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With the 360 8 Person Party Chat Change How You Play?


This has got to be my most looked forward gaming feature coming in the new 360 dash upgrade (rumoured to be in November this year).

I use the private chat a tonne but its always an effort to flick between people when a few guys are on but just having the ability to have 8 people chatting away while were all playing whatever.

PC guys will be used to this with Vent and other voice servers available to bullshit while you game but I'm really looking forward to this ability coming to my primary system where 99% of my mates are online.

So with the 360 8 Person Party Chat coming, what do you think?

Is live going to turn your gaming into more of a hanging out experience?
Will you stick to party chat instead of ingame chat? Risk of less people using ingame chat?
Are you even going to use it?


I'll use it, but it's not going to completely change anything for me. I don't have enough real life friends who own 360s to make it that big a deal.

Metalic Sand

who is Emo-Beas?
I see a negative of going into most online games only to have everyone seperated into party/private chat.

Im a big user of private chat myself but i dont have enough RL friends with 360's. I can see it as a huge plus for Clan type things, being able to talk over stuff ect..

cameltoe said:
why would you chat with someone playing a different game? Seems silly.

I do that all the time. nice to be able to talk to people anytime you want and not be locked out from contacting them.
I have certain friends I play with regularly. Much of the time the public really irritates us, even in stuff like post-match lobbies and Halo 3 proximity voice, for example. I'm really looking forward to being able to completely tune out the public while we play.

Also, some poorly coded games like Tiger Woods 09 have no post game lobby and as soon as you finish the last hole everybody gets instantly dropped. This results in 17th hole discussions where we have to talk about what we will do when everybody gets booted. This will allow us to keep talking after the match ends.

Yeah, I'm looking forward to it. Good stuff.

It'll also be really handy when we play any Wii game online. Sometimes in the past we've used Marble Blast Ultra to try to make a chat room.


I thought I read you can only do the 8 person chat on the 360 dashboard in that party thing, however from what I understood once you travel to a game it puts everyone in the games chat and doesn't keep you in private chat.
Shamrock said:
I thought I read you can only do the 8 person chat on the 360 dashboard in that party thing, however from what I understood once you travel to a game it puts everyone in the games chat and doesn't keep you in private chat.

Really? That seems odd. I hope that's not it.


I have around 15 really good real life mates who play on live and another 20 I know really well through Live (good enough to chat away too).

This is going to be a god send I've I've really got into the habit of blabbing away when gaming (in the same game or not). I hate getting a chat invite when I'm already in a private chat.

I really hope they have a feature for the party leader to flip everyone into in game chat if they choose, would be a shame for less people to be blabbing in online games (or a real treat for some, depending on the online games douchefactor).

Metalic Sand

who is Emo-Beas?
beermonkey@tehbias said:
I have certain friends I play with regularly. Much of the time the public really irritates us, even in stuff like post-match lobbies and Halo 3 proximity voice, for example. I'm really looking forward to being able to completely tune out the public while we play.

Im at the complete opposite, The public is usually entertaining. I dont play Halo 3 though and that seems to be where the worse public chat is. Games like Lost planet:C, TF2 always have very friendly public chat.


Shamrock said:
I thought I read you can only do the 8 person chat on the 360 dashboard in that party thing, however from what I understood once you travel to a game it puts everyone in the games chat and doesn't keep you in private chat.

Its been touted as a 8 player private chat, im sure I have heard direct quotes where they have used examples of people playing in different games or some even in the same game together all being in the party and chatting away.


Unconfirmed Member
Private Halo 3 chat rooms? HELLZ YEA

It will be nice not to have to mute everyone spamming the mic every time a match starts so that I can talk to my 2-3 friends in peace.

Also, I chat with my friends while playing single player games a lot as well. I remember when me and my friend would play Oblivion together for hours at our respective homes chatting with one another. We would share all the crazy shit we found and give each other advice when we got stuck. Good times.


yeah its great when your in the same single player game blabbing about your progress or whats going on. I remember doing "fake co-op" with a bud on the launch with Kameo chatting while we both went through the story.


Gowans007 said:
yeah its great when your in the same single player game blabbing about your progress or whats going on. I remember doing "fake co-op" with a bud on the launch with Kameo chatting while we both went through the story.

Great for FPS achievements too!

" go stand by the rock so I can shoot you in the face"


Unconfirmed Member
I won't have to click the walkie button on Halo 3 in teams of 5 or more any longer. though I rarely play the larger party PLs anyway.
8 person chat - best thing that ever happened to Live. I have a lot of people on live I like to talk with, and not always do we play the same games, or have games with up to 8 players.
I'll use it, and last I heard the 8 person chat allows anyone to do anything, the 'follow them from game to game' stuff is optional.


