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Shenmue III Dev Room Progress Report Vol. 2


Video: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ysnet/shenmue-3/posts/1775306
Greetings Everyone,
It has been a long time since our last update, and we are painfully aware you all have been eagerly awaiting the monthly report. All of us here have been so wrapped up in the development process that time seems to have flown by...

But no excuses! We apologize for the lapse and will do our best to bring you updates every month. It is beholden on us to keep you informed (without giving too much away of course!) and will do so as promised.

So here we go with vol. 2 of our dev room reports!

Thank you very much, see you next month!

From the Shenmue III Team
Not showing Ryus face yet?

From the small pieces I got his head looks off or funny from the back. Also has a very tight pointy butt but hey it's all they are showing after all

Will we get a big trailer of some actual game locations, talking etc for e3?


That yellow book they're using in the meeting is the Shenmue II Premiere Guide.


I've got it at home so I'm going to mine it for info.

Game looks good, though. I really want a proper look at the Ryo model because the glimpses don't look right to me, but I assume it's not final and/or they're saving it for a big reveal update.



Coming along really nicely. Lots of nice fleeting glimpses at stuff.

Also it looks like
Shenhua's house gets trashed?


Looking good. I wonder what their time line is? I contributed to this, but am pretty relaxed about when they deliver it.

Yeah, I feel the same. I've waited so damn long for this to even be announced (I gave up, to be honest) so just the knowledge that it's actually in development is enough for me right now. I would be surprised if it launches this year, though.


Yeah, I feel the same. I've waited so damn long for this to even be announced (I gave up, to be honest) so just the knowledge that it's actually in development is enough for me right now. I would be surprised if it launches this year, though.

In the comments there is an official comment if I am not mistaken? Sounds like they won't hit their initial goal (release this year) but I never thought they would^^ But perhaps I have just misinterpreted the comment.

Edit: My bad, not a comment by the team!
Ryo's model look off but also it has more realistic proportions. I think I can use to it.

I love QTE sound and Shenhua's house looks superb.

I want to play it right now but I want Yu's team take all the time they need
New update is great. Loved seeing mundane shit like opening a cupboard. Really, really looks like Shenmue and going by the other images it looks like it's coming along nicely.
Mini games and quest deisgn look appealing to me.

I want moar.

Thos designs on the back that aren't at a good enough quality for me to read them .



Peter over on the Shenmue Dojo noticed coloured tabs in the notebook, so I guess that'll be a quality of life improvement that makes it easier to skip from main quest entries to hints, etc.

There's also a minimap using temporary UI. No idea if they'll work like in Shenmue II, though.



Going out on a limb, but this seems like part of the opening area (Bailu Village).

Peter from the Shenmue Dojo (again), noticed a little phonebox over on the right side of the screen.
Haven't been following this things development at all, but I look forward to seeing it when they're ready to pull back the curtain :) Hope they don't rush anything.


Bumping with a few observations of today's video from the Shenmue Dojo's resident translator extraordinaire, Switch.

There are a few potential minor spoilers in the blog based on translations of the contents of the board in the dialogue meeting, but they're hidden with a tag.

Thanks for the link. And while I'm here, I'd like to thank you as well for all your posts regarding Shenmue III since the E3 announcement and Kickstarter campaign. I was a lurker then and I always found your posts insightful (and practical). You always keep the conversation on Shenmue III going. Cheers.
LOTS of scenes where people aren't actually working. lol.

Was hoping for a bit more game footage hidden in there. But at least there's more.


His jacket is too formless. Looks like a hoodie. His hair is too slicked down and not spiky enough.

Besides that, looking good.


Publically yes December 2017 is still the known target, but internally the game's release target has most likely been delayed.
I wouldn't assume that just yet. The devs deserve the benefit of the doubt given the pretty insane levels of old-school Japanese crunch they're doing right now.

The video updates also don't tell even a fraction of the full story of how much work has already been done, and this can be verified by backers who had the dinner with Yu in Japan last September and the trailer they saw which was cut in June 2016.

E3 will be our best indicator of which way this is going.


what's with ryo's butt
Lost in the Great Yokosuka ass-kicking and dad-killing of late 1986.

Thanks for the link. And while I'm here, I'd like to thank you as well for all your posts regarding Shenmue III since the E3 announcement and Kickstarter campaign. I was a lurker then and I always found your posts insightful (and practical). You always keep the conversation on Shenmue III going. Cheers.
No worries, man.


I always feel weird about dev progress videos that they usually just show a pre-recorded clip of "gameplay" playing in VLC or WMPC on a developer's screen to give the impression of work being done. There's also the issue that it could just be pre-rendered footage. I'm not saying it actually is though. I kind of feel that it's unnecessary overall.


I wouldn't assume that just yet. The devs deserve the benefit of the doubt given the pretty insane levels of old-school Japanese crunch they're doing right now.

The video updates also don't tell even a fraction of the full story of how much work has already been done, and this can be verified by backers who had the dinner with Yu in Japan last September and the trailer they saw which was cut in June 2016.

E3 will be our best indicator of which way this is going.
I'm not undermining the work the devs have done, but am just considering the fact that most high profile Kickstarter games have been delayed from their initial target. Since December 2017 was the goal when they were aiming for $2 million and they more than tripled that and as a result became more ambitious with the game I wouldn't be surprised if it's been targeting a 2018 release to accomodate that. I would like to be wrong though and as you said we will (probably) know at E3.


I'm not undermining the work the devs have done, but am just considering the fact that most high profile Kickstarter games have been delayed from their initial target. Since December 2017 was the goal when they were aiming for $2 million and they more than tripled that and as a result became more ambitious with the game I wouldn't be surprised if it's been targeting a 2018 release to accomodate that. I would like to be wrong though and as you said we will (probably) know at E3.
I mean, sure. Everything gets delayed this generation, Kickstarter game or not, and more time in the oven definitely can't harm the game.

My impression of the situation right now, based on comments from Yu, Cedric, associated people like Ryan Payton, and what Japan backers saw, is that if they haven't announced a delay, then they still think December is possible - which it might well be. The video looked like an actual video game, which is a big step considering they just left prototype around the end of 2016. I think we'll know about a delay not long after it is decided by the team, but who knows on what timetable that is decided right now.

But yeah, the proof is in the pudding; and E3 is going to be that Dew-filled, Doritos dust-covered pudding.


I mean, sure. Everything gets delayed this generation, Kickstarter game or not, and more time in the oven definitely can't harm the game.

My impression of the situation right now, based on comments from Yu, Cedric, associated people like Ryan Payton, and what Japan backers saw, is that if they haven't announced a delay, then they still think December is possible - which it might well be. The video looked like an actual video game, which is a big step considering they just left prototype around the end of 2016. I think we'll know about a delay not long after it is decided by the team, but who knows on what timetable that is decided right now.

But yeah, the proof is in the pudding; and E3 is going to be that Dew-filled, Doritos dust-covered pudding.
They could have been waiting a while to cushion a delay announcement with the next big showing. So I'm not sure we'll be finding out close to when the delay was decided.

But you're more closely watching this game's development updates than I so you're probably right.


They could have been waiting a while to cushion a delay announcement with the next big showing. So I'm not sure we'll be finding out close to when the delay was decided.

But you're more closely watching this game's development updates than I so you're probably right.
I could be wrong, I could be right, but plans change so rapidly in game development that it doesn't really matter all the same, and this is all really just small talk to pass the time.

All the same, the video was an interesting teaser for a real first look at the game; which should be happening later in the year.
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