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Phantasy Star 20th Anniversary!



What a better way to kick it off then with a image of all the hero/heroines of the Phantasy Star series?! Actually, they've decided to start it with an illustration contest to that'll get your image posted in game in either PSU or PSOBB. Details here!


It's JP only so I imagine no one really cares, but I'm sure folks would appreciate the image. Giving homage to all the great heroes and having Alis in the front :D


john tv said:
Now if only the franchise hadn't gone to shit... :p


Seriously. The anniversary of the first four games is something I can get behind, at least, and that picture makes me warm with nostalgia. Give us a PS5 that doesn't suck like the new Shining games, Sega.


Madara: Ragol missions in AoI! Mwah

Jay: The new shining games are pretty decent, or at least Neo and EXA. :p


Cue the 30 thousand kids who think PSO is the original phantasy star :(

The series use to rival Final Fantasy. /cry


kiryogi said:
Madara: Ragol missions in AoI! Mwah

Jay: The new shining games are pretty decent, or at least Neo and EXA. :p

Stop defending games that are shadows of their former glory! All change is always bad. Just kidding, but you probably agree that Sega's farmed out Shining games are not close to the quality of Camelots.

Maybe 2008 will be the year of Sega RPGs and we will get both Skies 2 and PS5, both helmed by Reiko Kodama, of course. And also they will both be free and come with a new car.


I am playing through Phantasy Star IV for the first time ever on my new PSP.

I had no idea I would love it as much as I do. It's blown me away so far to be honest. Just made it to Kuran and got my ass handed to me by DF. Grand Cross coming for him this time though--got Rune Efess finally.

But man is it damn addicting and compelling.


CharAznable's second cousin
I like how Chaz looks like a girl in that pic. -_-

SEGA GIVE US PHANTASY STAR 5!! Here I'll trade you my Nights and Sonic Riders for PS 5!

But let us post memories of PS in celebration.

Nei's Death :(
Alys' Death (even more ;_;)
Casting Megid in PS2 for the first time
Opening up Pandora's box in ps2
the Ending of PS2
The intro to PS3
Defeating Zio in PS4 (who will get the last blow?!)
Beating those friggin tri wizards who cast that tri blaster spell on you D:
Riding the LandRover and killing enemies with the normal attack.


4ndii said:
Maybe Sega will pull a Square-Enix and remake every game.

Ah, but they sorta did. And that was a tragedy. Funny too! The company behind those remade the lunars for PSX, then went on to make the PS remakes, and finally LUNAR LEGENDS :lol
kiryogi said:
Ah, but they sorta did. And that was a tragedy. Funny too! The company behind those remade the lunars for PSX, then went on to make the PS remakes, and finally LUNAR LEGENDS :lol

How could they have failed? The PSX Lunars are still some of my favorite RPGs!


kiryogi said:
Ah, but they sorta did. And that was a tragedy. Funny too! The company behind those remade the lunars for PSX, then went on to make the PS remakes, and finally LUNAR LEGENDS :lol
I don't have the Phantasy Star 1 remake, but the Phantasy Star 2 remake wasn't nearly as bad as I've heard most people say.


Link1110 said:
I don't have the Phantasy Star 1 remake, but the Phantasy Star 2 remake wasn't nearly as bad as I've heard most people say.

What if I said you could resurrect Nei? :lol But actually, yeah it's playable. But nowhere near the quality a remake it should have been.


Ah, Alis... my first true video game love. Still one of my favorite characters ever, and the original Phantasy Star is still one of my all-time favorite games.

The series then saw a couple of decent follow-up games, one totally mediocre one, but then got a total rebirth with me via Phantasy Star Online. As much as I may have loved the single-player games at one point in my life, for me, Phantasy Star's true calling now is in the world of MMORPGs. I was hyped about PSU, but the demo let me down. With the upcoming expansion, though, I'm going to give the game another try.

I just wish Sega had the experience and resources to make a true MMORPG build around PS. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I don't want a PSV... I would just much rather see them get their act together and put together a great online game more than that. Plus, if we do see a PSV, I could only accept it if it was a great RPG, and wasn't stuck in the outdated JRPG model like so many games still are.

You made me the gamer I am today, Phantasy Star, and you single-handedly made me fall in love with Sega when I was sure that all that mattered was Nintendo. Happy anniversary.


Get those fucking PSO characters out of that otherwise beautiful picture.

jay said:
Wait, I don't see Lutz or Rune in that image. It could just be because they all look nearly identical, though. *Prepares to be outraged*

Good god you're right.



shidoshi said:
I just wish Sega had the experience and resources to make a true MMORPG build around PS. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I don't want a PSV... I would just much rather see them get their act together and put together a great online game more than that. Plus, if we do see a PSV, I could only accept it if it was a great RPG, and wasn't stuck in the outdated JRPG model like so many games still are.