I'll use it all the time. Pretty much the only reason I don't use private chat all the time right now is that it's limited to two people.
Gowans007 said:
Its been touted as a 8 player private chat, im sure I have heard direct quotes where they have used examples of people playing in different games or some even in the same game together all being in the party and chatting away.

Wonder how this works in a game like Bad Company. The MP isn't designed to support a group chat.
PjotrStroganov said:
Wonder how this works in a game like Bad Company. The MP isn't designed to support a group chat.

That's the best part. The game doesn't have to support it, it is available anyway. It basically adds Resistance-style squad speak to any game that you want.
cameltoe said:
why would you chat with someone playing a different game? Seems silly.

I'm constantly doing this. I'll be playing Gears, and a buddy will sign on and play something else, and I'll chat with him about the day's work or something while we play whatever we want.

PjotrStroganov said:
Wonder how this works in a game like Bad Company. The MP isn't designed to support a group chat.

The way it works now with 2 person chat is that it overrides the MP chat with the dashboard chat session.
It will be great for Wii and PS3 online games too. Right now when playing Super Smash Brothers, we have to go into a private Halo 3 lobby and then fire up the Wii, that way everyone can talk to each other while we play.

This will be good for stuff like that so we don't have to worry about everyone having the game. We were going to do the same thing for LBP since not all my PS3 friends have headsets for it nor want to do deal with connecting them so we'll just go into the 8 person chat from the 360 dashboard. Every person I play with has a 360 headset so it's easier that way.
I'm a little afraid of the group chat coming. I've played so many 5P and 6P games of PSU where people keep conversations going for HOURS, and I'm stuck sitting there thinking "How the hell can they do that? Don't they get tired of...talking?" So...much...talking. My ears wanna fall off. I am all but convinced that some people really do just love to hear themselves talk, or just need to hear other people talk. I end up using my kb instead, because I hate trying to talk over other people. I socialize better one-on-one anyway. On the other hand, I guess group chat keeps the pressure off of me to keep a conversation going and avoid long, awkward pauses. I just hope no one on my list gets into a habit of spamming group chat invites. Not everyone needs to hear about every little thing that enters your mind, kids.


Shamrock said:
I thought I read you can only do the 8 person chat on the 360 dashboard in that party thing, however from what I understood once you travel to a game it puts everyone in the games chat and doesn't keep you in private chat.

it doesn't currently work that way with private chat so i'm not sure why they'd change the behaviour.

This shows all the facts of the new XBE party chat, just for those who don't know. YOU CAN PARTY CHAT WITHOUT PLAYING THE SAME GAME.

Easily my favorite part of the new update. For me eight person chat will a dramatic effect.

When I play online, I generally play with a close group of real life friends. Talking only amongst ourselves is a priority. It's not that we're against playing against strangers, it's just that we like to keep the conversation private. It's like a group phone call, you know how it is.

We have to gravitate towards games that provide enough fun for small groups of people, which is pretty limited. Sometimes it's a group of two, or three (three sucks right now), sometimes six, or seven. The amount of people determines what we play. Eight person chat will eliminate all of that. We'll be able to play whatever we want, whenever we want.


yeah I'm really looking forward to seeing how it changes my habbits when I turn on my console. I'm guessing first thing will be checking or sending party invites to join on on the craic.

If were playing team games together to I can see us just staying in it and didn;t even realise it will be GREAT for all those push to talk games, oh and those shitty games that drop back to lobby.

:D I really can't wait for this.


well with getting into the nxe preview last night I checked this out in a party of six and I can say once this hits I'll be in a party most of the time while doing anything. Works really nicly and means I can catch up on the craic with everyone without getting pestered to join which ever game everyones playing.

From playing around with it I really think this could really change the social way we play from now.

Anyone else who has this got any opinions?
Gowans007 said:
well with getting into the nxe preview last night I checked this out in a party of six and I can say once this hits I'll be in a party most of the time while doing anything. Works really nicly and means I can catch up on the craic with everyone without getting pestered to join which ever game everyones playing.

From playing around with it I really think this could really change the social way we play from now.

Anyone else who has this got any opinions?
Thanks for the impression. Besides the installations, it's my most anticipated feature for next week.

So cross-game chat works then?


Best feature by far. Although I generally play XBL with just another person, in the times where it's more then just the two of us it's a pain! I don't like the idea with making other people put up with whatever inside-joke crap we're talking about so half the experience is gone.

About time!


I'm going to be using the parties a lot. Maybe 80% of my online gaming is done with the same crowd with friends-only voice chat on and it can be a pain to get everyone into the same game or to switch games/modes in games that don't already have some kind of party system. This will let everyone keep talking while switching and means whoever's hosting can invite everyone back into the new game with one click.

I've wanted standardised system-wide parties pretty much since Halo 2, so this is right up there with the installs as the NXE's best feature for me.
Good stuff, Gowans.

