirt usually get everywhere


I'll walk on my hardwood or tile with shoes since those clean much more easily. Not any carpeted area of my house. What bothers me more is seeing people lay in a bed with their shoes on. Awful. Just awful.
Because the carpet is dirty and I don't want filth on my feet, tbh. Carpets are gross no matter how much you clean them. Although I do leave my shoes at the entrance and switch to slippers so that I don't drag more shit from the street into the house.


people use to piss and shit in buckets they slept next to and humanity somehow managed to pull through. i think you'll be okay if there's some dirt.


Junior Member
I don't have any carpet so it generally is fine, I only leave them on through if I anticipate going outside soon though. Sort of a pain to keep taking them off and putting them back on. I sweep regularly and mop every 2 weeks. I don't see the problem. I don't really use public restrooms either.
I've never known anyone to do this unless it's running in the house to quickly grab something and being too lazy to take off your shoes.

I always thought it was an American sitcom thing and nothing more.


In my own house i dont wear them really. But if people visit or i visit someone else i always keep them on. Pretty normal arround here.
Isn't that the normal thing to do? I think it's weird to be taking your shoes off indoors. Like, why go through the trouble all the time? Then you get dirty socks all over the place, or smell of feet or both.
It is absolutely gross. You are basically spreading all the filth that you stepped on outside and bringing it back in the house. (Especially from public bathrooms, ugh)

Who does that? Take your shoes off as soon as you walk inside.

I don't use public bathrooms.

And I clean my floors regularly.
Because their floors are dirty from wearing their shoes indoors and they don't want to step on their dirty sticky floors with their bare feet.


I rarely do it, but do not consider it a big deal with guests. My dogs will fuck my carpet up within seconds though. My main reason I invested into a heavy duty carpet cleaner.


It is absolutely gross. You are basically spreading all the filth that you stepped on outside and bringing it back in the house. (Especially from public bathrooms, ugh)

Who does that? Take your shoes off as soon as you walk inside.

Everyone that isn't afraid of a little dirt? What is it with gamers being germaphobes? No I won't take my shoes off.


I'll never understand.

You walk in public bathrooms folks.


Even aside from the grossness, it fucks up your carpets and floors and makes em nasty. I like being able to lay on nice soft carpet


If I left my shoes by the door, I'd have to walk back through the house anyway to wash my hands after putting them on. It would defeat the whole purpose.



How do you get your shoes off? You've either to use a shoeless foot (thereby transferring the filth to your sock) or your hands.

Then the walk to the sink to wash off (unless you put it in a protective bag or something) will mean it gets spread a bit.

Then touching the tap, what do you do if you contaminate that?

People are too freaked out over small stuff.

If your shoes are covered in muck or shit and are filthy then yeah it's nice to remove them so you're not creating shoe prints of shit around the place.

If you've just worn them normal, not stepped in shit or covered in mud, not that big a deal


It's something I'll never understand either. Many people (here in the US) just seem to look at shoes as part of their regular clothes, I guess.

For me personally, I never wear shoes any longer than I have to.


The bottom of my shoes are dry, bare rubber or leather. If they are muddy or dirty from working in the yard then I will take them off, but otherwise I don't bother. I don't lay on the floor or eat off it and wouldn't consider it any more cleaner or sanitary if people walked around barefooted. It must be a regional thing too, because no one I know does any different.
Isn't that the normal thing to do? I think it's weird to be taking your shoes off indoors. Like, why go through the trouble all the time? Then you get dirty socks all over the place, or smell of feet or both.

I always take my shoes off, wear white socks usually and my socks never get dirty. If you keep your carpets clean in the first place, they stay that way. I always shudder when I see people wear their shoes inside. Plus it is so much more comfortable to not wear shoes. I just don't get the reasons to wear them inside. I do have slippers for winter.
Thankfully, have never had to experience this. My home is full of carpet but even in the kitchen, there are flip flops just for kitchen use.
Why do people wear shoes inside their houses/apartments?

...because they're savages

Seriously gross. I dont care how long its been since you went into a public bathroom, you got wee on your shoes and now its in your carpets or on your floor.


Because you are only half dressed without shoes and the lower level of the house is for representation purposes?

You guys are the kind of lazies that also walk around in their underwear I take it.


These threads always reveal a couple of people who have this bizarre idea that bare feet which only touch indoor surfaces are somehow dirtier than shoes which have been in all manor of places.
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