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Cameron's AVATAR watch: Leaked concept art

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Earlier today a piece of concept art (character design) of one of the alien Na'vi from Cameron's AVATAR was leaked. FOX has been pulling the image down off of websites all day.


From the treatment I read years ago, I'm pretty sure I remember reading that their skin will be a bio-luminisce blue, with bits of glowing somethingarather at certain times. It's all a bit hazy. I think they were also something like 8 - 9ft tall.

Keep in mind this is just concept art.


wow, so she can pleasure herself eh?

...what? Somebody was gonna say it eventually.

Nonetheless I am looking foward to Cameron doing a sci-fi flick.


Since they're going to see this place anyway...



just would like to point out that the design is very nice. more hips than all of mass effect's female characters combined
Atrophis said:
Isnt this the film with what basically amounts to catgirls?

Furries have finally invaded hollywood, god help us.
not in the least
This movie is going to bomb.

Seriously, besides the people fapping over James Cameron - the guy hasn't done anything on film for ten years. The hype, or lack of, for this movie is going to kill it.


Looks pretty cool. Hopefully the film will turn out good as it sounds like an interesting concept both story wise and in terms of the tech that is being used to make the film.


Cold-Steel said:
This movie is going to bomb.

Seriously, besides the people fapping over James Cameron - the guy hasn't done anything on film for ten years. The hype, or lack of, for this movie is going to kill it.

I disagree. The movie industry has been shit for the past few years and all the blockbusters have been disappointing (from a creativity viewpoint). A movie like this is going to be hyped so much, you will be sick of it even before it comes out.

I remember the leadup to Titanic (and this was before the internet) and it was pretty insane. Almost any snafu or newsbit made it into the everyday news.
Titanic won a shitload of Academy Awards and was considered one of the greatest movies of all time.

If you think the movie industry has been shit and lacking creativity then you've got serious issues. There are a crapload of great movies that have come out.

Cameron and Avatar are DOA. There will be better movies out.


Gattsu25 said:
Hell to the fuck NO

Titanic is certainly his most deepest film.

But James Cameron is probably the best action director. Rightfully so. I just don't care that much about his stories or characters...or atleast as much as his hardcore fans do.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Cold-Steel said:
If you think the movie industry has been shit and lacking creativity then you've got serious issues. There are a crapload of great movies that have come out.
There has been a lot of good and creative stuff in general, but he was talking about blockbuster movies, which I agree, have pretty much all been playing it safe lately, and turned out to be relatively disappointing. At least those that I can think of - Transformers, PotC3, Spidey 3, Shrek 3.


scola said:
So much for "truly alien world" those look like boobs to me. :(

hey Aliens need boobs in their societies too... what else they gonna look at when a girl is yapping through ESP nonstop


nekkid female
dark skin
glow in the dark tattoos

what's there not to like? I could have gone without the tail but I wish all alien designs were like this


James Power said:
Wow, that looks really shitty. No matter how much I'm anticipating Cameron's new movie this artworks sucks for being so generic.

It will probably look really good once it's all digital, with moving light effects and all.


GameFan Alumnus
I can't believe all the booby hate on GAF. What's wrong with you people? Boobs are good. James Cameron is good. Boobs + James Cameron = furious fapping. <throws caution to the wind> Also, this movie is not that far away. May 2009 = 18 months. We'll probably be seeing trailers by summer.


Much bigger version of the pic:

I love it...these creatures are 7-8 feet tall if I recall correctly, and the biolumiscent patterns change with their emotional state. I'm loving the catlike eyes and bifurcated upper lip, too.


WrikaWrek said:
Is this based on a book or something? Os is that his other project - Battle Angel?

Avatar is an original story by Cameron and his other project Battle Angel is based off a manga I believe.


After looking over the high resolution picture, I find myself wondering if they hired someone from Majesco or Activision to do the concept art. Doesn't get much more generic than this.


It seems FOX has stopped with the cease and desists...this is still up at JoBlo.com and a number of other sites. Maybe that means this is just fanart based on the scriptment?
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