Well as long as it's on the PS2 or some platform without a hard drive, it'll possibly stay as limited as it is. I've been discussing this with fellow players for awhile now. But I think PSO3 will finally be where it goes full on if it's on the XB360 or PS3. If its on the wii on the other hand... This is by no means a bash. But without a hard drive, there's really no chance for PSO to evolve beyond what it is now.


Wait, I don't see Lutz or Rune in that image. It could just be because they all look nearly identical, though. *Prepares to be outraged*


jay said:
Wait, I don't see Lutz or Rune in that image. It could just be because they all look nearly identical, though. *Prepares to be outraged*

It's basically main heroes and heroines with a few exceptions like the Neis. Like you have Alis, Rolf, Chaz, Wren, Ash, Sil'fer, Ethan, Laia and Myau right at the very center :D


kiryogi said:
Well as long as it's on the PS2 or some platform without a hard drive, it'll possibly stay as limited as it is. I've been discussing this with fellow players for awhile now. But I think PSO3 will finally be where it goes full on if it's on the XB360 or PS3. If its on the wii on the other hand... This is by no means a bash. But without a hard drive, there's really no chance for PSO to evolve beyond what it is now.

Oh yeah, I totally agree with you. My worry is more of if Sega could pull it off period. I mean, I loved PSO to death, but look at how much trouble they had with a game so relatively simple in concept. I haven't yet played PSU enough to properly judge it, but it seemed like even with all of the time they had and experience/knowledge learned from PSO, they were still making some really stupid mistakes.

COULD Sega put together a decent Phantasy Star MMORPG? Sure. Would I count on it? Not really, or at least not until after a couple of years of steady updates.


kiryogi said:
It's basically main heroes and heroines with a few exceptions like the Neis. Like you have Alis, Rolf, Chaz, Wren, Ash, Sil'fer, Ethan, Laia and Myau right at the very center :D

Rune I can see, but Noah should be there. His family line is a huge part of the series. How could anyone from PS3 make it in over him?
*Nerd rage rising*
Which is too bad, because there's serious bank in MMOs. Look at Square's profit reports.

Then again, SEGA is still managing to coax a monthly fee out of people for what they already do, so maybe it's just not seen as worth the extra investment for the extra income.


God this makes me feel old... I played the first one on my Master System, asked for it for xmas the year it came out.

I have been waiting for PS5 for YEARS.. come on Sega PSO was okay for awhile but I want a story dammit.


CharAznable's second cousin
jay said:
Rune I can see, but Noah should be there. His family line is a huge part of the series. How could anyone from PS3 make it in over him?
*Nerd rage rising*

more like get rid of whiney mr. Ethan


Sega would do better farming out a PS MMO to a western developer than making it internally.

but I don't even want that. when I played PSO it was fun, but I wanted customization within race/class combos so you could be different from other people who picked the same race/class. aside from that, I just wanted more.
Phantasy Star Online for the Dreamcast... my first MMORPG love. I sunk damned near 200 hours into that beast over the summer of 2001.


firex said:
but I don't even want that. when I played PSO it was fun, but I wanted customization within race/class combos so you could be different from other people who picked the same race/class. aside from that, I just wanted more.

Honestly, while I really want a full-fledged MMO, I'd simple take the original PSO with full character customization, 4x the locations, and some other modifications. I know that's what PSU was supposed to be, but that's not what I felt when I was playing it. (But I spent most of my time bitching about the terrible combat/magic system, thus why I need to give it a legit second chance.)
disappeared said:
Phantasy Star Online for the Dreamcast... my first MMORPG love. I sunk damned near 200 hours into that beast over the summer of 2001.
PSO is really a redressed Diablo-clone, not an MMO

That said, I loved that game and it's community. I have great friends to this day that I met playing PSO.


john tv said:
Now if only the franchise hadn't gone to shit... :p


Phantasy Star Universe is like that scene in Silence of the Lambs when Hannibal Lector kills that nice, respectable police officer, cuts off his bloody face, and wears it around like a mask. :(
Such an amazing series, and PSO was an awesome game and follow-up to PSIV, I wish they had done a single-player game set on the same galaxy. Instead we got PSU where they didn't even got the look right.
Why does Alis look twelve years old?

Well at least Mieu is in. Mieu rules.
Maybe I'll snag PSU + AoI later on to kill time. After Mass Effect I won't have anything worth buying until Brawl so hey, plenty of time to grind.

disappeared said:
Phantasy Star Online for the Dreamcast... my first MMORPG love. I sunk damned near 200 hours into that beast over the summer of 2001.
Use to play it every 6pm - midnight or around then every day, and even more on weekends! (I had to pay 1p a minute for the net in the uk at the time.)

Then I dislocated my right knee, played it even more and basicly used all my sick pay on internet bills :lol

A shame I cannot say the same for psu...ugh.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
New desktop wallpaper get!

Also the discussion about making PS into a large-scale MMO is hurl-worthy... I'd only be interested in the series again if they went back to a classic, turn-based RPG format :(
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