I don't have NXE yet, so I can't comment, but I can tell you another thing I'm looking forward to with party chat: bye bye loading screen chat interruptions. I'm usually the dimwit who seemingly every other round forgets to stop talking before the game loads too.

I've used the current chat to get around this when playing with just one other person, so it will be nice to be able to do the same with a larger group of friends.

Jedeye Sniv

Gowans007 said:
yeah its great when your in the same single player game blabbing about your progress or whats going on. I remember doing "fake co-op" with a bud on the launch with Kameo chatting while we both went through the story.

My friends have been doing that in Dead Rising too, I thought it was a great idea. They're playing it like a true co-op as well, where they stick at the same place in both games. Mad, but very cool. DR2 better have some co-op...

ice cream said:
Why would you chat to someone no in the same room as you? WHY DO I HAVE A PHONE OH GOD WHY

The same dude calls me on chat instead of the phone. Says it saves on his phone bill :lol

We also came to the conclusion that voice chat would be the best place for people to discuss criminal or terrorist activities, as it's un-monitorable, AFAIK. So now, 8 terrorists can plan, instead of just a couple. Great news! :lol


I think it is funny how many are stating that they do not have RLF on Live. For me, the majority of the people I chat and/or text through Live are friends that I have established via Live. I have maybe 2 people in RL that I know that have Live on my list, but the majority of the people I play with are folks that I have became friends with via Live over the years since Live came about.

Chatting is great regardless if you have RLF on your list. Over the years, I have become friends with people that I have never knew across the entire planet. My gaming habit's and the way I present myself on-line is one of being a fair gamer that enjoys just playing games and many people like that and want to be friends.
Gowans007 said:
Is live going to turn your gaming into more of a hanging out experience?
Will you stick to party chat instead of ingame chat? Risk of less people using ingame chat?
Are you even going to use it?






It depends on what's 'in' with my mates on Live. If were doing GoW2 we'll probably only have 5 people using party chat. Just so you can move around the game without others hearing your strategy for online mp.

But it depends from a standpoint of what were playing if we are all doing standalone single player games we can discuss it with others. But it depends. On how many of my mates willl want to even use it.

Also we tend to use games like Halo 3 or even Gears/Gears 2 as a meeting place if we can do it outside of game while we are waiting for stuff to download we'll probably use it more as purely a social outside of games thing.
Nathan Rain said:
This feature will destroy online gaming as we know it.

Consider all online competition unfair from now on.

Yup, I was just telling my buddies the other day that I can't wait for this feature so we can use it in Gears 2 when we play Elimination. For those who don't know, playing Elimination gives you only one life. When you die, you are cut off from the rest of the team but you can use the camera to fly anywhere around the level. Once you are dead, no one can hear you except other dead players.

With this new private chat option you can have your entire team in a private chat that bypasses the games rules. So now when you are dead, you can still talk to your teammates that are still alive and you can use the camera to fly around the level and tell everyone on your team where everyone from the opposite team is, where the grenades are planted and where they are sniping from... etc.

It will change the game type and how it's played now.
OldJadedGamer said:
Yup, I was just telling my buddies the other day that I can't wait for this feature so we can use it in Gears 2 when we play Elimination. For those who don't know, playing Elimination gives you only one life. When you die, you are cut off from the rest of the team but you can use the camera to fly anywhere around the level. Once you are dead, no one can hear you except other dead players.

With this new private chat option you can have your entire team in a private chat that bypasses the games rules. So now when you are dead, you can still talk to your teammates that are still alive and you can use the camera to fly around the level and tell everyone on your team where everyone from the opposite team is, where the grenades are planted and where they are sniping from... etc.

It will change the game type and how it's played now.

That's a good example, also COD4's Hardcore Search & Destroy will be blasted in the ass by this, especially people playing on game battles.
Nathan Rain said:
This feature will destroy online gaming as we know it.

Consider all online competition unfair from now on.

Not really. Games made after the feature will simply have to give more options concerning spectating. For example in ranked matches limiting spectating modes from ghost view to a locked perspective of what the player sees. Devs that actually give a shit will make the appropriate upgrades to the game via dlc or a patch if the uproar is loud enough.

Yes I'll be making use of this feature quite a bit depending on the game and what the goal is. Gears of War 2 or a 4v4 Halo match? Why not. In Gears you may get an advantage depending on the game mode, and there probably is zero advantage in a game such as Halo 3, but basically just for games where I know its just my group of guys and no one else (or not caring to speak with anyone else) going up against some other team.

And hell...even just talking. I'm always talking to friends real life and met from the internet in private chats and wish I could speak to multiple people at a time.


Loving the feature so far. It's so nice being able to talk to more then just one person in a private chat.
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